Gruber apologizes for his inaccurate remarks

Crusader Frank apologizes for lying about Jake because makes CF look foolish so very easily.

And exactly which planet would that be? "Cause it sure isn't this one. Face it Jake, you're your own worst enemy.

Can we now please return to the OP or is this a lot easier to deal with instead of Gruber?
Did you question Jake when he first made the statement? No you didn't so shut the hell up.

No, I won't shut the hell up. I did not feel that Jake was being dishonest. I disagreed with the OP, it is on record as such.

Jake is never an asshole to me, you on the other hand are a complete dickhead.

Please do not quote me anymore until you graduate high school.
Anyone who believes what Gruber said truly is stupid. Him apologizing for what he said is either another offense against your intelligence, or, verily verily, you are stupid, like Gruber said.
No, Gruber was right, and apologizing for that IS stupid.
Why, you sound just like Gruber.
American voters are stupid, and in that respect, I do sound like Gruber, and he was right.
only those who were stupid enough to support Obama and his policies.
Maybe you're part of the 5% on this site
Get a clue, the Dems have bent us over even farther than the Repubs ever could.

Yup, I hear that a lot -- the Republicans are bad too, but Libs are WORSE!!!

It causes a fundamental mistrust of the government, but the republicans stand for SMALL GOVERNMENT, so nit-wits vote for them in an effort to not have to study the ballot.

Hey, it works!

No, the Repubs don't stand for small government. Not anymore. They, like the Dems have figured out that they want to remain in power and the way to do that is to make everyone dependent on government. BOTH parties quit caring about the people they supposedly represent long ago. The sooner everyone realizes this, the sooner we can take our country back from the special interests that have bought it. The longer we take, the more certain it becomes that that change will only be brought about through violence, which no one should desire.
Sometimes things should just die down, Gruber trying to back track just shows how much trouble obamacare is in.

This [Gruber] is going to be news-worthy through election `16. :clap2:

Is he running for office?

He will be the voice that haunts those who will be. :clap2:

Somewhat doubtful; the voting base has an obvious short-term memory malfunction. Otherwise, republicans would have never come back from shutting down the government. What really helped this time, is that the Tea Party was a virtual non-factor.

Tea Party endorsements and Koch brother funded primary races were the kiss of death in 2012.

I think I've identified your problem.

1. The government wasn't shut down. Only about 17% of government spending saw an actual temporary stoppage, and most of that was retroactively restored when it was over.
2. The House passed bills funding every part of the government save one law. Reid and Obama refused to even consider allowing the government to function normally.
3. Obama, once he saw an opportunity to do so, attempted to inflict as much pain on the country as possible.

The whole thing is on him.


The Tea party refused to pass a budget for the sole purpose of DEFUNDING the ACA.

To say it was "Obama's fault" is a complete crock of shit.

"Oh, they were doing this for America!!!!"

No, they hate Obama, the left and they hate the ACA, because it wasn't their baby.
This [Gruber] is going to be news-worthy through election `16. :clap2:

Is he running for office?

He will be the voice that haunts those who will be. :clap2:

Somewhat doubtful; the voting base has an obvious short-term memory malfunction. Otherwise, republicans would have never come back from shutting down the government. What really helped this time, is that the Tea Party was a virtual non-factor.

Tea Party endorsements and Koch brother funded primary races were the kiss of death in 2012.

I think I've identified your problem.

1. The government wasn't shut down. Only about 17% of government spending saw an actual temporary stoppage, and most of that was retroactively restored when it was over.
2. The House passed bills funding every part of the government save one law. Reid and Obama refused to even consider allowing the government to function normally.
3. Obama, once he saw an opportunity to do so, attempted to inflict as much pain on the country as possible.

The whole thing is on him.


The Tea party refused to pass a budget for the sole purpose of DEFUNDING the ACA.

To say it was "Obama's fault" is a complete crock of shit.

Are you actually trying to say that the House did NOT pass continuing resolutions that would have funded the government except for one law? Is that what you are really trying to say? You may want to Google it before answering.

Oh, and Reid sat on budgets for years.
Crusader Frank apologizes for lying about Jake because makes CF look foolish so very easily.
And exactly which planet would that be? "Cause it sure isn't this one. Face it Jake, you're your own worst enemy.
That I tell the truth to the far right wing of my GOP makes me an enemy of those who work there: the corporate fascists, the neo-cons, and the social cons. Tough you don't like it, buddy.
I think I've identified your problem.

1. The government wasn't shut down. Only about 17% of government spending saw an actual temporary stoppage, and most of that was retroactively restored when it was over.
2. The House passed bills funding every part of the government save one law. Reid and Obama refused to even consider allowing the government to function normally.
3. Obama, once he saw an opportunity to do so, attempted to inflict as much pain on the country as possible.

The whole thing is on him.
And the American people held the GOP responsible, and the mainstream GOP devastated the TP strength in the primaries.

Mitch and John will work with Obama in the lame duck session and in the coming term far better now without the crazies going crazy.

Cruz is irrelevant.

Lee, here in Utah, has been told how he behaves in the term's first year determines how much national GOP money he gets in 2016. He is fearful of how the new primary/caucus law opens up the vote. Governor Herbert, former Speaker Becky Lockhart, and other GOP hopefuls are building organizations to challenge him.

No, folks the TP can only bark funny with its teeth filed down forever.
I think I've identified your problem.

1. The government wasn't shut down. Only about 17% of government spending saw an actual temporary stoppage, and most of that was retroactively restored when it was over.
2. The House passed bills funding every part of the government save one law. Reid and Obama refused to even consider allowing the government to function normally.
3. Obama, once he saw an opportunity to do so, attempted to inflict as much pain on the country as possible.

The whole thing is on him.
And the American people held the GOP responsible, and the mainstream GOP devastated the TP strength in the primaries.

Mitch and John will work with Obama in the lame duck session and in the coming term far better now without the crazies going crazy.

Cruz is irrelevant.

Lee, here in Utah, has been told how he behaves in the term's first year determines how much national GOP money he gets in 2016. He is fearful of how the new primary/caucus law opens up the vote. Governor Herbert, former Speaker Becky Lockhart, and other GOP hopefuls are building organizations to challenge him.

No, folks the TP can only bark funny with its teeth filed down forever.

So the truth of the matter remains that the temporary slowdown WAS Obama's responsibility, but the media spin successfully convinced enough people that it wasn't.
In your head, I suppose. The truth is that the TPM tried a power grab, got their teeth kicked in, and the public blamed the GOP.
Get a clue, the Dems have bent us over even farther than the Repubs ever could.

Yup, I hear that a lot -- the Republicans are bad too, but Libs are WORSE!!!

It causes a fundamental mistrust of the government, but the republicans stand for SMALL GOVERNMENT, so nit-wits vote for them in an effort to not have to study the ballot.

Hey, it works!

No, the Repubs don't stand for small government. Not anymore. They, like the Dems have figured out that they want to remain in power and the way to do that is to make everyone dependent on government. BOTH parties quit caring about the people they supposedly represent long ago. The sooner everyone realizes this, the sooner we can take our country back from the special interests that have bought it. The longer we take, the more certain it becomes that that change will only be brought about through violence, which no one should desire.

I could not agree with this assessment any more. Bravo. The Federal government has become a monster. Everyone (and I mean EVERYONE) who realizes their livelihood from this monster seeks to protect it at all costs. Everyday, it grows by leaps and bounds and there is no willingness by the American people to stop this monster. Every facet of American life is being devoured by the monster; like the old movie "The Blob" - it is eating everything in it's path.

I offer you this:

Who, in America today, would ever envision the current president EVER making a speech like this directly before Christmas? No one. However, it was just a few years ago. Our traditions have been bred out of the American public - and especially our elected officials. They answer to a "higher" power a "humanist power". It is called "government". We have been taught to place the monster above all else.

Will we ever return to the government the founders envisioned? Small government that doesn't intrude on the rights of the states or their people? Nope. It's gone and will never return.

At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, Franklin was questioned as he left Independence Hall on the final day of deliberation. In the notes of Dr. James McHenry, one of Maryland’s delegates to the Convention, a lady asked Dr. Franklin “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.” Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.”

We have all but lost it in favor of a government that "watches" us. They have made it their job to make sure that we, the American people are kept "in check". And it will only get worse. I promise you that.
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have
That excuse might fly if it wasn't for the OTHER videos where Gruber conveyed the same view. Sorry, Jake but this is proof that the Obama Administration deliberately lied to the American people to pass the ACA because they knew that they couldn't get it passed unless they did so.
The far right of the GOP would trample Reagan today is a fact of their political principles.

With Mitch and John in power solidly with a defanged TP small caucus, the GOP has a chance to govern well this term.
Gruber apologized for his newly-resurfaced 2013 remarks Thursday, telling MSNBC's Ronan Farrow that they had been an “off-the-cuff” mistake, an attempt to lay out the way political calculations affected the law as it was being written.

“The comments in the video were made at an academic conference,” Gruber said. “I was speaking off the cuff and I basically spoke inappropriately and I regret having made those comments.”

Who is Jonathan Gruber - The Washington Post

Farrow suggested to Gruber that the underlying point of his remarks was actually “nuanced” and was intended to illustrate that in order to effectively pass Obamacare into law, the process needed to be “opaque.”

Gruber replied that he was trying to convey that laws that center on federal spending aren’t popular.

Jonathan Gruber to MSNBC My 8216 Stupidity of the American Voter 8217 Remark was Inappropriate Mediaite

That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have
That excuse might fly if it wasn't for the OTHER videos where Gruber conveyed the same view. Sorry, Jake but this is proof that the Obama Administration deliberately lied to the American people to pass the ACA because they knew that they couldn't get it passed unless they did so.

Gruber disagrees with you. Talk to him. Sorry, Oldstyle.
The far right of the GOP would trample Reagan today is a fact of their political principles.

With Mitch and John in power solidly with a defanged TP small caucus, the GOP has a chance to govern well this term.

Wrong again, Reactionary Jake!
The far right of the GOP would trample Reagan today is a fact of their political principles.

With Mitch and John in power solidly with a defanged TP small caucus, the GOP has a chance to govern well this term.

BS. Reagan would bring the leaders of the House and the Senate (democrats and republicans) sit their asses down in chairs and tell them "We ain't going ANYWHERE until you assholes get this worked out". He did that then and they worked well together.

YOUR problem is that you are attempting to equate YOUR boy with Reagan and that doesn't work. Barry, from day one, has vowed to do it "HIS" way or the highway. He wouldn't know "COOPERATION" if it jumped up and bit him on his skinny caramel colored ass.
So, he was speaking in some official capacity? No, he was running his mouth.

No worries -- we (me included) do that nonstop on this forum.

Tell me again about why Rush, Coulter, Hannity, Beck and other conservatives are scary though and what they say does matter to Republicans?

LOL, Liberalism, it is a dishonesty, wrapped in a hypocrisy, inside a double standard.

Coulter? You're fucking kidding, right? No comment.

Can't follow basic logic, can you, Opie?
That's Gruber talking, far right dorks, so get over it; the American citizens have

Where a Democrat is under attack, there will be a Jake there to defend them.

I see, this story is about Jake?

How fucking fourth grade!

I bow to your superior knowledge of the fourth grade

Get used to being bent over - the republicans have a plan for you.


Again, you're not able to post a lucid response that has anything to do with the post you are replying to.
So, he was speaking in some official capacity? No, he was running his mouth.

No worries -- we (me included) do that nonstop on this forum.

Tell me again about why Rush, Coulter, Hannity, Beck and other conservatives are scary though and what they say does matter to Republicans?

LOL, Liberalism, it is a dishonesty, wrapped in a hypocrisy, inside a double standard.

Coulter? You're fucking kidding, right? No comment.

Can't follow basic logic, can you, Opie?

Unfortunately, Opie can not. :cranky:

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