Grooming Transgender Teachers

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These pedo grooming pervs are always so surprised when there is a backlash after they go full in your face with their depravities.
And then claim they were kidding, it's a misunderstanding, you're some kind of "phobe" or they have protected speech rights to groom the kids.
Purge the schools

Anita Bryant said the same shit 50 years ago, it wasn't true then and it isn't true now.
I don't give a flip what they do to themselves. The thread is about teachers grooming kids as young as 3 and yes, there should be a law to stop this indoctrination. You seem to have trouble sticking to the topic.

That works on the assumption that sexual orientation can be taught.

Now, check this out... Number of HS students identifying as LGBTQ...


Now, this LOOKS horrible, right, the younger generations are being indoctrinated!!!!

But then check out THIS chart.


How is it that the number of Americans identifying as "Left-handed" jumped from less than 4% at the turn of the century to 12% by 1960?

Could it be that left handed teachers were infiltrating education and grooming kids to be southpaws?

Or could it be that education realized that forcing left handed students to use their right hands to "conform" fell out of fashion and teachers learned to deal with children as they are?
Exactly what part isn't true about the groomers, pedos & pervs in schools?
They out themselves everyday but you think it's all disinfo?

Actually, none of it's true. You can't make a straight kid gay and you can't make a gay kid straight. Teachers being able to recognize sexual orientation is not grooming.

If Little Timmy starts singing show tunes, you are all going to just have to learn to come around.
As I said in the first post, this is all in their own words. These Transgender Teachers, all Democrats you can believe it, are going to speak to you in their own words. Here is a link for more: CLICK HERE

Straight is normal.... you fcking clown

It's curious you go out of the way to defend gay, trans, etc.... pillow biter I presume?
I noticed Joe used the bullshit term 'sexual orientation' in terms of teaching children. There is no such thing as 'sexual orientation' they have gotten away with changing definitions and making up their own terms for far too long.
Look at all the Democrats defending pedophiles.

Thats right, pedophiles.

These teachers want to engage "their kids" sexually, perhaps not physically, but still sexually. That makes them pedophiles.
Straight is normal.... you fcking clown

It's curious you go out of the way to defend gay, trans, etc.... pillow biter I presume?

Nope, I'm straight.

Most oddball thing about me is I'm a white guy who prefers Asian women... but wouldn't put to much into that, a lot of us do. Probably because too many white chicks are like you.

Main reasons I defend gays

1) It's how the rich get stupid people like you to vote against your own economic interests. Take 2004, where Bush got elected by promising to save us from evil gay marriage. Except he never passed that amendment he promised, but he did let his Banker Buddies loot the public treasury.

2) No one should have religious idiots making their life miserable if they don't want to.

Now, when you say "Straight is normal", um, here's the thing. Homosexuality occurs in the animal kingdom quite regularly. 500 species have been documented as having homosexuality.

Only one species, however, believes in imaginary sky pixies.
I am sure you people think that humans simply change their sexes because an anonymous human mentions their existence. If that were true more humans that claim to be Christians would actually act like Christ.
Would you care to rewrite this in unambiguous English?
That works on the assumption that sexual orientation can be taught.

Now, check this out... Number of HS students identifying as LGBTQ...

View attachment 652024

Now, this LOOKS horrible, right, the younger generations are being indoctrinated!!!!

But then check out THIS chart.

View attachment 652028

How is it that the number of Americans identifying as "Left-handed" jumped from less than 4% at the turn of the century to 12% by 1960?

Could it be that left handed teachers were infiltrating education and grooming kids to be southpaws?

Or could it be that education realized that forcing left handed students to use their right hands to "conform" fell out of fashion and teachers learned to deal with children as they are?
First of all, there is no such thing as 'sexual orientation' one is either male or female. Second, we are not discussing left handedness.
I noticed Joe used the bullshit term 'sexual orientation' in terms of teaching children. There is no such thing as 'sexual orientation' they have gotten away with changing definitions and making up their own terms for far too long.

What exactly is wrong with the term "Sexual orientation"? It's actually technically accurate. The previous term used was "sexual preference" when I was coming of age, but we now know that is technically inaccurate. Sexual orientation is no more a choice than handedness.

Go back to my chart about how when teachers stopped trying to force everyone to be right handed, the number of left handed people quadrupled. It's still kind of a pain in the ass to be left handed in a right handed world, but at least we don't try to force people anymore.

Look at all the Democrats defending pedophiles.

Thats right, pedophiles.

These teachers want to engage "their kids" sexually, perhaps not physically, but still sexually. That makes them pedophiles.

By that logic, ANY teaching about sexuality would be "pedophilia"... including what we used to call "health" classes when I was growing up. Heck, repressed as shit Catholic upbringing, they STILL didn't want us trying to figure it out by ourselves.
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