Growing support for same sex marriages from all religions. (bar evangelicals)

Sure, Tom! Just get your foot in the door with legitimizing homosexual perversion one place, then another, soon, everyone gets used to hearing about it and before you know it just get USED to the idea of fags and queers being equated as no different than a real marriage between man and woman sanctioned by the church under god for the sake of raising a family. Used to be that kids were raised that way and were taught strict moral and ethical upbringing, but now that anything goes, we are getting our first taste of the "new generation" of kids who bring rifles to school to shoot everybody because the fucking world doesn't make sense to them anymore.
You are just afraid that progress is leaving you behind. I get that.

Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.

Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Yeah, you tell that to the people who are blocked from speaking on college campuses by violent thugs and the Christians who lose their businesses because they refused to be forced to associate with people they don't approve of. I could provide more examples, is that what you call being free to live your life?

PS: It is also a red herring logical fallacy, intended to distract from the topic. In other words, see how much excrement you can throw at the wall and see what sticks in the hope that others will forget what this is about.

No it points out only the folks you freaks approve of should have rights to live the way they want. That gets you a giant FU!

Sure, Tom! Just get your foot in the door with legitimizing homosexual perversion one place, then another, soon, everyone gets used to hearing about it and before you know it just get USED to the idea of fags and queers being equated as no different than a real marriage between man and woman sanctioned by the church under god for the sake of raising a family. Used to be that kids were raised that way and were taught strict moral and ethical upbringing, but now that anything goes, we are getting our first taste of the "new generation" of kids who bring rifles to school to shoot everybody because the fucking world doesn't make sense to them anymore.
You are just afraid that progress is leaving you behind. I get that.

Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.

Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Yeah, you tell that to the people who are blocked from speaking on college campuses by violent thugs and the Christians who lose their businesses because they refused to be forced to associate with people they don't approve of. I could provide more examples, is that what you call being free to live your life?

PS: It is also a red herring logical fallacy, intended to distract from the topic. In other words, see how much excrement you can throw at the wall and see what sticks in the hope that others will forget what this is about.

I live across the road from a Gay couple. They have been there about 20 years. We are on first name terms and they are nice enough folks but very boring to talk to. Neighbourhood Watch fanatics.

When they moved in the Presbyterian couple next door to them put up a big fence in order to block the Gay death rays emanating from their homo neighbours.

This obviously had no effect as they sold up and left a few months later. How deep is the hate when you would do that ?
Hate, stupidity and a good dose of fear I would say. But it does not have to be that way.

We had a gay couple living next door to us for a while. Nice guys who we became friends with. The next house over, on the other side of the gay couple lived a conservative Christian couple who we managed to alienate by pushing our politics on them. However, they became friendly with the gay couple and ultimately we all got along. So, even conservative people, Christian people , do not have to be assholes if they just see others who are different as human beings . A philosophy that I'm sure is lost on many people here. Being an asshole is a choice. Being gay is not.

Likewise, I have no real issue with gays so long as they don't rub my face in it as I don't rub their face in my heterosexuality.
Can you please describe a situation, real or imagined where a homosexual rubbed you face in it.? Figuratively of course.

And likewise realize that they are a deviate subgroup of our culture and law or no law, two guys can do whatever they want in private, they can join in a legal civil union as a joined couple living together with certain legal rights, but they can never be a MARRIED couple and can never have as family of their own.
What colossal horseshit. !! Civil unions? Separate but equal? That worked real well in the past, right? Can never have a family? Never be married? What alternative universe are you living in.? Are you off of your meds?

If they want to try to adopt kids who otherwise have no other options, then that should be contingent upon the child's willingness to agree to such an arrangement!
What would the age of consent be? A special needs or minority 3 year old- who is hard to place - should remain in the foster care system or a group home until what age exactly ?

Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.


So you're one of "THOSE PEOPLE". :th_believecrap:

What I don't believe is that anyone is forcing values on you. Your values are your own unless your so weak minded as to allow others to influence what you believe by their actions. Are you?

What I DO believe is that it is moronic to equate same sex marriage with something that has come to symbolize decadence and perversion.

Ya think?

View attachment 191604

View attachment 191605

And those are some of the milder images of perverted faghadist.

Oh, is that Mardi Gras? Or spring break in Fort Lauderdale?

Dang, you are really obsessed with gay life aren't you? Have you seen a mental health professional?
Is this an effect of indoctrination or is it people saying what they think the pollster wants to hear? So we don't know anything more than we did before this poll was taken.
Is Tommy a faggot? I don't give two craps about if the Anglican church endorses faggotry. I go by what the Bible says. There's a reason there's America. Faggotry makes God and me nauseous. I don't care if you're that way, just don't throw it in my face.
Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.

Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Tommy, you mean people free to live their lives without any sense of a higher moral authority. Interestingly, as more and more people abandon the conventions of social and religious standards to "make it up as they go along (a loose analogy to anarchy)", precisely tracked along with your "progress" of the last few decades we see paralleling it sharp increases in senseless crime, violence, hatred, and moral and social decay.

Thanks for the progress.

Well in these enlightened times women can vote and go to work, people of colour can sit at the front of the bus and now Gay folk do not have to live a lie.
Those are pretty major step forwards for our society.
That's really more of a just a constructed definition than anything inherently meaningful.

In ancient Egypt, for example, a woman such as Nefertiti had the capacity to - whereas in the 21st century, a woman in America has yet to be elected President in lieu of a "pussy grabber".

So how do you quantify progress objectively, when the facts don't seem to corroborate the Western-centric myth?
No, its real. Women couldnt vote and now they can. We have just celebrated a century of womens suffrage in the UK. That is a fact. Gay acts are no longer illegal and Gays are no longer jailed. That is a fact.

Its progress and the world is a better place.

For the record, I'm not in favor of the government "discriminating against homosexuality" - it should be a minor religious issue, but only gets so much media attention to begin with because it appeals to emotion.

I'm just attacking what I see as naive arguments since "change" can happen in any direction and isn't necessarily permanent, young people can "rebel" against parents and become more anti-gay, - especially since "postmodernism" seems to be the trend today, and universal ideals such as "equality" are being ignored in favor of tribalism and identifiable politics such as "alt right".

So people who want to keep progress ongoing need to actually pay attention to what is going on in the world rather than put on rose-colored googles and pretend progress is completely fixed.
I live across the road from a Gay couple. They have been there about 20 years. We are on first name terms and they are nice enough folks but very boring to talk to. Neighbourhood Watch fanatics.

When they moved in the Presbyterian couple next door to them put up a big fence in order to block the Gay death rays emanating from their homo neighbours.

This obviously had no effect as they sold up and left a few months later. How deep is the hate when you would do that ?
Hate, stupidity and a good dose of fear I would say. But it does not have to be that way.

We had a gay couple living next door to us for a while. Nice guys who we became friends with. The next house over, on the other side of the gay couple lived a conservative Christian couple who we managed to alienate by pushing our politics on them. However, they became friendly with the gay couple and ultimately we all got along. So, even conservative people, Christian people , do not have to be assholes if they just see others who are different as human beings . A philosophy that I'm sure is lost on many people here. Being an asshole is a choice. Being gay is not.
"Gay" is an adopted identity or social construct.

Having homosexual thoughts or inclinations might not be "a choice", but whether or not someone chose to "identify" as gay or have homosexual activity is a choice.

I think it was Kinsey who stated that people lie on a "spectrum" and that different people might potentially have different "levels" of homosexual inclination at different points in their life, for any number of reasons.

So no, "gay" is not a fixed identity set in stone, people can "identify" as whatever they wish, but it's still a social construct.

For that matter, people of the same sex can "love each" other but not be physically intimate with each other (just as people of the oppose sex who 'hook up' on Tinder can be physically intimate, but not "love" each other) - so arguing that "love" and sexual attraction have to always be mutually inclusive is misleading.
Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Yeah, you tell that to the people who are blocked from speaking on college campuses by violent thugs and the Christians who lose their businesses because they refused to be forced to associate with people they don't approve of. I could provide more examples, is that what you call being free to live your life?

False equivalency logical fallacy. You're comparing people who want to bring hate speech to collage campuses and people who break the law by discriminating , with loving same sex couples who just want to marry.

No we're talking about everyone being free to live their lives the way they see fit, pay attention.


Everyone! Good! So that of course includes gay people who want to live THEIR lives as they see fit, with includes being married. Right??

Only if it includes the opinions that disagree and a businesses right not to associate with them outside the walls of the business.

Not buying that bullshit. If you're in business, you have to associate with who ever walks through you do to the extent that it is business related. Your private life is another story. This public accommodation horseshit is just so much right wing bigot snowflake whining that you guys need to get over. Providing goods or services to a gay person in no way impacts your ability to live your life as you see fit. Get the fuck over it!
You are just afraid that progress is leaving you behind. I get that.

Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.

Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Yeah, you tell that to the people who are blocked from speaking on college campuses by violent thugs and the Christians who lose their businesses because they refused to be forced to associate with people they don't approve of. I could provide more examples, is that what you call being free to live your life?

PS: It is also a red herring logical fallacy, intended to distract from the topic. In other words, see how much excrement you can throw at the wall and see what sticks in the hope that others will forget what this is about.

No it points out only the folks you freaks approve of should have rights to live the way they want. That gets you a giant FU!

Actually, bigots like you are the new freaks.
I live across the road from a Gay couple. They have been there about 20 years. We are on first name terms and they are nice enough folks but very boring to talk to. Neighbourhood Watch fanatics.

When they moved in the Presbyterian couple next door to them put up a big fence in order to block the Gay death rays emanating from their homo neighbours.

This obviously had no effect as they sold up and left a few months later. How deep is the hate when you would do that ?
Hate, stupidity and a good dose of fear I would say. But it does not have to be that way.

We had a gay couple living next door to us for a while. Nice guys who we became friends with. The next house over, on the other side of the gay couple lived a conservative Christian couple who we managed to alienate by pushing our politics on them. However, they became friendly with the gay couple and ultimately we all got along. So, even conservative people, Christian people , do not have to be assholes if they just see others who are different as human beings . A philosophy that I'm sure is lost on many people here. Being an asshole is a choice. Being gay is not.
"Gay" is an adopted identity or social construct.

Having homosexual thoughts or inclinations might not be "a choice", but whether or not someone chose to "identify" as gay or have homosexual activity is a choice.

I think it was Kinsey who stated that people lie on a "spectrum" and that different people might potentially have different "levels" of homosexual inclination at different points in their life, for any number of reasons.

So no, "gay" is not a fixed identity set in stone, people can "identify" as whatever they wish, but it's still a social construct.

For that matter, people of the same sex can "love each" other but not be physically intimate with each other (just as people of the oppose sex who 'hook up' on Tinder can be physically intimate, but not "love" each other) - so arguing that "love" and sexual attraction have to always be mutually inclusive is misleading.
You seem to confusing the issue of sexual orientation with that of lifestyle. Yes, sexual orientation exists on a continuum, but I believe that where an individual fall on that continuum is fixed. Someone who is neither completely straight of gay bay drift in and out of one lifestyle or the other depending on opportunity or other factors . That is where the choice comes in. But expecting someone who has inclinations to homosexuality to suppress those feeling is cruel.
You are just afraid that progress is leaving you behind. I get that.

Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.


So you're one of "THOSE PEOPLE". :th_believecrap:

What I don't believe is that anyone is forcing values on you.

Dear God man, I can't believe you said that. Everywhere you look, that is all you have now is people forcing gaybo values, acceptance and tolerance on you. From the bakeries, to parades, to schools, television, government, weddings and even your own employer. You must have an amazing cognitive blind spot to even suggest so ludicrous a statement!
Why is it so important to you to deny these people the right to the life that you enjoy ?
You are just afraid that progress is leaving you behind. I get that.

Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.


So you're one of "THOSE PEOPLE". :th_believecrap:

What I don't believe is that anyone is forcing values on you.

Dear God man, I can't believe you said that. Everywhere you look, that is all you have now is people forcing gaybo values, acceptance and tolerance on you. From the bakeries, to parades, to schools, television, government, weddings and even your own employer. You must have an amazing cognitive blind spot to even suggest so ludicrous a statement!
More ridiculous equine excrement. "Acceptance" and "tolerance" is something that exists between your own two ears- and I will say again- unless you are so weak minded that other peoples lifestyle can effect what you accept or tolerate- you have nothing to whine about. I am talking about behavior-how you treat other people. You are free to disapprove of them buy YOU ARE NOT FREE to marginalize them or discriminate against them in places of public accommodation or to deprive them of their civil rights. Get the fuck over it. Are you really so insecure about your own sexuality that you are so threatened by the presence of gay people?
It seems that same-sex marriage is based on sexual orientation theory.

Is there such a thing as sexual orientation? IOW can a person's sexual attraction, i.e. who they are attracted to sexually be immutable? Isn't orientation based on that which one is sexually attracted to?

I don't think there is sexual orientation. Sexual attraction can change. That's the kind of world we live in. If it could not change, then you'd have a point with orientation. I think sexual attraction usually starts with some body part and then grows to encompass the whole gender.
It seems that same-sex marriage is based on sexual orientation theory.

Is there such a thing as sexual orientation? IOW can a person's sexual attraction, i.e. who they are attracted to sexually be immutable? Isn't orientation based on that which one is sexually attracted to?

I don't think there is sexual orientation. Sexual attraction can change. That's the kind of world we live in. If it could not change, then you'd have a point with orientation. I think sexual attraction usually starts with some body part and then grows to encompass the whole gender.

And your point is.... ?

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Tommy, you mean people free to live their lives without any sense of a higher moral authority. Interestingly, as more and more people abandon the conventions of social and religious standards to "make it up as they go along (a loose analogy to anarchy)", precisely tracked along with your "progress" of the last few decades we see paralleling it sharp increases in senseless crime, violence, hatred, and moral and social decay.

Thanks for the progress.

Well in these enlightened times women can vote and go to work, people of colour can sit at the front of the bus and now Gay folk do not have to live a lie.
Those are pretty major step forwards for our society.
That's really more of a just a constructed definition than anything inherently meaningful.

In ancient Egypt, for example, a woman such as Nefertiti had the capacity to - whereas in the 21st century, a woman in America has yet to be elected President in lieu of a "pussy grabber".

So how do you quantify progress objectively, when the facts don't seem to corroborate the Western-centric myth?
No, its real. Women couldnt vote and now they can. We have just celebrated a century of womens suffrage in the UK. That is a fact. Gay acts are no longer illegal and Gays are no longer jailed. That is a fact.

Its progress and the world is a better place.
And conservatives have an unwarranted fear of progress and seek to return to a time when gay individuals could be lawfully discriminated against.
A genuine conservative position would be to live and let live. Its just these zealots who have to control every aspect of peoples lives. Thats not conservatism.
Right wingers have opposed every positive move since the dawn of time. Health,education,housing,workers rights................the list goes on and on. And they use the same dumb arguments every time.

Within a decade people will be pointing at their current absurdity and shaking their heads.
Conservatism in the United States has been misappropriated by the social right and religious fundamentalists.

Hostility to the equal protection rights of gay Americans and the privacy rights of women is a litmus test any conservative politician must pass if he has any hope of realizing the support of the GOP establishment and the conservative base.

Yes, a true conservative would oppose laws denying same-sex couples their right to access marriage contract law, consistent with conservative ‘small government’ dogma – but most, if not all, American conservatives are not true conservatives, they’re actually reactionary authoritarians.
Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.


So you're one of "THOSE PEOPLE". :th_believecrap:

What I don't believe is that anyone is forcing values on you.

Dear God man, I can't believe you said that. Everywhere you look, that is all you have now is people forcing gaybo values, acceptance and tolerance on you. From the bakeries, to parades, to schools, television, government, weddings and even your own employer. You must have an amazing cognitive blind spot to even suggest so ludicrous a statement!
Why is it so important to you to deny these people the right to the life that you enjoy ?
Fear of diversity, dissent, and expressions of individual liberty common to most on the right; in essence, a fear of, and contempt for, those who refuse to conform.

And those who refuse to conform to what conservatives consider to be ‘normal’ must be subject to punitive measures to either conform or return to living in the shadows of society as second class citizens.

Seeking to compel conformity is a fundamental tenet of conservative dogma.
I do business, and if I didn't want to have to deal with fags or rugmunchers, I wouldn't. As it is, I have damn near the whole little circle as customers. I let them know I'm not all about that.. There's even a hermaphrodite. They've all treated me with respect thus far. I have the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason, unless I signed a contract.
It seems that same-sex marriage is based on sexual orientation theory.

Is there such a thing as sexual orientation? IOW can a person's sexual attraction, i.e. who they are attracted to sexually be immutable? Isn't orientation based on that which one is sexually attracted to?

I don't think there is sexual orientation. Sexual attraction can change. That's the kind of world we live in. If it could not change, then you'd have a point with orientation. I think sexual attraction usually starts with some body part and then grows to encompass the whole gender.
The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments safeguard the right of citizens to make personal, private decisions about who they are, how to conduct their lives, and with whom to be intimate absent unwarranted interference from government.

Whether homosexuality manifest as a consequence of birth or choice is legally and Constitutionally irrelevant – gay Americans have that fundamental right to make that choice and seek the protection of the laws they’re eligible to participate in, including marriage contract law.
Is it really progress to force the values of Sodom and Gomorrah on the American people? Sounds a bit regressive to me.

Nope.You have a severely limited view of the world that is becoming less and less prevalent. People becoming free to live their own lives is progress.

Yeah, you tell that to the people who are blocked from speaking on college campuses by violent thugs and the Christians who lose their businesses because they refused to be forced to associate with people they don't approve of. I could provide more examples, is that what you call being free to live your life?

PS: It is also a red herring logical fallacy, intended to distract from the topic. In other words, see how much excrement you can throw at the wall and see what sticks in the hope that others will forget what this is about.

No it points out only the folks you freaks approve of should have rights to live the way they want. That gets you a giant FU!

Actually, bigots like you are the new freaks.


Of course, the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments apply solely to the relationship between government and those governed, their jurisprudence doesn’t apply to private religious entities, which are at liberty to refuse to afford religious marriage rituals to same-sex couples.

Unfortunately, far too many religious entities attempt to codify their unwarranted animus toward gay Americans by seeking to enact measures to disadvantage homosexuals through force of law.

Thankfully we have the First Amendment to prevent the religious right from violating the Framers’ mandate that church and state remain separate, prohibiting them from infusing religious dogma into secular law.

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