Grown children of gay parents tell courts how gay marriage destroyed their childhood


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Grown Children Of Gay Parents Tell Courts How Gay Marriage Destroyed Their Childhood - Marine Patriot Blog
The most common question I hear from supporters of gay marriage is “who does it hurt?”, and it’s a good question. If two men or two women want to marry each other, it doesn’t affect me. My day to day life won’t change in the slightest, so why would it even be my business? But when children are brought into the picture, that question becomes a loaded one.................................

Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out, but when they wany to play house and pretend they are normal by having a family that is nothing but fabricated bs because if you are gay you can't have kids, if you are wanting to be gay then you aren't meant to have a kid if gays were meant to have kids there wouldn't be the term MAN and WOMAN which that is how we reproduce until of course the leftist nut job sicentist complete their task of just grown a baby in a dish or fish tank where male and female aren't needed and they are already more than half way there.

Most zombies can't piece together even the dangers of that which growing a baby without sex together takes away that bond and human to human interaction, but society is so fkn detached at this point it probably won't ever matter unless we get back to a normal society .
Grown Children Of Gay Parents Tell Courts How Gay Marriage Destroyed Their Childhood - Marine Patriot Blog
The most common question I hear from supporters of gay marriage is “who does it hurt?”, and it’s a good question. If two men or two women want to marry each other, it doesn’t affect me. My day to day life won’t change in the slightest, so why would it even be my business? But when children are brought into the picture, that question becomes a loaded one.................................

Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out, but when they wany to play house and pretend they are normal by having a family that is nothing but fabricated bs because if you are gay you can't have kids, if you are wanting to be gay then you aren't meant to have a kid if gays were meant to have kids there wouldn't be the term MAN and WOMAN which that is how we reproduce until of course the leftist nut job sicentist complete their task of just grown a baby in a dish or fish tank where male and female aren't needed and they are already more than half way there.

Most zombies can't piece together even the dangers of that which growing a baby without sex together takes away that bond and human to human interaction, but society is so fkn detached at this point it probably won't ever matter unless we get back to a normal society .
All 4 were children of hetero marriages that ended in divorce. Hetero parents were shitty to them long before a gay person entered their life hoping to do their best for them.

Gay marriage is the law of the land. Choke on that, scum.
It seems pretty odd to blame gay marriage when it didn't exist when they were children.
I blame Google Goggles for my dad cheating on my mom in the early 90's. :crybaby:
It seems pretty odd to blame gay marriage when it didn't exist when they were children.
Wow, thread over :clap:

Grown Children Of Gay Parents Tell Courts How Gay Marriage Destroyed Their Childhood - Marine Patriot Blog
The most common question I hear from supporters of gay marriage is “who does it hurt?”, and it’s a good question. If two men or two women want to marry each other, it doesn’t affect me. My day to day life won’t change in the slightest, so why would it even be my business? But when children are brought into the picture, that question becomes a loaded one.................................

Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out, but when they wany to play house and pretend they are normal by having a family that is nothing but fabricated bs because if you are gay you can't have kids, if you are wanting to be gay then you aren't meant to have a kid if gays were meant to have kids there wouldn't be the term MAN and WOMAN which that is how we reproduce until of course the leftist nut job sicentist complete their task of just grown a baby in a dish or fish tank where male and female aren't needed and they are already more than half way there.

Most zombies can't piece together even the dangers of that which growing a baby without sex together takes away that bond and human to human interaction, but society is so fkn detached at this point it probably won't ever matter unless we get back to a normal society .
All 4 were children of hetero marriages that ended in divorce. Hetero parents were shitty to them long before a gay person entered their life hoping to do their best for them.

Gay marriage is the law of the land. Choke on that, scum.

Those are not the only examples, I remember reading about a group of other grown children of homosexual parents who spoke out negatively about their upbringing.

Also, why so hateful? Is it really necessary to call someone scum because you disagree with them?
It seems pretty odd to blame gay marriage when it didn't exist when they were children.

Even before "homosexual marriage" was "legalized" there were kids who were being raised by gay couples.
Grown Children Of Gay Parents Tell Courts How Gay Marriage Destroyed Their Childhood - Marine Patriot Blog
The most common question I hear from supporters of gay marriage is “who does it hurt?”, and it’s a good question. If two men or two women want to marry each other, it doesn’t affect me. My day to day life won’t change in the slightest, so why would it even be my business? But when children are brought into the picture, that question becomes a loaded one.................................

Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out, but when they wany to play house and pretend they are normal by having a family that is nothing but fabricated bs because if you are gay you can't have kids, if you are wanting to be gay then you aren't meant to have a kid if gays were meant to have kids there wouldn't be the term MAN and WOMAN which that is how we reproduce until of course the leftist nut job sicentist complete their task of just grown a baby in a dish or fish tank where male and female aren't needed and they are already more than half way there.

Most zombies can't piece together even the dangers of that which growing a baby without sex together takes away that bond and human to human interaction, but society is so fkn detached at this point it probably won't ever matter unless we get back to a normal society .
All 4 were children of hetero marriages that ended in divorce. Hetero parents were shitty to them long before a gay person entered their life hoping to do their best for them.

Gay marriage is the law of the land. Choke on that, scum.

Those are not the only examples, I remember reading about a group of other grown children of homosexual parents who spoke out negatively about their upbringing.

Also, why so hateful? Is it really necessary to call someone scum because you disagree with them?
When they think friends of mine are evil and deserve to burn in hell, then yes. Sounds like you might be scum too.
It seems pretty odd to blame gay marriage when it didn't exist when they were children.

Even before homosexual marriage was "legalized" there were kids who were being raised by gay couples.

Indeed they were; however, blaming gay marriage is silly b/c it didn't exist at the time. Ending gay marriage would not have stopped them from being raised by a gay parent.
adult children of heterosexuals never ever claim their parents ruined their lives. :laugh2:
Grown Children Of Gay Parents Tell Courts How Gay Marriage Destroyed Their Childhood - Marine Patriot Blog
The most common question I hear from supporters of gay marriage is “who does it hurt?”, and it’s a good question. If two men or two women want to marry each other, it doesn’t affect me. My day to day life won’t change in the slightest, so why would it even be my business? But when children are brought into the picture, that question becomes a loaded one.................................

Well it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out, but when they wany to play house and pretend they are normal by having a family that is nothing but fabricated bs because if you are gay you can't have kids, if you are wanting to be gay then you aren't meant to have a kid if gays were meant to have kids there wouldn't be the term MAN and WOMAN which that is how we reproduce until of course the leftist nut job sicentist complete their task of just grown a baby in a dish or fish tank where male and female aren't needed and they are already more than half way there.

Most zombies can't piece together even the dangers of that which growing a baby without sex together takes away that bond and human to human interaction, but society is so fkn detached at this point it probably won't ever matter unless we get back to a normal society .
All 4 were children of hetero marriages that ended in divorce. Hetero parents were shitty to them long before a gay person entered their life hoping to do their best for them.

Gay marriage is the law of the land. Choke on that, scum.

Those are not the only examples, I remember reading about a group of other grown children of homosexual parents who spoke out negatively about their upbringing.

Also, why so hateful? Is it really necessary to call someone scum because you disagree with them?
I know a group of other grown children of heterosexual parents who spoke out negatively about their upbringing.....I bet my group is bigger than yours.
Giving children to homosexual couples is child abuse. Liberalism also hasn't been good to children of heterosexual mothers, especially black kids.

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