Grooming Transgender Teachers

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That doesn't equate to economic success. The economy is trying to replace the jobs it lost from COVID-19. Furthermore, due to inflation, most of the job creation is due to people trying to find secondary or tertiary sources of income to compensate.

Egads, your insults are old. I am trying to treat you with some respect here. I would appreciate some courtesy without your classist bullshit, Joe.

I think you need to earn it. I can't take someone who spends his whole life playing video games seriously on anything. By the time I was your age, I owned my own home, gotten a college degree, and was a non-commissioned officer in the US Army.

3.6% unemployment is AWESOME. For one thing, it means employers are treating people much nicer. Yes, inflation is a problem, it's eating into wages.

Unemployment has never accounted for people holding down second and third jobs.. but that's been going on for decades. Now you guys are suddenly 'concerned' because Biden is in charge.
FEW people do physical labor anymore. A woman laborer for the 19th century could probably kick your twinky-eating ass. She had to bust her ass with physical labor just to meet minimum existence.

I didn't make any assertion about how many people do physical labor. So dispense with that, please.

A woman from the 19th Century would be dead. She wouldn't be able to kick anyone's ass.

But the reason fewer people do physical labor is that we have found ways to a) replace that labor through innovative means and b) encouraged others that laziness is preferable to personal effort.
Of course, since you refuse to tell me where that trailer is parked, I will take your claims of success with a grain of salt.

Like I have said before, you act as if everything that lives in the South is poor and lives in a trailer park. You know this is not true, just as everyone that lives in the North in big cities doesn’t live in the ghetto. I have told you many times that the average income in my town far exceeds the national average. Do some research and you will find many Southern towns with this characteristic.

As for the "Housing Bubble", um, guy, it wasn't poor people who caused the Housing Bubble, it was middle class people buying McMansions they couldn't afford.

It was bleeding heart Democrats that let their feelings of what they deemed as unfairness get in the way of common sense.(sounds familiar) That lack of foresight led to many people, poor and middle class alike, getting higher loans for which they would not have otherwise qualified.

Now, here's the thing. I won't say that I understand all the chemistry of AGW, but I sure as hell can see the results. Melting Glaciers, melting icecaps, melting permafrost, dying coral reefs. I can see that living in Chicago, winters in my 60's are much more mild than they were when I was kid in the 1970's. When I tell the youngins about the Winter of 79 and how poor Mayor Bilandic got run out on a rail for not keeping the streets plowed, they can't even conceptualize.

Climate has changed many times and much more signifcantly over the years before humans had any impact whatsoever. There is that. You and scientists are working from an infinitesimally small subset of data on a timeline.

Yes, ladies, you only exist as life support systems for uteruses! The Republican Mantra.

You are thick and stubborn. Yes, there are differences. Yes, men are generally stronger than women. You know it. We all know it. You just can’t break away from the mind meld.
I think you need to earn it. I can't take someone who spends his whole life playing video games seriously on anything.

Actually, I've done a lot more while I had you on my ignore list up until now. And if we're going to get into a tussle about my personal life, then fine, let me address your crippling personal ignorance.

1) I 'earn' SSI now, which I applied for when I recognized my emotional disorders would impede my ability to carry out an actual job. Through adjudication, the federal judge overseeing the hearing agreed. I devote that entire income to paying the mortgage on this house. I am now a co-owner.

Funny, are you going to denigrate me for taking advantage of a program that Democrats like you routinely tout as the solution to our societal ills? Despite my belief that I am taking advantage of hard-working taxpayers' money, I had little choice.

2) With the addition of that third source of income, we are regularly able to pay bills and keep things functioning. My grandmother has trusted me to carry out the finances, which I balance regularly.

End of list. End of your argument. We will speak no more of it. Any more posts about my personal life will be reported to the moderators as harrassment. You have been warned.
It was a general example. Physiologically, men possess higher physical strength than women, and women possess superior intelligence.

Childbirth, clerical work, sciences, etc. That doesn't preclude men from the last two, it's that generally women are far superior at performing those tasks than men. Take Einstein and Stephen Hawking for example.
You cling to some really stupid generalizations, simpleton.
Unemployment has never accounted for people holding down second and third jobs.. but that's been going on for decades. Now you guys are suddenly 'concerned' because Biden is in charge.
Curious, you're only concerned when Democrats are in charge, but here we are.

But in reality, we are concerned because we are noticing the actual economic impacts your choice for president is having on the poor and middle class. I don't begrudge you your right to vote for whoever you want, I begrudge you for your personal ignorance of other people outside of your own sphere of influence.
You cling to some really stupid generalizations, simpleton.

Furthermore, please educate me about my generalizations, then.

It requires very little effort to call someone or their points stupid or simplistic, it's hard to prove why. I invite you to try at least.
Like I have said before, you act as if everything that lives in the South is poor and lives in a trailer park. You know this is not true, just as everyone that lives in the North in big cities doesn’t live in the ghetto. I have told you many times that the average income in my town far exceeds the national average. Do some research and you will find many Southern towns with this characteristic.

And since you won't tell me what town or even the state it's in, I just can't take that seriously.

Oh, wait, let's check out that poverty map again.


It was bleeding heart Democrats that let their feelings of what they deemed as unfairness get in the way of common sense.(sounds familiar) That lack of foresight led to many people, poor and middle class alike, getting higher loans for which they would not have otherwise qualified.

Uh, no, guy. What happened during the Aughts is that a lot of people thought they could get rich quick buying a McMansion, holding on to it for a few years, and then flipping it. I live in an area where they went crazy building McMansions for a while. When the Bush Recession hit, all work stopped on them for years. A couple of shells just sat there.

It wasn't poor people or Democrats that made that happen. It was banks being too quick to give out loans to people figuring if they defaulted, they could just resell the house to someone else.

Climate has changed many times and much more signifcantly over the years before humans had any impact whatsoever. There is that. You and scientists are working from an infinitesimally small subset of data on a timeline.

The problem here is that- try to follow along - that it never changed THIS QUICKLY BEFORE. Yes, in the past, it's been colder or hotter, but it took hundreds of thousands of years to effect those changes, allowing life to adapt through- wait for it - natural selection. These changes are happening faster than nature can adapt, and we are seeing the results in habitat loss, species extinction, etc.

You are thick and stubborn. Yes, there are differences. Yes, men are generally stronger than women. You know it. We all know it. You just can’t break away from the mind meld.

And so what? We live in a world where physical strength doesn't really matter that much.
Are we still talking about transgender teachers grooming children or do I need to have the mods close this thread? There is easily enough irrelevant discussion here to get it closed.
Actually, I've done a lot more while I had you on my ignore list up until now. And if we're going to get into a tussle about my personal life, then fine, let me address your crippling personal ignorance.

1) I 'earn' SSI now, which I applied for when I recognized my emotional disorders would impede my ability to carry out an actual job. Through adjudication, the federal judge overseeing the hearing agreed. I devote that entire income to paying the mortgage on this house. I am now a co-owner.

Funny, are you going to denigrate me for taking advantage of a program that Democrats like you routinely tout as the solution to our societal ills? Despite my belief that I am taking advantage of hard-working taxpayers' money, I had little choice.

2) With the addition of that third source of income, we are regularly able to pay bills and keep things functioning. My grandmother has trusted me to carry out the finances, which I balance regularly.

End of list. End of your argument. We will speak no more of it. Any more posts about my personal life will be reported to the moderators as harrassment. You have been warned.

Wow, guy, seriously, you consider this to be an accomplishment, you learned to game the system.

Frankly, I don't have a high opinion of SSI. About a decade ago, my late sister started losing her eyesight because her retinas were detaching. But the fucking bureaucrats at SSI decided she could "do something else". Forget she worked as a nurse for 40 years or she was a widow.

But they are happy to give payments to drug addicts, alcoholics, and other malingers who game the system.

I think it's kind of funny you think your emotional disorders deserve "compensation", but you want to discriminate against Trans people who simply want to hold down jobs and be treated with just a bit of dignity.
Are we still talking about transgender teachers grooming children or do I need to have the mods close this thread? There is easily enough irrelevant discussion here to get it closed.

If you don't like it, go to another thread, don't go whining like a little ##### to the mods.

Nobody is "Grooming" children. Since you are claiming to be gay this week, did someone teach you to be gay? Or did you realize on your own you were gay?
You cling to some really stupid generalizations, simpleton.
"In terms of absolute strength – that is, without regard for body size, weight or composition – the average man tends to be considerably stronger than the average woman. Specifically, the absolute total body strength of women has been reported as being roughly 67% that of men."

GENDER DIFFERENCES IN STRENGTH: A COMPARISON OF MALE AND FEMALE WORLD-RECORD PERFORMANCES IN POWERLIFTING, Matt Brzycki, Coordinator of Health Fitness, Strength and Conditioning Programs, Princeton University

I don't say these things lightly.
And since you won't tell me what town or even the state it's in, I just can't take that seriously.

Oh, wait, let's check out that poverty map again.

View attachment 653829

Uh, no, guy. What happened during the Aughts is that a lot of people thought they could get rich quick buying a McMansion, holding on to it for a few years, and then flipping it. I live in an area where they went crazy building McMansions for a while. When the Bush Recession hit, all work stopped on them for years. A couple of shells just sat there.

It wasn't poor people or Democrats that made that happen. It was banks being too quick to give out loans to people figuring if they defaulted, they could just resell the house to someone else.

The problem here is that- try to follow along - that it never changed THIS QUICKLY BEFORE. Yes, in the past, it's been colder or hotter, but it took hundreds of thousands of years to effect those changes, allowing life to adapt through- wait for it - natural selection. These changes are happening faster than nature can adapt, and we are seeing the results in habitat loss, species extinction, etc.

And so what? We live in a world where physical strength doesn't really matter that much.

The poverty map always make me laugh. How about find one with county by county demographics. It is the Democratic areas in these states that are very poor, yes poorer in many cases than those in some blue states. The affluent areas are heavily Republican. We would gladly ship the Democrats from our state to your lovely blue state as they are, overall, a large drag on our economy.

The loosening of loan laws caused the problem however you want to slice it. That was Democrats. That was stupid.

AGW is a big money grab. Simple as that.

Ok, we don’t need physical strength as much, but that doesn’t negate the fact that there are obvious differences between the sexes.
Curious, you're only concerned when Democrats are in charge, but here we are.

But in reality, we are concerned because we are noticing the actual economic impacts your choice for president is having on the poor and middle class. I don't begrudge you your right to vote for whoever you want, I begrudge you for your personal ignorance of other people outside of your own sphere of influence.

Here's the thing, I voted Republican all the way up until 2008.

During the 1990's, I was one of you idiots who thought the worst thing about Clinton was he lied about a blow job. Then Bush came along and gave us two recessions, and it took me a decade to dig my way out.

I can say I didn't have to worry about that under Trump, because I knew he was going to fuck things up and planned accordingly. But even I was impressed by how thoroughly he fucked things up.

Under Biden, I'm making the best money of my life, I upgraded my home and diversified my income sources. Of course, that has as much to do with my own efforts than who happens to be in the white house.
The poverty map always make me laugh. How about find one with county by county demographics. It is the Democratic areas in these states that are very poor, yes poorer in many cases than those in some blue states. The affluent areas are heavily Republican. We would gladly ship the Democrats from our state to your lovely blue state as they are, overall, a large drag on our economy.

Point remains, guy, if the Confederacy existed today, it's be a third world country... with or without the poor people you are using racism to keep underfoot.

The loosening of loan laws caused the problem however you want to slice it. That was Democrats. That was stupid.

AGW is a big money grab. Simple as that.

Not really- the bankers were happy to make bad loans to middle class people because they could make money off of them. The refused to loan to poor people of color. That's all the government forced them to do, and that isn't what caused the bubble to pop.

Also, where is the "money" to be made from AGW, and how do I get into that sweet action? Because it seems the only people making money off the destructive status quo are the oil companies.

Ok, we don’t need physical strength as much, but that doesn’t negate the fact that there are obvious differences between the sexes.

So what? There are all sorts of differences between people. We are all individuals... each according to his needs and abilities.
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