Gruber: Biggest Ass in America?

Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?

Why Did Gruber Say That?
In a series of videos that have recently surfaced, the blunt MIT professor and so-called Obamacare architect seems, inexplicably, both to undermine the law he worked so hard on and embarrass his former employer, President Obama.

March 16, 2011: Gruber spoke at the Pioneer Institute in Boston and discussed the so-called Cadillac tax on expensive health insurance plans.

“The only way we could take it on was first by mislabeling it, calling it a tax on insurance plans rather than a tax on people when we all know it's really a tax on people who hold those insurance plans.”

January 18, 2012: Gruber spoke at Noblis Inc. in Falls Church, Virginia, and indicated that Obamacare subsidies would not flow to residents of states that don¹t set up their own exchange, contrary to the administration’s argument in a critical case heading to the Supreme Court next year.

“If you're a state and you don¹t set up an exchange that means your citizens don't get their tax credits. But your citizens still pay the taxes that support this bill.” This goes against what is now being argued by the administration in court

October 30, 2012: Gruber spoke during the Honors Colloquium of the University of Rhode Island in Kingston and described how a tax on insurance coverage can hit consumers—and why.

“We just tax the insurance companies, they pass it on in higher prices that offsets the tax break we get. …It’s a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.”

October 17, 2013: Speaking at an expert panel at the University of Pennsylvania, Gruber gave his interpretation of the behind-the-scenes strategy in crafting and passing the health care law.

“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. ... Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. … Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”

Read more: Will Jonathan Gruber Topple Obamacare - David Nather - POLITICO Magazine
Gruber is collateral damage in the Prog war against America.

He's not the Biggest Ass, but he's one of the biggest to be caught.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.

BINGO. I really love how he can't remember how much he was paid. What a tool.
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?
The Federal govt paid him a substantial amount of money. So there is a reason there.
It also shows how the Dems schemed to get this crap passed. Gruber isnt sorry he said that shit. He's only sorry he got caught saying it.
Thanks, but I was wondering why they have a hearing about it. What is the desired, or productive, outcome of it all?
Besides telling most Americans they're idiots, which I agree with, what did this guy do that warrants the expense of an inquiry like this?

Does it make Obamacare any more likely to be repealed?

And is it even being covered by the mainstream media?

Why Did Gruber Say That?
In a series of videos that have recently surfaced, the blunt MIT professor and so-called Obamacare architect seems, inexplicably, both to undermine the law he worked so hard on and embarrass his former employer, President Obama.

March 16, 2011: Gruber spoke at the Pioneer Institute in Boston and discussed the so-called Cadillac tax on expensive health insurance plans.

“The only way we could take it on was first by mislabeling it, calling it a tax on insurance plans rather than a tax on people when we all know it's really a tax on people who hold those insurance plans.”

January 18, 2012: Gruber spoke at Noblis Inc. in Falls Church, Virginia, and indicated that Obamacare subsidies would not flow to residents of states that don¹t set up their own exchange, contrary to the administration’s argument in a critical case heading to the Supreme Court next year.

“If you're a state and you don¹t set up an exchange that means your citizens don't get their tax credits. But your citizens still pay the taxes that support this bill.” This goes against what is now being argued by the administration in court

October 30, 2012: Gruber spoke during the Honors Colloquium of the University of Rhode Island in Kingston and described how a tax on insurance coverage can hit consumers—and why.

“We just tax the insurance companies, they pass it on in higher prices that offsets the tax break we get. …It’s a very clever, you know, basic exploitation of the lack of economic understanding of the American voter.”

October 17, 2013: Speaking at an expert panel at the University of Pennsylvania, Gruber gave his interpretation of the behind-the-scenes strategy in crafting and passing the health care law.

“This bill was written in a tortured way to make sure CBO did not score the mandate as taxes. If CBO scored the mandate as taxes, the bill dies. ... Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage. … Call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass.”

Read more: Will Jonathan Gruber Topple Obamacare - David Nather - POLITICO Magazine
So is the hearing designed to collect compelling components of an argument to repeal Obamacare?
Aww leave him alone guys! He said he didn't recall!

America is a forgiving Nation!

Forgiveness is a Christian tradition!

Let's go back to watching Football and memorizing Sports stats and let's all continue taking that ObamaCare cawk up our collective asses!

It's racist if we don't.
Aww leave him alone guys! He said he didn't recall!

America is a forgiving Nation!

Forgiveness is a Christian tradition!

Let's go back to watching Football and memorizing Sports stats and let's all continue taking that ObamaCare cawk up our collective asses!

It's racist if we don't.

Actually, they want us to focus on how we're a Racist Nation that Tortures people. Bad, Stupid Americans!
Hopefully some fine young Blackman will play the knockout game on me so I can learn what it's like to be an oppressed minority.
Gruber is collateral damage in the Prog war against America.

He's not the Biggest Ass, but he's one of the biggest to be caught.
I dunno.
His explanation is worse almsot than what he did. His explanation is he is stupid. He clearly doesnt think he's stupid. And he clearly is not stupid. Thoughtless? Arrogant? Entitled? Sure. But not stupid.
Yet he's asking us to believe that he really really regrets saying that stuff. Not that he doesnt believe it of course.
the hearing is just another ploy to stick it to Obama and yes most Americans are none too bright.
the op is a fine example!
the hearing is just another ploy to stick it to Obama and yes most Americans are none too bright.
the op is a fine example!
You're not outraged that the Democrats conspired to lie to Americans and rig the system to get a favored piece of legislation passed?
The guy's a pompous prick and typical liberal. They know what's good for everybody, always.
Telling was Issa's question as to whether anyone in Gruber's audience told him later he was out of line. The answer of course was No.
Libs really believe Americans are stupid and dont know what's good for us and need an elite to tell us these things.
the hearing is just another ploy to stick it to Obama and yes most Americans are none too bright.
the op is a fine example!
You're not outraged that the Democrats conspired to lie to Americans and rig the system to get a favored piece of legislation passed?
there no evidence of that ,if there were it would have come out by now.
you seem to intentionally forget the ACA was pasted 4 years ago.
if it's taken this long to "uncover those lies"
it just proves his point that Americans are stupid

speaking of which

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