Grooming Transgender Teachers

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Oh I see, asking questions is verboten!!

It is when you've just asked the same questions, and don't accept the answers.

So do you have any questions that don't involve "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad"?

Didn't think so.
Come on Joe, admit it, you're either a poofter or you have a soft spot in your um... heart... for poofsters

Nope. I'm a straight person who realizes the reason why the One Percent keep screwing the rest of us (figuratively) is because stupid idiots like you and Leo and Ringtone keep voting your sexual fears.

Remember 2004? The economy was kind of a mess and we were in this pointless war in Iraq, and the people looked like they were good and ready to throw George W. Stupid out on his can.

And then Massachusetts legalized gay marriage and this was the WORST THING EVER!!!! Bush was going to save us from the evil gays destroying the sanctity of marriage. He was going to push for a constitutional amendment.

(Hey, isn't Cheney's daughter a lesbian? Don't you dare point that out!)

Well, he got enough of the Bible thumping stupids to vote their sexual fears. Except he never proposed that amendment. Instead, he let his banker pals keep looting the treasury, he kept sending young men into the meat grinders of Iraq and Afghanistan, and when he left, a lot of those bible thumping idiots were left with busted 401K's and underwater mortgages.

He even tried to let Wall Street Loot the Social Security Trust fund, but that was a bridge too far for even Republicans.

No sane world should transsexualism be an issue. There just aren't enough of them out there to have any effect on your life. But man, the way DeSatan is carrying on, you'd think there was a fucking army of drag queens coming for your kids. Don't worry about mass shooters in your school, worry about Drag Queen Story Time.
Nope. I'm a straight person who realizes the reason why the One Percent keep screwing the rest of us (figuratively) is because stupid idiots like you and Leo and Ringtone keep voting your sexual fears.
I don't have any sexual fears, dumbass libtard.

I want you to STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILDREN, you crazy fucking leftist asshole.

That's all I want.

I'm old enough to say "no thanks" when a faggot wants to access my butt.

And I don't give a damn about YOUR preferences.

I just want you to keep you personal leftard bullshit OUT of my childrens' lives.

You're a leftard, so you may not understand that. But GODDAMMIT, if I catch you on the other side of that boundary you're in trouble.
Again, why can't you talk about something about talking without talking about something else.

Do you have any argument against transgenderism that doesn't involve "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad"?

Transgender people function perfectly fine in society, unlike people with real mental disorders. They hold down jobs, they have relationships, they basically do all the things you do, and a lot of them you'd probably never pick out in the street.
Cool. I never said they should be discriminated against just that we shouldn't act as if is normal and allow that myth to be imposed on our children. Those with anorexia don't hurt anyone either but I don't think we should be teaching kids to starve themselves for fear of being overweight.
I don't have any sexual fears, dumbass libtard.

I want you to STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILDREN, you crazy fucking leftist asshole.

That's all I want.

Sorry, man, nobody is 'after your kids". The problem is you think sexual orientation or identity can be 'taught'. Kids are Cis or Trans. They are gay or straight. You aren't going to change that by yelling JESUS at them at the top of your lungs.

I'm old enough to say "no thanks" when a faggot wants to access my butt.

Yet you seem to obsess about it all the time.

And I don't give a damn about YOUR preferences.

I just want you to keep you personal leftard bullshit OUT of my childrens' lives.

You're a leftard, so you may not understand that. But GODDAMMIT, if I catch you on the other side of that boundary you're in trouble.

Um, okay, if you are dumb enough to think kids become gay because someone taught them that, I'm not sure that there's much you can do about it.

So what would you do if your (hypothetical) son came home one day and said, "Dad, this is my boyfriend"?

Cool. I never said they should be discriminated against just that we shouldn't act as if is normal and allow that myth to be imposed on our children. Those with anorexia don't hurt anyone either but I don't think we should be teaching kids to starve themselves for fear of being overweight.

But we do pay attention when kids ARE overweight, that's the thing. We also pay attention if they have a eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia.

More to the point, if little Sally were purging between classes, we'd expect teachers to do something about it, even if the parents think everything is fine.

So if little Sally realizes she is gay, and her parents are funditarded Christians... what should teachers do?

The irony is as thick as you skull.

The irony is I used to be Right Wing. Then I realized all this social/cultural bullshit is how the right gets working class folks to vote against their own economic interests.

It's why abortion has remained legal for 50 years, yet the rich always get deregulation and tax cuts.
Sorry, man, nobody is 'after your kids". The problem is you think sexual orientation or identity can be 'taught'. Kids are Cis or Trans. They are gay or straight. You aren't going to change that by yelling JESUS at them at the top of your lungs.

Yet you seem to obsess about it all the time.

Um, okay, if you are dumb enough to think kids become gay because someone taught them that, I'm not sure that there's much you can do about it.

So what would you do if your (hypothetical) son came home one day and said, "Dad, this is my boyfriend"?

But we do pay attention when kids ARE overweight, that's the thing. We also pay attention if they have a eating disorder like anorexia or bulimia.

More to the point, if little Sally were purging between classes, we'd expect teachers to do something about it, even if the parents think everything is fine.

So if little Sally realizes she is gay, and her parents are funditarded Christians... what should teachers do?

The irony is I used to be Right Wing. Then I realized all this social/cultural bullshit is how the right gets working class folks to vote against their own economic interests.

It's why abortion has remained legal for 50 years, yet the rich always get deregulation and tax cuts.
You're dumb as the day is long.

I am NOT INTERESTED in your excuses.

You stay the fuck away from my kids.

That is all
You're dumb as the day is long.

I am NOT INTERESTED in your excuses.

You stay the fuck away from my kids.

That is all

Yes, I know you avoided the topic.. You actually think being gay or trans is something that can be "taught". Ignoring how many gay kids come from fundamentalist families.

These are subjects that only parents decide when their kids are ready to hear about.

Um, yeah... you know, parents really kind of suck at that, in general. It's why schools have sex education to start with. The thing is, Sex education actually worked... check out this graph.

So if little Sally realizes she is gay, and her parents are funditarded Christians... what should teachers do
First off, we are talking about gender disorders. You asked what we should do. Treat the disorder just like they do with anorexia. We don't encourage those with anorexia to continue their behavior do we?
Yes, I know you avoided the topic.. You actually think being gay or trans is something that can be "taught". Ignoring how many gay kids come from fundamentalist families.

Um, yeah... you know, parents really kind of suck at that, in general. It's why schools have sex education to start with. The thing is, Sex education actually worked... check out this graph.

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Do you enjoy beating your head against a brick wall?

Listen up, fucktard: STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILDREN.

If I catch you near them you'll have big trouble.
First off, we are talking about gender disorders. You asked what we should do. Treat the disorder just like they do with anorexia. We don't encourage those with anorexia to continue their behavior do we?

Well, you see transgenderism and being gay as disorders... I don't. Most psychologists don't at this point.

Do you enjoy beating your head against a brick wall?

Listen up, fucktard: STAY AWAY FROM MY CHILDREN.

If I catch you near them you'll have big trouble.

Enjoy your sentence for committing a hate crime, if you ever have the balls to try.

Then you'll find out what a disadvantage homophobia really is.
Well, you see transgenderism and being gay as disorders... I don't. Most psychologists don't at this point.

Gender disorder was renamed to gender dysphoria just to avoid the stigma. It is still a disorder. The psychiatric community is notoriously partisan. Politics often scheme intellect and science particularly for those on the left. What someone thinks they are has no bearing on what they actually are but don't let common sense or settled science since the beginning of time for all mammals on the planet get in the way of a good political talking point.
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