Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

What are you going to say when they are?

Thanks for helping to settle the only reality that we know right now. They aren't. And do you realize how pathetic you look to be basing your entire faulting of Obama's handing of the degrading and destroying Daesh, is to cling to what you 'hope' will happen in the future.

Shut the fuck up, liar.

In fact, that piddly amount of US troops is in way more danger than during the pre-Obama years. Do you know why, moron????

You don't have the first clue. You have no military experience. You've never been to Iraq. You're a fucking propagandist. PERIOD.
I think you're a fucking plant from one of our adversaries. Who in their right mind would spout what you're spouting, pretending these troops aren't in danger.

Who do you work for? Why have you never told us what your background is and who you are?

We know you're not on our side, moron.

I'll wait with baited breath for your answers.
(smile) When are guys start dying I'll be here to tell you what a fucking moron you are

Are you opposed to Obama's position to not put US troops in a combat role in Iraq? Do you oppose air strikes and advisers being sent into Iraq to help the Iraqis drive Daesh out?

I believe it is worse than being a moron to 'can't wait' until our troops 'start dying' so that you can have the joy of calling someone a moron...... someone who does not want our troops to be put into a combat role in Iraq because that is the Iraqi's role to do. Now I assume you are right there with EconChick on appreciating Duke b'ball coach Mike Krzyzewski who takes the opposite approach that Obama and I espouse. I realize that American soldiers and specifically our Special Forces are the best in the world ( THEY ARE NOT PLAYING A GAME) but they do not need to be pressed into fighting the Iraqis fight on the ground.

"I realize that American soldiers and specifically our Special Forces are the best in the world ( THEY ARE NOT PLAYING A GAME) but they do not need to be pressed into fighting the Iraqis fight on the ground."

See this quote of yours, you fucking poser? Antares IS special forces. YOU spout what our adversaries spout. It takes a lot of audacity for some propagandist with NO experience to argue with the very expert you're referencing.

Only a foreign agent would do that shit with as much dedication as you show.
Hagel maintained
that the U.S. personnel will
not be involved in ground combat

I'm pretty sure I predicted this in my OP, Fakey and Foo. You know.....that thing called mission creep. And ground troops...... <> How many more times you gonna let me trounce you in these debates, F&F. <> Dempsey US troops could fight alongside Iraqi forces in war against ISIS Fox News

WASHINGTON – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told Congress on Thursday that he wouldn’t rule out sending a small number of American forces to fight alongside Iraqi troops during some of the more complex missions against the Islamic State.

You have just admitted that US troops currently serving as advisers in Iraq are not in a combat role. Yet you have been whining for weeks now that they are already in harms way. Here is one example of your pitiful portfolio of posts:

EC 10155170 regarding Ste 10152022
Even 5 year olds know these troops are in harms way and it takes a real special idiot to deny that.

Yet just now you post a link to Fox News that contains this:

Lawmakers expressed skepticism about limiting the U.S. deployment to advisers and trainers, with Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, arguing that "limiting our advisers to headquarters buildings will not help newly trained Iraqi and Syrian opposition forces hold terrain, much less defeat ISIL in the field. Yet the president has doubled down on his policy of `no boots on the ground,' despite any advice you give him."
In citing expert advice, McKeon offered comments from previous defense secretaries and also quoted Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, who last month told an Army conference that ruling out ground forces is like telling a rival you won't play your best players.

And much more to my liking it contains this:

Hagel maintained that the U.S. personnel will not be involved in ground combat.

Lets sum it all up. You have just come out of hiding to mouth-off about a headline on Fox that fired you all up on the basis of Dempsey saying US troops could do something in the future, maybe, not ruling it out, but its not happening yet and since Dempsey answers to the civilian in the White House his words were smacked down completely by one higher up in the chain of command.

Before going back into hiding now that your foolishness has once again be exposed, do you agree in full with your Republican leader "Buck" McKeon who is arguing in your Fox News report that "limiting our advisers to headquarters is not going to work? Do you agree with :"Buck" that the advice on finding the proper way to fight Daesh in Iraq is by asking Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski who has poked fun at ruling out US ground forces and putting them in harms way so the Iraqis won't have to fight the ground fight ... because they are not the 'best players'. .

If you and Buck and Fox News think Krzyzewski is a 'best player' could you send him a note telling him to grab his best weapon and head right over there and join the fight. Perhaps he can throw a basketball or two at some Daesh figters in Mosul... and run 'em off.

God you people are pathetic.

They engage in the same doublespeak YOU engage in.

Everyone can see through the doublespeak. THEIRS andddddddd YOURS.

The only pathetic people in this thread are YOU and Fakey.
I think you're a fucking plant from one of our adversaries. Who in their right mind would spout what you're spouting, pretending these troops aren't in danger.

Who do you work for? Why have you never told us what your background is and who you are?

We know you're not on our side, moron.

I'll wait with baited breath for your answers.

I see you ran off without answering my questions about WHO you are and why you're lying about our troops being in harms way.
What are you going to say when they are?

Thanks for helping to settle the only reality that we know right now. They aren't. And do you realize how pathetic you look to be basing your entire faulting of Obama's handing of the degrading and destroying Daesh, is to cling to what you 'hope' will happen in the future.

Do you believe 9/11 was an inside job too, Foo?

Do you believe the moon is made of cheese?

Do you believe the troops that have been sent there are in areas that are safe?

You can't answer anything of substance, can you?
Foo, I dare you to take these lies your spouting about our troops to any military site....or special ops site....or police site for that matter.

They'd (verbally) kick your ass from here to kingdom come and then back again.

Why don't you try it, coward?
Reactionary Jake will throw himself on any verbal grenade aimed at Obama

LOL, even while the Democrats are running away from Obama in droves.....especially with the Gruber revelations.....Fakey is still there trying to protect him.

Neither Fakey nor Obama know the first thing about what to do with troops (just making this relative to thread. :)
EconChick, you mean ""I'm not predicting at this point that I would recommend that those forces in Mosul and along the border would need to be accompanied by U.S. forces, but we're certainly considering it,” Army Gen. Martin Dempsey told the House Armed Services Committee." He said something about the subject of having American troops possibly fighting in Iraq but that he had not come to that point last month.

Pay attention, please, and stay on track.
Look at all of those EC posts above as she flails to frazzle and she fails to dazzle. If the chief and the dod are playing word games, EC, then that makes you a very poor imitator.
(smile) When are guys start dying I'll be here to tell you what a fucking moron you are

Are you opposed to Obama's position to not put US troops in a combat role in Iraq? Do you oppose air strikes and advisers being sent into Iraq to help the Iraqis drive Daesh out?

I believe it is worse than being a moron to 'can't wait' until our troops 'start dying' so that you can have the joy of calling someone a moron...... someone who does not want our troops to be put into a combat role in Iraq because that is the Iraqi's role to do. Now I assume you are right there with EconChick on appreciating Duke b'ball coach Mike Krzyzewski who takes the opposite approach that Obama and I espouse. I realize that American soldiers and specifically our Special Forces are the best in the world ( THEY ARE NOT PLAYING A GAME) but they do not need to be pressed into fighting the Iraqis fight on the ground.

I am opposed to doing it incorrectly if we are going to do it all.

If we are going to fight this incrementally and without any real direction we need to get out completely.

I can call you a moron now,I have no need to wait.
Anatares is absolutly correct in the concept of doing it correctly.

Shinseki told Rumsfeld just how to do that it in 2002 and got fired, and then the admin during the surge had to employ the number of boots necessary to do it.

All that could back then is to hold the gains made. Then maliki threw them away.

We won't get another chance.
EC 10177128
Yo, shit-for-brains, I didn't quote that politician, Hagel, I quoted General Demsey.

I didn't say you did. You cited a report where the Secretary of Defense stated the exact opposite of the Fox News headline that fires haters like you up.

That politician is a civilian that the US Military answers to. Perhaps you want to live in a military dictatorship but I don't.

You did a victory lap based on the word 'could'. You are one of the dumbest wingnuts on the USMB for doing that.
EC 10177128
Yo, shit-for-brains, I didn't quote that politician, Hagel, I quoted General Demsey.

I didn't say you did. You cited a report where the Secretary of Defense stated the exact opposite of the Fox News headline that fires haters like you up.

That politician is a civilian that the US Military answers to. Perhaps you want to live in a military dictatorship but I don't.

You did a victory lap based on the word 'could'. You are one of the dumbest wingnuts on the USMB for doing that.
ISIS wouldn't exist had George W. Fuckwad not completely mangled every aspect of the War in Iraq.

And like everything else, Obama is the janitor who has to go and mop up after the mess left to him.

Why we're over there baffles me. Nobody in the Middle East had a beef with us until we started sticking our noses where it didn't belong. I criticize Obama now for fighting W's war and thinking we have any chance to do anything positive without actually sending in the 100,000 troops it would take to get control of the areas back.

In the end, this is THEIR problem, not ours, and I'm tired that WE are the ones who keep going over to kill Muslims when people in the surrounding area need to do this themselves. It's time to come already.
And are you too stupid to know when they're playing word games???? Yes, you are too stupid, and we all know it.

Whenever you are wrong you cry 'word games' (ambiguity). Its your way of saying that words have no meaning when the truth does not fit your haters's agenda.
EC is a concrete learner, she cannot abstract, nuance, or context.

This equals "bad", that equals "good" for her. She cannot carry an argument, and in lieu of that, will just start yelling and name calling.
EC 10177156
I guess you think they're all laying around the Palace Pool in the GZ. Idiot.

I am going by the Fox News report you cited. No mention of a palace pool by them or me. Why do you need to lie EconChick? What exactly is the problem you have with the truth?
EconChick, you mean ""I'm not predicting at this point that I would recommend that those forces in Mosul and along the border would need to be accompanied by U.S. forces, but we're certainly considering it,” Army Gen. Martin Dempsey told the House Armed Services Committee." He said something about the subject of having American troops possibly fighting in Iraq but that he had not come to that point last month.

Pay attention, please, and stay on track.

Yo, shit-for-brains, I posted what he said Thursday. As in 4 days ago. LOL

And you're still quoting something that's weeks old.

Ok, repeat after me. There are four weeks in a month. The days of the week are M, T, W, T, F, S, S.

Third grade math would suggest what I quoted was more recent.

That's what I mean about you losers, F&F.....not an ounce of integrity when truth is put right in your face.

But I didn't expect anything different, Fakey.

I knew I could count on you to keep my thread alive. :)

Thanks, Bro

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