(Groan) Bergdahl an offial 'Obama' Disaster!

Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.


Obama fucked up, therefore Boooooooooooooooooooosh! You can't even program computers this reliably
BS story if ever there was one. He deserted, hang him


Plenty of folks go AWOL to get drunk. Not much happens to them. And actually not much happens to the folks that have raped and killed Iraqi civilians. That generally gets swept under the rug. Which is part of the reason we had to leave. President Obama couldn't get a waiver from the Iraqi government on the disposition of American troops breaking Iraq's laws. So it's a little more than surprising the dust up over this..

Well not really.

Republicans have no trouble whatsoever in making these sorts of outrageous mountains out of mole hills when it comes to President Obama. This whole thing is another attempt to embarrass the President.

Which will probably blow up in their faces.

AWOL to get drunk isn't the same as desertion in the field. My best friend didn't run and came home with less then he left with. Hang this POS...or shoot the bastard

Bergdahl went AWOL to report his commanders.

It's sort of better than getting drunk and raping the locals.

It's strange it took him all this time to come up with that BS. You're a rube

What the heck are you talking about?

That's the story he's been telling from the beginning. And it's reflected in the emails he sent home.

Oh it is not, don't sit and try to tell people who've followed this from the beginning that, we'll laugh at you

Plenty of folks go AWOL to get drunk. Not much happens to them. And actually not much happens to the folks that have raped and killed Iraqi civilians. That generally gets swept under the rug. Which is part of the reason we had to leave. President Obama couldn't get a waiver from the Iraqi government on the disposition of American troops breaking Iraq's laws. So it's a little more than surprising the dust up over this..

Well not really.

Republicans have no trouble whatsoever in making these sorts of outrageous mountains out of mole hills when it comes to President Obama. This whole thing is another attempt to embarrass the President.

Which will probably blow up in their faces.

AWOL to get drunk isn't the same as desertion in the field. My best friend didn't run and came home with less then he left with. Hang this POS...or shoot the bastard

Bergdahl went AWOL to report his commanders.

It's sort of better than getting drunk and raping the locals.

It's strange it took him all this time to come up with that BS. You're a rube

What the heck are you talking about?

That's the story he's been telling from the beginning. And it's reflected in the emails he sent home.

Oh it is not, don't sit and try to tell people who've followed this from the beginning that, we'll laugh at you
I followed it from the beginning.

Up until President Obama got him freed, most, except a few fringers, were hoping that would happen.

The freed part, not the Obama part. Once Obama was in the mix?

Hoo boy.

But then again? These Obama haters were defending Abu Ghraib.
Bergdahl may well have served with honor and distinction prior to his desertion. A number of people have served with honor and distinction, only to go off the deep end a bit later. War does not have nice effects on the psyches of human beings.
It didn't take but ten minutes for the first Obama knob polisher to come out!
That long? They are slipping.
AWOL to get drunk isn't the same as desertion in the field. My best friend didn't run and came home with less then he left with. Hang this POS...or shoot the bastard

Bergdahl went AWOL to report his commanders.

It's sort of better than getting drunk and raping the locals.

It's strange it took him all this time to come up with that BS. You're a rube

What the heck are you talking about?

That's the story he's been telling from the beginning. And it's reflected in the emails he sent home.

Oh it is not, don't sit and try to tell people who've followed this from the beginning that, we'll laugh at you
I followed it from the beginning.

Up until President Obama got him freed, most, except a few fringers, were hoping that would happen.

The freed part, not the Obama part. Once Obama was in the mix?

Hoo boy.

But then again? These Obama haters were defending Abu Ghraib.

He deserted, stupid. At that point most wanted him hung. It's fools like you that still believes in the traitor. Hang him
Again, Obama used Bergdahl to free the Taliban 5. As part of the ruse he paraded the deserter in front of the nation like a hero, patting himself on the back for being the one to do it.

Karma...justice...has come around, and the whole thing is blowing up in his face. For releasing the Taliban 5, our nation's enemies, and then lying to the nation about the details involved Obama should be tried for treason. At least Bergdahl is being punished for HIS crimes.

Obama wanted the credit for releasing the Taliban leaders and getting Bowe released ... when he was praising Bowe, giving him a hero's welcome the Obama apologists could not give him enough credit. Congrats - he's getting the credit!

Now that Bergdahl is being charged with desertion, awol, and endangering his unit, now that Obama is getting the credit, all of his Liberal apologists suddenly want to blame Bush.

That's funny ... and pathetic....
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Wow your guys are rough. And at the same time you defend confederate flags and monuments . Ya know , real traitors !

The guy was known for his wanderlust . His superiors should be on trial for sticking him
Out there !
Did the Confederates desert during wartime? No.
Another failed attempt at deflection.

Yes ! They left the union to join the traitors . And killed 100,000s of us solidiers!!
Wow your guys are rough. And at the same time you defend confederate flags and monuments . Ya know , real traitors !

The guy was known for his wanderlust . His superiors should be on trial for sticking him
Out there !
Did the Confederates desert during wartime? No.
Another failed attempt at deflection.

Yes ! They left the union to join the traitors . And killed 100,000s of us solidiers!!
That wasnt desertion, dickweed. The ones who were union officers resigned their commissions first.
Timmy, you are ignorant, arrogant, and stupid all at the same time. I admit it makes it fun to beat your ass every single time you post stupid shit. But really it's like making fun of the retarded kid. Too easy to do to be fun for long.
The guy sounds like a mental case and we on these boards have turned it into a political cause. Thousands deserted in WWII and only one was executed and that too was done for political reasons.
Of my childhood friends we had, one deserter and when the rest of us came home he was kind of our hero.
If Bergdahl had stayed, today he would probably be drawing a small compensation for PTS.
Wow your guys are rough. And at the same time you defend confederate flags and monuments . Ya know , real traitors !

The guy was known for his wanderlust . His superiors should be on trial for sticking him
Out there !
Did the Confederates desert during wartime? No.
Another failed attempt at deflection.

Yes ! They left the union to join the traitors . And killed 100,000s of us solidiers!!
That wasnt desertion, dickweed. The ones who were union officers resigned their commissions first.
Timmy, you are ignorant, arrogant, and stupid all at the same time. I admit it makes it fun to beat your ass every single time you post stupid shit. But really it's like making fun of the retarded kid. Too easy to do to be fun for long.

Yeah keep defending the confederates but shitting all over a guy who Wanderd off into the hills .

Maybe if bergdhal killed thousands of Americans you'd then put his face on stone mountain .
Wow your guys are rough. And at the same time you defend confederate flags and monuments . Ya know , real traitors !

The guy was known for his wanderlust . His superiors should be on trial for sticking him
Out there !
Did the Confederates desert during wartime? No.
Another failed attempt at deflection.

Yes ! They left the union to join the traitors . And killed 100,000s of us solidiers!!
That wasnt desertion, dickweed. The ones who were union officers resigned their commissions first.
Timmy, you are ignorant, arrogant, and stupid all at the same time. I admit it makes it fun to beat your ass every single time you post stupid shit. But really it's like making fun of the retarded kid. Too easy to do to be fun for long.

Yeah keep defending the confederates but shitting all over a guy who Wanderd off into the hills .

Maybe if bergdhal killed thousands of Americans you'd then put his face on stone mountain .
Yoy understand the two cases are exactly opposite, right? Confederate officers had resigned their commissions before joining the Confederate Army.
Bergdahl simply deserted his post and joined the enemy.
No, you dont understand that. Because you're stupid.
Guess we really see how the righties "support our troops ". What a crock .

Guess we see how the lefties support a deserter.

Look. I'm fine with them trying him .

I just don't think we should just leave the guy in enemy hands .

"Support our troops". What a crock , you righties just want them for cannon fodder .

Why would I support a troop that deserted his post in a war zone? He didn't support his fellow soldiers, and a number of them were killed trying to get the worthless POS back.
Get the 'political spin' and 'excuse-making' machines turned on and runnin', boys!

addendum: liberfool boys and girls and girlyboys, he is a deserting traitorous son-of-a-bitch who should face a firing squad rather than sit in prison for life wasting good oxygen, food and water.

OK liberturds open your filthy mouths and spew your shit!!!!! :up:
Desertion is punishable by death...if found guilty that should be the verdict.
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.

Wrong, the Muzzie lover was weak and deserted, shot at dawn is a just punishment
This is how far Republican Obama Derangement Syndrome has taken them. They're lurching from "Obama should have moved heaven and hell to PREVENT 4 of our boys from getting killed in Benghazi!" to "We hate Obama so much we're willing to KILL one of our boys to make him look bad!"

You rightwingers are EFFING disgusting, sick and twisted! I spit on the ground you walk on.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
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Desertion is punishable by death...if found guilty that should be the verdict.
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.

Wrong, the Muzzie lover was weak and deserted, shot at dawn is a just punishment
This is how far Republican Obama Derangement Syndrome has taken them. They're lurching from "Obama should have moved heaven and hell to PREVENT 4 of our boys from getting killed in Benghazi" to "We hate Obama do much we're willingness to KILL one of our boys to make him look bad!"

You rightwingers are EFFING disgusting, sick and twisted! I spit on the ground you walk on.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

I could care less, the traitor deserted but off course you defend him, that speaks volumes
Desertion is punishable by death...if found guilty that should be the verdict.
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.

Wrong, the Muzzie lover was weak and deserted, shot at dawn is a just punishment
This is how far Republican Obama Derangement Syndrome has taken them. They're lurching from "Obama should have moved heaven and hell to PREVENT 4 of our boys from getting killed in Benghazi" to "We hate Obama do much we're willingness to KILL one of our boys to make him look bad!"

You rightwingers are EFFING disgusting, sick and twisted! I spit on the ground you walk on.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

A soldier that deserts his post in time of war endangers his fellow soldiers and, in this case, caused the death of several soldiers that were attempting to find and rescue him. There have been US soldiers executed by firing squad in the past as prescribed in the UCMJ, and as a six year veteran I would piss on a deserters grave. That goes for anyone who supports him as well.

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