Growing list of democrats who want to target Trump supporters

Democrats are not happy just to win an election. No, no, no. They now want to destroy what is left of Trump as well as anyone who has ever supported him in their life. Tactics such as creating black lists so that people won't get hired, public shaming so that all their social media will either be censored or flat out prevented, creating truth commissions that democrats will run to expunge all lies that conflict with the DNC party narrative, and even erasing people in photos, Stalin style. In fact, it would not surprise me that all memory of Trump might some day be expunged from society.

You have to love the fascists.

Gee, when does Biden unite us all again?


LMAO is right.

I just skimmed it a bit...gulags? Oh for god's sakes. Most of those people are talking heads opining. They have no power to do anything. What's more - Biden isn't Trump, who's presidency was marked by personal vendettas against opponents.

Chalk this up to yet another "Trumpists are Persecuted" victim category.
Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.
With the number of votes Trump raked in, surpassing any previous GOP candidate, that will probably help them.

It might. Democrats need a new messaging manager because their messaging sucks.


Democrats are not happy just to win an election. No, no, no. They now want to destroy what is left of Trump as well as anyone who has ever supported him in their life. Tactics such as creating black lists so that people won't get hired, public shaming so that all their social media will either be censored or flat out prevented, creating truth commissions that democrats will run to expunge all lies that conflict with the DNC party narrative, and even erasing people in photos, Stalin style. In fact, it would not surprise me that all memory of Trump might some day be expunged from society.

You have to love the fascists.

Gee, when does Biden unite us all again?


LMAO is right.

I just skimmed it a bit...gulags? Oh for god's sakes. Most of those people are talking heads opining. They have no power to do anything. What's more - Biden isn't Trump, who's presidency was marked by personal vendettas against opponents.

Chalk this up to yet another "Trumpists are Persecuted" victim category.
You kids already own

How many more truth commissions do you need?
Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.
With the number of votes Trump raked in, surpassing any previous GOP candidate, that will probably help them.

It might. Democrats need a new messaging manager because their messaging sucks.
Exactly they are starting a fucking war..

Nah. stupid slogan number one is "Defund the Police." Nobody wants to dismantle the police departments across the nation but with signs like that it's way to easy for the Banana Bunch to convince their sheep that's what Democrats intend. I suggest "Defund Chokeholds" or "Defund Strangleholds" (With some Nugent [but not Ted) like licks in the background noise).

Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans have called for the imprisonment of the last two Democrat candidates for President. No evidence, No trial. Just "Lock Her Up"

Sound like a vitriolic war cry to me.

We'll he got his ass handed to him in the greatest Democrat victory and landslide since 2012!!!!!
I can only account for my actions and my thoughts. Funny how you go big with Lincolns plan but go small with Biden supporters and not Biden.
I suppose that's because Biden is a known documented liar going back over many decades and Biden doesn't run his own campaign.

The cabal of his handlers that picked Kamala Harris, set all his policy agendas and decided to steal the election do (unless you want to claim those were all Joe's ideas, which is a lie, unless you want Joe to take
credit for deciding to commit massive voter fraud).

Lincoln had a lot of supporters that wanted to to punish the South as traitors.
Lincoln never let his supporters run the show. Abe himself did.

Can we say the same for Joe Biden? Obviously not.
The Democratic Party has all of the indications of being a dangerous cult
Trumpybear and his Banana Republicans have called for the imprisonment of the last two Democrat candidates for President. No evidence, No trial. Just "Lock Her Up"
"Give Hillary Clinton a fair trial and then if found guilty of her many crimes she should be locked up"
just doesn't have a catchy ring to it. I'm sure you can see that.

Who is the other candidate they've demanded jail for?

Democrats are not happy just to win an election. No, no, no. They now want to destroy what is left of Trump as well as anyone who has ever supported him in their life. Tactics such as creating black lists so that people won't get hired, public shaming so that all their social media will either be censored or flat out prevented, creating truth commissions that democrats will run to expunge all lies that conflict with the DNC party narrative, and even erasing people in photos, Stalin style. In fact, it would not surprise me that all memory of Trump might some day be expunged from society.

You have to love the fascists.

Gee, when does Biden unite us all again?

They have a First Amendment. Now we know in right wing fantasy right wingers are Always Right.
Poor babies can't even differentiate between yourself and politicians/officials who used their office in often illegal ways to cover Trump's ass. Those assholes should be on a list and never allowed to disavow their actions.
I can only account for my actions and my thoughts. Funny how you go big with Lincolns plan but go small with Biden supporters and not Biden.
I suppose that's because Biden is a known documented liar going back over many decades and Biden doesn't run his own campaign.

The cabal of his handlers that picked Kamala Harris, set all his policy agendas and decided to steal the election do (unless you want to claim those were all Joe's ideas, which is a lie, unless you want Joe to take
credit for deciding to commit massive voter fraud).

Lincoln had a lot of supporters that wanted to to punish the South as traitors.
Lincoln never let his supporters run the show. Abe himself did.

Can we say the same for Joe Biden? Obviously not.

So your poll vaulting away from targeting individual supporters to another baseless claim of stealing the election.

You guys are all over the place.
Wow, I do keep hearing rhetoric like that, I heard it on a friend of mine FB page. I ignored it, b/c I just did not want to start conflict or have her believe I am a Trump supporter, but. . . more to the point, I just believe in empirical reality.

The left talks about the Trump administration literally causing hundreds of thousands of deaths. . . are they talking about him being a mass murderer who anyone that supported needs to be brought up on charges of supporting genocide, because he is personally responsible for the COVID deaths, is that it?

Do they actually believe that he is personally responsible? Is that what corporate and NPR/PBS propaganda have them believing? Are they serious with that shit?

I read the lib media--to get a "feel" of what they are up too---they are going to go after Trump and his supporters. They are trying out various angles as we speak----trying him for murder over covid is their favorite at the moment. Putting veiled threats out there that anyone who isn't helping them is against them is meant to scare up support.
So your poll vaulting away from targeting individual supporters to another baseless claim of stealing the election.

You guys are all over the place.
Your critical thinking skills are non existent. Just show me where you couldn't keep up with a single line of thought and I'll try to walk you through a simple progression of ideas.

No guarantees though. You seem to be completely baffled by reading comprehension skills past a fifth grade level, if you indeed comprehended anything at all.

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