Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

Make no mistake Econospic takes glee in seeing people die to prove her political hack jobs...

The RNC could not have timed the June Daesh invasion into Iraq this year. And the beheadings just before the US midterms were perfect for Republican prospects for political gains.

Mitt Romney even slithered out of his counting house to dance on the graves of the beheaded victims. He wants to send other people's sons over there to be killed trying to stop what's going on.
I knew I could count on you to keep my thread alive.

As long as you keep running away from your thread(s) I will keep all of them alive.

Your IS terrorists are being driven back or killed by Iraqis and Kurds on the ground in latest updates. No need for Americans to be killed on the ground and on the front line.

You must run from your threads just like Daesh is running from the Iraqi Aqmy Peshmerga and US led coalition air strikes.

US-led airstrikes kill four IS leaders in Mosul
Anti-IS coalition and Iraqi security forces make new gains in Iraq


Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters fire at IS militant positions east of Mosul on 9 September (AFP)

MEE staff

Thursday 20 November 2014 09:02 GMT Last update: Thursday 20 November 2014 9:14 GMT

- See more at: US-led airstrikes kill four IS leaders in Mosul Middle East Eye

In Kirkuk, Kurdish forces backed by coalition airstrikes launched attacks to retake territory near the town of Kharbaroot, located 35 kilometers west of the city of Kirkuk.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi army and peshmerga forces have also been waging military operations throughout other parts of the country to regain control.

The Iraqi forces have pushed toward Tikrit and Samarra, south of Baiji and are carrying out joint military operations with the peshmerga in Diyala province east of the country to regain control of Saadiya, Jalula, and Yawer.

"Over the next three days, we will work on reinforcing our capacity because we are planning to clear areas on three sides of Tikrit," an army brigadier general said on Monday.
Wow! New killed four ragheads with just one airstrike? This war WILL be over in 30 years.
DT 10127837
Let the cocksuckers in Baghdad foot the bill for our assistance...otherwise nuke the whole goddam place. I am fed up with these morons...20!friggen years of horse shit.

DT 10127922
There is no combat in Iraq...just ISIS killing the slobs while obabble stands there with his dick in his hand.

DT 10203468
Wow! New killed four ragheads with just one airstrike? This war WILL be over in 30 years.

Some facts: The Iraqis are not 'footing the bill' for our air strikes. And only the most clueless morons would call for nuking the people of Iraq in order to save them. Killing millions to save a thousand from Daesh barbarianism is pure nonsense.

So your nuke-em policy is nowhere, was nowhere and will never go anywhere. Or do you think we can nuke the city of Mosul where these four terrorist leaders were killed but Baghdad, the Kurdish Provinces, and all the larger Shiite parts of Iraq where Daesh cannot operate, without harm to any of those areas not touched by IS terrorism?

US-led airstrikes kill four IS leaders in Mosul
#IslamicState Anti-IS coalition and Iraqi security forces make new gains in Iraq


Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters fire at IS militant positions east of Mosul on 9 September (AFP)

MEE staff

Thursday 20 November 2014 09:02 GMT Last update: Thursday 20 November 2014 9:14 GMT

- See more at: US-led airstrikes kill four IS leaders in Mosul Middle East Eye

I thought perhaps you could handle a picture and see that there actually is quite a bit of 'combat' ongoing in Iraq and the Iraqi side is the only side making gains. But I see it was way too much to expect that you could read the second part of this statement: "Anti-IS coalition and Iraqi security forces make new gains in Iraq." You see the bolded red part means that it is not only one air-strike per four terrorists killed that is occurring in Iraq. The Iraqis and Kurds are fighting, engaged in combat, in Iraq and killing the bastards on the ground as well as what the US is doing from above.
Ste 10200253
I was discussing alternatives, and the fact that you think the invasion of Iraq was preferable to a coup shows you are an idiot with no grasp of history or reality

I didn't say a US ground invasion was preferable to an assassination & coup. You have no grasp of the truth. Regime change was wrong in 2003 no matter how a foreign power or powers did it. So why falsify my argument in order to try and defend your call for assassination as an securing the WMD that was alleged to be there. There is no way for the US to secure 'alleged' WMD that turned out not there, by knocking off the top authoritarian ruthless thug and planting a new one. The new one gains no access to securing the "alleged" WMD.

Your alternative is a joke. Nothing legitimate about it.
You are the only one falsifying arguments, creating strawman arguments, suggesting I supported regime change. I was merely suggesting preferable alternatives to a ground invasion and occupation, which obviously was catastrophic and failed.

Stop talking about these WMDs that didn't exist, the war wasn't about WMDs, and you are making yourself look more foolish and naive. They never existed and the accusation was merely a pretty lie if you will, a lie the average american prole would get behind. Trying to explain to intricacies of the petrodollar and the unintended consequences of its collapse to some diabetic from flyover country or some paranoid soccer mom from a suburb just wouldn't work. And for obvious reasons a war based on purely financial/economic reasons could very well be viewed as imperialist, and result in an emotional reaction of anti-war opposition from the American public. The rise of anti-war sentiment could have undermine the entire operation. You have to offer the voting public war in palatable terms that doesn't threaten your reelection. This is pretty simple stuff.
If you think the Iraq War was just about WMDs you are an idiot

There's proof I'm not an idiot. However UN Resolution 1441 did not deal with the petrodollar matter - it dealt with verification that Iraq was disarmed and not in possession if WMD. Those inspections were exclusively about WMD or do you deny that? Completed inspections were meant to bring about the avoidance of war and regime change. I will be happy to accept your agreement that Bush lied about desiring to avoid war. Is that what you believe?
The UN has nothing to do with the petrodollar, no UN resolutions were made prohibiting Saddam form switching to the Euro, so why would such resolutions exist? That is a silly argument. To suggest they only went to war due to a UN resolution in naive and has no basis in reality.
That being said, I think securing the petrodollar and the second largest oil reserves in the middle east are legitimate reasons for war from a geopolitical perspective. But it is for those very reasons I oppose the war. The war has destabilized Iraq, bringing it under two anti-american spheres, one sunni islamist under ISIS, the other section of Iraq under Iran, with China grabbing most of the oil resources in the oil rich southern section of the country. Our troops have been demoralized and spread thin fighting a no win nation building war.
It's called mission creep.

And Obama playing politics with foreign policy. Remember all those times you told me it wouldn't happen??????????????????????????


Just got the CNN alert below:

The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 "additional U.S. military personnel in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces" against ISIS.

The deployment will bring the total number of U.S. troops there to about 2,900.

The White House said in a statement that it will also ask Congress for another $5.6 billion dollars to fund the fight against ISIS.

Get complete coverage of breaking news on CNN TV, and CNN Mobile.

Friday night pre Thanksgiving dump.
the war wasn't about WMDs

That has to be one of the most ignorant and false claims about Iraq floating around. UN Resolution 1441 and the inspections that Bush demanded were entirely about WMD. The US Congress specifically authorized the use of force only regarding WND UN Resolutions.
DT 10127922
There is no combat in Iraq...just ISIS killing the slobs while obabble stands there with his dick in his hand.

You make it sound so appealing to would be Daesh scum. They think they can go take a city like Kobani and kill and kill and plunder and nobody will stop them. Why not recruit support for our side for a change.
Make no mistake Econospic takes glee in seeing people die to prove her political hack jobs...

The RNC could not have timed the June Daesh invasion into Iraq this year. And the beheadings just before the US midterms were perfect for Republican prospects for political gains.

Mitt Romney even slithered out of his counting house to dance on the graves of the beheaded victims. He wants to send other people's sons over there to be killed trying to stop what's going on.

Me thinks the kool aid you are drinking is tainted. I don't believe the beheadings made one difference in the elections it is not like people are talking about them. And what does Romney have to do with what Obama has failed to do? Really, there are defenses for what has happened and Obama's response but yours is definitely not one of them.
Let the cocksuckers in Baghdad foot the bill for our assistance...otherwise nuke the whole goddam place. I am fed up with these morons...20!friggen years of horse shit.
Why even be there in the first place. Most Iraqi Sunni's in the areas ISIS controls didn't just surrender, they joined ISIS. It is an undeclared religious war between radical Sunnis, and moderate Shiites alongside minorities.

A Federalized Iraq as an idea of nation-building failed, and the Iraqi army was so incompetent and undisciplined it just cut and ran.

It is obvious that Iraq is an unstable country, split into three. The Iraqi government is weak and has not recovered from their initial losses, and the Kurds struggle to hold onto what they have as well.
Make no mistake Econospic takes glee in seeing people die to prove her political hack jobs...

The RNC could not have timed the June Daesh invasion into Iraq this year. And the beheadings just before the US midterms were perfect for Republican prospects for political gains.

Mitt Romney even slithered out of his counting house to dance on the graves of the beheaded victims. He wants to send other people's sons over there to be killed trying to stop what's going on.

The GOP is just waiting for another opportunity to send troops into a foreign war. Some of their biggest constituents, such as Halliburton, need to up their profit margin. Hey, the GOP feels it is worth it, even if it does cost a few soldier's lives....the price of war....
Can't blame Obama for GWB's failed Iraqi state, and the mess removing Saddam set in motion. At worst it can be argued that Obama was 'negligent' or unprepared for the rise of ISIS. But he was following public opinion by trying to get out of Iraq.
Permanent War is the Globalist Elite agenda. It's all about plundering resources. For example, why are we still in Afghanistan? Terrorism? Drugs? Nope. It's about a pipeline.

So after their ISIS Boogeyman fades into oblivion, they'll just invent a new Boogeyman. The People need to stand up and demand an end to Permanent War. They have to stop sending their children to die so Globalist Elite assholes can get richer. The vicious circle of death & carnage has to be broken.
Can't blame Obama for GWB's failed Iraqi state, and the mess removing Saddam set in motion. At worst it can be argued that Obama was 'negligent' or unprepared for the rise of ISIS. But he was following public opinion by trying to get out of Iraq.
And the Bush exit plan, for the war that was lost before it started.
Permanent War is the Globalist Elite agenda. It's all about plundering resources. For example, why are we still in Afghanistan? Terrorism? Drugs? Nope. It's about a pipeline.

So after their ISIS Boogeyman fades into oblivion, they'll just invent a new Boogeyman. The People need to stand up and demand an end to Permanent War. They have to stop sending their children to die so Globalist Elite assholes can get richer. The vicious circle of death & carnage has to be broken.
If we could get the tinfoil hat paranoia out that you almost have something. War can be good business for many and wars are about resources, usually.
hope 10427479
It is obvious that Iraq is an unstable country, split into three. The Iraqi government is weak and has not recovered from their initial losses, and the Kurds struggle to hold onto what they have as well.

Iraq is unstable and government is weak only in Sunni dominated areas. That is not all of Iraq.

Iraq has recovered with victories at the Mosul Dam and Baiiji oil refinery and dozens of towns and villages where DAIISH has been driven out.

Kurds are doing fine - on offensive - helping to defeat DAIISH at Kobani in Syria.

Just some facts to adjust your perspective. Not a huge deal.
Permanent War is the Globalist Elite agenda. It's all about plundering resources. For example, why are we still in Afghanistan? Terrorism? Drugs? Nope. It's about a pipeline.

So after their ISIS Boogeyman fades into oblivion, they'll just invent a new Boogeyman. The People need to stand up and demand an end to Permanent War. They have to stop sending their children to die so Globalist Elite assholes can get richer. The vicious circle of death & carnage has to be broken.
If we could get the tinfoil hat paranoia out that you almost have something. War can be good business for many and wars are about resources, usually.

Nothing 'tinfoil hat' about it. It's reality. Our Government has already agreed to hand half of Afghanistan over to the Taliban. That's a done-deal. So why are we still there? Here's a hint, it ain't about Terrorism or Drugs. It's about a pipeline and other resources the Elites want to plunder there.

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