(Groan) Bergdahl an offial 'Obama' Disaster!


This is the central question of the Bergdahl case, and we heard the soldier describe his motives in his own words for the first time in Thursday's episode of "Serial." Bergdahl told filmmaker Mark Boal he walked off base on June 30, 2009, because he had serious concerns about his superiors, and wanted to trigger a DUSTWUN — an alert for missing soldiers — to draw attention to the situation. He would hike to a nearby base and probably get thrown in jail, but that would give him a chance to speak to Army commanders. "All I was seeing was basically leadership failure to the point that the lives of the guys standing next to me were literally, from what I could see, in danger of something seriously going wrong, and somebody being killed," he said.

BS story if ever there was one. He deserted, hang him


Plenty of folks go AWOL to get drunk. Not much happens to them. And actually not much happens to the folks that have raped and killed Iraqi civilians. That generally gets swept under the rug. Which is part of the reason we had to leave. President Obama couldn't get a waiver from the Iraqi government on the disposition of American troops breaking Iraq's laws. So it's a little more than surprising the dust up over this..

Well not really.

Republicans have no trouble whatsoever in making these sorts of outrageous mountains out of mole hills when it comes to President Obama. This whole thing is another attempt to embarrass the President.

Which will probably blow up in their faces.

Going AWOL to get drunk from a combat post? God you're clueless!

This isn't an attempt to embarrass Barry...it's just one more example of him being an awful President. Who trades five high level terrorist leaders for a deserter? Who's that stupid?

This is the central question of the Bergdahl case, and we heard the soldier describe his motives in his own words for the first time in Thursday's episode of "Serial." Bergdahl told filmmaker Mark Boal he walked off base on June 30, 2009, because he had serious concerns about his superiors, and wanted to trigger a DUSTWUN — an alert for missing soldiers — to draw attention to the situation. He would hike to a nearby base and probably get thrown in jail, but that would give him a chance to speak to Army commanders. "All I was seeing was basically leadership failure to the point that the lives of the guys standing next to me were literally, from what I could see, in danger of something seriously going wrong, and somebody being killed," he said.

BS story if ever there was one. He deserted, hang him


Plenty of folks go AWOL to get drunk. Not much happens to them. And actually not much happens to the folks that have raped and killed Iraqi civilians. That generally gets swept under the rug. Which is part of the reason we had to leave. President Obama couldn't get a waiver from the Iraqi government on the disposition of American troops breaking Iraq's laws. So it's a little more than surprising the dust up over this..

Well not really.

Republicans have no trouble whatsoever in making these sorts of outrageous mountains out of mole hills when it comes to President Obama. This whole thing is another attempt to embarrass the President.

Which will probably blow up in their faces.

Going AWOL to get drunk from a combat post? God you're clueless!

This isn't an attempt to embarrass Barry...it's just one more example of him being an awful President. Who trades five high level terrorist leaders for a deserter? Who's that stupid?

Evidently, Obungles

This is the central question of the Bergdahl case, and we heard the soldier describe his motives in his own words for the first time in Thursday's episode of "Serial." Bergdahl told filmmaker Mark Boal he walked off base on June 30, 2009, because he had serious concerns about his superiors, and wanted to trigger a DUSTWUN — an alert for missing soldiers — to draw attention to the situation. He would hike to a nearby base and probably get thrown in jail, but that would give him a chance to speak to Army commanders. "All I was seeing was basically leadership failure to the point that the lives of the guys standing next to me were literally, from what I could see, in danger of something seriously going wrong, and somebody being killed," he said.

BS story if ever there was one. He deserted, hang him


Plenty of folks go AWOL to get drunk. Not much happens to them. And actually not much happens to the folks that have raped and killed Iraqi civilians. That generally gets swept under the rug. Which is part of the reason we had to leave. President Obama couldn't get a waiver from the Iraqi government on the disposition of American troops breaking Iraq's laws. So it's a little more than surprising the dust up over this..

Well not really.

Republicans have no trouble whatsoever in making these sorts of outrageous mountains out of mole hills when it comes to President Obama. This whole thing is another attempt to embarrass the President.

Which will probably blow up in their faces.

Going AWOL to get drunk from a combat post? God you're clueless!

This isn't an attempt to embarrass Barry...it's just one more example of him being an awful President. Who trades five high level terrorist leaders for a deserter? Who's that stupid?
Actually it is.

Those "High Terrorist Leaders" couldn't be charged with anything. In other words? Holding them was illegal and unconstitutional. It's basically the same reason that Bush had to cut Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi loose.

So what he effectively did was save the life of an American and put a stop to holding people illegally in one fell swoop.

Republicans are pissed, they hit up their cronies in the military to pursue this.

It's a travesty.
Holy swift boat batman !

People didn't die looking for him. Wouldn't he be up on murder charges ?

Righties keep changing the story . Suddenly he ran to the taliban screaming "death to America " . They treated him as a king , Berghdal himself killed off 1/2 the base as they were out looking for him! !!!
Timmy, there is no change to the story. Bowe went AWOL, walked away from his post. He deserted. He put his unit in danger as they had to go looking for him in dangerous territory.

Obama used Bowe as a pawn to release the Taliban 5, the news of how the FBI was involved in paying a ransom breaking as we speak. I said this from the beginning - a ransom was paid to Bergdahl's captors - the Taliban 5 had nothing to do with Bergdahl. The 5 were too big to release like Obama had been doing with the others, so the Bergdahl situation was his opportunity.

To fully sell the ruse Obama treated him to a hero's welcome back at home, even though the military was warning him against doing so.

Probably the most heinous thing about this whole treasonous lie / charade, though, was how Obama declared he never leaves a man behind! When every other country pulled their representatives out of Benghazi due t the threat Obama and Hillary LEFT Stevens in Benghazi. They DENIED OVER 600 requests for additional security, AND they took away 16 members of his security detail after 2 previous terrorist attacks on his compound. (Of course that was AFTER they had hired an Al Qaeida-associated militia to protect him - they quite several weeks before the final attack).

Bergdahl was not a demonstration of hos Obama 'never leaves a man behind' - Stevens was that demonstration. Begdahl was the 'means to an end' and that end was releasing the Taliban 5. Now the whole story is unraveling, blowing up in Obama's face. Bergdahl, if lucky, will go to jail. Obama will be exposed for aiding and abetting terrorists....AGAIN....and the new 'Teflon don' will walk away 'scott free', having accomplished what he set out to do. .
Army charges desertion, endangering unit by going AWOL in Afghanistan

LINK: Charges against Bergdahl referred to trial by court-martial | Fox News

Decorated / Celebrated Obama Hero Charged With Desertion, Endangering Unit, AWOL....


Get the 'political spin' and 'excuse-making' machines turned on and runnin', boys!

If he left the man behind, the Obama haters would have pissed and moaned. Of that I'm certain.

So you think we wanted the deserter back?:lmao:
Bergdalh will walk, that is because any other sentence would make Obama look bad, and we sipmly can't have that.
Army charges desertion, endangering unit by going AWOL in Afghanistan

LINK: Charges against Bergdahl referred to trial by court-martial | Fox News

Decorated / Celebrated Obama Hero Charged With Desertion, Endangering Unit, AWOL....


Get the 'political spin' and 'excuse-making' machines turned on and runnin', boys!

If he left the man behind, the Obama haters would have pissed and moaned. Of that I'm certain.

So you think we wanted the deserter back?:lmao:

"No man left behind". You haven't walked in his shoes; then again, only real Americans believe innocent until proven guilty.
Army charges desertion, endangering unit by going AWOL in Afghanistan

LINK: Charges against Bergdahl referred to trial by court-martial | Fox News

Decorated / Celebrated Obama Hero Charged With Desertion, Endangering Unit, AWOL....


Get the 'political spin' and 'excuse-making' machines turned on and runnin', boys!

If he left the man behind, the Obama haters would have pissed and moaned. Of that I'm certain.

So you think we wanted the deserter back?:lmao:

"No man left behind". You haven't walked in his shoes; then again, only real Americans believe innocent until proven guilty.

He left his post. Guilty...
"No man left behind". You haven't walked in his shoes; then again, only real Americans believe innocent until proven guilty.

I HAVE 'walked' in his shoes - I have served for nearly 30 years. In fact, I don't think the deserter has walked in MY shoes.

I believe 'innocent until proven guilty', but I also believe there are times when common sense proves you don't have to wait for a jury decision. Case in point - Bergdahl. He has already ADMITTED he went AWOL, admitted he 'deserted' but now claims he intended to come back (yeah, right after he was captured and found out that the enemy didn't want his ass).

And there is a difference in BEING guilty and being FOUND Guilty. I have seen cases where there was no doubt - no reasonable doubt, even cases where confessions were thrown out on technicalities - and the guy walked after being found 'innocent'. As I stated, the Bergdahl case is not one of those, though. He will be found guilty by a jury of his peers.
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.
why didn't obama just have everyone come home when he took office? Then this never would have happened.

See how that works?
"No man left behind". You haven't walked in his shoes; then again, only real Americans believe innocent until proven guilty.

I HAVE 'walked' in his shoes - I have served for nearly 30 years. In fact, I don't think the deserter has walked in MY shoes.

I believe 'innocent until proven guilty', but I also believe there are times when common sense proves you don't have to wait for a jury decision. Case in point - Bergdahl. He has already ADMITTED he went AWOL, admitted he 'deserted' but now claims he intended to come back (yeah, right after he was captured and found out that the enemy didn't want his ass).

And there is a difference in BEING guilty and being FOUND Guilty. I have seen cases where there was no doubt - no reasonable doubt, even cases where confessions were thrown out on technicalities - and the guy walked after being found 'innocent'. As I stated, the Bergdahl case is not one of those, though. He will be found guilty by a jury of his peers.

In 30 years you must have learned that a jury in a General Court martial has at least 2/3 officers, who are not his peers.
"No man left behind". You haven't walked in his shoes; then again, only real Americans believe innocent until proven guilty.

I HAVE 'walked' in his shoes - I have served for nearly 30 years. In fact, I don't think the deserter has walked in MY shoes.

I believe 'innocent until proven guilty', but I also believe there are times when common sense proves you don't have to wait for a jury decision. Case in point - Bergdahl. He has already ADMITTED he went AWOL, admitted he 'deserted' but now claims he intended to come back (yeah, right after he was captured and found out that the enemy didn't want his ass).

And there is a difference in BEING guilty and being FOUND Guilty. I have seen cases where there was no doubt - no reasonable doubt, even cases where confessions were thrown out on technicalities - and the guy walked after being found 'innocent'. As I stated, the Bergdahl case is not one of those, though. He will be found guilty by a jury of his peers.

In 30 years you must have learned that a jury in a General Court martial has at least 2/3 officers, who are not his peers.
and that would make 1/3 his peers right? Seems the statement is accurate.
In 30 years you must have learned that a jury in a General Court martial has at least 2/3 officers, who are not his peers.
I was talking about military members, who HAVE served, who HAVE 'walked in his shoes', not a bunch of bleeding-heart, pansy-ass Liberals who feel sorry for this deserter
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.
now that's truly funny stuff there.
There's something funny about getting thousands of Americans killed? You're one sick puppy. How does Benghazi's 4 dead even come close to what Bush did, but BG is all the right wants to talk about?!?!
Bush disaster. If he'd stuck with getting the job done in Afghanistan instead of being side tracked by Iraq, this never happens.
now that's truly funny stuff there.
There's something funny about getting thousands of Americans killed? You're one sick puppy. How does Benghazi's 4 dead even come close to what Bush did, but BG is all the right wants to talk about?!?!
No your constant homophobic love/hate obsession with Bush is funny, especially when you try to hijack threads by trying to make them all about Bush. Saul Alynski and Obama would be proud of you....

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