Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

Permanent War is the Globalist Elite agenda. It's all about plundering resources. For example, why are we still in Afghanistan? Terrorism? Drugs? Nope. It's about a pipeline.

So after their ISIS Boogeyman fades into oblivion, they'll just invent a new Boogeyman. The People need to stand up and demand an end to Permanent War. They have to stop sending their children to die so Globalist Elite assholes can get richer. The vicious circle of death & carnage has to be broken.
You think evil bad people (Boogeymen) have to be invented? If left alone, the world will not create evil men who wish to plunder the weak. When in the history of man has their been a time when evil men intent on murder, rape a pillage not been present?

'Wag the Dog.' The Globalist Elites have perfected it. Entertainment spectaculars. Most Sheeple in the world believe everything they see on TV or the Internet. And guess who controls Mass Media? Governments and a handful of large Corporations.

Inventing a Boogeyman like ISIS involves very little effort for them. Just film something, and then show it on TV and the Internet. The Sheeple will likely go along with just about anything. It's why they continue to support Permanent War.
You are saying you know and understand something that most people are not able to know and understand. We can trust your judgement that ISIS and al Qaeda can be left alone and they will not become a danger to us. We could have left the Nazi's and Tojo alone. We didn't have to go to war with them. You want all of us to gamble the lives and futures of our children and grandchildren on your opinion and concepts about how the world works. What makes you so sure the majority of humans that disagree with you are the sheeple? Perhaps it is easier to herd the extremist that can be convinced to follow cult like belief systems and need no real empirical data to confirm odd ball ideas. Perhaps you are part of sheeple class and those who disagree with you are the real thinkers.

If it isn't Al Qaeda or ISIS, it'll be another Boogeyman. Because Permanent War is the goal for the Elites. It becomes even more disturbing once you realize Al Qaeda and ISIS were created by those same Globalist Elites.
Permanent War is the Globalist Elite agenda. It's all about plundering resources. For example, why are we still in Afghanistan? Terrorism? Drugs? Nope. It's about a pipeline.

So after their ISIS Boogeyman fades into oblivion, they'll just invent a new Boogeyman. The People need to stand up and demand an end to Permanent War. They have to stop sending their children to die so Globalist Elite assholes can get richer. The vicious circle of death & carnage has to be broken.
You think evil bad people (Boogeymen) have to be invented? If left alone, the world will not create evil men who wish to plunder the weak. When in the history of man has their been a time when evil men intent on murder, rape a pillage not been present?

'Wag the Dog.' The Globalist Elites have perfected it. Entertainment spectaculars. Most Sheeple in the world believe everything they see on TV or the Internet. And guess who controls Mass Media? Governments and a handful of large Corporations.

Inventing a Boogeyman like ISIS involves very little effort for them. Just film something, and then show it on TV and the Internet. The Sheeple will likely go along with just about anything. It's why they continue to support Permanent War.
You are saying you know and understand something that most people are not able to know and understand. We can trust your judgement that ISIS and al Qaeda can be left alone and they will not become a danger to us. We could have left the Nazi's and Tojo alone. We didn't have to go to war with them. You want all of us to gamble the lives and futures of our children and grandchildren on your opinion and concepts about how the world works. What makes you so sure the majority of humans that disagree with you are the sheeple? Perhaps it is easier to herd the extremist that can be convinced to follow cult like belief systems and need no real empirical data to confirm odd ball ideas. Perhaps you are part of sheeple class and those who disagree with you are the real thinkers.

If it isn't Al Qaeda or ISIS, it'll be another Boogeyman. Because Permanent War is the goal for the Elites. It becomes even more disturbing once you realize Al Qaeda and ISIS were created by those same Globalist Elites.
If we could just get the tinfoil out of your head, you are almost on to something, but you always sound like one of those morons who think the Jews control everything when there aren't enough of them to fill a Dennys at Happy Hour.
*paul 10434119
Because Permanent War is the goal for the Elites. It becomes even more disturbing once you realize Al Qaeda and ISIS were created by those same Globalist Elites.

How many globalist elites have a hand in creating al Qaeda and ISIS? What are the named of the top ten if there are that many?
Permanent War is the Globalist Elite agenda. It's all about plundering resources. For example, why are we still in Afghanistan? Terrorism? Drugs? Nope. It's about a pipeline.

So after their ISIS Boogeyman fades into oblivion, they'll just invent a new Boogeyman. The People need to stand up and demand an end to Permanent War. They have to stop sending their children to die so Globalist Elite assholes can get richer. The vicious circle of death & carnage has to be broken.
You think evil bad people (Boogeymen) have to be invented? If left alone, the world will not create evil men who wish to plunder the weak. When in the history of man has their been a time when evil men intent on murder, rape a pillage not been present?

'Wag the Dog.' The Globalist Elites have perfected it. Entertainment spectaculars. Most Sheeple in the world believe everything they see on TV or the Internet. And guess who controls Mass Media? Governments and a handful of large Corporations.

Inventing a Boogeyman like ISIS involves very little effort for them. Just film something, and then show it on TV and the Internet. The Sheeple will likely go along with just about anything. It's why they continue to support Permanent War.
You are saying you know and understand something that most people are not able to know and understand. We can trust your judgement that ISIS and al Qaeda can be left alone and they will not become a danger to us. We could have left the Nazi's and Tojo alone. We didn't have to go to war with them. You want all of us to gamble the lives and futures of our children and grandchildren on your opinion and concepts about how the world works. What makes you so sure the majority of humans that disagree with you are the sheeple? Perhaps it is easier to herd the extremist that can be convinced to follow cult like belief systems and need no real empirical data to confirm odd ball ideas. Perhaps you are part of sheeple class and those who disagree with you are the real thinkers.

If it isn't Al Qaeda or ISIS, it'll be another Boogeyman. Because Permanent War is the goal for the Elites. It becomes even more disturbing once you realize Al Qaeda and ISIS were created by those same Globalist Elites.
If we could just get the tinfoil out of your head, you are almost on to something, but you always sound like one of those morons who think the Jews control everything when there aren't enough of them to fill a Dennys at Happy Hour.

*paul 10434119
Because Permanent War is the goal for the Elites. It becomes even more disturbing once you realize Al Qaeda and ISIS were created by those same Globalist Elites.

How many globalist elites have a hand in creating al Qaeda and ISIS? What are the named of the top ten if there are that many?

You and I are not members of their Elite Club. We know what they deem 'Acceptable' for us to know. Mass Media is controlled by Governments and a handful of large Corporations. I know many will counter with the old 'Tinfoil Hat' insult, but i assure you, Mass Media is controlled Propaganda.
*paul 10434119
Because Permanent War is the goal for the Elites. It becomes even more disturbing once you realize Al Qaeda and ISIS were created by those same Globalist Elites.

How many globalist elites have a hand in creating al Qaeda and ISIS? What are the named of the top ten if there are that many?

Just follow the money. And sadly, you'll discover that all roads lead the the U.S. and its allies. Al Qaeda and ISIS are heavily funded and armed. And who's done most of that funding & arming? Well, i'll let you decide that for yourself.
The RNC could not have timed the June Daesh invasion into Iraq this year. And the beheadings just before the US midterms were perfect for Republican prospects for political gains.

Mitt Romney even slithered out of his counting house to dance on the graves of the beheaded victims. He wants to send other people's sons over there to be killed trying to stop what's going on.

The GOP is just waiting for another opportunity to send troops into a foreign war. Some of their biggest constituents, such as Halliburton, need to up their profit margin. Hey, the GOP feels it is worth it, even if it does cost a few soldier's lives....the price of war....

Obama is the one sending in the troops and he isn't the GOP.

How ironic that you point that out on the very day we end the longest running war in US History. albeit a justified war. That is unlike the mistake W made by invading the wrong country in Iraq. We will be paying for the poor judgement of the recovering alcoholic for generations to come.

Bush was merely following the advice of the leading Democrats in the Senate. That was the only poor judgement he made.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

PLEASE! You know as well as I do that they all were basing their opinions on cooked books and cherry picked data from Bush and DICK. They actually believed the lies that this Regime handed out. Never has an administration concocted such a mess. They swore there was WMD even when UN inspectors on the ground could not find it. DICK wanted his beloved Halliburton to get rich off of military contracts, and he succeeded.
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies. The same people that briefed Bush. You do realize that Cheney donated his Halliburton stock to charity before he was he was elected so he had no skin in the game.
Why do people still defend Cheney with misinformation?

Folks from both political parties, conservative and progressive know Cheney was a pig that profited off his war in Iraq.

The GOP is just waiting for another opportunity to send troops into a foreign war. Some of their biggest constituents, such as Halliburton, need to up their profit margin. Hey, the GOP feels it is worth it, even if it does cost a few soldier's lives....the price of war....

Obama is the one sending in the troops and he isn't the GOP.

How ironic that you point that out on the very day we end the longest running war in US History. albeit a justified war. That is unlike the mistake W made by invading the wrong country in Iraq. We will be paying for the poor judgement of the recovering alcoholic for generations to come.

Bush was merely following the advice of the leading Democrats in the Senate. That was the only poor judgement he made.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

PLEASE! You know as well as I do that they all were basing their opinions on cooked books and cherry picked data from Bush and DICK. They actually believed the lies that this Regime handed out. Never has an administration concocted such a mess. They swore there was WMD even when UN inspectors on the ground could not find it. DICK wanted his beloved Halliburton to get rich off of military contracts, and he succeeded.
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies. The same people that briefed Bush. You do realize that Cheney donated his Halliburton stock to charity before he was he was elected so he had no skin in the game.
Why do people still defend Cheney with misinformation?

Folks from both political parties, conservative and progressive know Cheney was a pig that profited off his war in Iraq.

Obama is the one sending in the troops and he isn't the GOP.

How ironic that you point that out on the very day we end the longest running war in US History. albeit a justified war. That is unlike the mistake W made by invading the wrong country in Iraq. We will be paying for the poor judgement of the recovering alcoholic for generations to come.

Bush was merely following the advice of the leading Democrats in the Senate. That was the only poor judgement he made.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

PLEASE! You know as well as I do that they all were basing their opinions on cooked books and cherry picked data from Bush and DICK. They actually believed the lies that this Regime handed out. Never has an administration concocted such a mess. They swore there was WMD even when UN inspectors on the ground could not find it. DICK wanted his beloved Halliburton to get rich off of military contracts, and he succeeded.
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies. The same people that briefed Bush. You do realize that Cheney donated his Halliburton stock to charity before he was he was elected so he had no skin in the game.

Tell me how Cheney profited from the Iraq war. I'm waiting!
Why do people still defend Cheney with misinformation?

Folks from both political parties, conservative and progressive know Cheney was a pig that profited off his war in Iraq.

How ironic that you point that out on the very day we end the longest running war in US History. albeit a justified war. That is unlike the mistake W made by invading the wrong country in Iraq. We will be paying for the poor judgement of the recovering alcoholic for generations to come.

Bush was merely following the advice of the leading Democrats in the Senate. That was the only poor judgement he made.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

PLEASE! You know as well as I do that they all were basing their opinions on cooked books and cherry picked data from Bush and DICK. They actually believed the lies that this Regime handed out. Never has an administration concocted such a mess. They swore there was WMD even when UN inspectors on the ground could not find it. DICK wanted his beloved Halliburton to get rich off of military contracts, and he succeeded.
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies. The same people that briefed Bush. You do realize that Cheney donated his Halliburton stock to charity before he was he was elected so he had no skin in the game.

Tell me how Cheney profited from the Iraq war. I'm waiting!
It must be a grand conspiracy between Rand Paul and the progressives.
Why do people still defend Cheney with misinformation?

Folks from both political parties, conservative and progressive know Cheney was a pig that profited off his war in Iraq.

How ironic that you point that out on the very day we end the longest running war in US History. albeit a justified war. That is unlike the mistake W made by invading the wrong country in Iraq. We will be paying for the poor judgement of the recovering alcoholic for generations to come.

Bush was merely following the advice of the leading Democrats in the Senate. That was the only poor judgement he made.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

PLEASE! You know as well as I do that they all were basing their opinions on cooked books and cherry picked data from Bush and DICK. They actually believed the lies that this Regime handed out. Never has an administration concocted such a mess. They swore there was WMD even when UN inspectors on the ground could not find it. DICK wanted his beloved Halliburton to get rich off of military contracts, and he succeeded.
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies. The same people that briefed Bush. You do realize that Cheney donated his Halliburton stock to charity before he was he was elected so he had no skin in the game.

Tell me how Cheney profited from the Iraq war. I'm waiting! does this look?

Dick Cheney- Neocon War Profiteer

Cheney, the CEO of Halliburton, prior to his stint as Vice President did well, in fact very, very, very well at KBR and he did not deserve not deserve the big payoffs handing him by the Halliburon Board of Directors.

In the five years he worked at the company, he received $12.5m in salary. He also held $39m-worth of stock options when he quit the company in 2000 – a fortune for a man with no previous experience in running a multinational company. In addition, Halliburton’s board of directors voted to award him early retirement when he quit his job, even though he was too young to qualify under his contract. That flexibility enabled him to leave with a retirement package, including stock and options, worth millions more than if he had simply resigned. Plus, Halliburton paid out Cheney an extra $1m during the time he served as vice-president.

Cheney cashed in his remaining stock options gradually, starting with selling 100,000 Halliburton shares in May 2000, for an immediate profit of $3m. In 2005, Cheney exercised most of what remained of his Halliburton stock options for a $6.9m profit, all of which he donated to charity. (Most of it was donated to the Richard B Cheney Cardiac Institute at George Washington University.)

Here’s the thing, as KBR’s chief exec Cheney was not all that good. The company lost a lot of money in sales, in development, and in lawsuits during his time at the helm. The stock price of Halliburton rose from about $12 a share in 1996, to a high of $25, before plunging to about $7 a share in 2002.


I wonder why they were so willing to give him a golden parachute?

Hmmmmm… you think he owed them?

Hmmmmm… you think they had something in mind that the former Secretary of Defense and soon to be VP candidate could do for them?

Hmmmmm… you think they were hoping for a nice little war….or two….hmmmmm

But since it is not FOX, I guess it is all a lie? REALLY?
TT 10434605
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies.

And what would it matter if they were all briefed exactly the same as the president? You still have been caught misquoting what Kerry said in January 2003 about the need to disarm Iraq based upon the intelligence that existed prior to November 2002 when the inspectors went back in.

Kerry said there still was no need to disarm Iraq by military force. He said Bush needed to exhaust all possibilities before using military force. You claim that Bush followed Kerry's advice. That was not true. You were spreading something completely untrue.

Now you want to roll on and pretend you have not been caught.
Why do people still defend Cheney with misinformation?

Folks from both political parties, conservative and progressive know Cheney was a pig that profited off his war in Iraq.

Bush was merely following the advice of the leading Democrats in the Senate. That was the only poor judgement he made.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

PLEASE! You know as well as I do that they all were basing their opinions on cooked books and cherry picked data from Bush and DICK. They actually believed the lies that this Regime handed out. Never has an administration concocted such a mess. They swore there was WMD even when UN inspectors on the ground could not find it. DICK wanted his beloved Halliburton to get rich off of military contracts, and he succeeded.
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies. The same people that briefed Bush. You do realize that Cheney donated his Halliburton stock to charity before he was he was elected so he had no skin in the game.

Tell me how Cheney profited from the Iraq war. I'm waiting!
It must be a grand conspiracy between Rand Paul and the progressives.

Rand Paul was running for President and grasping.
Why do people still defend Cheney with misinformation?

Folks from both political parties, conservative and progressive know Cheney was a pig that profited off his war in Iraq.

Bush was merely following the advice of the leading Democrats in the Senate. That was the only poor judgement he made.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

PLEASE! You know as well as I do that they all were basing their opinions on cooked books and cherry picked data from Bush and DICK. They actually believed the lies that this Regime handed out. Never has an administration concocted such a mess. They swore there was WMD even when UN inspectors on the ground could not find it. DICK wanted his beloved Halliburton to get rich off of military contracts, and he succeeded.
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies. The same people that briefed Bush. You do realize that Cheney donated his Halliburton stock to charity before he was he was elected so he had no skin in the game.

Tell me how Cheney profited from the Iraq war. I'm waiting! does this look?

Dick Cheney- Neocon War Profiteer

Cheney, the CEO of Halliburton, prior to his stint as Vice President did well, in fact very, very, very well at KBR and he did not deserve not deserve the big payoffs handing him by the Halliburon Board of Directors.

In the five years he worked at the company, he received $12.5m in salary. He also held $39m-worth of stock options when he quit the company in 2000 – a fortune for a man with no previous experience in running a multinational company. In addition, Halliburton’s board of directors voted to award him early retirement when he quit his job, even though he was too young to qualify under his contract. That flexibility enabled him to leave with a retirement package, including stock and options, worth millions more than if he had simply resigned. Plus, Halliburton paid out Cheney an extra $1m during the time he served as vice-president.

Cheney cashed in his remaining stock options gradually, starting with selling 100,000 Halliburton shares in May 2000, for an immediate profit of $3m. In 2005, Cheney exercised most of what remained of his Halliburton stock options for a $6.9m profit, all of which he donated to charity. (Most of it was donated to the Richard B Cheney Cardiac Institute at George Washington University.)

Here’s the thing, as KBR’s chief exec Cheney was not all that good. The company lost a lot of money in sales, in development, and in lawsuits during his time at the helm. The stock price of Halliburton rose from about $12 a share in 1996, to a high of $25, before plunging to about $7 a share in 2002.


I wonder why they were so willing to give him a golden parachute?

Hmmmmm… you think he owed them?

Hmmmmm… you think they had something in mind that the former Secretary of Defense and soon to be VP candidate could do for them?

Hmmmmm… you think they were hoping for a nice little war….or two….hmmmmm

But since it is not FOX, I guess it is all a lie? REALLY?

You don't have a clue do you.
TT 10434605
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies.

And what would it matter if they were all briefed exactly the same as the president? You still have been caught misquoting what Kerry said in January 2003 about the need to disarm Iraq based upon the intelligence that existed prior to November 2002 when the inspectors went back in.

Kerry said there still was no need to disarm Iraq by military force. He said Bush needed to exhaust all possibilities before using military force. You claim that Bush followed Kerry's advice. That was not true. You were spreading something completely untrue.

Now you want to roll on and pretend you have not been caught.

So Kerry sent Powell to the UN to lie? Nope, it was DICK and W who pulled that string.
TT 10434605
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies.

And what would it matter if they were all briefed exactly the same as the president? You still have been caught misquoting what Kerry said in January 2003 about the need to disarm Iraq based upon the intelligence that existed prior to November 2002 when the inspectors went back in.

Kerry said there still was no need to disarm Iraq by military force. He said Bush needed to exhaust all possibilities before using military force. You claim that Bush followed Kerry's advice. That was not true. You were spreading something completely untrue.

Now you want to roll on and pretend you have not been caught.

Here you go little fellow. The whole package of lies wrapped up with a nice red bow.

Lie by Lie A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq Mother Jones


Downing Street memo: "There has been no credible evidence to link Iraq with Al Qaida…In the documents so far presented it has been hard to glean whether the threat from Iraq is so significantly different from that of Iran or North Korea as to justify action." [Date the public knew: 9/18/04]

Summer 2002

French debunk yellowcake theory: "We told the Americans, 'Bullshit. It doesn't make any sense,'" says French official. [Date the public knew: 12/11/05]

June 2002

To a deputy raising doubts about Iraq war, Rice says: "Save your breath. The president has already made up his mind." [Date the public knew: 1/7/04]

I like the three above. The illustrate some of the more "thoughful' pattern of falsehoods and poor judgement that Bush and DICK manufactured.
Why do people still defend Cheney with misinformation?

Folks from both political parties, conservative and progressive know Cheney was a pig that profited off his war in Iraq.

Bush was merely following the advice of the leading Democrats in the Senate. That was the only poor judgement he made.

"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime ... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction ... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real..." - Sen. John F. Kerry (D, MA), Jan. 23. 2003 | Source

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons." - Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002 | Source

PLEASE! You know as well as I do that they all were basing their opinions on cooked books and cherry picked data from Bush and DICK. They actually believed the lies that this Regime handed out. Never has an administration concocted such a mess. They swore there was WMD even when UN inspectors on the ground could not find it. DICK wanted his beloved Halliburton to get rich off of military contracts, and he succeeded.
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies. The same people that briefed Bush. You do realize that Cheney donated his Halliburton stock to charity before he was he was elected so he had no skin in the game.

Tell me how Cheney profited from the Iraq war. I'm waiting! does this look?

Dick Cheney- Neocon War Profiteer

Cheney, the CEO of Halliburton, prior to his stint as Vice President did well, in fact very, very, very well at KBR and he did not deserve not deserve the big payoffs handing him by the Halliburon Board of Directors.

In the five years he worked at the company, he received $12.5m in salary. He also held $39m-worth of stock options when he quit the company in 2000 – a fortune for a man with no previous experience in running a multinational company. In addition, Halliburton’s board of directors voted to award him early retirement when he quit his job, even though he was too young to qualify under his contract. That flexibility enabled him to leave with a retirement package, including stock and options, worth millions more than if he had simply resigned. Plus, Halliburton paid out Cheney an extra $1m during the time he served as vice-president.

Cheney cashed in his remaining stock options gradually, starting with selling 100,000 Halliburton shares in May 2000, for an immediate profit of $3m. In 2005, Cheney exercised most of what remained of his Halliburton stock options for a $6.9m profit, all of which he donated to charity. (Most of it was donated to the Richard B Cheney Cardiac Institute at George Washington University.)

Here’s the thing, as KBR’s chief exec Cheney was not all that good. The company lost a lot of money in sales, in development, and in lawsuits during his time at the helm. The stock price of Halliburton rose from about $12 a share in 1996, to a high of $25, before plunging to about $7 a share in 2002.


I wonder why they were so willing to give him a golden parachute?

Hmmmmm… you think he owed them?

Hmmmmm… you think they had something in mind that the former Secretary of Defense and soon to be VP candidate could do for them?

Hmmmmm… you think they were hoping for a nice little war….or two….hmmmmm

But since it is not FOX, I guess it is all a lie? REALLY?

I don't get FOX so I wouldn't know about that. You can speculate all you want to, but it is just that, pure partisan BS. What kind of a person would do this? "Cheney exercised most of what remained of his Halliburton stock options for a $6.9m profit, all of which he donated to charity."
Why do people still defend Cheney with misinformation?

Folks from both political parties, conservative and progressive know Cheney was a pig that profited off his war in Iraq.

PLEASE! You know as well as I do that they all were basing their opinions on cooked books and cherry picked data from Bush and DICK. They actually believed the lies that this Regime handed out. Never has an administration concocted such a mess. They swore there was WMD even when UN inspectors on the ground could not find it. DICK wanted his beloved Halliburton to get rich off of military contracts, and he succeeded.
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies. The same people that briefed Bush. You do realize that Cheney donated his Halliburton stock to charity before he was he was elected so he had no skin in the game.

Tell me how Cheney profited from the Iraq war. I'm waiting! does this look?

Dick Cheney- Neocon War Profiteer

Cheney, the CEO of Halliburton, prior to his stint as Vice President did well, in fact very, very, very well at KBR and he did not deserve not deserve the big payoffs handing him by the Halliburon Board of Directors.

In the five years he worked at the company, he received $12.5m in salary. He also held $39m-worth of stock options when he quit the company in 2000 – a fortune for a man with no previous experience in running a multinational company. In addition, Halliburton’s board of directors voted to award him early retirement when he quit his job, even though he was too young to qualify under his contract. That flexibility enabled him to leave with a retirement package, including stock and options, worth millions more than if he had simply resigned. Plus, Halliburton paid out Cheney an extra $1m during the time he served as vice-president.

Cheney cashed in his remaining stock options gradually, starting with selling 100,000 Halliburton shares in May 2000, for an immediate profit of $3m. In 2005, Cheney exercised most of what remained of his Halliburton stock options for a $6.9m profit, all of which he donated to charity. (Most of it was donated to the Richard B Cheney Cardiac Institute at George Washington University.)

Here’s the thing, as KBR’s chief exec Cheney was not all that good. The company lost a lot of money in sales, in development, and in lawsuits during his time at the helm. The stock price of Halliburton rose from about $12 a share in 1996, to a high of $25, before plunging to about $7 a share in 2002.


I wonder why they were so willing to give him a golden parachute?

Hmmmmm… you think he owed them?

Hmmmmm… you think they had something in mind that the former Secretary of Defense and soon to be VP candidate could do for them?

Hmmmmm… you think they were hoping for a nice little war….or two….hmmmmm

But since it is not FOX, I guess it is all a lie? REALLY?

I don't get FOX so I wouldn't know about that. You can speculate all you want to, but it is just that, pure partisan BS. What kind of a person would do this? "Cheney exercised most of what remained of his Halliburton stock options for a $6.9m profit, all of which he donated to charity."

You are a fool is you think Cheney did not take money under the table and made sure his true profits will never bee detected.
TT 10434605
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies.

And what would it matter if they were all briefed exactly the same as the president? You still have been caught misquoting what Kerry said in January 2003 about the need to disarm Iraq based upon the intelligence that existed prior to November 2002 when the inspectors went back in.

Kerry said there still was no need to disarm Iraq by military force. He said Bush needed to exhaust all possibilities before using military force. You claim that Bush followed Kerry's advice. That was not true. You were spreading something completely untrue.

Now you want to roll on and pretend you have not been caught.

So Kerry sent Powell to the UN to lie? Nope, it was DICK and W who pulled that string.
TT 10434605
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies.

And what would it matter if they were all briefed exactly the same as the president? You still have been caught misquoting what Kerry said in January 2003 about the need to disarm Iraq based upon the intelligence that existed prior to November 2002 when the inspectors went back in.

Kerry said there still was no need to disarm Iraq by military force. He said Bush needed to exhaust all possibilities before using military force. You claim that Bush followed Kerry's advice. That was not true. You were spreading something completely untrue.

Now you want to roll on and pretend you have not been caught.

Here you go little fellow. The whole package of lies wrapped up with a nice red bow.

Lie by Lie A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq Mother Jones


Downing Street memo: "There has been no credible evidence to link Iraq with Al Qaida…In the documents so far presented it has been hard to glean whether the threat from Iraq is so significantly different from that of Iran or North Korea as to justify action." [Date the public knew: 9/18/04]

Summer 2002

French debunk yellowcake theory: "We told the Americans, 'Bullshit. It doesn't make any sense,'" says French official. [Date the public knew: 12/11/05]

June 2002

To a deputy raising doubts about Iraq war, Rice says: "Save your breath. The president has already made up his mind." [Date the public knew: 1/7/04]

I like the three above. The illustrate some of the more "thoughful' pattern of falsehoods and poor judgement that Bush and DICK manufactured.

Mother Jones! Now there is a credible source if I ever saw one. LMFAO
Why do people still defend Cheney with misinformation?

Folks from both political parties, conservative and progressive know Cheney was a pig that profited off his war in Iraq.

PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies. The same people that briefed Bush. You do realize that Cheney donated his Halliburton stock to charity before he was he was elected so he had no skin in the game.

Tell me how Cheney profited from the Iraq war. I'm waiting! does this look?

Dick Cheney- Neocon War Profiteer

Cheney, the CEO of Halliburton, prior to his stint as Vice President did well, in fact very, very, very well at KBR and he did not deserve not deserve the big payoffs handing him by the Halliburon Board of Directors.

In the five years he worked at the company, he received $12.5m in salary. He also held $39m-worth of stock options when he quit the company in 2000 – a fortune for a man with no previous experience in running a multinational company. In addition, Halliburton’s board of directors voted to award him early retirement when he quit his job, even though he was too young to qualify under his contract. That flexibility enabled him to leave with a retirement package, including stock and options, worth millions more than if he had simply resigned. Plus, Halliburton paid out Cheney an extra $1m during the time he served as vice-president.

Cheney cashed in his remaining stock options gradually, starting with selling 100,000 Halliburton shares in May 2000, for an immediate profit of $3m. In 2005, Cheney exercised most of what remained of his Halliburton stock options for a $6.9m profit, all of which he donated to charity. (Most of it was donated to the Richard B Cheney Cardiac Institute at George Washington University.)

Here’s the thing, as KBR’s chief exec Cheney was not all that good. The company lost a lot of money in sales, in development, and in lawsuits during his time at the helm. The stock price of Halliburton rose from about $12 a share in 1996, to a high of $25, before plunging to about $7 a share in 2002.


I wonder why they were so willing to give him a golden parachute?

Hmmmmm… you think he owed them?

Hmmmmm… you think they had something in mind that the former Secretary of Defense and soon to be VP candidate could do for them?

Hmmmmm… you think they were hoping for a nice little war….or two….hmmmmm

But since it is not FOX, I guess it is all a lie? REALLY?

I don't get FOX so I wouldn't know about that. You can speculate all you want to, but it is just that, pure partisan BS. What kind of a person would do this? "Cheney exercised most of what remained of his Halliburton stock options for a $6.9m profit, all of which he donated to charity."

You are a fool is you think Cheney did not take money under the table and made sure his true profits will never bee detected.

The only fool is someone that can accuse someone of a crime without a shred of evidence. That would be you!
TT 10434605
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies.

And what would it matter if they were all briefed exactly the same as the president? You still have been caught misquoting what Kerry said in January 2003 about the need to disarm Iraq based upon the intelligence that existed prior to November 2002 when the inspectors went back in.

Kerry said there still was no need to disarm Iraq by military force. He said Bush needed to exhaust all possibilities before using military force. You claim that Bush followed Kerry's advice. That was not true. You were spreading something completely untrue.

Now you want to roll on and pretend you have not been caught.

So Kerry sent Powell to the UN to lie? Nope, it was DICK and W who pulled that string.
TT 10434605
PLEASE! you know their opinions were a result of briefings from the CIA and intelligence agencies.

And what would it matter if they were all briefed exactly the same as the president? You still have been caught misquoting what Kerry said in January 2003 about the need to disarm Iraq based upon the intelligence that existed prior to November 2002 when the inspectors went back in.

Kerry said there still was no need to disarm Iraq by military force. He said Bush needed to exhaust all possibilities before using military force. You claim that Bush followed Kerry's advice. That was not true. You were spreading something completely untrue.

Now you want to roll on and pretend you have not been caught.

Here you go little fellow. The whole package of lies wrapped up with a nice red bow.

Lie by Lie A Timeline of How We Got Into Iraq Mother Jones


Downing Street memo: "There has been no credible evidence to link Iraq with Al Qaida…In the documents so far presented it has been hard to glean whether the threat from Iraq is so significantly different from that of Iran or North Korea as to justify action." [Date the public knew: 9/18/04]

Summer 2002

French debunk yellowcake theory: "We told the Americans, 'Bullshit. It doesn't make any sense,'" says French official. [Date the public knew: 12/11/05]

June 2002

To a deputy raising doubts about Iraq war, Rice says: "Save your breath. The president has already made up his mind." [Date the public knew: 1/7/04]

I like the three above. The illustrate some of the more "thoughful' pattern of falsehoods and poor judgement that Bush and DICK manufactured.

Mother Jones! Now there is a credible source if I ever saw one. LMFAO

Everything they listed is FACT and can be easily FACT CHECKED. They just took the time to put the whole criminal catastrophe in a chronological list. Go ahead and Fact Check it. It is amazing that DICK and his puppet fooled this country into a needless and so very expensive war.

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