Grooming Transgender Teachers

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Well, you see transgenderism and being gay as disorders... I don't. Most psychologists don't at this point.

Enjoy your sentence for committing a hate crime, if you ever have the balls to try.

Then you'll find out what a disadvantage homophobia really is.
So you admit you're gay?
So do you have any questions that don't involve "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad"?
Behold how intellectually shallow and stupid and unimaginative your typical degenerate is. But, then, they lack empathy, decency, and common sense. The point cannot be made too often. A degenerate like JoeB131 is a black, encrusted shell of a human being. After all, the psychological, emotional, and physiological devastation this particular march through the institutions will have on children is readily self-evident, grisly, terrifying, chilling. Watch the videos, folks. I put them up for a reason.

Anyone who thinks my observation regarding the sociopathology of the likes of JoeB131 is mere hyperbole is a damn fool.

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Gender disorder was renamed to gender dysphoria just to avoid the stigma. It is still a disorder. The psychiatric community is notoriously partisan. Politics often scheme intellect and science particularly for those on the left. What someone thinks they are has no bearing on what they actually are but don't let common sense or settled science since the beginning of time for all mammals on the planet get in the way of a good political talking point.

The problem here is that "gender" is largely a HUMAN social construct. Most mammals don't think twice about gender or sexuality. They don't wear clothes and when they aren't in a reproductive cycle, they really do the same things. My female cat acts just like my former male cat did.

The reason why it isn't called a disorder anymore is for the same reason that homosexuality stopped being called a disorder... because it's the transphobes and homophobes who have the problem. LGBTQ people act just fine in society, it's the haters who have the problem.

Personally, I think religion is a mental disorder. You think there's an invisible man in the sky who tells you to be an asshole. Some of you even KILL people to please your imaginary sky friend.

Like the hate crime of misgendering someone, you transfascist thug?

Being polite is fascism now?
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Let's all take a moment to laugh at the outed, compliant, pseudoscientific conformist of a homofascist-transfascist jackboot JoeB131:

You guys like Bill Maher a lot less when he's bashing Christians.

The problem here is that "gender" is largely a HUMAN social construct.

Yeah, but biological sex on the other hand is a genetic construct. It is how our species propagates itself. Without the genetic aspect, the social construct would not exist.

You are trying to teach kids to ignore the science that went into making their bodies. I can see the point of doing away with some gender roles in some areas of human society, but not in all. Boys in girls' sports, lockerrooms, bathrooms, etc?
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The reason why it isn't called a disorder anymore is for the same reason that homosexuality stopped being called a disorder... because it's the transphobes and homophobes who have the problem. LGBTQ people act just fine in society, it's the haters who have the problem.

Being gay, even I object to this whole thing of trying to convince kids they are something they aren't, even before they have a firm grasp of sexual identity. Gender/sex is something kids are capable of grasping at an early age, it takes great doing to undo that simple but correct correlation. In fact, you are trying to impart a mental disorder/dichotomy between what their brains tell them and what society tells them.

In one million years of human evolutionary existence, it has been in the last 3 decades that we (you) have tried to usurp our species' understanding of what denotes sex. This is destructive, and you are less of a person for promoting it.
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You guys like Bill Maher a lot less when he's bashing Christians.

It's not so much his bashing Christians than his willingness to keep an open mind while also sticking to the ideals and worldview he supports. I don't care who you are or what politics you support, we can appreciate the consistency.
Personally, I think religion is a mental disorder. You think there's an invisible man in the sky who tells you to be an asshole. Some of you even KILL people to please your imaginary sky friend.

Funny, politics takes the same shape as religion. Politics itself drives people to take up a set of monolithic quasi-religious beliefs which in turn causes them to hate and sometimes kill those on the other side (reference the congressional ballpark shooting or Dylan Roof). It causes people to propagate those beliefs with the same religious fervor that some Christians take in trying to bring others to Christianity. Politics can be dubbed as a mental disorder using your logic. And in fact, it is.

But yet, here you are, acting as if religion and politics are distinct from each other when they in reality display most of the same qualities.
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Nope. I'm a straight person who realizes the reason why the One Percent keep screwing the rest of us (figuratively) is because stupid idiots like you and Leo and Ringtone keep voting your sexual fears.

You think it's just 1%? You're naive if you think that.
It's why schools have sex education to start with.

Sex education 'in school' is the outlet for which flawed views of human gender and sexual development are taught. Parents can be educated just as much as the children can.
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