Grooming Transgender Teachers

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Well, good thing nobody is "teaching" them that, then. Good thing that when they realize what their gender identity or sexual orientation is, that there will be people to support them.

Because honestly, the alternative would be kind of messed up. Like Ted Haggard.

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If a kid thinks they are the opposite sex, they have gender dysphoria and need help and not encouragement to live a false existence. If a genetic profile shows they are a mutation, we can deal with it by either therapy or, psychological support. Maybe that individual is more one sex than the other? At least there will be some scientific basis not just 'proclamations' about what gender they are.
If a kid thinks they are the opposite sex, they have gender dysphoria and need help and not encouragement to live a false existence. If a genetic profile shows they are a mutation, we can deal with it by either therapy or, psychological support. Maybe that individual is more one sex than the other? At least there will be some scientific basis not just 'proclamations' about what gender they are.

Then the question becomes is Gender Dysphoria a mental illness or is it just another form of sexuality in a wide spectrum of sexualities? To me, a mental condition is only an 'illness' if it limits your ability to function in society.

There are a lot of trans people out there who are perfectly functional. I give you Lt. Col. Jennifer Pritzker, cousin of the current IL governor. She had a very successful career in the military (while still presenting as male), runs a number of charities, and generally functions just fine. Or you can take Amy Schneider, who recently broke records on Jeopardy!, who is a successful engineering manager.
Heartfelt, though.

Definitely icky.

Okay, there are a whole lot of fetishes out there that I think are icky. Guys who have foot fetishes.... I for the life of me do not get foot fetish or why anyone would be turned on by feet.

But. Different strokes for different folks.

Heck, I'll even go so far to say, that if belief in an imaginary sky man is the only thing keeping some of these Christians from going on murderous rampages, by all means, they should keep doing that.
Then the question becomes is Gender Dysphoria a mental illness or is it just another form of sexuality in a wide spectrum of sexualities? To me, a mental condition is only an 'illness' if it limits your ability to function in society.

There are a lot of trans people out there who are perfectly functional. I give you Lt. Col. Jennifer Pritzker, cousin of the current IL governor. She had a very successful career in the military (while still presenting as male), runs a number of charities, and generally functions just fine. Or you can take Amy Schneider, who recently broke records on Jeopardy!, who is a successful engineering manager.
If one cannot procreate normally then one cannot function fully normal in a society. Just functioning is not enough. I have no problem with Prtzker or Schneider doing their jobs. Homosexuals historically are excellent at doing their jobs however, they are not normal, they are aberrant in human sexuality. We can recognize aberrations without assigning emotional blame. I really don't know anyone who hates homosexuals. I myself have had homosexual friends. They understood I wasn't interested but I respected their abilities and their humanity. This labeling anyone who points to the fact that homosexuality is aberrant as 'homophobic' is nothing but a bunch of bullshit.
Okay, there are a whole lot of fetishes out there that I think are icky. Guys who have foot fetishes.... I for the life of me do not get foot fetish or why anyone would be turned on by feet.

But. Different strokes for different folks.

Heck, I'll even go so far to say, that if belief in an imaginary sky man is the only thing keeping some of these Christians from going on murderous rampages, by all means, they should keep doing that.
Agreed, homosexul fetishes are icky and I don't get it. But different strokes for different folks. Just stop pushing it on kids. We don't explain foot fetish to kids, why try to explain homosexuality?
If one cannot procreate normally then one cannot function fully normal in a society. Just functioning is not enough. I have no problem with Prtzker or Schneider doing their jobs. Homosexuals historically are excellent at doing their jobs however, they are not normal, they are aberrant in human sexuality. We can recognize aberrations without assigning emotional blame. I really don't know anyone who hates homosexuals. I myself have had homosexual friends. They understood I wasn't interested but I respected their abilities and their humanity. This labeling anyone who points to the fact that homosexuality is aberrant as 'homophobic' is nothing but a bunch of bullshit.

Wow, I think you gave a way a bit of a tell with the bolded statement. That you only see homosexuals in how they might have a sexual interest in you.

I work with a lot of women. None of them I think of in a sexual way. In fact, I have a strict personal rule about not dating co-workers.

Since you keep focusing on that word "aberrant" so you don't have to say "icky", let's look at a dictionary definition.

aberrant (Noun)

a group, individual, or structure that is not normal or typical : an aberrant group, individual, or structure

a person whose behavior departs substantially from the standard

Okay, that logic, you could classify the left-handed, Mormons, the disabled, Redheads or blacks as "aberrant". They deviate from the norm.

Because hiding under their desks could save their lives. Learning about homosexuality will ruin their lives.

Okay, how would knowing homosexuality exists ruin their lives. You learned homosexuality was a thing, and clearly it didn't ruin your life.
I am very tall. I get constantly asked how tall I am, whether I played basketball, etc. Little kids point and say 'Mommy that guy is so tall!", cars don't fit me and most furniture is too low. I do not want kids to have their legs broken and stretched or their spines stretched to be tall like me, nor do I want them to be taught to keep their mouths shut around me. Simply put, my height is aberrant, I realize it and don't ask anyone else to teach kids about it nor do I lobby for higher doorways and higher toilets.
Wow, I think you gave a way a bit of a tell with the bolded statement. That you only see homosexuals in how they might have a sexual interest in you.

I work with a lot of women. None of them I think of in a sexual way. In fact, I have a strict personal rule about not dating co-workers.

Since you keep focusing on that word "aberrant" so you don't have to say "icky", let's look at a dictionary definition.

aberrant (Noun)

a group, individual, or structure that is not normal or typical : an aberrant group, individual, or structure

a person whose behavior departs substantially from the standard

Okay, that logic, you could classify the left-handed, Mormons, the disabled, Redheads or blacks as "aberrant". They deviate from the norm.

Okay, how would knowing homosexuality exists ruin their lives. You learned homosexuality was a thing, and clearly it didn't ruin your life.
No, I did not say that. I said I respected their ability. I really don't give a shit who you work with actually. I never said homosexuality was a good thing. In fact, one of my homosexual friends got pretty depressed after his young South American 'rescue' boy left him. He was so desperate he intimated that he might be interested in me because at 40, he was too old to be considered sexual meat at the local gay bar. I am a heterosexual, married with 2 children. I actually found his proposition to be sickening but I did not tell him that. I just told him I wasn't interested and he dropped the subject. Poor guy, hope he got help. I lost touch. We can handle this ourselves, stop with the pious platitudes.
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Actually, none of it's true. You can't make a straight kid gay and you can't make a gay kid straight. Teachers being able to recognize sexual orientation is not grooming.

If Little Timmy starts singing show tunes, you are all going to just have to learn to come around.
Hey stupid, this isn't about gays.


Try to stay on topic.
Yes, if you are a homophobe, you are a bigot. Period. Full stop. There is absolutely zero rational about being a homophobe.

Hardly hyperbolic. Xians have been murdering each other and others for 2000 years to please their imaginary sky friend. They are still doing it today.

Naw, man, I love watching you bigots squirm that you are on the wrong side of history.
I hate Nazis. Does that make me a bigot?

I hate commies too. Does that make me a bigot?

What exactly makes me a bigot, in your eyes?
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