Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

EC is a concrete learner, she cannot abstract, nuance, or context.

This equals "bad", that equals "good" for her. She cannot carry an argument, and in lieu of that, will just start yelling and name calling.

What's that got to do with troops being in harms way?


EC 10177156
I guess you think they're all laying around the Palace Pool in the GZ. Idiot.

I am going by the Fox News report you cited. No mention of a palace pool by them or me. Why do you need to lie EconChick? What exactly is the problem you have with the truth?

You mean you don't know there's a pool at the Palace?

There's not one thing you've gotten right about Iraq, Foo.

That's because you're a foreign agent.
EconChick, you mean ""I'm not predicting at this point that I would recommend that those forces in Mosul and along the border would need to be accompanied by U.S. forces, but we're certainly considering it,” Army Gen. Martin Dempsey told the House Armed Services Committee." He said something about the subject of having American troops possibly fighting in Iraq but that he had not come to that point last month.

Pay attention, please, and stay on track.

It must really blow to be a Socialist AND an Obama supporter these days, Fakey.

No wonder you did such a shitty job in the Army.

No wonder you have no idea when troops are in harms way.
Foo, I dare you to take these lies your spouting about our troops to any military site....or special ops site....or police site for that matter.

They'd (verbally) kick your ass from here to kingdom come and then back again.

Why don't you try it, coward?

Here, let me ask this again:

Foo, I dare you to take these lies your spouting about our troops to any military site....or special ops site....or police site for that matter.

They'd (verbally) kick your ass from here to kingdom come and then back again.

Why don't you try it, coward?
Anatares is absolutly correct in the concept of doing it correctly.

Shinseki told Rumsfeld just how to do that it in 2002 and got fired, and then the admin during the surge had to employ the number of boots necessary to do it.

All that could back then is to hold the gains made. Then maliki threw them away.

We won't get another chance.

Shut up, revisionist. Everything you've said is wrong.

Even my neighbors dogs know the troops have gone to a dangerous place.
EC 10179127
Even my neighbors dogs know the troops have gone to a dangerous place.

Why didn't you ask your dogs if the Bush/Maliki 2008 SOFA had to be approved by Iraq's parliament.

I know Iraq is a dangerous place. They are advising and training in a much more dangerous place than much safer parts of the world of course. But the point is they are not being sent to the ten times at least more dangerous front line combat role. And I presume you voted for Romney who just came on the Sunday shows blabbing about needing to get some Americans killed over there to make some kind of point.

Romney wants to grant Daesh's wish to have some American troops in their weapons sights. I guess you like what Romney is saying while the news has been that the Iraqis are pushing back on the terrorists well enough that Americans don't need to take undue risks on the front line where the Iraqis need to be.

Romney also undermines Obama's efforts to get the men from the region to fight their own fight. If Republicans keep signaling that Americans need to fight for them they may just as well go somewhere and drink their tea instead. Why get killed if Americans will do. Someone needs to tell Romney to get his head examined. Or send his boys over there to fight for Iraqis who don't want to do it themselves.
We all knew this for some time. The role is advisory, we won't send combat units to Iraq.

"The White House announced Friday that President Barack Obama has authorized the deployment of up to 1,500 "additional U.S. military personnel in a non-combat role to train, advise, and assist Iraqi Security Forces, including Kurdish forces" against ISIS."
There is no combat in Iraq...just ISIS killing the slobs while obabble stands there with his dick in his hand.

What does non-combat role mean?
The next American beheaded will be a woman, as ISIS ISIL tries to provoke America into launching an American-led ground assault against it.

That will not happen.

Either Arabs, Kurds, and Turks carry the overwhelming brunt of the land war, or America will have to leave the ME to its own internal destruction.
EconChick, you mean ""I'm not predicting at this point that I would recommend that those forces in Mosul and along the border would need to be accompanied by U.S. forces, but we're certainly considering it,” Army Gen. Martin Dempsey told the House Armed Services Committee." He said something about the subject of having American troops possibly fighting in Iraq but that he had not come to that point last month.

Pay attention, please, and stay on track.

Yo, shit-for-brains, I posted what he said Thursday. As in 4 days ago. LOL

And you're still quoting something that's weeks old.

Ok, repeat after me. There are four weeks in a month. The days of the week are M, T, W, T, F, S, S.

Third grade math would suggest what I quoted was more recent.

That's what I mean about you losers, F&F.....not an ounce of integrity when truth is put right in your face.

But I didn't expect anything different, Fakey.

I knew I could count on you to keep my thread alive. :)

Thanks, Bro

He needs attention.
Ste 10150606
We should have never gone into Iraq in the first place and created a power vacuum. There were more efficient ways to deal with Saddam threatening to start trading oil in Euros. One thing Bush Cheney and their group of jewish neo-cons didn't understand was asymmetric warfare, they believed in this nonsense of nation building and Democracy, a foolish liberal notion. They could have assassinated Saddam and put in a compliant member of the Iraqi military and Baathist party to maintain the balance of power in the region against Iran while maintaining a secular dictatorship that stands strong against radical sunni elements like ISIS from arising.

Among other things Steinlight is a proponent of the USA assassinating an authoritarian head of state while at the same time the USA, the UN and Iraq were fully engaged in the peaceful and diplomatic means - through UNSC Resolution 1441 - to bring final resolution to Iraq's disarmament obligations to the world.

How brilliant this Steinlight is. Is he more brilliant on Iraq than god's gift to Iraq has self-proclaimed herself to be?

EC 10150908
I've been in more than half of all countries in the Mid East.

And she could maybe have slept at a Holiday Inn Express while visiting there too. What a pair of Iraq experts we have in our midst from the conservative side.

I'd like to hear Steinlight explain how assassinating the tyrant Saddam Hussein would resolve the WMD issue of 2002 and early 2003 without a full scale invasion force to secure the stockpiles of the "most lethal weapons ever devised"... . Surely there would be violent sectarian resistance to Saddam Hussein being removed by assassination and then replaced by the Judeo/Christiani backed US assassin team that Steinlight would have sent in.

In all that ensuing civil chaos does the WMD fall into the hands of al Qaeda and get used against US cities as Bush and Cheney had been warning would clearly be the case?

What kind of national security 'thinker' has EconChick endorsed here?

I'll gladly keep bumping this thread until we get the answers.
Damn, I should have thought my idea through, America would have been vulnerable to all those non-existent WMDs.

LOL, you are a special, verbose kind of stupid.

It isn't like America has a history of successful coups, certainly not in Iraq itself...

Covert United States foreign regime change actions - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
CIA activities in Iraq - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Yea, better stick to nation building, the US has a fantastic record with that.

Clearly, the large scale invasion and nation building mission that destroyed the Baath party and Republican Guard has provided more stability and stemmed sectarian violence more than a coup that kept the mechanisms of the state in tact, look how much more stable Iraq is post-invasion...
Ste 10195124
Damn, I should have thought my idea through, America would have been vulnerable to all those non-existent WMDs.

If the WMD were non-existent, why did you propose US assassination of Saddam Hussein? You still make no sense. What was wrong with supporting the UN under Res 1441 to find the answer to the WMD question at that time. You say you favored assassinating SH when he was cooperating with UN inspectors. I say no assassination and no ground invasion by the US military, and you get nasty:

Ste 10195124
LOL, you are a special, verbose kind of stupid.

Nearly six in ten Americans wanted Bush to hold off invading Iraq to give the UN inspections more time. We didn't hear a majority calling for Bush to send in an assignation team. Why do you think you are so smart?
Also lol at the "judeo/christian hit squad" bit, you soun
Ste 10195124
Damn, I should have thought my idea through, America would have been vulnerable to all those non-existent WMDs.

If the WMD were non-existent, why did you propose US assassination of Saddam Hussein? You still make no sense. What was wrong with supporting the UN under Res 1441 to find the answer to the WMD question at that time. You say you favored assassinating SH when he was cooperating with UN inspectors. I say no assassination and no ground invasion by the US military, and you get nasty:

Ste 10195124
LOL, you are a special, verbose kind of stupid.

Nearly six in ten Americans wanted Bush to hold off invading Iraq to give the UN inspections more time. We didn't hear a majority calling for Bush to send in an assignation team. Why do you think you are so smart?
I would have proposed doing nothing, we should have never gone in. I was discussing alternatives, and the fact that you think the invasion of Iraq was preferable to a coup shows you are an idiot with no grasp of history or reality. If you think the Iraq War was just about WMDs you are an idiot. For starters, research Saddam and the Petrodollar, how Saddam was undermining the US Dollar as the global reserve currency by trading his oil in Euros.
Also lol at the "judeo/christian hit squad" bit, you soun
Ste 10195124
Damn, I should have thought my idea through, America would have been vulnerable to all those non-existent WMDs.

If the WMD were non-existent, why did you propose US assassination of Saddam Hussein? You still make no sense. What was wrong with supporting the UN under Res 1441 to find the answer to the WMD question at that time. You say you favored assassinating SH when he was cooperating with UN inspectors. I say no assassination and no ground invasion by the US military, and you get nasty:

Ste 10195124
LOL, you are a special, verbose kind of stupid.

Nearly six in ten Americans wanted Bush to hold off invading Iraq to give the UN inspections more time. We didn't hear a majority calling for Bush to send in an assignation team. Why do you think you are so smart?
I would have proposed doing nothing, we should have never gone in. I was discussing alternatives, and the fact that you think the invasion of Iraq was preferable to a coup shows you are an idiot with no grasp of history or reality. If you think the Iraq War was just about WMDs you are an idiot. For starters, research Saddam and the Petrodollar, how Saddam was undermining the US Dollar as the global reserve currency by trading his oil in Euros.
Not only was Saddam a bad cat in that regard, but he was also bad for his nation and his people. He had to go, because we were already spending millions upon millions enforcing the NO FLY ZONE over head, and keeping the Kurd's from being slaughtered by his acid dropping helicopters. The guy's son's were a menace to society as well, so I think we did good to get rid of his sorry behind, but what now has replaced him there, and has grown his support back here ?
Ste 10200253
I was discussing alternatives, and the fact that you think the invasion of Iraq was preferable to a coup shows you are an idiot with no grasp of history or reality

I didn't say a US ground invasion was preferable to an assassination & coup. You have no grasp of the truth. Regime change was wrong in 2003 no matter how a foreign power or powers did it. So why falsify my argument in order to try and defend your call for assassination as an securing the WMD that was alleged to be there. There is no way for the US to secure 'alleged' WMD that turned out not there, by knocking off the top authoritarian ruthless thug and planting a new one. The new one gains no access to securing the "alleged" WMD.

Your alternative is a joke. Nothing legitimate about it.
If you think the Iraq War was just about WMDs you are an idiot

There's proof I'm not an idiot. However UN Resolution 1441 did not deal with the petrodollar matter - it dealt with verification that Iraq was disarmed and not in possession if WMD. Those inspections were exclusively about WMD or do you deny that? Completed inspections were meant to bring about the avoidance of war and regime change. I will be happy to accept your agreement that Bush lied about desiring to avoid war. Is that what you believe?
I knew I could count on you to keep my thread alive.

As long as you keep running away from your thread(s) I will keep all of them alive.

Your IS terrorists are being driven back or killed by Iraqis and Kurds on the ground in latest updates. No need for Americans to be killed on the ground and on the front line.

You must run from your threads just like Daesh is running from the Iraqi Aqmy Peshmerga and US led coalition air strikes.

US-led airstrikes kill four IS leaders in Mosul
Anti-IS coalition and Iraqi security forces make new gains in Iraq


Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters fire at IS militant positions east of Mosul on 9 September (AFP)

MEE staff

Thursday 20 November 2014 09:02 GMT Last update: Thursday 20 November 2014 9:14 GMT

- See more at: US-led airstrikes kill four IS leaders in Mosul Middle East Eye

In Kirkuk, Kurdish forces backed by coalition airstrikes launched attacks to retake territory near the town of Kharbaroot, located 35 kilometers west of the city of Kirkuk.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi army and peshmerga forces have also been waging military operations throughout other parts of the country to regain control.

The Iraqi forces have pushed toward Tikrit and Samarra, south of Baiji and are carrying out joint military operations with the peshmerga in Diyala province east of the country to regain control of Saadiya, Jalula, and Yawer.

"Over the next three days, we will work on reinforcing our capacity because we are planning to clear areas on three sides of Tikrit," an army brigadier general said on Monday.
I knew I could count on you to keep my thread alive.

As long as you keep running away from your thread(s) I will keep all of them alive.

Your IS terrorists are being driven back or killed by Iraqis and Kurds on the ground in latest updates. No need for Americans to be killed on the ground and on the front line.

You must run from your threads just like Daesh is running from the Iraqi Aqmy Peshmerga and US led coalition air strikes.

US-led airstrikes kill four IS leaders in Mosul
Anti-IS coalition and Iraqi security forces make new gains in Iraq


Iraqi Kurdish peshmerga fighters fire at IS militant positions east of Mosul on 9 September (AFP)

MEE staff

Thursday 20 November 2014 09:02 GMT Last update: Thursday 20 November 2014 9:14 GMT

- See more at: US-led airstrikes kill four IS leaders in Mosul Middle East Eye

In Kirkuk, Kurdish forces backed by coalition airstrikes launched attacks to retake territory near the town of Kharbaroot, located 35 kilometers west of the city of Kirkuk.

Meanwhile, the Iraqi army and peshmerga forces have also been waging military operations throughout other parts of the country to regain control.

The Iraqi forces have pushed toward Tikrit and Samarra, south of Baiji and are carrying out joint military operations with the peshmerga in Diyala province east of the country to regain control of Saadiya, Jalula, and Yawer.

"Over the next three days, we will work on reinforcing our capacity because we are planning to clear areas on three sides of Tikrit," an army brigadier general said on Monday.
It's really no fair, their team doesn't make them wear helmets....

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