Grooming Transgender Teachers

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A tranny is not an actress, he is an actor. Normal binary sexuality is not a 'backward ass assumption' it is SCIENCE. We don't care with whom you're playing slap and tickle so you can stop putting your sex life on parade here. If no one is going to make anyone gay, transgender or gender fluid, why try to teach it in schools? Your aunt needed help, she had gender dysphoria. Your family should have helped her. We don't need teachers to teach 'tolerance' we need them to teach then basic curriculum and keep peace in the classroom. If a kid is making fun of a gay kid, I would expect the teacher to teach that kid that making fun of ANYONE is unacceptable. Basics.......

Actually, she identifies as female, which isn't a big deal.

Nobody is trying to "teach it in schools"... any more than they were teaching southpaws to be left handed.

My point was- at one time, dating outside your race was considered immoral and was against the law in this country. Then we became more enlightened.

No, my Aunt did not need help. She needed less religious stupidity in her life. Instead she made herself, her ex-husband and her daughter absolutely miserable.

Merely telling the bully not to make fun of gay kids isn't enough. That little bastard needs a fucking adjustment, before he grows up to be an unemployable homophobe. Nobody is going to care how good you are at the curriculum if you grow up being a racist or a homophobe who can't work with others.
Using those words proves what an ignorant stooge you really are. We don't have a phobia you retarded fuck. Take your bitch ass home.

Sure you do... you live in mortal fear of people you otherwise should have no interaction with...

And not surprising, they've done scientific tests proving that homophobic men are in fact latent homosexuals.

The authors investigated the role of homosexual arousal in exclusively heterosexual men who admitted negative affect toward homosexual individuals. Participants consisted of a group of homophobic men (n = 35) and a group of nonhomophobic men (n = 29); they were assigned to groups on the basis of their scores on the Index of Homophobia (W. W. Hudson & W. A. Ricketts, 1980). The men were exposed to sexually explicit erotic stimuli consisting of heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian videotapes, and changes in penile circumference were monitored. They also completed an Aggression Questionnaire (A. H. Buss & M. Perry, 1992). Both groups exhibited increases in penile circumference to the heterosexual and female homosexual videos. Only the homophobic men showed an increase in penile erection to male homosexual stimuli. The groups did not differ in aggression. Homophobia is apparently associated with homosexual arousal that the homophobic individual is either unaware of or denies.
How is it that the homophobes and transphobes have to talk about anything other than the subject at hand.

Someone is transgender or gay. How doe that have any effect on your life?
So someone despises sexual deviancy and opposes arrogant statist bootlicks imposing their filth on children.

How does that have any effect on your life?
So someone despises sexual deviancy and opposes arrogant statist bootlicks imposing their filth on children.

How does that have any effect on your life?

Well, you might discriminate against people I care about, that's the thing. Given your druthers, you religious nutters probably would do exactly that, and then start killing each other over whether or not Jesus was made of stale wafers or not. Because it's kind of what you've been doing for the last 2000 years.
Well, you might discriminate against people I care about, that's the thing. Given your druthers, you religious nutters probably would do exactly that, and then start killing each other over whether or not Jesus was made of stale wafers or not. Because it's kind of what you've been doing for the last 2000 years.

You try so hard to be an influencer...but sadly you're just a clown
Three-year-olds have the ability to debate deep thinking subjects, no?
Sexual degenerates impose their filth on children in violation of parental consent and authority, and your takeaway is that's okay because three-year-olds can't fully comprehend the extent to which they're being mentally groomed and molested?
You try so hard to be an influencer...but sadly you're just a clown

Actually, I'm more of a dispenser of unpleasant truths...

Sexual degenerates impose their filth on children in violation of parental consent and authority, and your takeaway is that's okay because three-year-olds can't fully comprehend the extent to which they're being mentally groomed and molested?

Except no one is grooming anyone. Telling a kid to not be a bigot isn't grooming them.
Ironically, growing up Catholic, all my teachers in the Holy Orders were closeted homosexuals... they didn't make me straight or gay, but they did make me hate religion with a power to blot out suns.

But here's a thought experiment for you. If little Timmy is being taught at home to be a racist, and he expresses racist views in class, should the teachers do nothing about that?

I think most sane people would agree, an intervention would be called for... before the black kids kick Timmy's ass, anyway.

So if little Timmy is being taught to be a homophobe, an intervention is probably needed there, too.
Intersex is a bullshit term. What actually happens in the biological world of reproduction is a binary coupling of opposite sexes. Your 'little feet stamping' will never change nature.
I gave your post a thumbs up because your observation that "the biological world of [human] reproduction" entails "binary coupling of opposite sexes" (i.e., the union of sperm and ovum) is incontrovertible. But keep in mind that intersexuality is a real genetic and physiological phenomenon that must often be delt with surgically.
Because you got your backside kicked too many times?

Again, as pointed out, homosexuality and bisexuality appear in the animal kingdom.
Belief in Sky pixies is a human psychosis.
No, I just enjoy kicking your ass. Homosexuality is aberrant in the animal kingdom just like it is in humans. Why do you promote aberrations? You are the one who brought up Sky Pixies. No one has ever heard of them.......except you.
Actually, I'm more of a dispenser of unpleasant truths...

Except no one is grooming anyone. Telling a kid to not be a bigot isn't grooming them.
Ironically, growing up Catholic, all my teachers in the Holy Orders were closeted homosexuals... they didn't make me straight or gay, but they did make me hate religion with a power to blot out suns.

But here's a thought experiment for you. If little Timmy is being taught at home to be a racist, and he expresses racist views in class, should the teachers do nothing about that?

I think most sane people would agree, an intervention would be called for... before the black kids kick Timmy's ass, anyway.

So if little Timmy is being taught to be a homophobe, an intervention is probably needed there, too.
No, you're a dispenser of bullshit. Telling a kid not to be a bigot assumes that kid is a bigot. Isn't that bigotry? If little Timmy is abusing others of any thing, the teacher should stop little Timmy. There is no such thing as a homophobe. It's a made up term and isn't even a real word but, hey what about if little Timmy is being taught to be a heterophobe?
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Well, you might discriminate against people I care about, that's the thing. Given your druthers, you religious nutters probably would do exactly that, and then start killing each other over whether or not Jesus was made of stale wafers or not. Because it's kind of what you've been doing for the last 2000 years.
What do you mean by discrimination? And why do you resort to hyperbolic ad hominem.
Actually, I'm more of a dispenser of unpleasant truths...

Except no one is grooming anyone. Telling a kid to not be a bigot isn't grooming them.
Ironically, growing up Catholic, all my teachers in the Holy Orders were closeted homosexuals... they didn't make me straight or gay, but they did make me hate religion with a power to blot out suns.

But here's a thought experiment for you. If little Timmy is being taught at home to be a racist, and he expresses racist views in class, should the teachers do nothing about that?

I think most sane people would agree, an intervention would be called for... before the black kids kick Timmy's ass, anyway.

So if little Timmy is being taught to be a homophobe, an intervention is probably needed there, too.
Whew! That was a load off your spleen, eh?

Have you any more logical fallacies of deflection and false equivalency you wish to employ to justify your vicious, indeed, sociopathic disregard for the rights of others?
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Actually, none of it's true. You can't make a straight kid gay and you can't make a gay kid straight. Teachers being able to recognize sexual orientation is not grooming.

If Little Timmy starts singing show tunes, you are all going to just have to learn to come around.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Children, especially the younger they are, are influenceable. I'm not saying it's a given, but, that influence can affect sexual identity outcomes.

Children living with same sex parents have a tendency to identify as homosexual themselves, compared to children of heterosexual parents.

That's not nature, that's influence. Now, no study can be 100% conclusive, one could easily say that the children of gay couples were able to more openly explore their sexual nature than children of hetero couples, I get that, but, estimates range from about 4% to as much as 20% of people identify themselves as LGBT. So, if the children of gay couples tends to have a higher percentage of being gay themselves (I think one study finds between 30% and 57% of daughters of lesbian couples identify as having same attraction), then it could be that the influence of living in a home of same sex parents can indeed affect the sexual orientation of children.

Now, the effect may not be as strong in the classroom, as they are not living with it 24/7, but, if you reinforce it often enough, it can have an effect.
Actually, none of it's true. You can't make a straight kid gay and you can't make a gay kid straight. Teachers being able to recognize sexual orientation is not grooming.

If Little Timmy starts singing show tunes, you are all going to just have to learn to come around.
Teachers being able to recognize sexual orientation is not grooming.

It's not the job of the teacher to recognize sexual behavior, they are not psychologists and are not trained in psychological behaviors, and further, they are not trained to perform reaffirming coaching to students. It's not their job to tell Timmy "it's OK to feel that way", that's for trained therapists, or the parents.

Children go through phases, if a kid thinks they are a dinosaur when they are 5 years old, then it's not time to start thinking of dino-ectemy surgery, and just like little Timmy liking his friends who are boys more than girls doesn't mean he is exhibiting signs of being gay. All little kids like their male friends more than their female friends, they tend to grow out of that, but of you start reinforcing that behavior, it may influence them to not grow out of it when they normally would.

So, if little Timmy start singing show tunes, that's fine, let him develope normally, but, it's not the teachers job to go behind the parents and start coaching their students about lifestyle choices.
Actually, I'm more of a dispenser of unpleasant truths...

Except no one is grooming anyone. Telling a kid to not be a bigot isn't grooming them.
Ironically, growing up Catholic, all my teachers in the Holy Orders were closeted homosexuals... they didn't make me straight or gay, but they did make me hate religion with a power to blot out suns.

But here's a thought experiment for you. If little Timmy is being taught at home to be a racist, and he expresses racist views in class, should the teachers do nothing about that?

I think most sane people would agree, an intervention would be called for... before the black kids kick Timmy's ass, anyway.

So if little Timmy is being taught to be a homophobe, an intervention is probably needed there, too.
No interventions. People should mind their own business, incl. you. No interventions unless you are willing to go through the CURE for being prejudiced against Catholicism.
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