Growing support for same sex marriages from all religions. (bar evangelicals)

Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.
Growing support for same sex marriages from all religions. (bar evangelicals)

For the Fundagelicals, a married man having unprotected sex with a porn star is OK. They either deny it or they just say "sorry".

Is he currently having unprotected sex with a porn star? Do you not understand anything about the Christian concept of "forgiveness" or "repentance", which is primarily what Christianity is based upon?

Or are you one of those Sharia Law types who has no Christian concept of repentance or forgiveness?
Doesn't matter. Any so-called "Christian" denomination who advocates same-sex marriage is teaching false doctrine which is 180 degrees out of phase with what God's word given to us through the Bible.

There are numerous warnings in the Bible about homosexuality and perversion. So many that I don't need to quote them here.

For that matter, the Bible also contains warnings about corrupt preachers who eschew sound doctrine, in favor of telling a sinful and degenerate audience what they want to hear.

2 Timothy 4:1-4
  1. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;
  2. Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.
  3. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;
  4. And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Are we not seeing this very thing happening, exactly as was warned in the Bible?

And of course, as you can see in this very thread, the degenerates point to this, and call it “progress”.
Generation Z more Conservative than Millennials on Gay Issues
Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.

it doesn't really matter if bigots support it or not. it's legal. the bigots should just probably go about their lives and leave everyone else alone.
Unfortunately, that’s not how rightwing bigots operate – social conservatives and Christian fundamentalists in particular.

And the bigot in the WH is the greatest threat to the rights and protected liberties of gay and transgender Americans.
More likely, social change is the biggest threat, given that change can potentially go in any direction.

Particularly since homophobia is genetic, which is why it has always existed irrespective of religion or culture, such as among ancient Romans, or Aztecs:

Natural homophobes? Evolutionary psychology and antigay attitudes

So out of curiosity, how do older, progressive Baby Boomers believe they can keep their 1960s values relevant with Generation Z, who seem to be shunning the antiquated 'progressive' values of their parents in favor of the postmodernist information age, in which the natural inclination to homophobia could potentially take its course - unhindered by social constructs such as "rights", "progress", and other white, Western novelties?
America has yet to be elected President in lieu of a "pussy grabber".

I'm sorry, how many pussies did Trump say he grabbed? Oh, that's right---- he never actually said he grabbed anyone by their pussy, all he said is that the contestants wanting an edge in the contest would LET you grab them by the pussy! In other words, consensual willingness. And how many times did Trump say he availed himself? Oh that's right, he never said he was actually talking about himself, or that anyone was actually grabbed, just that they were willing and he could have been referring to anyone.

Funny how you tend to just fill in the blanks to fit an agenda. BTW, how many pussies have you grabbed? Has a woman ever been willing to let you even touch them? Or maybe you just rather prefer playing with peters?
Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.
First off...why did you choose passages
that have absolutely nothing to do with the thread title?

Furthermore, 40,000 telephone interviews,
where the interviewer requested to speak to,
the youngest adult, male or female, in the household
for selected, landline household interviews....

and, when it came to cellphone numbers,
they tageted numbers with high cellphone usage.....

is not indicative of, or a reflective consensus
that those viewpoints, more then likely, speak for everyone!

Just because people favor anti discrimination laws,
doesn't mean they view homosexuality favorably

Any 'poll' that has 51% of Muslims,
with a favorable view towards same sex marriage,
I call bullshit and poppycock!
Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.
Not necessarily.

Should Justice Kennedy retire at the end of the October 2017 term, Trump’s nominee will no doubt be a hardcore reactionary social conservative hostile to the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, placing the case law recognizing the right of same-sex couples to marry in jeopardy.

If that happens the battle will be far from over.
Trump has done a bang up job getting federal court benches packed. Here's a list:

List of federal judges appointed by Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.
--------------------------------------- everyone in mainline religion or [business] likes to be lied to and have their ears tickled . Little i know about the BIBLE , both Jesus and the Bible talked about that fact Tommy .
You are just afraid that progress is leaving you behind. I get that.

Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.

Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Tommy, you mean people free to live their lives without any sense of a higher moral authority. Interestingly, as more and more people abandon the conventions of social and religious standards to "make it up as they go along (a loose analogy to anarchy)", precisely tracked along with your "progress" of the last few decades we see paralleling it sharp increases in senseless crime, violence, hatred, and moral and social decay.

Thanks for the progress.

Well in these enlightened times women can vote and go to work, people of colour can sit at the front of the bus and now Gay folk do not have to live a lie.
Those are pretty major step forwards for our society.
That's really more of a just a constructed definition than anything inherently meaningful.

In ancient Egypt, for example, a woman such as Nefertiti had the capacity to - whereas in the 21st century, a woman in America has yet to be elected President in lieu of a "pussy grabber".

So how do you quantify progress objectively, when the facts don't seem to corroborate the Western-centric myth?
No, its real. Women couldnt vote and now they can. We have just celebrated a century of womens suffrage in the UK. That is a fact. Gay acts are no longer illegal and Gays are no longer jailed. That is a fact.

Its progress and the world is a better place.
Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.

Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Tommy, you mean people free to live their lives without any sense of a higher moral authority. Interestingly, as more and more people abandon the conventions of social and religious standards to "make it up as they go along (a loose analogy to anarchy)", precisely tracked along with your "progress" of the last few decades we see paralleling it sharp increases in senseless crime, violence, hatred, and moral and social decay.

Thanks for the progress.

Well in these enlightened times women can vote and go to work, people of colour can sit at the front of the bus and now Gay folk do not have to live a lie.
Those are pretty major step forwards for our society.
That's really more of a just a constructed definition than anything inherently meaningful.

In ancient Egypt, for example, a woman such as Nefertiti had the capacity to - whereas in the 21st century, a woman in America has yet to be elected President in lieu of a "pussy grabber".

So how do you quantify progress objectively, when the facts don't seem to corroborate the Western-centric myth?
No, its real. Women couldnt vote and now they can. We have just celebrated a century of womens suffrage in the UK. That is a fact. Gay acts are no longer illegal and Gays are no longer jailed. That is a fact.

Its progress and the world is a better place.
And conservatives have an unwarranted fear of progress and seek to return to a time when gay individuals could be lawfully discriminated against.
Be pretend married and shut up about it already
Fine with me they will pay more taxes and help support what ever court handles divorce! It is also a whole new revenue stream for they attornies all those new divorces and bankrupcies to handle. Sounds like a lot of money to be made! Lets not forget what some of these lunatics(lunatics because they spend so heavily on the wedding) will spend on the weddiing! I would add in the money spent on bachelor bachlorette parties but I do not under stand how that works for these situations!
Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.

Good for you. Next on your agenda, children and animals.
How very sad to find another person on this forum who cannot distinguish between relationships involving consenting adults....and relationships involving non-consent with children or animals.

That is exactly the kind of person who needs to stay away from children and animals.

You have me confused with a liberal. I'm not. Now you know.
Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Tommy, you mean people free to live their lives without any sense of a higher moral authority. Interestingly, as more and more people abandon the conventions of social and religious standards to "make it up as they go along (a loose analogy to anarchy)", precisely tracked along with your "progress" of the last few decades we see paralleling it sharp increases in senseless crime, violence, hatred, and moral and social decay.

Thanks for the progress.

Well in these enlightened times women can vote and go to work, people of colour can sit at the front of the bus and now Gay folk do not have to live a lie.
Those are pretty major step forwards for our society.
That's really more of a just a constructed definition than anything inherently meaningful.

In ancient Egypt, for example, a woman such as Nefertiti had the capacity to - whereas in the 21st century, a woman in America has yet to be elected President in lieu of a "pussy grabber".

So how do you quantify progress objectively, when the facts don't seem to corroborate the Western-centric myth?
No, its real. Women couldnt vote and now they can. We have just celebrated a century of womens suffrage in the UK. That is a fact. Gay acts are no longer illegal and Gays are no longer jailed. That is a fact.

Its progress and the world is a better place.
And conservatives have an unwarranted fear of progress and seek to return to a time when gay individuals could be lawfully discriminated against.
A genuine conservative position would be to live and let live. Its just these zealots who have to control every aspect of peoples lives. Thats not conservatism.
Right wingers have opposed every positive move since the dawn of time. Health,education,housing,workers rights................the list goes on and on. And they use the same dumb arguments every time.

Within a decade people will be pointing at their current absurdity and shaking their heads.
Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.

Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Tommy, you mean people free to live their lives without any sense of a higher moral authority. Interestingly, as more and more people abandon the conventions of social and religious standards to "make it up as they go along (a loose analogy to anarchy)", precisely tracked along with your "progress" of the last few decades we see paralleling it sharp increases in senseless crime, violence, hatred, and moral and social decay.

Thanks for the progress.

Well in these enlightened times women can vote and go to work, people of colour can sit at the front of the bus and now Gay folk do not have to live a lie.
Those are pretty major step forwards for our society.
That's really more of a just a constructed definition than anything inherently meaningful.

In ancient Egypt, for example, a woman such as Nefertiti had the capacity to - whereas in the 21st century, a woman in America has yet to be elected President in lieu of a "pussy grabber".

So how do you quantify progress objectively, when the facts don't seem to corroborate the Western-centric myth?
No, its real. Women couldnt vote and now they can. We have just celebrated a century of womens suffrage in the UK. That is a fact. Gay acts are no longer illegal and Gays are no longer jailed. That is a fact.

Its progress and the world is a better place.
------------------------------------------- so YOU say but thats simply YOUR opinion . I only commented on main stream religion . Heck , Mainstream religion will do anything , say anything for MONEY Tommy . ------------------------- i mean , hey , its mostly you and your 'ilk' crying about 'catholic' all the time priests isn't it Tommy ??
Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Tommy, you mean people free to live their lives without any sense of a higher moral authority. Interestingly, as more and more people abandon the conventions of social and religious standards to "make it up as they go along (a loose analogy to anarchy)", precisely tracked along with your "progress" of the last few decades we see paralleling it sharp increases in senseless crime, violence, hatred, and moral and social decay.

Thanks for the progress.

Well in these enlightened times women can vote and go to work, people of colour can sit at the front of the bus and now Gay folk do not have to live a lie.
Those are pretty major step forwards for our society.
That's really more of a just a constructed definition than anything inherently meaningful.

In ancient Egypt, for example, a woman such as Nefertiti had the capacity to - whereas in the 21st century, a woman in America has yet to be elected President in lieu of a "pussy grabber".

So how do you quantify progress objectively, when the facts don't seem to corroborate the Western-centric myth?
No, its real. Women couldnt vote and now they can. We have just celebrated a century of womens suffrage in the UK. That is a fact. Gay acts are no longer illegal and Gays are no longer jailed. That is a fact.

Its progress and the world is a better place.
And conservatives have an unwarranted fear of progress and seek to return to a time when gay individuals could be lawfully discriminated against.

You might want to notify the Log Cabin Republicans, but I've got a feeling they'll laugh at your disinformation.
Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Tommy, you mean people free to live their lives without any sense of a higher moral authority. Interestingly, as more and more people abandon the conventions of social and religious standards to "make it up as they go along (a loose analogy to anarchy)", precisely tracked along with your "progress" of the last few decades we see paralleling it sharp increases in senseless crime, violence, hatred, and moral and social decay.

Thanks for the progress.

Well in these enlightened times women can vote and go to work, people of colour can sit at the front of the bus and now Gay folk do not have to live a lie.
Those are pretty major step forwards for our society.
That's really more of a just a constructed definition than anything inherently meaningful.

In ancient Egypt, for example, a woman such as Nefertiti had the capacity to - whereas in the 21st century, a woman in America has yet to be elected President in lieu of a "pussy grabber".

So how do you quantify progress objectively, when the facts don't seem to corroborate the Western-centric myth?
No, its real. Women couldnt vote and now they can. We have just celebrated a century of womens suffrage in the UK. That is a fact. Gay acts are no longer illegal and Gays are no longer jailed. That is a fact.

Its progress and the world is a better place.
And conservatives have an unwarranted fear of progress and seek to return to a time when gay individuals could be lawfully discriminated against.

The more progress people make the less appealing ignorance becomes. The more educated people are the less effective deception is . .

Only in a climate of ignorance do the unscrupulous prosper. Thats why they defund education, deride the truth, extol the virtues of blind faith, incite divisions, and then try to sell the people on the urgent need to build walls, militarize the police and build more prisons....

Very clever, but stupid. They better start praying that God does not exist.
Last edited:
Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.

Good for you. Next on your agenda, children and animals.
How very sad to find another person on this forum who cannot distinguish between relationships involving consenting adults....and relationships involving non-consent with children or animals.

That is exactly the kind of person who needs to stay away from children and animals.

You have me confused with a liberal. I'm not. Now you know.
I'm not worried about a person's political leaning. What I AM concerned about are those people who demonstrate that they cannot see that clear line between relationships involving consenting adults....and relationships involving non-consent assault of children or animals.

Those blurred lines make me sure that such a person should not be around children and animals.
Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.

Sure, Tom! Just get your foot in the door with legitimizing homosexual perversion one place, then another, soon, everyone gets used to hearing about it and before you know it just get USED to the idea of fags and queers being equated as no different than a real marriage between man and woman sanctioned by the church under god for the sake of raising a family. Used to be that kids were raised that way and were taught strict moral and ethical upbringing, but now that anything goes, we are getting our first taste of the "new generation" of kids who bring rifles to school to shoot everybody because the fucking world doesn't make sense to them anymore.
...about how same sex marriage and school shootings are related

Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.
Not necessarily.

Should Justice Kennedy retire at the end of the October 2017 term, Trump’s nominee will no doubt be a hardcore reactionary social conservative hostile to the equal protection rights of gay and transgender Americans, placing the case law recognizing the right of same-sex couples to marry in jeopardy.

If that happens the battle will be far from over.
Well yes but it would be a long and winding road. It could possibly start with a state trying to take the right to marriage away by legislation. It would and must be immediately be ruled unconstitutional by any federal court because Obergefell is a binding precedent. The is true when it reached the appeals stage. After that it could go to SCOTUS but it my be too much of a political hot potato and they my not take it, and let the lower court ruling stand. Imagine the outrage!
Emerging Consensus on LGBT Issues: Findings From the 2017 American Values Atlas | PRRI

Since the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that same sex couples have a constitutional right to marry, support for same-sex marriage has increased substantially. Currently, more than six in ten (61%) Americans say gay and lesbian couples should be able to marry legally, while only about half as many (30%) are opposed.

Strength of support for same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past decade, while strength of opposition has fallen in nearly equal measure. Today, Americans who strongly favor same-sex marriage outnumber those who strongly oppose it by more than a two-to-one margin (30% vs. 14%). In 2007, only 13% of the public strongly favored same-sex marriage, while nearly one-quarter (24%) strongly opposed it.1 Much of this shift has occurred within the last five years. As recently as 2013, more than four in ten (42%) Americans opposed same-sex marriage, including about one in four (23%) who strongly opposed it.2 Over the last five years, strong supporters of same-sex marriage increased only modestly, from 25% to 30%.

Even the majority of Muslims are supportive. it looks like the battle is won in the US.

Good for you. Next on your agenda, children and animals.
That is some sick shit sparky!!!

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