Growing Evangelical Support For Israel

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The Evangelical nutters support Israel because they believe that the Bible teaches that the Jews will convert to Christianity by accepting Jesus as their Messiah when Christ returns at the end of the Great Tribulation. Guess what happens to Jews that don't convert, according to these nutters.

It's illegal in Israel for them to convert to Christianity. Their so-called Messiah, again, The Bible is clear, this will be The Anti-Christ.

The Bible states that the majority of them won't convert, so yes....lake of fire.
There has long been suspicion in Israel that the evangelical bear hug is connected to a belief that the modern Jewish state is a precursor to the apocalypse — when Jesus will return and Jews will either accept Christianity or die. Israel's Chief Rabbinate called on Jews to boycott an evangelical rally open to local Israelis this week, calling it "spiritually dangerous" and warning that evangelicals were trying to convert Jews to Christianity.
from the link above

Whatever the motives for the overwhelming Chrisitan support for Israel, the Israeli's should be singing --- What a friend we have in Jesus.

Ha Ha , so funny, most of Germany's army were evangelical Christians. Also they did not like RC's , Jews or Blacks. Remember the KKK.

This is incorrect, most were Roman Catholic, 86%, then 10% Lutheran and only 2% Evangelical, however Evangelical here in Europa has been very different from that in America, just so you know.

I don't know what the "remember the KKK" comment means sorry :confused-84:
There has long been suspicion in Israel that the evangelical bear hug is connected to a belief that the modern Jewish state is a precursor to the apocalypse — when Jesus will return and Jews will either accept Christianity or die. Israel's Chief Rabbinate called on Jews to boycott an evangelical rally open to local Israelis this week, calling it "spiritually dangerous" and warning that evangelicals were trying to convert Jews to Christianity.
from the link above

Whatever the motives for the overwhelming Chrisitan support for Israel, the Israeli's should be singing --- What a friend we have in Jesus.

It is Evangelical support. Evangelicals aren't Christians, they are an evil racist, homophobic cult. Christians worldwide support fellow Christians in Palestine.

Oh now I get it. Traditional Christians like Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Episcopals & Presbyterians support the Palestinians over Israel. Right? Please excuse me while I go tell all of my traditional Christians friends they are wrong in supporting Israel in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

World Christians, including Catholics, support Palestine. The U.S. is a brainwashed anomaly. World Catholic charities support the Palestinians.

"Catholic aid charities are funding non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) that contribute to political campaigns undermining Israel’s legitimacy, NGO Monitor, a Jerusalem-based research institute, reports."

Catholic Aid Societies Fund Anti-Israel Campaigns, NGO Watchdog Reveals

Yes that's because they pay a lot of money to brainwash through the media primarily....they've also bought nearly every member of both Houses of Congress....AIPAC = they.

We need to support our Christian brothers and sisters throughout the Middle East, they're being persecuted in the most terrible manner, this was of course prophecised.

Whatever the motives for the overwhelming Chrisitan support for Israel, the Israeli's should be singing --- What a friend we have in Jesus.

It is Evangelical support. Evangelicals aren't Christians, they are an evil racist, homophobic cult. Christians worldwide support fellow Christians in Palestine.

Oh now I get it. Traditional Christians like Catholics, Baptists, Lutherans, Methodists, Episcopals & Presbyterians support the Palestinians over Israel. Right? Please excuse me while I go tell all of my traditional Christians friends they are wrong in supporting Israel in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.

World Christians, including Catholics, support Palestine. The U.S. is a brainwashed anomaly. World Catholic charities support the Palestinians.

"Catholic aid charities are funding non-governmental organizations (NGOs) operating in Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA) that contribute to political campaigns undermining Israel’s legitimacy, NGO Monitor, a Jerusalem-based research institute, reports."

Catholic Aid Societies Fund Anti-Israel Campaigns, NGO Watchdog Reveals

Yes that's because they pay a lot of money to brainwash through the media primarily....they've also bought nearly every member of both Houses of Congress....AIPAC = they.

We need to support our Christian brothers and sisters throughout the Middle East, they're being persecuted in the most terrible manner, this was of course prophecised.

I am in total agreement.
Thank you Palestinians & your supporters. Keep up the good work for Israel.

Evangelical summit in Jerusalem reflects movement's rapid growth and strong support for Israel

As I said, they don't actually know and understand The Bible.

Revelation 2:9 I know your afflictions and your poverty--yet you are rich! I know about the slander of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will cause those of the synagogue of Satan, who say that they are Jews and are not, but lie-- I will make them come and bow down at your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.

Revelation 3:12 'He who overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God, and he will not go out from it anymore; and I will write on him the name of My God, and the name of the city of My God, the new Jerusalem, which comes down out of heaven from My God, and My new name.

Jerusalem, The Bible plainly states belongs to GOD and is His capital. The New Jerusalem will be Jesus the Christ's capital on earth, the capital of his Church, which is Israel - a CHURCH NOT a COUNTRY - and Jesus the Christ's followers, the Israelites.

To deny this, is to deny God's words in The Bible, there are far too many passages from multiple books to post, but it's all in the Book. As true Christians we accept God's Word, we cannot interpret The Bible to our own choosing, nor can we cherry-pick the parts that we like, we must accept it as it as, to not do so, is the purest form of Blasphemy.

As The Bible states, beware of deceivers, the False Idols and the False Prophets.
There has long been suspicion in Israel that the evangelical bear hug is connected to a belief that the modern Jewish state is a precursor to the apocalypse — when Jesus will return and Jews will either accept Christianity or die. Israel's Chief Rabbinate called on Jews to boycott an evangelical rally open to local Israelis this week, calling it "spiritually dangerous" and warning that evangelicals were trying to convert Jews to Christianity.
from the link above

Whatever the motives for the overwhelming Chrisitan support for Israel, the Israeli's should be singing --- What a friend we have in Jesus.

Many deluded Christians are basically just being used, once they've sucked the blood out of them, they'll simply be discarded.

I hear the most ridiculous, delusional and downright idiotic babbling from False Prophets such as John Hagee, Pat Robertson etc, all talking complete gibberish and totally mis-interpreting The Bible.

Strong support for Israel in U.S. cuts across religious lines

There has long been suspicion in Israel that the evangelical bear hug is connected to a belief that the modern Jewish state is a precursor to the apocalypse — when Jesus will return and Jews will either accept Christianity or die. Israel's Chief Rabbinate called on Jews to boycott an evangelical rally open to local Israelis this week, calling it "spiritually dangerous" and warning that evangelicals were trying to convert Jews to Christianity.
from the link above

Whatever the motives for the overwhelming Chrisitan support for Israel, the Israeli's should be singing --- What a friend we have in Jesus.

Ha Ha , so funny, most of Germany's army were evangelical Christians. Also they did not like RC's , Jews or Blacks. Remember the KKK.

This is incorrect, most were Roman Catholic, 86%, then 10% Lutheran and only 2% Evangelical, however Evangelical here in Europa has been very different from that in America, just so you know.

I don't know what the "remember the KKK" comment means sorry :confused-84:
Ku Klux Klan , I'm not sure how the Evangelicals are in Europe, but here they are fundamentalist, and I find it odd that they support Israel since its mainly been the Jews here in America that has tried its best and continues to fight against Christianity. (Side note I do believe in separation of church and state, but I do want moral people in the government)

Well true there were also many RC's fighting in the war, and the holocaust site could be wrong, who knows for sure:

The largest Protestant church in Germany in the 1930s was the German Evangelical Church, comprised of 28 regional churches or Landeskirchen that included the three major theological traditions that had emerged from the Reformation: Lutheran, Reformed, and United. Most of Germany's 40 million Protestants were members of this church, although there were smaller so-called "free" Protestant churches, such as Methodist and Baptist churches.

Historically the German Evangelical Church viewed itself as one of the pillars of German culture and society, with a theologically grounded tradition of loyalty to the state. During the 1920s, a movement emerged within the German Evangelical Church called the Deutsche Christen, or "German Christians." The "German Christians" embraced many of the nationalistic and racial aspects of Nazi ideology. Once the Nazis came to power, this group sought the creation of a national "Reich Church" and supported a "nazified" version of Christianity.

The German Churches and the Nazi State
The state of Israel being formed in 1 day in 1948 is literal fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Jewish Israel is definitely in God's plan. Despite their rejection of the Messiah
It is also Jewish Israel that Jesus Christ descends to and fights their battle
I fail to see why you can dismiss Israel so easily when they're so much of Biblical prophecy.

7 Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child.

8 Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day?or shall a nation be born at once? for as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.
So God's plan was for more bloodshed and a secular state. Oh my, I guess God does like blood.
That survey was from 2013, I'm sure you lost a lot since then. Remember the summer of 2014 and what Israel did to Gaza? Ever since Israel is taking over Jerusalem, so I wouldn't count on the pew survey much.
That survey was from 2013, I'm sure you lost a lot since then. Remember the summer of 2014 and what Israel did to Gaza? Ever since Israel is taking over Jerusalem, so I wouldn't count on the pew survey much.

Any proof...cuz that just sounds like wishful thinking on your part.

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Even as relations between the leaders of Israel and the United States reportedly deteriorate over disagreement about how to handle Iran's nuclear program, Israel has retained its broadly favorable image in the U.S. over the past year. Seventy percent of Americans now view that country favorably, and 62% say they sympathize more with the Israelis than the Palestinians in the Mideast conflict. By contrast, 17% currently view the Palestinian Authority favorably, and 16% sympathize more with the Palestinians.​

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably
That survey was from 2013, I'm sure you lost a lot since then. Remember the summer of 2014 and what Israel did to Gaza? Ever since Israel is taking over Jerusalem, so I wouldn't count on the pew survey much.

Any proof...cuz that just sounds like wishful thinking on your part.

I'm sure I can find some , not wishful at all, just stating a fact. It was unreal what happened in 2014 and Israel showed its true colors, Gaza would be extinct if not for internet and TV.
View attachment 58282

PRINCETON, N.J. -- Even as relations between the leaders of Israel and the United States reportedly deteriorate over disagreement about how to handle Iran's nuclear program, Israel has retained its broadly favorable image in the U.S. over the past year. Seventy percent of Americans now view that country favorably, and 62% say they sympathize more with the Israelis than the Palestinians in the Mideast conflict. By contrast, 17% currently view the Palestinian Authority favorably, and 16% sympathize more with the Palestinians.​

Seven in 10 Americans Continue to View Israel Favorably

That only proves most people have no clue to what is going on in Israel.
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