Grooming Transgender Teachers

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Not ALL little kids: girls don't like male friends more than female friends.

Ok, I should have been more clear. Little boys like their male friends more and little girls like their female friends more. The point is, it's mostly a phase, and they generally grow out of it.
I wouldn't be so sure about that. Children, especially the younger they are, are influenceable. I'm not saying it's a given, but, that influence can affect sexual identity outcomes.

Children living with same sex parents have a tendency to identify as homosexual themselves, compared to children of heterosexual parents.

That's not nature, that's influence. Now, no study can be 100% conclusive, one could easily say that the children of gay couples were able to more openly explore their sexual nature than children of hetero couples, I get that, but, estimates range from about 4% to as much as 20% of people identify themselves as LGBT. So, if the children of gay couples tends to have a higher percentage of being gay themselves (I think one study finds between 30% and 57% of daughters of lesbian couples identify as having same attraction), then it could be that the influence of living in a home of same sex parents can indeed affect the sexual orientation of children.

Now, the effect may not be as strong in the classroom, as they are not living with it 24/7, but, if you reinforce it often enough, it can have an effect.
Indeed! The percentage of persons identifying as homosexuals and transsexuals, for example, has exploded in in recent years. The notion that "sexual orientation" is necessarily genetically determined or that sexual identify is not primarily driven by environmental conditioning is pseudoscientific bullshit!

Big Rise in U.S. Teens Identifying As Gay, Bisexual

Intersex is a reality for humans. It is not up to you to agree or disagree with what actually happens in the biological world of reproduction in the animal kingdom and the agriculture realm. All your little feet stamping can't change nature and how it develops with its variations.
This thread is not about intersexuality. That goes to a genetic and physiological phenomenon. This thread is about sexual grooming and the imposition of sexual paganism on children by the state schools in violation the First Amendment and parental consent and authority.

All your little feet stamping is the stuff of red herrings.
No, I just enjoy kicking your ass. Homosexuality is aberrant in the animal kingdom just like it is in humans. Why do you promote aberrations? You are the one who brought up Sky Pixies. No one has ever heard of them.......except you.

All homophobic arguments boil down to "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad". Neither is rational.
No, you're a dispenser of bullshit. Telling a kid not to be a bigot assumes that kid is a bigot. Isn't that bigotry? If little Timmy is abusing others of any thing, the teacher should stop little Timmy. There is no such thing as a homophobe. It's a made up term and isn't even a real word but, hey what about if little Timmy is being taught to be a heterophobe?

Yes, if you are a homophobe, you are a bigot. Period. Full stop. There is absolutely zero rational about being a homophobe.

What do you mean by discrimination? And why do you resort to hyperbolic ad hominem.

Hardly hyperbolic. Xians have been murdering each other and others for 2000 years to please their imaginary sky friend. They are still doing it today.

Whew! That was a load off your spleen, eh?

Have you any more logical fallacies of deflection and false equivalency you wish to employ to justify your vicious, indeed, sociopathic disregard for the rights of others?

Naw, man, I love watching you bigots squirm that you are on the wrong side of history.
No interventions. People should mind their own business, incl. you. No interventions unless you are willing to go through the CURE for being prejudiced against Catholicism.

Except that my dislike of the Catholic Church isn't irrational. It's based on sensible scientific and logical reasoning.

Unless you think Jesus really is made of wafers.
All homophobic arguments boil down to "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad". Neither is rational.
I never said any of that. I said it was aberrant in human sexuality. Whether or not it is 'icky' or 'God says it's bad' is not really the point. Seems to me your are just projecting.
Indeed! The percentage of persons identifying as homosexuals and transsexuals, for example, has exploded in in recent years. The notion that "sexual orientation" is necessarily genetically determined or that sexual identify is not primarily driven by environmental conditioning is pseudoscientific bullshit!

Nope, go back to my post about how the number of people identifying as left-handed quadrupled after teachers stopped forcing them to use their right hands.

Of course, sexual orientation is genetically determined. You think anyone decides, "Yup, I'm going to sign up for a lifestyle that will make people discriminate against me, and might even subject me to a hate crime."
Yes, if you are a homophobe, you are a bigot. Period. Full stop. There is absolutely zero rational about being a homophobe.

Hardly hyperbolic. Xians have been murdering each other and others for 2000 years to please their imaginary sky friend. They are still doing it today.

Naw, man, I love watching you bigots squirm that you are on the wrong side of history.
There is no such thing as a homophobe. Just as there is no such thing as a heterophobe.
Nope, go back to my post about how the number of people identifying as left-handed quadrupled after teachers stopped forcing them to use their right hands.

Of course, sexual orientation is genetically determined. You think anyone decides, "Yup, I'm going to sign up for a lifestyle that will make people discriminate against me, and might even subject me to a hate crime."
Encouraging kids to use their right hand gives them an advantage in a predominately right hand world. Genetics favors heterosexuality. True Homosexuality is aberrant but does occur genetically .04% of the time. We should not discriminate against minorities however, we should not teach our children that homosexuality or gender is a personal decision or that it is normal in the majority.
I never said any of that. I said it was aberrant in human sexuality.

Right you think it's icky. We got that.

Whether or not it is 'icky' or 'God says it's bad' is not really the point. Seems to me your are just projecting.

So you think that if you say, "Aberrant" instead of "icky", that makes it okay?

Lots of sexual practices one could consider "aberrant" - Threesomes, foot fetishes, BDSM, etc.

The fact is, most straight people engage in Cunnilingus and Fellatio. 37% of straight people have at least tried anal. So you tell me what is "aberrant", I'd just say, "not my cup of tea". As long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I really kind of don't care.

Try grooming a child in our area and they will never find the hole you are in.

But they will find the prison you get sent to for a hate crime.
Right you think it's icky. We got that.

So you think that if you say, "Aberrant" instead of "icky", that makes it okay?

Lots of sexual practices one could consider "aberrant" - Threesomes, foot fetishes, BDSM, etc.

The fact is, most straight people engage in Cunnilingus and Fellatio. 37% of straight people have at least tried anal. So you tell me what is "aberrant", I'd just say, "not my cup of tea". As long as everyone involved is a consenting adult, I really kind of don't care.

But they will find the prison you get sent to for a hate crime.

Not even close. And it wouldn't be a hate crime to kill a pedophile you moron.
Encouraging kids to use their right hand gives them and advantage in a predominately right hand world. Genetics favors heterosexuality. Homosexuality is aberrant but does occur .04% of the time. We should not discriminate against minorities however. Also, we should not teach our children the homosexuality or gender is a personal decision.

Well, good thing nobody is "teaching" them that, then. Good thing that when they realize what their gender identity or sexual orientation is, that there will be people to support them.

Because honestly, the alternative would be kind of messed up. Like Ted Haggard.

First, here is a link: CLICK HERE

That is a link to a simple Youtube search with the words "Transgender Teachers" as the search

Recently somebody posted this false statement:

Oh, no no no, this is all in their own words. These Transgender Teachers, all Democrats you can believe it, are going to speak to you in their own words.

They will tell you about how they want to talk to "their kids" about their lifestyles, which is why Florida rightly said, "Hell no" thank God,

Here is one example I chose to start with: A teacher talking about things to little children that only a parent should be talking to kids about. In my opinion this woman should be in jail for a very, very long time.

Woke Educators Teach Children About Gender Identity And Sexual Preferences

Identity politics highlights yet another "my team mentality" kook.
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