Grooming Transgender Teachers

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Oh, no, I see it perfectly well. It's the same game the GOP has always played- Gin up sexual, racial, or religious fears to get REALLY STUPID WHITE PEOPLE to vote against their own economic interests. They've been playing this shit since Tricky Dick, and it still works.
Why is it you say this stuff? You mentioned enacting policies that will achieve the best results, but you come back with this divisive rhetoric that would simply drive them away if you were actually a lawmaker trying to achieve that goal.

Also, tell me where these fears are illegitimate. Facts please, not invective.
I'm a bit older, so I can tell you a lot of things that were big political issues when I was a young man aren't a big deal now. They've been kind of resolved.

Are you sure about that, Joe? Because if they were, there would be a lot more social and political harmony in this country right now.
Oh, no, I see it perfectly well. It's the same game the GOP has always played- Gin up sexual, racial, or religious fears to get REALLY STUPID WHITE PEOPLE to vote against their own economic interests. They've been playing this shit since Tricky Dick, and it still works.

Man you are dense. You do realize that these “really stupid white people” you are talking about make more money on average than the brilliant folks like yourself. If you make 300k/yr, assuming you aren’t a lifeguard in CA, the likelihood of you voting Republican is high. Granted, these numbers become more skewed in large urban areas as garbage collectors are overpaid, but in the real world, outside of these areas, the successful white collar workers, you know, the actual smart ones, vote largely Republican. Don’t give me the ”college educated” nonsense either. The proof is in the pudding. As income rises, so does the likelihood of being a Republican. Has it ever occurred to you that just maybe it is those that have not been as financially successful aren’t quite as smart as they would like to think they are? Nah, it probably hasn’t.
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Caused by a global pandemic. You're not getting away with that one.

Sure I am. The rest of the world didn't have a global recession. They followed sensible policies that shielded them from major economic damage.

That wasn't a crash. There was no recession except the one left behind by Carter.
Stock market crashes don't always correlate to recessions.

You are probably too young to remember the stock market crash of 1987. I can't blame you. Because Reagan was the only Republican who didn't leave with the country in recession, got voted out, forced to resign or got impeached, Republicans have kind of elevated him to a legendary status and forgot how much he really did kind of suck. After bitching about Carter trying to control inflation with unemployment, he doubled down on the policy, taking Carter's 7.5 and jacking it up to 11.3%.

Of course, Reagan benefits from Republicans trying to rewrite history. They leave out the part where he tripled the debt being a Keynesian more than FDR ever was, or how he gave amnesty to 3 million illegals.

Why is it you say this stuff? You mentioned enacting policies that will achieve the best results, but you come back with this divisive rhetoric that would simply drive them away if you were actually a lawmaker trying to achieve that goal.

Also, tell me where these fears are illegitimate. Facts please, not invective.

You're kidding, right? How does someone else being gay have any effect on your life? It doesn't.

If people voted their own economic interests, and ONLY their economic interests, Republicans would lose... every fucking time. Because there simply aren't enough rich people to support them.
Actually, most of those "constructs" are based on the patriarchy controlling women... and you are still doing it. Make that slut have that baby!


It's driven by the simple observation that men are distinctly different from women and that one sex can carry out tasks the other can't.

Women with childbirth, men with hard physical labor.

In this context only, we are not forcing women to do anything. We are acknowledging what they are capable of, for which men aren't, ever, and vice versa.
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You're kidding, right? How does someone else being gay have any effect on your life? It doesn't.
Given that I am, it has had a rather significant impact on my life. My uncle was gay, I have an older cousin who is gay ergo there are gay people in my predominantly Christian family.

It teaches me to conduct myself in an approachable manner which includes not forcing my identity on someone else, things that politicians and theologians have failed to do.

Furthermore, it doesn't, of course. But the issue isn't the effect people being gay has on my life, it's the way it is being forced onto people via policy. Let them marry, let them participate normally in society, but don't exploit them (me) for political gain. Stop driving political division for our sake. We want to be trated fairly, normally, not with contempt. And when you treat others with contempt, when you call them 'homophobes' it drives their resentment of us. It does not encourage their tolerance or acceptance.
Man you are dense. You do realize that these “really stupid white people” you are talking about make more money on average than the brilliant folks like yourself. If you make 300k/yr, assuming you aren’t a lifeguard in CA, the likelihood of you voting Republican is high. Granted, these numbers become more skewed in large urban areas as garbage collectors are overpaid, but in the real world, outside of these areas, the successful white collar workers, you know, the actual smart ones, vote largely Republican. Don’t give me the ”college educated” nonsense either. The proof is in the pudding. As income rises, so does the likelihood of being a Republican. Has it ever occurred to you that just maybe it is those that have not been as financially successful that aren’t quite as smart as they would like to think they are? Nah, it probably hasn’t.

The problem is most of us don't make 300K, buddy. The Median personal income in the US is $36,000 a year. As pointed out, if the poor vote Democrat and the Rich voted Republican, we'd have Democrats win every time, no matter how much the Republicans cheat.

Sadly, there is little correlation between economic status and voting patterns.


I don't see rich people as smart. Most of them are dull as dishwater.

Most of them either inherited money or just simply are vastly more unethical than folks who go out and punch a clock each day. But we've created this whole cult on worshipping wealth.
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If people voted their own economic interests, and ONLY their economic interests, Republicans would lose

Oh, the current economy would suggest otherwise. It also debunks this "Republicans are responsible for economic hardship" premise of yours. But this is not the appropriate thread to talk about it.
Behold what the transfascist-homofascist JoeB131 regards as polite:

Wow, first we don't know what this guy said to this woman before she lost it.

Secondly, people have meltdowns all the time. I worked in a store where a guy completely fucking went off on me for no reason.
The next week, he came back to the store and apologized to me.
Sure I am. The rest of the world didn't have a global recession. They followed sensible policies that shielded them from major economic damage.
That's delusional.

"The toll the COVID-19 pandemic has exacted on the global economy has been significant, with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) estimating that median global GDP dropped by 3.9% from 2019 to 2020, making it the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression."

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I don't see rich people as smart. Most of them are dull as dishwater.

Yeah, you wouldn’t. Not all ”rich” people are smart, I’ll grant you that, some may have simply inherited wealth, however, those white collar workers who have matriculated up the ladder in their field aren’t typcially stupid people. Those are, by and large, the folks that vote Republican, especially those NOT in large urban cesspools.
I don’t care to go into specifics of each of these cases, suffice to say that you don’t have a clue what you are talking about. Trump/Covid, Bush 2008 housing bubble caused by Democrats, etc. The list goes on and on. A rising tide lifts all boats, but I don’t expect an unsuccessful lefty or a 17 year old college kid to understand that concept.

Sure Mr. “I write resumes for a living”. You understand AGW and the inner workings of scientific research, including funding, but I don’t despite being vastly more successful than you.

I'm sure you have the nicest double wide in the trailer park, Cleetus.

Of course, since you refuse to tell me where that trailer is parked, I will take your claims of success with a grain of salt.

The specifics don't really matter that much. We have recessions whenever Republicans get into office. I think the only Republican who avoided a recession was Calvin Coolidge, and that was only because the GREAT DEPRESSION was looming on the horizon while he did nothing to avoid it.

Trump's Covid Recession was made much worse because he ignored the problem for months, actively fought back against efforts to contain the virus, and promoted trade policies that actually made matters worse.

As for the "Housing Bubble", um, guy, it wasn't poor people who caused the Housing Bubble, it was middle class people buying McMansions they couldn't afford.

Now, here's the thing. I won't say that I understand all the chemistry of AGW, but I sure as hell can see the results. Melting Glaciers, melting icecaps, melting permafrost, dying coral reefs. I can see that living in Chicago, winters in my 60's are much more mild than they were when I was kid in the 1970's. When I tell the youngins about the Winter of 79 and how poor Mayor Bilandic got run out on a rail for not keeping the streets plowed, they can't even conceptualize.

What makes you think women can't do hard physical labor?

It was a general example. Physiologically, men possess higher physical strength than women, and women possess superior intelligence.

Childbirth, clerical work, sciences, etc. That doesn't preclude men from the last two, it's that generally women are far superior at performing those tasks than men. Take Einstein and Stephen Hawking for example.
Are you sure about that, Joe? Because if they were, there would be a lot more social and political harmony in this country right now.

I'm positive, Twink... Nobody talks about busing anymore, or the Red Menace. Other issues we haven't resolved, but then you have to look at who benefits by not resolving them.


It's driven by the simple observation that men are distinctly different from women and that one sex can carry out tasks the other can't.

Women with childbirth, men with hard physical labor.

In this context only, we are not forcing women to do anything. We are acknowledging what they are capable of, for which men aren't, ever, and vice versa.

Yes, ladies, you only exist as life support systems for uteruses! The Republican Mantra.

Given that I am, it has had a rather significant impact on my life. My uncle was gay, I have an older cousin who is gay ergo there are gay people in my predominantly Christian family.

It teaches me to conduct myself in an approachable manner which includes not forcing my identity on someone else, things that politicians and theologians have failed to do.

Oh, so you are claiming to be gay this week? I thought you were a sofasexual.

Furthermore, it doesn't, of course. But the issue isn't the effect people being gay has on my life, it's the way it is being forced onto people via policy. Let them marry, let them participate normally in society, but don't exploit them (me) for political gain. Stop driving political division for our sake. We want to be trated fairly, normally, not with contempt. And when you treat others with contempt, when you call them 'homophobes' it drives their resentment of us. It does not encourage their tolerance or acceptance.

If you really think that you can appease the homophobes by not hurting their feelings, you are deluding yourself.

No one gives you anything unless you are willing to fight for it.
You mean the current economy where we have 3.6% unemployment? Heck, I bet you could even find a job if you got your ass off the sofa.

That doesn't equate to economic success. The economy is trying to replace the jobs it lost from COVID-19. Furthermore, due to inflation, most of the job creation is due to people trying to find secondary or tertiary sources of income to compensate.

Egads, your insults are old. I am trying to treat you with some respect here. I would appreciate some courtesy without your classist bullshit, Joe.
It was a general example. Physiologically, men possess higher physical strength than women, and women possess superior intelligence.

Childbirth, clerical work, sciences, etc. That doesn't preclude men from the last two, it's that generally women are far superior at performing those tasks than men. Take Einstein and Stephen Hawking for example.

Uh, guy, it was a dumb example.

FEW people do physical labor anymore. A woman laborer for the 19th century could probably kick your twinky-eating ass. She had to bust her ass with physical labor just to meet minimum existence.
I'm positive, Twink... Nobody talks about busing anymore, or the Red Menace. Other issues we haven't resolved, but then you have to look at who benefits by not resolving them.

Do I need to provide examples?

Red Menace? Socialism and communism are still discussed because there are Democrats in the current political arena who support them.

Busing? Do you mean racism? That is false on its face. That requires a complete devotion to ignorance of the current social climate that only someone like you are capable of.

As for who benefits from not resolving them, both parties mainly.
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