Gruber apologizes for his inaccurate remarks

He wasn't "running his mouth off". He was making a statement where he declared he was proud to have been instrumental in creating a lie to feed to the American Public. And, he's on record in multiple locations, and in different settings saying that very thing. It is not defensible.

So, he was speaking in some official capacity? No, he was running his mouth.

No worries -- we (me included) do that nonstop on this forum.
That's nice. There are LOADS of video that show that he, and you, are lying. Thanks for showing what a ultra left progressive you are by trying to support the unsupportable.

I don't believe that Jake is ultra left, he's just tired of stupid people hijacking his party with crap issues -- like this one.

There is no doubt that Jake is ultra left. I am a liberal Democrat, Jakes a progressive. That's as far left as you can get.

That's the 'official" word, eh?

I don't think what Gruber said was a lie -- voters on BOTH sides of the isle are woefully ill prepared to cast a vote. It's the absolute, unfortunate truth; why apologies for telling the truth?

Do I think that what he said means anything, with regards to who or HOW the bill was written? Of course not -- he was a 'consultant,' not the 'architect.'

His opinion, doesn't amount to a hill of beans.

Others ... primarily Republican pundits and such, have made a huge deal out of nothing, as per usual.

They were dishonest in even suggesting that he was the "architect" of the ACA; that was a lie.

Why aren't we stomping on their guts and demanding a retracment?

Some of us are. I despise ole Mitchy et al every bit as much as I despise this current admin. In the long run the ruling elite care about themselves and their cronies and couldn't give a flying fuck about the regular folk. What astonishes me is the progs here are either so blind, or so stupid, that they can't see that the Dems are as bad as the Repubs. Mind boggling.

I guess if we HAVE to pick sides, we could certainly become overly concerned with which side is worse, but when you look beyond that, you can point to obvious successes as well.

Like the ACA, the right has demonized it to the point that we even gave the law a wonderfully lame little nickname, (Obamacare) along with five hundred metric tons of misinformation and political poppycock, honked out on a daily basses for the expressed purpose of sabotaging an otherwise very good and necessary law.

The misinformation about the ACA is all from the Dems. They have been lying about it since day one as we have now seen. I pick the side of the AMERICAN PEOPLE. For too long my felow Democrats have been silent as "our side" did shit that was every bit as vile as that which they claim the Repubs to have done. The Koch brothers are an excellent point. They are reviled in the liberal media and yet, they actually provide the country with a commodity that is essential to our system.

Soros, the darling of the left, made his billions by destabalizing the currencies of the world and looting Public Employee pension funds. But, he gives the progressives billions of dollars so they ignore the fact that he truly is a scumbag on an epic scale.
So, he was speaking in some official capacity? No, he was running his mouth.

No worries -- we (me included) do that nonstop on this forum.

Tell me again about why Rush, Coulter, Hannity, Beck and other conservatives are scary though and what they say does matter to Republicans?

LOL, Liberalism, it is a dishonesty, wrapped in a hypocrisy, inside a double standard.
Sometimes things should just die down, Gruber trying to back track just shows how much trouble obamacare is in.

This [Gruber] is going to be news-worthy through election `16. :clap2:

Is he running for office?

He will be the voice that haunts those who will be. :clap2:

Somewhat doubtful; the voting base has an obvious short-term memory malfunction. Otherwise, republicans would have never come back from shutting down the government. What really helped this time, is that the Tea Party was a virtual non-factor.

Tea Party endorsements and Koch brother funded primary races were the kiss of death in 2012.
Crusader Frank apologizes for lying about Jake because makes CF look foolish so very easily.
So, he was speaking in some official capacity? No, he was running his mouth.

No worries -- we (me included) do that nonstop on this forum.

Tell me again about why Rush, Coulter, Hannity, Beck and other conservatives are scary though and what they say does matter to Republicans?

LOL, Liberalism, it is a dishonesty, wrapped in a hypocrisy, inside a double standard.

Coulter? You're fucking kidding, right? No comment.
Without the TPM throwing sand in the gears this time, the GOP should be able to govern responsibly and clean up in the 2016 elections.
Anyone who believes what Gruber said truly is stupid. Him apologizing for what he said is either another offense against your intelligence, or, verily verily, you are stupid, like Gruber said.
No, Gruber was right, and apologizing for that IS stupid.
Why, you sound just like Gruber.
American voters are stupid, and in that respect, I do sound like Gruber, and he was right.
only those who were stupid enough to support Obama and his policies.
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have
even i dont buy this....What he said isnt exactly new, but this just makes it look worse.

The idea congress doesnt pull switcharoos with wording isnt some mind blowing discovery.
That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have

Where a Democrat is under attack, there will be a Jake there to defend them.

I see, this story is about Jake?

How fucking fourth grade!

I bow to your superior knowledge of the fourth grade

Get used to being bent over - the republicans have a plan for you.


Get a clue, the Dems have bent us over even farther than the Repubs ever could.
Get a clue, the Dems have bent us over even farther than the Repubs ever could.

Yup, I hear that a lot -- the Republicans are bad too, but Libs are WORSE!!!

It causes a fundamental mistrust of the government, but the republicans stand for SMALL GOVERNMENT, so nit-wits vote for them in an effort to not have to study the ballot.

Hey, it works!
Sometimes things should just die down, Gruber trying to back track just shows how much trouble obamacare is in.

This [Gruber] is going to be news-worthy through election `16. :clap2:

Is he running for office?

He will be the voice that haunts those who will be. :clap2:

Somewhat doubtful; the voting base has an obvious short-term memory malfunction. Otherwise, republicans would have never come back from shutting down the government. What really helped this time, is that the Tea Party was a virtual non-factor.

Tea Party endorsements and Koch brother funded primary races were the kiss of death in 2012.

I think I've identified your problem.

1. The government wasn't shut down. Only about 17% of government spending saw an actual temporary stoppage, and most of that was retroactively restored when it was over.
2. The House passed bills funding every part of the government save one law. Reid and Obama refused to even consider allowing the government to function normally.
3. Obama, once he saw an opportunity to do so, attempted to inflict as much pain on the country as possible.

The whole thing is on him.

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