Growing Evangelical Support For Israel

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Strong support for Israel in U.S. cuts across religious lines

WOW! We all know evangelical Christian support for Israel is strong & growing but I had no idea how strong it is among traditional Catholics & Protestants.

Americans, there are 2,2 billion Christians in the world only about 210 million in the U.S. As previously stated, Americans have been brainwashed re: Israel.
I'm sure you can count yourself among the... how shall we say... "easily persuaded", but you clearly do not speak for Americans.
montelatici, et al,

Well, I'm not sure this is true. You should beware of over exaggerating with the Term "only." The misuse of "ONLY" is closely related to the abuse of using "NEVER" and "ALWAYS" to establish your point.

America Is the Only Country with a Favorable View of Israel
The U.S. Is the Only Country Which Supports Israel No Matter What It Does

America Is the Only Country with a Favorable View of Israel Washington's Blog

In this context, the implication is that, given a limited understanding as to the reasoning, the outcome has an adverse impact. Or that the impact is driven against Israel no matter what the criminal history of the Palestinian Jihadist and Fedayeen.

Of course part of the total understanding is to determine what the contemporary understanding is, in comparison the the past and the the future. The implication here is that the respondents would rather have:

• PAST: Another Islamic Government with a leadership that has no moral objection to the 1970 assassination attempts against the King of Jordan; or conducted the like of a 1972 Olympic Massacre in Munich.
• PRESENT: Palestine, from its river to its sea, from its north to its south, (that means all the territory formerly under the Mandate of Palestine) is the land of the Palestinians; their homeland, and their legitimate right. The Palestinians will not relinquish an inch or any part of it -for any reason or under any circumstances and pressures (meaning NO Israel at all).
* FUTURE: The respondent would prefer to see the land of Palestine govern by Islamic Sharia (law). The Islamic Resistance Movement (HAMAS) believes that any procedure, treaty, or law in contradiction to Islamic Sharia, where Palestine is concerned, is null and void. (Both the DAESH and Taliban are Sharia Law based systems.)

Do any of you really believe that the entire world, minus the US, actually believes that the Fatah/HAMAS Government should replace the State of Israel and extend Sharia Law to the entire territory?

The partnership with the Palestinians desired by King Hussein fell apart in September, 1970. The pervasive and chaotic presence of armed Palestinian fedayeen groups who expected immunity from Jordan’s laws was leading to a state of virtual anarchy throughout the Kingdom. Moderate Palestinian leaders were unable to reign in extremist elements, who ambushed the king’s motorcade twice and perpetrated a series of spectacular hijackings. Forced to respond decisively in order to preserve his country from anarchy, King Hussein ordered the army into action.

The situation prompted different reactions throughout the Arab world. While most leaders privately expressed sympathy with the position of King Hussein, many took a public stance in favor of the fedayeen in order to embellish their credentials as “Arab nationalists.” The conflict reached a crisis point in September when some 200 Syrian tanks, camouflaged rather unconvincingly as Palestinian Liberation Army tanks, crossed into Jordan. The Syrians were bereft of air cover, however, and Jordanian aircraft forced a Syrian retreat within three days. In a brief yet intense campaign ending in July 1971, the Jordanian army put an end to the chaotic actions of these Palestinians guerrillas in Amman.

Do you really think that Jordan or the surrounding Arab Governments want to have the parasitic Palestinian population, most of which having been on the dole for more than a generation, released on the Middle East Region?

We look at surveys like this, but never ask the question "what does it mean?" What are the respondents really saying?

Most Respectfully,
Of course the Hashemites don't want a large foreign population to support. Why do you ask? The Palestinians are in Palestine and will stay in Palestine. They are Israel's problem.
Of course the Hashemites don't want a large foreign population to support. Why do you ask? The Palestinians are in Palestine and will stay in Palestine. They are Israel's problem.
No such thing as a Palestinian. Invading Arabs, maybe.
There has long been suspicion in Israel that the evangelical bear hug is connected to a belief that the modern Jewish state is a precursor to the apocalypse — when Jesus will return and Jews will either accept Christianity or die. Israel's Chief Rabbinate called on Jews to boycott an evangelical rally open to local Israelis this week, calling it "spiritually dangerous" and warning that evangelicals were trying to convert Jews to Christianity.
from the link above

Whatever the motives for the overwhelming Chrisitan support for Israel, the Israeli's should be singing --- What a friend we have in Jesus.

It is Evangelical support. Evangelicals aren't Christians, they are an evil racist, homophobic cult. Christians worldwide support fellow Christians in Palestine.
Ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee. Evangelicals aren't Christians why? Because they don't hate Jews and Israel? Please stop making me laugh.
Thank you Palestinians & your supporters. Keep up the good work for Israel.

Evangelical summit in Jerusalem reflects movement's rapid growth and strong support for Israel


The fact from a few days ago from a Zionist site.

Evangelical Support for Israel is Under Threat -
By Lea Speyer December 29, 2015 , 11:26 am

Read more at Conference to Explore the Growing Threats on Evangelical Support for Israel - Israel News
Under threat? So the support is growing even though it's under threat.

No more questions, your honor.

Case dismissed.
Academic research

A 2006 study in the Journal of Conflict Resolution found that although almost no respondents in countries of the European Union regarded themselves as antisemitic, antisemitic attitudes correlated with anti-Israel opinions.[30] Looking at populations in 10 European countries, Charles A. Small and Edward H. Kaplan surveyed 5,000 respondents, asking them about Israeli actions and classical anti-Semitic stereotypes. The surveys asked questions about whether people thought that the IDF purposely targets children or puts poisons the Palestinian water supplies.[31]

The study found that "people who believed the anti-Israel mythologies also tended to believe that Jews are not honest in business, have dual loyalties, control government and the economy, and the like." The study found, anti-Israel respondents were 56% more likely to be anti-Semitic than the average European.[31]

Antisemitism in Europe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Most of the antisemtism in Europe is a by-product of the Muslim invasion. They imported all the backwards-ass mentality and intolerance with them.

We have to realize, the more Muslims we let in, the more of this shit enter our homeland.
Of course the Hashemites don't want a large foreign population to support. Why do you ask? The Palestinians are in Palestine and will stay in Palestine. They are Israel's problem.

Aha! You got that one right. The Palestinians are Israel's problem. Why, because after the 67 war, Jordan refused to take them back. Instead they wisely sacrifised the West Bank to israel so Israel can deal with them.
Why would Hashemite Jordan whose Bedouin native population was already being outnumbered by Palestinian refugees evicted by the Europeans, take in even more Palestinians?
Why would Hashemite Jordan whose Bedouin native population was already being outnumbered by Palestinian refugees evicted by the Europeans, take in even more Palestinians?
It was all fun and games until Jordan's Black September.

Jordan now keeps their Pal'istanian "refugees" safely encircled in camps.
Why would Hashemite Jordan whose Bedouin native population was already being outnumbered by Palestinian refugees evicted by the Europeans, take in even more Palestinians?
It was all fun and games until Jordan's Black September.

Jordan now keeps their Pal'istanian "refugees" safely encircled in camps.

Yes. When will Israel abandon their Zionist agenda of damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinians & learn from Jordan how to establish a lasting peace from them?
Yes. When will Israel abandon their Zionist agenda of damn peace offerings, security fence & land concessions to Palestinians & learn from Jordan how to establish a lasting peace from them?

'Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.'

I am being sarcastic? Is it not true that only Jordan's Black September ever communicated a lasting peace from Palestinians?
There has long been suspicion in Israel that the evangelical bear hug is connected to a belief that the modern Jewish state is a precursor to the apocalypse — when Jesus will return and Jews will either accept Christianity or die. Israel's Chief Rabbinate called on Jews to boycott an evangelical rally open to local Israelis this week, calling it "spiritually dangerous" and warning that evangelicals were trying to convert Jews to Christianity.
from the link above
Yes...historically, Jews have a very good reason to not trust such support from Christians or Muslims or anyone else.
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