Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

Classified, EC. What combat units?

And antares is talking about signals in combat, both intentionally and notification of intruders in the AO, for those who are not following the conversation.

There is no such thing as a "combat unit" Jake. ALL forward operating units are prepared for combat , but aren't "combat units" unless they actually see combat.

These "advisers" are Marines and special operators, and they will be fully prepared to go into combat if the situation warrants it.

You act like were sending in a bunch of desk jockeys.
EC speaks for the CiC (which can also be called CINC, if she wants), when in fact she has not a cluse.

She cannot identify any combat units in Iraq or even give advance notification orders.

Yes, she is a poseur.
Classified, EC. What combat units?

And antares is talking about signals in combat, both intentionally and notification of intruders in the AO, for those who are not following the conversation.

There is no such thing as a "combat unit" Jake. ALL forward operating units are prepared for combat , but aren't "combat units" unless they actually see combat.

These "advisers" are Marines and special operators, and they will be fully prepared to go into combat if the situation warrants it.

You act like were sending in a bunch of desk jockeys.

They are actually designated as such. These units are designated as advisory and or training.

No, they are not desk jockeys, and, yes, they can be in harm's way.

They are not designated combat units and are not organized as such.

Austin Says Time Not Right for US Combat Troops in Iraq
OK, so this is where we are.

EC can't name any combat units in Iraq, and the CiC Central Command sees no need at this time to recommend them.

Antares is acting like a 13 year old with threats :lol: and is proud to have been a ranger, which he should be.

Not only that....there ARE no fucking troops in Iraq. Right, shit for brains?????
Just like this idiot President has said for months.

There are no troops. It's been a figment of everyone's imagination.

You are too stupid to have a conversation with, Fakey.

I'm sure you kept the porta potties clean and I'm the first to tell ya that's important.....but operational you are NOT.
It's called mission creep.

And Obama playing politics with foreign policy. Remember all those times you told me it wouldn't happen??????????????????????????


Just got the CNN alert below:

The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 "additional U.S. military personnel in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces" against ISIS.

The deployment will bring the total number of U.S. troops there to about 2,900.

The White House said in a statement that it will also ask Congress for another $5.6 billion dollars to fund the fight against ISIS.

Get complete coverage of breaking news on CNN TV, and CNN Mobile.


Austin Says Time Not Right for US Combat Troops in Iraq

U.S. Central Command's top officer said Thursday he is not ready to recommend ground combat troops in the fight against Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) militants, but he's not afraid to make the recommendation if it's required.

Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, who led the last U.S. forces to leave Iraq, placed blame on the previous Iraq government led by Nouri al-Maliki for the growth in power of ISIS. He said the Iraqi army stopped training and maintaining its equipment bought by U.S. taxpayers once U.S. forces left in 2011.

So EC was a special operator. The CiC Central Command statement means you are full of crap about combat units in Iraq.

Antares is taking notes on how to source material.

Is that like this idiot Admiral Press Guy at the Pentagon SWEARING this new announcement had NOTHING to do with politics???????????

The Generals can be worse than the politicians sometimes dum dum.

So you are dissing the CiC of Central Command?

What is the CiC of Central Command?

Are you talking about the commanding officer of Central Command?

Most people don't refer to him as the CiC or the CinC of anything. CiC is the command intelligence center of a naval ship and CinC is usually reserved for the President.

The Commanding officer of Central Command is referred to as CentCom Actual.
Classified, EC. What combat units?

And antares is talking about signals in combat, both intentionally and notification of intruders in the AO, for those who are not following the conversation.

There is no such thing as a "combat unit" Jake. ALL forward operating units are prepared for combat , but aren't "combat units" unless they actually see combat.

These "advisers" are Marines and special operators, and they will be fully prepared to go into combat if the situation warrants it.

You act like were sending in a bunch of desk jockeys.

They are actually designated as such. These units are designated as advisory and or training.

No, they are not desk jockeys, and, yes, they can be in harm's way.

They are not designated combat units and are not organized as such.

Shit for brains....I wasn't designated combat unit either yet was always working in dangerous areas, rode around in MRAPs and Stryker vehicles and was constantly under rocket attack.

You're too fucking stupid to be in this conversation. You cleaned toilets. Period.
Austin Says Time Not Right for US Combat Troops in Iraq

U.S. Central Command's top officer said Thursday he is not ready to recommend ground combat troops in the fight against Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) militants, but he's not afraid to make the recommendation if it's required.

Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, who led the last U.S. forces to leave Iraq, placed blame on the previous Iraq government led by Nouri al-Maliki for the growth in power of ISIS. He said the Iraqi army stopped training and maintaining its equipment bought by U.S. taxpayers once U.S. forces left in 2011.

So EC was a special operator. The CiC Central Command statement means you are full of crap about combat units in Iraq.

Antares is taking notes on how to source material.

Is that like this idiot Admiral Press Guy at the Pentagon SWEARING this new announcement had NOTHING to do with politics???????????

The Generals can be worse than the politicians sometimes dum dum.

So you are dissing the CiC of Central Command?

What is the CiC of Central Command?

Are you talking about the commanding officer of Central Command?

Most people don't refer to him as the CiC or the CinC of anything. CiC is the command intelligence center of a naval ship and CinC is usually reserved for the President.

The Commanding officer of Central Command is referred to as CentCom Actual.

During a crisis we always called the CINCs up for each command that was affected....we called them CINCs but they sure were never called CiC.
Classified, EC. What combat units?

And antares is talking about signals in combat, both intentionally and notification of intruders in the AO, for those who are not following the conversation.

There is no such thing as a "combat unit" Jake. ALL forward operating units are prepared for combat , but aren't "combat units" unless they actually see combat.

These "advisers" are Marines and special operators, and they will be fully prepared to go into combat if the situation warrants it.

You act like were sending in a bunch of desk jockeys.

They are actually designated as such. These units are designated as advisory and or training.

No, they are not desk jockeys, and, yes, they can be in harm's way.

They are not designated combat units and are not organized as such.

Austin Says Time Not Right for US Combat Troops in Iraq

wrong Jake , go re read he did not say "no were not going to and combat units into Iraq yet" because there is no such thing as a Combat Unit.

You're playing word games son.

If we suddenly decide we need "combat troops" in Iraq do you think these 1500 odd "advisers" are going to pull out and we're going to send other troops in? Of course not, these "advisers" will magically become "combat troops" same as we've been doing since Vietnam.

You fell for the oldest ruse in the book son.
Bear, in the nerve center, we never ever used the term Centcom Actual, though I know that's an official term for him. For example, the CJCS would say "get their CINC on the phone."
Let me know next time you come through Omaha?

Antares, if you're in Omaha, you might know Kris Paranto since you're both ex Rangers.??

I don't, I don't talk about it much.

You're a former special operator, Antares. Could you pls educate those actually trying to learn from this thread that special operating forces don't just sit in the back with the admin folks....that there's a difference between inside the wire and outside the wire....

Inside the wire (Jake) waits on what we send them.

In my day we didn't paint anything with a laser, we didn't have them.
They sent us out and we did what we had to do.

My friend was punctured by a pungy stick.

The people we were there to help saved his leg.

If you know who they were you know what they used as alarms.

You meant punji sticks I'm sure.

Oh and Jake, are you really threatening a man who if he served in Vietnam is in his late 60s by now? Come on son. That ain't right.

I am older than he, he is threatening me, and if he was born in 1956 or 1957, did he serve in Vietnam?
OK, so this is where we are.

EC can't name any combat units in Iraq, and the CiC Central Command sees no need at this time to recommend them.

Antares is acting like a 13 year old with threats :lol: and is proud to have been a ranger, which he should be.

Not only that....there ARE no fucking troops in Iraq. Right, shit for brains?????
Just like this idiot President has said for months.

There are no troops. It's been a figment of everyone's imagination.

You are too stupid to have a conversation with, Fakey.

I'm sure you kept the porta potties clean and I'm the first to tell ya that's important.....but operational you are NOT.

Deflecting only makes you look more foolish, EC.

Starting to get jumpy, huh?
Austin Says Time Not Right for US Combat Troops in Iraq

U.S. Central Command's top officer said Thursday he is not ready to recommend ground combat troops in the fight against Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) militants, but he's not afraid to make the recommendation if it's required.

Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, who led the last U.S. forces to leave Iraq, placed blame on the previous Iraq government led by Nouri al-Maliki for the growth in power of ISIS. He said the Iraqi army stopped training and maintaining its equipment bought by U.S. taxpayers once U.S. forces left in 2011.

So EC was a special operator. The CiC Central Command statement means you are full of crap about combat units in Iraq.

Antares is taking notes on how to source material.

Is that like this idiot Admiral Press Guy at the Pentagon SWEARING this new announcement had NOTHING to do with politics???????????

The Generals can be worse than the politicians sometimes dum dum.

So you are dissing the CiC of Central Command?

What is the CiC of Central Command?

Are you talking about the commanding officer of Central Command?

Most people don't refer to him as the CiC or the CinC of anything. CiC is the command intelligence center of a naval ship and CinC is usually reserved for the President.

The Commanding officer of Central Command is referred to as CentCom Actual.

During a crisis we always called the CINCs up for each command that was affected....we called them CINCs but they sure were never called CiC.

I've never heard anyone use that term except in reference to POTUS. Sorry, just haven't.

The CO of whatever team/unit/battalion/brigaed/command whatever was always referred to as actual wherever I was.
Austin Says Time Not Right for US Combat Troops in Iraq

U.S. Central Command's top officer said Thursday he is not ready to recommend ground combat troops in the fight against Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) militants, but he's not afraid to make the recommendation if it's required.

Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, who led the last U.S. forces to leave Iraq, placed blame on the previous Iraq government led by Nouri al-Maliki for the growth in power of ISIS. He said the Iraqi army stopped training and maintaining its equipment bought by U.S. taxpayers once U.S. forces left in 2011.

So EC was a special operator. The CiC Central Command statement means you are full of crap about combat units in Iraq.

Antares is taking notes on how to source material.

Is that like this idiot Admiral Press Guy at the Pentagon SWEARING this new announcement had NOTHING to do with politics???????????

The Generals can be worse than the politicians sometimes dum dum.

So you are dissing the CiC of Central Command?

What is the CiC of Central Command?

Are you talking about the commanding officer of Central Command?

Most people don't refer to him as the CiC or the CinC of anything. CiC is the command intelligence center of a naval ship and CinC is usually reserved for the President.

The Commanding officer of Central Command is referred to as CentCom Actual.

Thank you for the latest on protocol, Bear.
Antares, if you're in Omaha, you might know Kris Paranto since you're both ex Rangers.??

I don't, I don't talk about it much.

You're a former special operator, Antares. Could you pls educate those actually trying to learn from this thread that special operating forces don't just sit in the back with the admin folks....that there's a difference between inside the wire and outside the wire....

Inside the wire (Jake) waits on what we send them.

In my day we didn't paint anything with a laser, we didn't have them.
They sent us out and we did what we had to do.

My friend was punctured by a pungy stick.

The people we were there to help saved his leg.

If you know who they were you know what they used as alarms.

You meant punji sticks I'm sure.

Oh and Jake, are you really threatening a man who if he served in Vietnam is in his late 60s by now? Come on son. That ain't right.

I am older than he, he is threatening me, and if he was born in 1956 or 1957, did he serve in Vietnam?

Probably not, my dad was born in '53 and was too young for vietnam. My uncle who was born in '50 went though.
There are no American units prepared for combat operations in Iraq. EC failed that.

Antares is trying to figure out how at 57 now . . .
Austin Says Time Not Right for US Combat Troops in Iraq

U.S. Central Command's top officer said Thursday he is not ready to recommend ground combat troops in the fight against Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (ISIS) militants, but he's not afraid to make the recommendation if it's required.

Gen. Lloyd J. Austin III, who led the last U.S. forces to leave Iraq, placed blame on the previous Iraq government led by Nouri al-Maliki for the growth in power of ISIS. He said the Iraqi army stopped training and maintaining its equipment bought by U.S. taxpayers once U.S. forces left in 2011.

So EC was a special operator. The CiC Central Command statement means you are full of crap about combat units in Iraq.

Antares is taking notes on how to source material.

Is that like this idiot Admiral Press Guy at the Pentagon SWEARING this new announcement had NOTHING to do with politics???????????

The Generals can be worse than the politicians sometimes dum dum.

So you are dissing the CiC of Central Command?

What is the CiC of Central Command?

Are you talking about the commanding officer of Central Command?

Most people don't refer to him as the CiC or the CinC of anything. CiC is the command intelligence center of a naval ship and CinC is usually reserved for the President.

The Commanding officer of Central Command is referred to as CentCom Actual.

During a crisis we always called the CINCs up for each command that was affected....we called them CINCs but they sure were never called CiC.

I've never heard anyone use that term except in reference to POTUS. Sorry, just haven't.

The CO of whatever team/unit/battalion/brigaed/command whatever was always referred to as actual wherever I was.

Hey,we were in the purple know how different that was from pure green or pure blue, right? :)
OK, so this is where we are.

EC can't name any combat units in Iraq, and the CiC Central Command sees no need at this time to recommend them.

Antares is acting like a 13 year old with threats :lol: and is proud to have been a ranger, which he should be.

Not only that....there ARE no fucking troops in Iraq. Right, shit for brains?????
Just like this idiot President has said for months.

There are no troops. It's been a figment of everyone's imagination.

You are too stupid to have a conversation with, Fakey.

I'm sure you kept the porta potties clean and I'm the first to tell ya that's important.....but operational you are NOT.

Deflecting only makes you look more foolish, EC.

Starting to get jumpy, huh?


When you're caught lying and bullshitting you should make up personal shit about your opponent. Key Saul Alinsky tactic.

That's another way I know you're a Socialist, Fakey. :)
She was talking about major units, bear, and has been back tracking ever since, particularly since I posted General Austin's statement.

I am fully aware that anyone who has ever served in a dangerous area is in combat mode.

That is not what she meant.

No crap about Antares: he was a wrestler and a Ranger and is 57 or 58. He is too young to have served in Vietnam, so that is why I asked him about the punji stick.

Haven't made anything up about you, because you have outed yourself over and over and over, EC.

But you have happily liked about me.

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