Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

Funny that liberals don't have a problem opposing Obama when he makes these kind of blunders in Iraq,

but conservatives? The neocons who never wanted us to extricate ourselves in the first place, who wanted to stay there for 50 or 100 years (yes, remember all the Germany/Korea analogies?)

now that Obama is fucking up by doing what THEY think is right, they can't bring themselves to support it.


You're too stupid to understand the big differences between both Commanders in Chief. They couldn't be bigger.
Yep. One had a -R beside his name. That made everything A-OK. This guy has a -D. That means he is always wrong 100% of the time.

Nope the one with the D just has trouble listening to his Generals....the folks who ACTUALLY know what they are doing.

The one with the D (as he himself has made clear time and again) the HE is ALWAYS the best and smartest about EVERYTHING.

Bush was/is a fuck up but he listened to Military Advisors.

Bush did what he believed was the right thing to do and he did, as you stated, take the advice of the miltary experts. Obama thought he knew better, and it has turned into a first class clusterfuck.

It was Obama who understood the true situation in Iraq. If only Bush had listened

obama was advising bush when he was in office?..LMAO..
poor bitter little partisans...they're coming completely unhinged now.
You're too stupid to understand the big differences between both Commanders in Chief. They couldn't be bigger.
Yep. One had a -R beside his name. That made everything A-OK. This guy has a -D. That means he is always wrong 100% of the time.

Nope the one with the D just has trouble listening to his Generals....the folks who ACTUALLY know what they are doing.

The one with the D (as he himself has made clear time and again) the HE is ALWAYS the best and smartest about EVERYTHING.

Bush was/is a fuck up but he listened to Military Advisors.

Bush did what he believed was the right thing to do and he did, as you stated, take the advice of the miltary experts. Obama thought he knew better, and it has turned into a first class clusterfuck.

It was Obama who understood the true situation in Iraq. If only Bush had listened

obama was advising bush when he was in office?..LMAO..
poor bitter little partisans...they're coming completely unhinged now.

Obama would have made a better adviser than Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz
Yep. One had a -R beside his name. That made everything A-OK. This guy has a -D. That means he is always wrong 100% of the time.

Nope the one with the D just has trouble listening to his Generals....the folks who ACTUALLY know what they are doing.

The one with the D (as he himself has made clear time and again) the HE is ALWAYS the best and smartest about EVERYTHING.

Bush was/is a fuck up but he listened to Military Advisors.

Bush did what he believed was the right thing to do and he did, as you stated, take the advice of the miltary experts. Obama thought he knew better, and it has turned into a first class clusterfuck.

It was Obama who understood the true situation in Iraq. If only Bush had listened

obama was advising bush when he was in office?..LMAO..
poor bitter little partisans...they're coming completely unhinged now.

Obama would have made a better adviser than Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz

all over the change the subject with every your tail...
It's his war now.
He will be overjoyed when the Caliphate is set up.

He is willing to let a few more American boys die so he can say "he tried to stop ISIL/ISIS/AQ/KG.

But he isn't REALLY trying to stop them; they are his "good Syrian rebels".

What we SHOULD do is arm Assad to the teeth and let him wipe them out.

Of course, removing "bad" dictators leads to Libyan type situations, JUST AS OBAMA PLANNED.
EC001 10127438
It's called mission creep..

Econ (Raqqa Rose) Chick could not wait to go derogatory against a succeeding US military mission in Iraq, Recent reports indicate that the IS Terrorists are suffering set backs in Iraq. There is no need for 'mission creep' from an advising role to combat role for additional troops being deployed to Iraq. Raqqa Rose would like people to swallow her propaganda that the additional US troops being sent to Iraq will be engaged combat role as some kind of 'deviation from the original mission. . That his not happened and will not need to happen.

The official rejected the notion that the additional troops reflected “mission creep,” saying the mission remains the same. “We are keeping the limiting factor on the mission,” the official said, referencing the no-combat provisions. “We are adding personnel to better carry out the mission.”

Iraq Troops Obama 1 500 President Authorizes Deployment

It will be necessary to set up a propaganda watch now that the IS terrorists have begun a retreat as they are taking losses specifically in Iraq. There are many here that owe the IS terrorists quite a bit for helping them win seats during the midterm elections.
Not even Obabble could say we are winning against isis, bold and effective is that?
It's his war now.
He will be overjoyed when the Caliphate is set up.

He is willing to let a few more American boys die so he can say "he tried to stop ISIL/ISIS/AQ/KG.

But he isn't REALLY trying to stop them; they are his "good Syrian rebels".

What we SHOULD do is arm Assad to the teeth and let him wipe them out.

Of course, removing "bad" dictators leads to Libyan type situations, JUST AS OBAMA PLANNED.

arming syrians isn't the answer.
Let them all settle it among themselves.

There are good reasons these guys aren't threatening or murdering russian citizens or chinese citizens.
The dumbass-in-chief to send up to 1500 more troops back to Iraq...somehow the SOFA agreement is no longer an obstacle...imagine that.

WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 additional troops to Iraq in noncombat roles and is asking Congress for $5.6 billion, as the U.S. looks to ramp up the fight against Islamic State militants.

The U.S. military personnel will serve “in a noncombat role to train, advise and assist Iraqi security forces, including Kurdish forces,” White House spokesman Josh Earnest said.
We had this war won, only to have Obumbler snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Libya...another Obumbler mishandling.

Syria...another Obumbler error.

ISIS...another Obumbler foul up. JV my ass.

Russia...Iran...the list goes on and on...

Amateur hour continues indefinitely...

Uh and what happened to the ARAB spring again ????

What were these terrorist attacks being called that happened on our soil again ? Workplace violence ?

How is it that Susan Rice is still in any role in our government after Benghazi, umm well is simply remarkable to me, and like you say the list just goes on and on and on. Will we ever learn the whole truth about all these intentional things that were done or being done in our namesake again ?

How crazy was this nation again, to then hire someone touting their race as being so important to that process or going down the road of identity politics listing gender as the next important thing that it needs to do when hiring someone for the job ? Wake up America, because you got duped or you have duped your ownselves big time in these things.
It's called mission creep.

And Obama playing politics with foreign policy. Remember all those times you told me it wouldn't happen??????????????????????????


Just got the CNN alert below:

The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 "additional U.S. military personnel in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces" against ISIS.

The deployment will bring the total number of U.S. troops there to about 2,900.

The White House said in a statement that it will also ask Congress for another $5.6 billion dollars to fund the fight against ISIS.

Get complete coverage of breaking news on CNN TV, and CNN Mobile.

Won World War 2 in under 4 years for about 300 billion (in today's dollars.)

War today is a for-profit endeavor. Has nothing to do with winning but prolonging hostilities as long as possible by doing everything half-assed which maximizes profits for the coprorations supplying everyting from tissues and q-tips to bombs and planes.
"When asked about ISIS the president said it was “too early to say whether we are winning,” and that it was going to take a considerable amount of time to secure the Iraqi government and push ISIS off the extensive territory it has taken. He said the problems in Syria will “not be solved anytime soon.” The hardest piece of business, according to Obama, is strengthening moderate forces in Syria and he noted that his first priority is to drive ISIS out of Iraq."

Notfooled should listen to his hero...:ack-1:
Why are there no reporters in least in the green zone...interviewing people on current conditions? How about on the streets of Baghdad...interviewing shop owners and ordinary citizens. Do they want us involved?
"When asked about ISIS the president said it was “too early to say whether we are winning,” and that it was going to take a considerable amount of time to secure the Iraqi government and push ISIS off the extensive territory it has taken. He said the problems in Syria will “not be solved anytime soon.” The hardest piece of business, according to Obama, is strengthening moderate forces in Syria and he noted that his first priority is to drive ISIS out of Iraq."

Notfooled should listen to his hero...:ack-1:
Moderate forces in Syria are the ones that do clitectomies with bayonets instead of glass shards.
You think Obama, Mister Anti-War is pushing for the increase in troops? Nope, he is taking advise from the commanders of the military. That is what you repubs have always said you want him to do, right?
You think Obama, Mister Anti-War is pushing for the increase in troops? Nope, he is taking advise from the commanders of the military. That is what you repubs have always said you want him to do, right?
My guess is the military wants a whole lot more than the community organizer is willing to give. The Military is interested in military victory. Obabble is interested in political cover.
'Mission Creep.' I tried to tell his Bot-followers, we're not leaving Iraq. Leaving Iraq was a fairy tale. He just told his followers what they wanted to hear. Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Iraq, and so on. He didn't end any wars. He only started new ones. His followers got duped. They're suckers.
Nope the one with the D just has trouble listening to his Generals....the folks who ACTUALLY know what they are doing.

The one with the D (as he himself has made clear time and again) the HE is ALWAYS the best and smartest about EVERYTHING.

Bush was/is a fuck up but he listened to Military Advisors.

Bush did what he believed was the right thing to do and he did, as you stated, take the advice of the miltary experts. Obama thought he knew better, and it has turned into a first class clusterfuck.

It was Obama who understood the true situation in Iraq. If only Bush had listened

obama was advising bush when he was in office?..LMAO..
poor bitter little partisans...they're coming completely unhinged now.

Obama would have made a better adviser than Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz

all over the change the subject with every your tail...

If only Bush had listened....

What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war. What I am opposed to is the cynical attempt by Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz and other armchair, weekend warriors in this administration to shove their own ideological agendas down our throats, irrespective of the costs in lives lost and in hardships borne.

What I am opposed to is the attempt by political hacks like Karl Rove to distract us from a rise in the uninsured, a rise in the poverty rate, a drop in the median income — to distract us from corporate scandals and a stock market that has just gone through the worst month since the Great Depression. That's what I'm opposed to. A dumb war. A rash war. A war based not on reason but on passion, not on principle but on politics. Now let me be clear — I suffer no illusions about Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal man. A ruthless man. A man who butchers his own people to secure his own power. He has repeatedly defied UN resolutions, thwarted UN inspection teams, developed chemical and biological weapons, and coveted nuclear capacity. He's a bad guy. The world, and the Iraqi people, would be better off without him.

But I also know that Saddam poses no imminent and direct threat to the United States or to his neighbors, that the Iraqi economy is in shambles, that the Iraqi military a fraction of its former strength, and that in concert with the international community he can be contained until, in the way of all petty dictators, he falls away into the dustbin of history. I know that even a successful war against Iraq will require a U.S. occupation of undetermined length, at undetermined cost, with undetermined consequences

Barack Obama Oct 2 2002
You think Obama, Mister Anti-War is pushing for the increase in troops? Nope, he is taking advise from the commanders of the military. That is what you repubs have always said you want him to do, right?

Under this discussion.............the general recommended in 2012 to train and arm the FSA........currently our military is training 5000 FSA to fight in Syria............

When asked in committee Hagel would not answer the question whether we would come to the aid of these FSA troops went hit by air strikes from Assad............

Basically, they wouldn't answer the ASSAD is bombing the FSA that we are training.............yet we are training FSA troops to fight ISIS and basically allow those trained to get hit by Syrian forces mainly air power.............

In this video the General stated Obama went against the advice of our military leaders, the CIA, and etc.................This is under oath in committee........


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