Growing list of democrats who want to target Trump supporters

We went through 4 years of you and others saying the most vile and destructive things, to us, about us, and about Trump.

Such as?

Oh, the Trump cultists are just making crap up, to excuse acting like a traitors and all-around scumbags.

Now a mere 6 days after election day, with questions unresolved, and elections not even certified, to not only lay down and accept it, but be nice about it?

You fanatical Trump cultiists have always acted as badly as it's possible for any person to act, and you always will. We are not under the impression that you'll suddenly stop being disgusting human beings.. We know you'll continue to be just vile, dishonest and hypocritical as you've consistently been for years. It's not possible for you to get any worse, so your threats to act worse are empty threats.
Such as? Really? SMH
Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.

Thank you. Voters and organizations should never be targeted or punished for their support of an opposition party. Unfortunately, there is a crop of Democrats that feel otherwise. It is not enough to win and go forth with policy to serve all of America. This line of thinking is aligned with third world dictators and fascists.
The left should be for our First Amendment. It is our secular and temporal "bible" for the militia of the United States and civil supreme law of the land for the People. We must bear true witness to it more than the right wing cares about bearing true witness to the Commandments of God.
Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.
Unfortunately that's not the plan. Trump supporters are to be personally hounded, blacklisted and shunned
in some segments of society. Abraham Lincoln called for humane and civil reconciliation after the war
but Biden supporters say fuck that...we want our pound of flesh.

I will believe Biden's calls to all come together and play nice when he does something about the
psychopaths who run his campaign (not that it will matter once the Supreme Court resets the scales of
justice and Biden's historic fraud is repudiated).

It's amazing how the left will eat Biden's subtle lies without any shred of ironic realization.

Democrats are not happy just to win an election. No, no, no. They now want to destroy what is left of Trump as well as anyone who has ever supported him in their life. Tactics such as creating black lists so that people won't get hired, public shaming so that all their social media will either be censored or flat out prevented, creating truth commissions that democrats will run to expunge all lies that conflict with the DNC party narrative, and even erasing people in photos, Stalin style. In fact, it would not surprise me that all memory of Trump might some day be expunged from society.

You have to love the fascists.

Gee, when does Biden unite us all again?


LMAO is right.

I just skimmed it a bit...gulags? Oh for god's sakes. Most of those people are talking heads opining. They have no power to do anything. What's more - Biden isn't Trump, who's presidency was marked by personal vendettas against opponents.

Chalk this up to yet another "Trumpists are Persecuted" victim category.

But proud boys, Q and tea partiers are all very dangerous. Are you starting to see what the dems and the media do to your brain?
I hear how dangerous they are and violent but we never see them

Are they made up of big foots or something?
Banana Republicans, aka Trumpybear supporters in Congress, should be targeted during their next re-election campaign only. Nothing in their personal life should ever be targeted for anything. No one who simply voted or donated to old Trumpybear should be singled out for retribution, ever.
Unfortunately that's not the plan. Trump supporters are to be personally hounded, blacklisted and shunned
in some segments of society. Abraham Lincoln called for humane and civil reconciliation after the war
but Biden supporters say fuck that...we want our pound of flesh.

I will believe Biden's calls to all come together and play nice when he does something about the
psychopaths who run his campaign (not that it will matter once the Supreme Court resets the scales of
justice and Biden's historic fraud is repudiated).

It's amazing how the left will eat Biden's subtle lies without any shred of ironic realization.
and if you don't agree you are uninformed. it's hilarious the circle jerking of the left.
So I'm going to share with my republican friends in here, I get it now, if you don't agree with Sleepy Creepy Joe, you are uninformed. Know that now.
it has begun


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