Growing list of democrats who want to target Trump supporters

The Nazis whined about Nuremburg trials. That doesn't mean Nuremburg trials were wrong.

Bank robbers whine about going to jail for robbing banks. That doesn't mean laws against bank robbing are bad.

In this case, the Trump cult is whining about being publicly shamed, and about the criminals among them being prosecuted. The time for them to consider the consequences of their corrupt and/or illegal actions should have been before they performed those corrupt and/or illegal actions. "Waaa, prosecuting me for my crimes is not fair!" is not a valid defense.
I gotta think that when it's all said and done...the stories that will come out (and be documented) will be chilling
Poor babies can't even differentiate between yourself and politicians/officials who used their office in often illegal ways to cover Trump's ass. Those assholes should be on a list and never allowed to disavow their actions.

No reconciliation, no unity, never evah, evah!!
Suck it!!!
Were you a Trump loyalist in a government position? If not this is not about you. After the flood of corruption we have just went through this is what draining the swamp looks like. None of the people who worked to politicize their positions can be trusted to work in a democratic admistration.

Nope. I'm an American Patriot with the clarity of awareness to see the truth of Obama Dimm loyalists weaponizing and corrupting our intelligence, media, judicial, and academic institutions; with the additional awareness that Big Tech founders and Blue State Electoral Commissions are also Dimm loyalists.
Half of our Country now understands this rot!
It's time to get off the Trump crazy train. It was fun for a while but all good things must come to an end. The right has gone as far right as it can go. Nowhere to go now but back towards the middle.

Biden & Kameltoe is not the middle.
What middle?
(Go ahead and lie and move the goalposts like you normally do, dotard.).
What is there to the right of you? Nothing that has ever been legal. You should probably pray not too many of your tribe decide to take that next step.

What is the middle to you?
Raising taxes?
Joining the Paris Accord where the Eurotrash will be jubilant that we pick up the financial heavy lifting?
Open borders?
Allowing China to finish building defenses in the China Sea?
Sucking back up to Kerry's Iranian faux nuclear agreement?

Just WTF is this middle that you speak of?

It ain't there.
The middle ground is that place where republicans should be at least trying to do something about the problems they bitch about. As it stands there is simply no way to get republicans to do anything for America at all.

You still didn't answer my question concerning this 'middle' that you generally speak of.
I'm waiting, but not real long.
Not going to bite on your issue grab bag. I told you where the American middle is. It's the reasonable place the republicans abandoned when they decided Obama must fail and America must be punished for electing such a ridiculously frightening president.
Poor babies can't even differentiate between yourself and politicians/officials who used their office in often illegal ways to cover Trump's ass. Those assholes should be on a list and never allowed to disavow their actions.

No reconciliation, no unity, never evah, evah!!
Suck it!!!
Were you a Trump loyalist in a government position? If not this is not about you. After the flood of corruption we have just went through this is what draining the swamp looks like. None of the people who worked to politicize their positions can be trusted to work in a democratic admistration.

Nope. I'm an American Patriot with the clarity of awareness to see the truth of Obama Dimm loyalists weaponizing and corrupting our intelligence, media, judicial, and academic institutions; with the additional awareness that Big Tech founders and Blue State Electoral Commissions are also Dimm loyalists.
Half of our Country now understands this rot!
It's time to get off the Trump crazy train. It was fun for a while but all good things must come to an end. The right has gone as far right as it can go. Nowhere to go now but back towards the middle.

Biden & Kameltoe is not the middle.
What middle?
(Go ahead and lie and move the goalposts like you normally do, dotard.).
What is there to the right of you? Nothing that has ever been legal. You should probably pray not too many of your tribe decide to take that next step.

What is the middle to you?
Raising taxes?
Joining the Paris Accord where the Eurotrash will be jubilant that we pick up the financial heavy lifting?
Open borders?
Allowing China to finish building defenses in the China Sea?
Sucking back up to Kerry's Iranian faux nuclear agreement?

Just WTF is this middle that you speak of?

It ain't there.
The middle ground is that place where republicans should be at least trying to do something about the problems they bitch about. As it stands there is simply no way to get republicans to do anything for America at all.

You still didn't answer my question concerning this 'middle' that you generally speak of.
I'm waiting, but not real long.
Not going to bite on your issue grab bag. I told you where the American middle is. It's the reasonable place the republicans abandoned when they decided Obama must fail and America must be punished for electing a such a ridiculously frightening president.

Because you logically can't!
Commie puss!!
The Nazis whined about Nuremburg trials. That doesn't mean Nuremburg trials were wrong.

Bank robbers whine about going to jail for robbing banks. That doesn't mean laws against bank robbing are bad.

In this case, the Trump cult is whining about being publicly shamed, and about the criminals among them being prosecuted. The time for them to consider the consequences of their corrupt and/or illegal actions should have been before they performed those corrupt and/or illegal actions. "Waaa, prosecuting me for my crimes is not fair!" is not a valid defense.

No reconciliation. No unity.
Go F yourself fagface!
Poor babies can't even differentiate between yourself and politicians/officials who used their office in often illegal ways to cover Trump's ass. Those assholes should be on a list and never allowed to disavow their actions.

No reconciliation, no unity, never evah, evah!!
Suck it!!!
Were you a Trump loyalist in a government position? If not this is not about you. After the flood of corruption we have just went through this is what draining the swamp looks like. None of the people who worked to politicize their positions can be trusted to work in a democratic admistration.

Nope. I'm an American Patriot with the clarity of awareness to see the truth of Obama Dimm loyalists weaponizing and corrupting our intelligence, media, judicial, and academic institutions; with the additional awareness that Big Tech founders and Blue State Electoral Commissions are also Dimm loyalists.
Half of our Country now understands this rot!
It's time to get off the Trump crazy train. It was fun for a while but all good things must come to an end. The right has gone as far right as it can go. Nowhere to go now but back towards the middle.

Biden & Kameltoe is not the middle.
What middle?
(Go ahead and lie and move the goalposts like you normally do, dotard.).
What is there to the right of you? Nothing that has ever been legal. You should probably pray not too many of your tribe decide to take that next step.

What is the middle to you?
Raising taxes?
Joining the Paris Accord where the Eurotrash will be jubilant that we pick up the financial heavy lifting?
Open borders?
Allowing China to finish building defenses in the China Sea?
Sucking back up to Kerry's Iranian faux nuclear agreement?

Just WTF is this middle that you speak of?

It ain't there.
The middle ground is that place where republicans should be at least trying to do something about the problems they bitch about. As it stands there is simply no way to get republicans to do anything for America at all.

You still didn't answer my question concerning this 'middle' that you generally speak of.
I'm waiting, but not real long.
Not going to bite on your issue grab bag. I told you where the American middle is. It's the reasonable place the republicans abandoned when they decided Obama must fail and America must be punished for electing a such a ridiculously frightening president.

Because you logically can't!
Commie puss!!
Whatever weirdo. You're just another Trumpbot that's in it for the rage.
First they came for the Rinos, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Rino

Then they came for the white collar man, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a white collar man.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.
Then they came for the Leftists, and I laughed my arse off!
Poor babies can't even differentiate between yourself and politicians/officials who used their office in often illegal ways to cover Trump's ass. Those assholes should be on a list and never allowed to disavow their actions.

No reconciliation, no unity, never evah, evah!!
Suck it!!!
Were you a Trump loyalist in a government position? If not this is not about you. After the flood of corruption we have just went through this is what draining the swamp looks like. None of the people who worked to politicize their positions can be trusted to work in a democratic admistration.

Nope. I'm an American Patriot with the clarity of awareness to see the truth of Obama Dimm loyalists weaponizing and corrupting our intelligence, media, judicial, and academic institutions; with the additional awareness that Big Tech founders and Blue State Electoral Commissions are also Dimm loyalists.
Half of our Country now understands this rot!
they forgot to hide their dislike of the country, those demofks. we now see you for who you really are. EXPOSED!!!
Poor babies can't even differentiate between yourself and politicians/officials who used their office in often illegal ways to cover Trump's ass. Those assholes should be on a list and never allowed to disavow their actions.

No reconciliation, no unity, never evah, evah!!
Suck it!!!
Were you a Trump loyalist in a government position? If not this is not about you. After the flood of corruption we have just went through this is what draining the swamp looks like. None of the people who worked to politicize their positions can be trusted to work in a democratic admistration.

Nope. I'm an American Patriot with the clarity of awareness to see the truth of Obama Dimm loyalists weaponizing and corrupting our intelligence, media, judicial, and academic institutions; with the additional awareness that Big Tech founders and Blue State Electoral Commissions are also Dimm loyalists.
Half of our Country now understands this rot!
It's time to get off the Trump crazy train. It was fun for a while but all good things must come to an end. The right has gone as far right as it can go. Nowhere to go now but back towards the middle.

Biden & Kameltoe is not the middle.
What middle?
(Go ahead and lie and move the goalposts like you normally do, dotard.).
What is there to the right of you? Nothing that has ever been legal. You should probably pray not too many of your tribe decide to take that next step.

What is the middle to you?
Raising taxes?
Joining the Paris Accord where the Eurotrash will be jubilant that we pick up the financial heavy lifting?
Open borders?
Allowing China to finish building defenses in the China Sea?
Sucking back up to Kerry's Iranian faux nuclear agreement?

Just WTF is this middle that you speak of?

It ain't there.
The middle ground is that place where republicans should be at least trying to do something about the problems they bitch about. As it stands there is simply no way to get republicans to do anything for America at all.

You still didn't answer my question concerning this 'middle' that you generally speak of.
I'm waiting, but not real long.
Not going to bite on your issue grab bag. I told you where the American middle is. It's the reasonable place the republicans abandoned when they decided Obama must fail and America must be punished for electing a such a ridiculously frightening president.

Because you logically can't!
Commie puss!!
Whatever weirdo. You're just another Trumpbot that's in it for the rage.
in what? you didn't vote?
No reconciliation. No unity.

Quite the contrary. We're aiming for unity with the sane Republicans. That's just not the type you generally find on this board. You tend to get the real dregs here.

Go F yourself fagface!

People like you aren't suddenly going to to stop being whiny human shitstains just because we're nice to you. Being a whiny human shitstain is what defines the fanatical Trump cultist. It's part of their DNA, and they're never going to change. Thus, there's no point in trying to reconcile with them. Instead, we need to marginalize them and limit the harm they cause to society.
Quite the contrary. We're aiming for unity with the sane Republicans. That's just not the type you generally find on this board. You tend to get the real dregs here.
who's we're?
Poor babies can't even differentiate between yourself and politicians/officials who used their office in often illegal ways to cover Trump's ass. Those assholes should be on a list and never allowed to disavow their actions.

No reconciliation, no unity, never evah, evah!!
Suck it!!!
Were you a Trump loyalist in a government position? If not this is not about you. After the flood of corruption we have just went through this is what draining the swamp looks like. None of the people who worked to politicize their positions can be trusted to work in a democratic admistration.

Nope. I'm an American Patriot with the clarity of awareness to see the truth of Obama Dimm loyalists weaponizing and corrupting our intelligence, media, judicial, and academic institutions; with the additional awareness that Big Tech founders and Blue State Electoral Commissions are also Dimm loyalists.
Half of our Country now understands this rot!
It's time to get off the Trump crazy train. It was fun for a while but all good things must come to an end. The right has gone as far right as it can go. Nowhere to go now but back towards the middle.

Biden & Kameltoe is not the middle.
What middle?
(Go ahead and lie and move the goalposts like you normally do, dotard.).
What is there to the right of you? Nothing that has ever been legal. You should probably pray not too many of your tribe decide to take that next step.

What is the middle to you?
Raising taxes?
Joining the Paris Accord where the Eurotrash will be jubilant that we pick up the financial heavy lifting?
Open borders?
Allowing China to finish building defenses in the China Sea?
Sucking back up to Kerry's Iranian faux nuclear agreement?

Just WTF is this middle that you speak of?

It ain't there.
The middle ground is that place where republicans should be at least trying to do something about the problems they bitch about. As it stands there is simply no way to get republicans to do anything for America at all.

You still didn't answer my question concerning this 'middle' that you generally speak of.
I'm waiting, but not real long.
Not going to bite on your issue grab bag. I told you where the American middle is. It's the reasonable place the republicans abandoned when they decided Obama must fail and America must be punished for electing a such a ridiculously frightening president.

Because you logically can't!
Commie puss!!
Whatever weirdo. You're just another Trumpbot that's in it for the rage.
in what? you didn't vote?
The other rage-head didn't need any help looking like a brainwashed fool.

Democrats are not happy just to win an election. No, no, no. They now want to destroy what is left of Trump as well as anyone who has ever supported him in their life. Tactics such as creating black lists so that people won't get hired, public shaming so that all their social media will either be censored or flat out prevented, creating truth commissions that democrats will run to expunge all lies that conflict with the DNC party narrative, and even erasing people in photos, Stalin style. In fact, it would not surprise me that all memory of Trump might some day be expunged from society.

You have to love the fascists.

Gee, when does Biden unite us all again?


LMAO is right.

I just skimmed it a bit...gulags? Oh for god's sakes. Most of those people are talking heads opining. They have no power to do anything. What's more - Biden isn't Trump, who's presidency was marked by personal vendettas against opponents.

Chalk this up to yet another "Trumpists are Persecuted" victim category.

But proud boys, Q and tea partiers are all very dangerous. Are you starting to see what the dems and the media do to your brain?

Democrats are not happy just to win an election. No, no, no. They now want to destroy what is left of Trump as well as anyone who has ever supported him in their life. Tactics such as creating black lists so that people won't get hired, public shaming so that all their social media will either be censored or flat out prevented, creating truth commissions that democrats will run to expunge all lies that conflict with the DNC party narrative, and even erasing people in photos, Stalin style. In fact, it would not surprise me that all memory of Trump might some day be expunged from society.

You have to love the fascists.

Gee, when does Biden unite us all again?


LMAO is right.

I just skimmed it a bit...gulags? Oh for god's sakes. Most of those people are talking heads opining. They have no power to do anything. What's more - Biden isn't Trump, who's presidency was marked by personal vendettas against opponents.

Chalk this up to yet another "Trumpists are Persecuted" victim category.

But proud boys, Q and tea partiers are all very dangerous. Are you starting to see what the dems and the media do to your brain?
I hear how dangerous they are and violent but we never see them

Are they made up of big foots or something?
There's four years of damage that needs repair.
We can START with the over 600 children (many toddlers and babies) that were kidnapped and who we have no means of returning to their parents

It's time for you to take a Midol and lay down.
The Nazis whined about Nuremburg trials. That doesn't mean Nuremburg trials were wrong.

Bank robbers whine about going to jail for robbing banks. That doesn't mean laws against bank robbing are bad.

In this case, the Trump cult is whining about being publicly shamed, and about the criminals among them being prosecuted. The time for them to consider the consequences of their corrupt and/or illegal actions should have been before they performed those corrupt and/or illegal actions. "Waaa, prosecuting me for my crimes is not fair!" is not a valid defense.

You do understand, leftist twit, that your masters lied to you to get your vote and none of that is going to happen?
You'll just let them screw you and duuuhhhhhh.....pull the d lever again.
No reconciliation. No unity.

Quite the contrary. We're aiming for unity with the sane Republicans. That's just not the type you generally find on this board. You tend to get the real dregs here.

Go F yourself fagface!

People like you aren't suddenly going to to stop being whiny human shitstains just because we're nice to you. Being a whiny human shitstain is what defines the fanatical Trump cultist. It's part of their DNA, and they're never going to change. Thus, there's no point in trying to reconcile with them. Instead, we need to marginalize them and limit the harm they cause to society.

I simply can not believe what I'm reading here...

We went through 4 years of you and others saying the most vile and destructive things, to us, about us, and about Trump.

Now a mere 6 days after election day, with questions unresolved, and elections not even certified, to not only lay down and accept it, but be nice about it?

I fully understand where B.Kidd is coming from, and not only that, but share in his anger at your fake fig leaf.

What a bunch of hypocrites.
We went through 4 years of you and others saying the most vile and destructive things, to us, about us, and about Trump.

Such as?

Oh, the Trump cultists are just making crap up, to excuse acting like a traitors and all-around scumbags.

Now a mere 6 days after election day, with questions unresolved, and elections not even certified, to not only lay down and accept it, but be nice about it?

You fanatical Trump cultiists have always acted as badly as it's possible for any person to act, and you always will. We are not under the impression that you'll suddenly stop being disgusting human beings.. We know you'll continue to be just vile, dishonest and hypocritical as you've consistently been for years. It's not possible for you to get any worse, so your threats to act worse are empty threats.

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