Growing support for same sex marriages from all religions. (bar evangelicals)

Churches are worried about losing donation money so they become more tolerant

2 Timothy 4:1-4
  1. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
  2. Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
  3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
  4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
There will always be those who will seek preachers who, instead of telling them the hard truths that they need to hear and accept, will tell them the comfortable lies that keep them content in their sinful and fallen states; and there will be preachers who will pander to that audience.

Really, that is what this thread is about; corrupt religion, turning away from God, to pander to those who want to be told that it is OK to continue in their sinful behavior, rather than be called to repentance.
Living their lives in public is not pushing their agenda on you
I disagree. You don’t need to be wearing that Pride flag tshirt any more than I need to be wearing my “Homo Hunting License” tshirt. If I can’t wear mine, you shouldn’t be allowed to wear yours. Yours IS just as insulting to me as mine is to you.
No person who is not harming another has to live his life to your liking
I don’t care what the hell they do in private, so long as it’s between adults and consensual. I just don’t want to know about it. Just like I don’t want to know your politics, religion or sporting allegiances. Those should be PRIVATE things, not public ones.
Would your head explode if you saw my wife wearing her Operation Blazing Sword shirt?
So you are so unhinged that you would murder someone you don't know simply because you didn't like his T shirt?
I would kill people over far less than a tshirt. I find so few human beings to have any worth whatsoever.,
You should check yourself into the nearest metal hospital.
They don’t want me.They can’t do anything for me and I scare the staff.
They can put you in a streaitjacket and pump you full of antipsychotics.

Or they can just get an ice pick and give you a prefrontal.
A little like the crazy dude running around claiming he's going to meet Elvis and the Easter Bunny on Haley's Comet.
No court, no part of any government, no mortal authority, has any more power to define marriage to include a homosexual mockery thereof, than it has to define a tomato as not being a fruit.
Unfortunatly [sic] for you and your ilk, the court has don just that and after 6 years there have been no successful challanges [sic] to it.
Marriage is still only between a man and a woman, even though a corrupt court lied and said it could be between two men or between two women.

Marriage is what it has always been, and what it will always be, in spite of the hubris of lofty judges who presume to override God and nature and science.

Likewise, a tomato always has been a fruit, and will always be a fruit, notwithstanding the ruling in Nix v. Hedden that asserted that it is not a fruit.

And if the courts ever rule that two plus two equals ten, then they will be just as wrong as in these two rulings cited here.

Some realities cannot be changed, merely by enacting a law, or making a court ruling, nor by any other act of government.
No court, no part of any government, no mortal authority, has any more power to define marriage to include a homosexual mockery thereof, than it has to define a tomato as not being a fruit.
Unfortunatly [sic] for you and your ilk, the court has don just that and after 6 years there have been no successful challanges [sic] to it.
Marriage is still only between a man and a woman, even though a corrupt court lied and said it could be between two men or between two women.

Marriage is what it has always been, and what it will always be, in spite of the hubris of lofty judges who presume to override God and nature and science.

Likewise, a tomato always has been a fruit, and will always be a fruit, notwithstanding the ruling in Nix v. Hedden that asserted that it is not a fruit.

And if the courts ever rule that two plus two equals ten, then they will be just as wrong as in these two rulings cited here.

Some realities cannot be changed, merely by enacting a law, or making a court ruling, nor by any other act of government.
Oh Bobby ! Such anguish over how others live and love!! I sort of feel sorry for you, but at the end of the day, it's your choice. You wring your hands and clutch your pearls all you want, but the fact is that the world has left you behind

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