Grooming Transgender Teachers

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There is no such thing as a homophobe. Just as there is no such thing as a heterophobe.
I can't say I agree with that.

The proper lexiconic meaning of the term homophobe goes to a person who is irrationally fearful of or hateful toward homosexuals.

Homofascists like JobB131 incessantly misuse the term. Just like race-baiting whores misuse the term racist, they routinely accuse others of homophobia as a means of shutting down discussions over real concerns. You may know from this behavior that they are statist thugs up to no good.
I can't say I agree with that.

The proper lexiconic meaning of the term homophobe goes to a person who is irrationally fearful of or hateful toward homosexuals.

Homofascists like JobB131 incessantly misuse the term. Just like race-baiting whores misuse the term racist, they routinely accuse others of homophobia as a means of shutting down discussions over real concerns. You may know from this behavior that they are statist thugs up to no good.
Yes, whenever you disagree or even question one of these people, you get labeled 'homophobe.'
Yes, whenever you disagree or even question one of these people, you get labeled 'homophobe.'
Yes. It's just more bullshit mudslinging from the retarded left.

It's all they've got. Racist! (gasp)

The left wants to make you gasp. It's all they've got.

Hey, listen up dumb fucking leftists, I don't want ANYONE making advances on a pre teen child. Doesn't matter if they're gay, trans, or normal. I don't hate gay people, I hate people who try to SEXUALIZE MY CHILD.

Stay away from my kids, fucktards. I'll reach inside your head and yank out the brown matter between your ears if you don't.

The next "mostly peaceful" progtard that gets near my kids is going to eat shit. Seriously. I'll post pictures of it on YouTube. :p
I knew a woman who went on a date with a man who was clearly obsessed with her shoes and feet. She was totally creeped out and bailed on him in the middle of a rather expensive dinner.

Hey, different strokes for different folks.

I dated a guy I was "fixed up with" by someone at work. After dinner and a movie, he asked if we could go to my apartment so he could wash my hair.

You're right.. Proper etiquette is you don't ask to do that until the third date...
Unless your hair was really nasty.

Go look at Libs of TikTok on Twitter. They regularly post a treasure trove of liberals giving their woke agenda away.

Says the guy who plays videogames all day...

You don’t comprehend very well. You also lied about what I posted.

I think I nailed it. A gay dude hit on you and you freaked out!
Hey, different strokes for different folks.

You're right.. Proper etiquette is you don't ask to do that until the third date...
Unless your hair was really nasty.

Says the guy who plays videogames all day...

I think I nailed it. A gay dude hit on you and you freaked out!
No, that's not what I wrote. You are lying. That guy was a friend of mine and I already knew he was gay. I felt sorry for him being so desperate. That is not being 'freaked out.' Stop projecting your homophobia on me. I guess in your world a heterosexual like me can't possibly have gay friends huh? You are part of the problem.
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Yes, gender identity dysphoria was once called gender identity disorder. They had it right the first time, but changed it because of the stigma attached to the word disorder. Regardless, it is a disorder, much like anorexia is a disorder. While we shouldn’t discriminate against people suffering from these disorders, we also shouldn’t condone their behavior because it isn’t normal. I don’t think many would be ok with their kid’s elementary teacher who suffers from anorexia teaching their kids not to eat because they are too fat. It is the same thing, no matter how anyone, including the woke medical community spins it.

Again, why can't you talk about something about talking without talking about something else.

Do you have any argument against transgenderism that doesn't involve "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad"?

Transgender people function perfectly fine in society, unlike people with real mental disorders. They hold down jobs, they have relationships, they basically do all the things you do, and a lot of them you'd probably never pick out in the street.
Again, why can't you talk about something about talking without talking about something else.

Do you have any argument against transgenderism that doesn't involve "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad"?

Transgender people function perfectly fine in society, unlike people with real mental disorders. They hold down jobs, they have relationships, they basically do all the things you do, and a lot of them you'd probably never pick out in the street.
Come on Joey, we know you're a flaming heterophobe.
Your implication that homosexuality is strictly a matter of genetics is pseudoscientific drivel.

Moving on. . . .

And where did you get your degree in genetics?

The government schools have absolutely no business instructing children on sexual matters beyond the biological and physiological fundamentals of human reproduction, and this should be done at the appropriate age of intellectual maturity before puberty, obviously.

So if little Timmy starts bullying girls into sex, then teachers should keep out of that, right? I mean, as long as he knows that Tab A goes into slot B and not Slots D or C, who cares, right?

Look, there's a reason why we require master's degrees to teach, because developing young minds isn't as easy as reading out of a book.

Leave it to the rank narcissist to think that the concern merely goes to making people gay as the imperatives of natural and constitutional law regarding ideological liberty and parental consent and authority fly right over his head.

Yawn.... yes, heaven forbid that Cleetus' son/nephew hear that homophobia isn't a good thing.

No child in the history of human reproduction has had two dads.

Genetic donation doesn't make one a father. Ask any child who has been adopted. This is your point on the right about all those guys in the hood with three baby mamas. The reality is with in vitro fertilization and surrogacy, we've moved families beyond simple biology.

Nonsense! It's the latest fad, the latest trend, indeed, the latest "brainwash" of the state schools and popular culture mindlessly embraced by mental weaklings like you.

Oh, bullshit. If 12 years of daily indoctrination couldn't make me a mindless Catholic, reading Heather has Two Mommies isn't going to make anyone rush to the gay bar unless they were already so inclined.
Homofascists like JobB131 incessantly misuse the term. Just like race-baiting whores misuse the term racist, they routinely accuse others of homophobia as a means of shutting down discussions over real concerns. You may know from this behavior that they are statist thugs up to no good.

I think it's hilarious you think the state cares about you at all.

The fact you and the other idiots have whined about even mentioning gay people for 10 pages says quite a lot.

Yes, whenever you disagree or even question one of these people, you get labeled 'homophobe.'

Well, maybe you need to come up with better questions.

I'm waiting for any argument from your side that doesn't involve "I think it's icky" and "God Says it's bad".
I knew a woman who went on a date with a man who was clearly obsessed with her shoes and feet. She was totally creeped out and bailed on him in the middle of a rather expensive dinner. :)
You girls always want guys to go shopping, heck, she might have been able to score big!!:auiqs.jpg:
I think it's hilarious you think the state cares about you at all.

The fact you and the other idiots have whined about even mentioning gay people for 10 pages says quite a lot.

Well, maybe you need to come up with better questions.

I'm waiting for any argument from your side that doesn't involve "I think it's icky" and "God Says it's bad".
I wasn't talking about questions...There you go again lying.
And where did you get your degree in genetics?

So if little Timmy starts bullying girls into sex, then teachers should keep out of that, right? I mean, as long as he knows that Tab A goes into slot B and not Slots D or C, who cares, right?

Look, there's a reason why we require master's degrees to teach, because developing young minds isn't as easy as reading out of a book.

Yawn.... yes, heaven forbid that Cleetus' son/nephew hear that homophobia isn't a good thing.

Genetic donation doesn't make one a father. Ask any child who has been adopted. This is your point on the right about all those guys in the hood with three baby mamas. The reality is with in vitro fertilization and surrogacy, we've moved families beyond simple biology.

Oh, bullshit. If 12 years of daily indoctrination couldn't make me a mindless Catholic, reading Heather has Two Mommies isn't going to make anyone rush to the gay bar unless they were already so inclined.
Red Herring Alert! Do not touch this toxic post. Red Herring Alert! Do not touch this toxic post. Red Herring Alert! Do not touch this toxic post.
I think it's hilarious you think the state cares about you at all.

The fact you and the other idiots have whined about even mentioning gay people for 10 pages says quite a lot.

Well, maybe you need to come up with better questions.

I'm waiting for any argument from your side that doesn't involve "I think it's icky" and "God Says it's bad".
Ahhhhhhhh, shut up, ya silly ass. You're the one who keeps trying to change the topic to homosexuality and homophobia.
Fun to watch homophobes go nutty when they are outed.

Red Herring Alert! Do not touch this toxic post. Red Herring Alert! Do not touch this toxic post. Red Herring Alert! Do not touch this toxic post.

Ahhhhhhhh, shut up, ya silly ass. You're the one who keeps trying to change the topic to homosexuality and homophobia.

Your concession is duly noted.
I wasn't talking about questions...There you go again lying.

Go back and read why you wrote.

Yes, whenever you disagree or even question one of these people, you get labeled 'homophobe.'

I'm sure that you don't actually have any questions, you just don't like that your irrational sexual fears aren't supported by society at large.
Go back and read why you wrote.

Yes, whenever you disagree or even question one of these people, you get labeled 'homophobe.'

I'm sure that you don't actually have any questions, you just don't like that your irrational sexual fears aren't supported by society at large.
Fantasizing and lying again I see.
Go back and read why you wrote.

Yes, whenever you disagree or even question one of these people, you get labeled 'homophobe.'

I'm sure that you don't actually have any questions, you just don't like that your irrational sexual fears aren't supported by society at large.
Oh I see, asking questions is verboten!!
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