Grooming Transgender Teachers

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Yes, if you are a homophobe, you are a bigot. Period. Full stop. There is absolutely zero rational about being a homophobe.

Hardly hyperbolic. Xians have been murdering each other and others for 2000 years to please their imaginary sky friend. They are still doing it today.

Naw, man, I love watching you bigots squirm that you are on the wrong side of history.
No. You're a sociopath. The fact that you're a bigot in the intellectual sense of lexiconic tradition and a homofascist thug is redundancy. The only thing that punks like you will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at your stupid heads.

And before you go imagining that's some kind of threat or macho bluster, as would be expected from a rank narcissist like you, that's a summary of your character, that goes to the violence in your heart, to your sociopathic disregard for the rights of others.
I am very tall. I get constantly asked how tall I am, whether I played basketball, etc. Little kids point and say 'Mommy that guy is so tall!", cars don't fit me and most furniture is too low. I do not want kids to have their legs broken and stretched or their spines stretched to be tall like me, nor do I want them to be taught to keep their mouths shut around me. Simply put, my height is aberrant, I realize it and don't ask anyone else to teach kids about it nor do I lobby for higher doorways and higher toilets.

nor should you be denied employment because you are tall. I also suspect you have to buy your clothes at a speciality store because they usually don't have clothes in your size off the rack. If we really did treat tall people differently, you'd probably have some kind of sympathy.

I hate Nazis. Does that make me a bigot?

I hate commies too. Does that make me a bigot?

What exactly makes me a bigot, in your eyes?

Hating people for what they believe is understandable if what they believe is awful or stupid. Hating people for who they are because of your own insecurities is what makes you a bigot. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

No, I did not say that. I said I respected their ability. I really don't give a shit who you work with actually. I never said homosexuality was a good thing. In fact, one of my homosexual friends got pretty depressed after his young South American 'rescue' boy left him. He was so desperate he intimated that he might be interested in me because at 40, he was too old to be considered sexual meat at the local gay bar. I am a heterosexual, married with 2 children. I actually found his proposition to be sickening but I did not tell him that. I just told him I wasn't interested and he dropped the subject. Poor guy, hope he got help. I lost touch. We can handle this ourselves, stop with the pious platitudes.

So a gay dude hit on you, and you went into gay panic mode. This is VERY telling.

Would you have freaked out as bad if a female coworker hit on you after her boyfriend dumped her?

All homofascist arguments boil down to sociopolitical tyranny and godless depravity. Both are evil.

Uh, dude, no one is going to make you be gay... you and Leo can stop panicking. Frankly, it's amazing that the very thought of gay and trans people out there make you terrified people won't believe you have a case of the "not-gays".
No. You're a sociopath. The fact that you're a bigot in the intellectual sense of lexiconic tradition and a homofascist thug is redundancy. The only thing that punks like you will ever understand about the rights of others is the business end of a loaded gun pointed at your stupid heads.

And before you go imagining that's some kind of threat or macho bluster, as would be expected from a rank narcissist like you, that's a summary of your character, that goes to the violence in your heart, to your sociopathic disregard for the rights of others.

Wow, so if you even mention the ghey to you, it's like having a gun to your head. This is classic "gay panic" behavior, usually seen in people who are unsure of their own sexuality.

The gay panic defense or homosexual advance defence is a legal strategy in which a defendant claims to have acted in a state of violent, temporary insanity, committing assault or murder, because of unwanted same-sex sexual advances, typically from men.[1][2][3] A defendant may allege to have found the same-sex sexual advances so offensive or frightening that they were provoked into reacting, were acting in self-defense, were of diminished capacity, or were temporarily insane, and that this circumstance is exculpatory or mitigating.[4]

The trans panic defense is a closely related legal strategy applied in cases of assault, manslaughter, or murder of a transgender individual with whom the assailant(s) had engaged in or was close to engaging in sexual relations with and claim to have been unaware that the victim was transgender,[1][2][5] producing in the attacker an alleged trans panic reaction, often a manifestation of homophobia and transphobia.[6][7]

Broadly, the defenses may be called the "gay and trans panic defense" or the "LGBTQ+ panic defense".

I bet you freaked out as a child when you saw Bugs Bunny cross-dressing to fool Elmer Fudd.

Remember folks, as I said, here is a link: CLICK HERE. There are many toi choose from. I am just randomly choosing a few.

Meet The WORST ‘Groomer' LGBT Teachers On TikTok : Ft Blaire White

Blair White is 100% right that the classroom is never ever about the teacher. HUGE issue that younger teachers need to get a handle on.
Blair White is 100% right that the classroom is never ever about the teacher. HUGE issue that younger teachers need to get a handle on.

But don't worry, Governor DeSatan will get them straightened out... um... yeah, just like he did with Covid....
Okay, there are a whole lot of fetishes out there that I think are icky. Guys who have foot fetishes.... I for the life of me do not get foot fetish or why anyone would be turned on by feet.

But. Different strokes for different folks.

Heck, I'll even go so far to say, that if belief in an imaginary sky man is the only thing keeping some of these Christians from going on murderous rampages, by all means, they should keep doing that.
I knew a woman who went on a date with a man who was clearly obsessed with her shoes and feet. She was totally creeped out and bailed on him in the middle of a rather expensive dinner. :)
I knew a woman who went on a date with a man who was clearly obsessed with her shoes and feet. She was totally creeped out and bailed on him in the middle of a rather expensive dinner. :)
I dated a guy I was "fixed up with" by someone at work. After dinner and a movie, he asked if we could go to my apartment so he could wash my hair.

Yeah. That was creepy.
I am sure you people think that humans simply change their sexes because an anonymous human mentions their existence. If that were true more humans that claim to be Christians would actually act like Christ.
Awe you getting pissy because your party is busted grooming children?
Intersex is a reality for humans. It is not up to you to agree or disagree with what actually happens in the biological world of reproduction in the animal kingdom and the agriculture realm. All your little feet stamping can't change nature and how it develops with its variations.
And a biological female cannot become a male. No matter how bad you want it.
Sex is biology. Gender is psychology.

Yes, gender identity dysphoria was once called gender identity disorder. They had it right the first time, but changed it because of the stigma attached to the word disorder. Regardless, it is a disorder, much like anorexia is a disorder. While we shouldn’t discriminate against people suffering from these disorders, we also shouldn’t condone their behavior because it isn’t normal. I don’t think many would be ok with their kid’s elementary teacher who suffers from anorexia teaching their kids not to eat because they are too fat. It is the same thing, no matter how anyone, including the woke medical community spins it.
First, here is a link: CLICK HERE

That is a link to a simple Youtube search with the words "Transgender Teachers" as the search

Recently somebody posted this false statement:

Oh, no no no, this is all in their own words. These Transgender Teachers, all Democrats you can believe it, are going to speak to you in their own words.

They will tell you about how they want to talk to "their kids" about their lifestyles, which is why Florida rightly said, "Hell no" thank God,

Here is one example I chose to start with: A teacher talking about things to little children that only a parent should be talking to kids about. In my opinion this woman should be in jail for a very, very long time.

Woke Educators Teach Children About Gender Identity And Sexual Preferences

That social emotional crap is really bad.
nor should you be denied employment because you are tall. I also suspect you have to buy your clothes at a speciality store because they usually don't have clothes in your size off the rack. If we really did treat tall people differently, you'd probably have some kind of sympathy.

Hating people for what they believe is understandable if what they believe is awful or stupid. Hating people for who they are because of your own insecurities is what makes you a bigot. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

So a gay dude hit on you, and you went into gay panic mode. This is VERY telling.

Would you have freaked out as bad if a female coworker hit on you after her boyfriend dumped her?

Uh, dude, no one is going to make you be gay... you and Leo can stop panicking. Frankly, it's amazing that the very thought of gay and trans people out there make you terrified people won't believe you have a case of the "not-gays".
You don’t comprehend very well. You also lied about what I posted.
Wow, so if you even mention the ghey to you, it's like having a gun to your head. This is classic "gay panic" behavior, usually seen in people who are unsure of their own sexuality.

The gay panic defense or homosexual advance defence is a legal strategy in which a defendant claims to have acted in a state of violent, temporary insanity, committing assault or murder, because of unwanted same-sex sexual advances, typically from men.[1][2][3] A defendant may allege to have found the same-sex sexual advances so offensive or frightening that they were provoked into reacting, were acting in self-defense, were of diminished capacity, or were temporarily insane, and that this circumstance is exculpatory or mitigating.[4]

The trans panic defense is a closely related legal strategy applied in cases of assault, manslaughter, or murder of a transgender individual with whom the assailant(s) had engaged in or was close to engaging in sexual relations with and claim to have been unaware that the victim was transgender,[1][2][5] producing in the attacker an alleged trans panic reaction, often a manifestation of homophobia and transphobia.[6][7]

Broadly, the defenses may be called the "gay and trans panic defense" or the "LGBTQ+ panic defense".

I bet you freaked out as a child when you saw Bugs Bunny cross-dressing to fool Elmer Fudd.

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. . . he writes, as he affirms my observation regarding his rank narcissism. You just can't make this stuff up. :auiqs.jpg:
First, here is a link: CLICK HERE

That is a link to a simple Youtube search with the words "Transgender Teachers" as the search

Recently somebody posted this false statement:

Oh, no no no, this is all in their own words. These Transgender Teachers, all Democrats you can believe it, are going to speak to you in their own words.

They will tell you about how they want to talk to "their kids" about their lifestyles, which is why Florida rightly said, "Hell no" thank God,

Here is one example I chose to start with: A teacher talking about things to little children that only a parent should be talking to kids about. In my opinion this woman should be in jail for a very, very long time.

Woke Educators Teach Children About Gender Identity And Sexual Preferences

Go look at Libs of TikTok on Twitter. They regularly post a treasure trove of liberals giving their woke agenda away.
nor should you be denied employment because you are tall. I also suspect you have to buy your clothes at a speciality store because they usually don't have clothes in your size off the rack. If we really did treat tall people differently, you'd probably have some kind of sympathy.

Hating people for what they believe is understandable if what they believe is awful or stupid. Hating people for who they are because of your own insecurities is what makes you a bigot. Happy to have cleared that up for you.

So a gay dude hit on you, and you went into gay panic mode. This is VERY telling.

Would you have freaked out as bad if a female coworker hit on you after her boyfriend dumped her?

Uh, dude, no one is going to make you be gay... you and Leo can stop panicking. Frankly, it's amazing that the very thought of gay and trans people out there make you terrified people won't believe you have a case of the "not-gays".
Your implication that homosexuality is strictly a matter of genetics is pseudoscientific drivel.

Moving on. . . .

The government schools have absolutely no business instructing children on sexual matters beyond the biological and physiological fundamentals of human reproduction, and this should be done at the appropriate age of intellectual maturity before puberty, obviously.

Leave it to the rank narcissist to think that the concern merely goes to making people gay as the imperatives of natural and constitutional law regarding ideological liberty and parental consent and authority fly right over his head.
Yes, gender identity dysphoria was once called gender identity disorder. They had it right the first time, but changed it because of the stigma attached to the word disorder. Regardless, it is a disorder, much like anorexia is a disorder. While we shouldn’t discriminate against people suffering from these disorders, we also shouldn’t condone their behavior because it isn’t normal. I don’t think many would be ok with their kid’s elementary teacher who suffers from anorexia teaching their kids not to eat because they are too fat. It is the same thing, no matter how anyone, including the woke medical community spins it.
Well put!

Moreover, the government schools have absolutely no business instructing children on sexual matters beyond the biological and physiological fundamentals of human reproduction in the first place, and this should be done at the appropriate age of intellectual maturity before puberty, obviously.
Nope, go back to my post about how the number of people identifying as left-handed quadrupled after teachers stopped forcing them to use their right hands.

Of course, sexual orientation is genetically determined. You think anyone decides, "Yup, I'm going to sign up for a lifestyle that will make people discriminate against me, and might even subject me to a hate crime."
Nonsense! It's the latest fad, the latest trend, indeed, the latest "brainwash" of the state schools and popular culture mindlessly embraced by mental weaklings like you.
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