Guess How Many Troops Obama Just Authorized 2B Deployed to Iraq?? Sound Familiar, LOL?

NF 10163094
NotfooledbyW said:
Do you want the Iraqis to shoot and be shot at in defense of their own lives and property and nation? What is your desire for Obama to do?

Pezz 10163578 in response to NF 10163094
I want Obama to kill himself. If he takes any action other than suicide then I disapprove.

Here Pezz states that he disapproves of President Obama's actions that would send more U.S. military personnel to serve in a noncombat role to train, advise and assist Iraqi security forces, including Kurdish forces to kill , destroy and defeat IS terrorist that have committed atrocities and genocide against Sunni, Shiite, Yazidi, Kurd and Christian Iraqis as well as video-taped beheadings of European and American citizens that were kidnapped in Syria for ransom.

And both Pezz, we now know, and Daesh, we may presume, would like to see the current US president die in office rather than see him assist Iraqis in actions to destroy Daesh. Hopefully Pezz is the only American that has common cause with Daesh in the most disgusting way.
Nonsense. Obama can leave office first if he wants. I don't require him to stay.

In fact, you force me to back-peddle a little bit since resigning the office is a course of action I would support him taking. Obama should also sign over all of his family's wealth to pay for the damage he's don to our country.
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Pezz 10158812
That's just a cute way of saying "we won't fire first"

Its way beyond who fires first. Daesh fired first and the US military has been firing back for weeks now killing many of the uncivilized bastards. Do you want the Iraqis to shoot and be shot at in defense of their own lives and property and nation? What is your desire for Obama to do?

It's refreshing to hear the nasty group called their actual name (even if the spelling is an incorrect French perversion). They are actually known as "ad-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham" or DAIISH. Definite articles are usually omitted in Arabic acronyms unless it's one of particular historic or religious significance so "al-Islamiya" gets the "AI" while "al Iraq" and "al Sham" only get "I" and "Sh" respectively.

The pendant in me scoffs at the printing of "ad-Dawla al-Islamiya fi al-Iraq wa al-Sham" because there is no "al-Sham" if there is an "ad-Dawla." The definite article "al" is pronounced "al" sometimes but it sometimes takes the first letter of the next word. For simplicity sake some transliterations of Arabic text always have "al" in front of every appropriate word. "al-Sham," is simply read as "ash-Sham." But other transliterations make the distinction hoping that the non-Arabic speaker doesn't sound completely clueless so it is printed as "ash-Sham." But then copy editors (and interns) get involved and they learn that "al" means "the." When that happens, English rules start to encroach on the Arabic so some words remain contextually correct "ad-Dawla" (state or the state) while other words are subjected to vernacular adjustments (THE Sham) because "state" and "the state" are almost identical in this context but "The Sham" is a specific title.

So if you want to be correct and piss of the assholes trying to declare themselves to the "The Islamic State," use the acronym DAIISH. It's the most accurate, and it's a nice coincidence that they now find the term to be offensive (link and link).
To bring the troops home, now.
What? Are you crazy? I'm setting myself up for a transfer to a unit which was just sourced for deployment to Seria...last time I deploied my net pay came out to $267 per day, tax way I'm turning down a pile of cash like that. I could have my student loans paid off!

Where is "Seria?"
We Need to send in troops

Obama is sending in more troops and the originator of this thread has expressed her politically motivated idea that the announced deployment of 1500 more troops is "mission creep".

Do you support the litany of bitching expressed (see below) on this thread about Obama's decision to comply to Iraq's request to assist their security forces to destroy and defeat the despicable DAIISH invasion of Sunni Iraq areas earlier this year.

EC 10127438
It's called mission creep.

CF 10127562
Leaving US Troops in non-combat roles to support the ISF, just like Bush planned.

DT 10127610
Obabble is calling it "early raghead military education". Just give the sonofabitches a rifle and point them north.

Miss 10127778
The dumbass-in-chief to send up to 1500 more troops back to Iraq..

DT 10127922
There is no combat in Iraq...just ISIS killing the slobs while obabble stands there with his dick in his hand

BB 10127946
He should have simply announced at the beginning an all out effort to defeat ISIS, and had it done in 6 months.

BB 10128052
You'll see support for any plan that is designed to work effectively rather than mollify Obama's domestic supporters.

Jwoo 10128070
Another "surge" wouldn't have been even a hypothetical idea without this display of gross ideological incompetence.

Step 10128093
I'm sure we'll be seeing marching and protesting in the streets by his sheep/anti-war base any day now

Miss 10128275
Now the Fuckchop-in-Chief is sending troops right back...first it was 300, then 600 more, now 1500 more. And not a protests, no anti war rhetoric...just silence.

Anta 10128285
First let me say I support this.

But how many times did he say this was NOT going to happen?

Miss 10128344
Another politically motivated decision by Obumbler. Three days after the election the announcement is made...didn't want to piss off the antiwar base before the election.

Jb 10128355
now it is 3000

EC 10128367
Let us teach you libs something. Again.


Yeah, here's the "training and advice:"

Got out on patrol with a unit, kill a few from the other side then say, "that's how you do it." These advisers are fighting alongside the ISF and Kurds and in many cases are directing their actions. Calling it a "non-combat role" is just political cover and always has been.

Yeah, here's the "training and advice:"

Got out on patrol with a unit, kill a few from the other side then say, "that's how you do it." These advisers are fighting alongside the ISF and Kurds and in many cases are directing their actions. Calling it a "non-combat role" is just political cover and always has been.
My year in Afghanistan says that's accurate.
My year in Afghanistan says that's accurate

When were you there? Was the ANP and ANA in the lead on the security in the area where you were stationed?

Its critical to know the time and location if you want to accurately compare the situation in Afghanistan to Iraq right now.

For example the Iraq Army has just liberated the city of Baijji. DAIISH are fleeing a major city they took control of last summer. There are no reports of US advisers needing to be there.

Islamic State driven from Baiji, Iraqi oil town

By Ed Adamczyk
| Nov. 14, 2014 at 2:51 PM


Sign marks "Islamic State" in Arabic and English. UPI/Michael Wick/Shutterstock

BAIJI, Iraq, Nov. 14 (UPI) -- Iraqi troops have retaken the oil refinery town of Baiji from Islamic State militants who seized the strategic town in June.

Read more: Baiji oil town seized by Islamic State liberated -
Whuh Whoh, Fakey and Foo. Guess what came out of the mouth of CJCS Dempsey??????????????????????????????

I notice neither of YOU rushed to post it.
I'm pretty sure I predicted this in my OP, Fakey and Foo. You know.....that thing called mission creep.

And ground troops......

How many more times you gonna let me trounce you in these debates, F&F.

Dempsey US troops could fight alongside Iraqi forces in war against ISIS Fox News

WASHINGTON – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told Congress on Thursday that he wouldn’t rule out sending a small number of American forces to fight alongside Iraqi troops during some of the more complex missions against the Islamic State.
The only option should be to win in any war we fight, but due to the corruption of this nation now, it's so wonder that we are willing to go anywhere to fight anyone anymore. I mean we don't even believe in ourselves anymore, much less going elsewhere to fight in another's back or front yard for them to win.

If I were the commander and chief, this nation would get results, and the world would respect this nation again. They would respect us not because of our strength, but they would respect us because of our righteousness that would be installed once again into our nation by me and my cabinet of choice. Righteousness is defined by our choices made, and it is defined by the correct choices being made when making them. I could make those choices without hesitation of, just like so many Americans could do also if had the chance given them in life once again.
Hagel maintained
that the U.S. personnel will
not be involved in ground combat

I'm pretty sure I predicted this in my OP, Fakey and Foo. You know.....that thing called mission creep. And ground troops...... <> How many more times you gonna let me trounce you in these debates, F&F. <> Dempsey US troops could fight alongside Iraqi forces in war against ISIS Fox News

WASHINGTON – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told Congress on Thursday that he wouldn’t rule out sending a small number of American forces to fight alongside Iraqi troops during some of the more complex missions against the Islamic State.

You have just admitted that US troops currently serving as advisers in Iraq are not in a combat role. Yet you have been whining for weeks now that they are already in harms way. Here is one example of your pitiful portfolio of posts:

EC 10155170 regarding Ste 10152022
Even 5 year olds know these troops are in harms way and it takes a real special idiot to deny that.

Yet just now you post a link to Fox News that contains this:

Lawmakers expressed skepticism about limiting the U.S. deployment to advisers and trainers, with Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, arguing that "limiting our advisers to headquarters buildings will not help newly trained Iraqi and Syrian opposition forces hold terrain, much less defeat ISIL in the field. Yet the president has doubled down on his policy of `no boots on the ground,' despite any advice you give him."
In citing expert advice, McKeon offered comments from previous defense secretaries and also quoted Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, who last month told an Army conference that ruling out ground forces is like telling a rival you won't play your best players.

And much more to my liking it contains this:

Hagel maintained that the U.S. personnel will not be involved in ground combat.

Lets sum it all up. You have just come out of hiding to mouth-off about a headline on Fox that fired you all up on the basis of Dempsey saying US troops could do something in the future, maybe, not ruling it out, but its not happening yet and since Dempsey answers to the civilian in the White House his words were smacked down completely by one higher up in the chain of command.

Before going back into hiding now that your foolishness has once again be exposed, do you agree in full with your Republican leader "Buck" McKeon who is arguing in your Fox News report that "limiting our advisers to headquarters is not going to work? Do you agree with :"Buck" that the advice on finding the proper way to fight Daesh in Iraq is by asking Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski who has poked fun at ruling out US ground forces and putting them in harms way so the Iraqis won't have to fight the ground fight ... because they are not the 'best players'. .

If you and Buck and Fox News think Krzyzewski is a 'best player' could you send him a note telling him to grab his best weapon and head right over there and join the fight. Perhaps he can throw a basketball or two at some Daesh figters in Mosul... and run 'em off.

God you people are pathetic.
What are you going to say when they are?

They will be and ***** like you will shift the paradigm.

This asshole in the Oval Office will now be responsible for Libya, Syria,Iraq and Afghanistan.

Isn't there even ONE fucking Lefty with integrity?


Hagel maintained
that the U.S. personnel will
not be involved in ground combat

I'm pretty sure I predicted this in my OP, Fakey and Foo. You know.....that thing called mission creep. And ground troops...... <> How many more times you gonna let me trounce you in these debates, F&F. <> Dempsey US troops could fight alongside Iraqi forces in war against ISIS Fox News

WASHINGTON – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told Congress on Thursday that he wouldn’t rule out sending a small number of American forces to fight alongside Iraqi troops during some of the more complex missions against the Islamic State.

You have just admitted that US troops currently serving as advisers in Iraq are not in a combat role. Yet you have been whining for weeks now that they are already in harms way. Here is one example of your pitiful portfolio of posts:

EC 10155170 regarding Ste 10152022
Even 5 year olds know these troops are in harms way and it takes a real special idiot to deny that.

Yet just now you post a link to Fox News that contains this:

Lawmakers expressed skepticism about limiting the U.S. deployment to advisers and trainers, with Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, arguing that "limiting our advisers to headquarters buildings will not help newly trained Iraqi and Syrian opposition forces hold terrain, much less defeat ISIL in the field. Yet the president has doubled down on his policy of `no boots on the ground,' despite any advice you give him."
In citing expert advice, McKeon offered comments from previous defense secretaries and also quoted Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, who last month told an Army conference that ruling out ground forces is like telling a rival you won't play your best players.

And much more to my liking it contains this:

Hagel maintained that the U.S. personnel will not be involved in ground combat.

Lets sum it all up. You have just come out of hiding to mouth-off about a headline on Fox that fired you all up on the basis of Dempsey saying US troops could do something in the future, maybe, not ruling it out, but its not happening yet and since Dempsey answers to the civilian in the White House his words were smacked down completely by one higher up in the chain of command.

Before going back into hiding now that your foolishness has once again be exposed, do you agree in full with your Republican leader "Buck" McKeon who is arguing in your Fox News report that "limiting our advisers to headquarters is not going to work? Do you agree with :"Buck" that the advise on finding the proper way to fight Daesh in Iraq is by asking Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski who has poked fun at ruling out US ground forces and putting them in harms way so the Iraqis won't have to fight.

If you and Buck and Fox News think Krzyzewski is a 'best player' could you send him a note telling him to grab his best weapon and head right over there and join the fight. Perhaps he can throw a basketball or two at some Daesh figters in Mosul... and run 'em off.

God you people are pathetic.
What are you going to say when they are?

Thanks for helping to settle the only reality that we know right now. They aren't. And do you realize how pathetic you look to be basing your entire faulting of Obama's handing of the degrading and destroying Daesh, is to cling to what you 'hope' will happen in the future.
What are you going to say when they are?

Thanks for helping to settle the only reality that we know right now. They aren't. And do you realize how pathetic you look to be basing your entire faulting of Obama's handing of the degrading and destroying Daesh, is to cling to what you 'hope' will happen in the future.

(smile) When are guys start dying I'll be here to tell you what a fucking moron you are.....but you already know that.
(smile) When are guys start dying I'll be here to tell you what a fucking moron you are

Are you opposed to Obama's position to not put US troops in a combat role in Iraq? Do you oppose air strikes and advisers being sent into Iraq to help the Iraqis drive Daesh out?

I believe it is worse than being a moron to 'can't wait' until our troops 'start dying' so that you can have the joy of calling someone a moron...... someone who does not want our troops to be put into a combat role in Iraq because that is the Iraqi's role to do. Now I assume you are right there with EconChick on appreciating Duke b'ball coach Mike Krzyzewski who takes the opposite approach that Obama and I espouse. I realize that American soldiers and specifically our Special Forces are the best in the world ( THEY ARE NOT PLAYING A GAME) but they do not need to be pressed into fighting the Iraqis fight on the ground.
Hagel maintained
that the U.S. personnel will
not be involved in ground combat

I'm pretty sure I predicted this in my OP, Fakey and Foo. You know.....that thing called mission creep. And ground troops...... <> How many more times you gonna let me trounce you in these debates, F&F. <> Dempsey US troops could fight alongside Iraqi forces in war against ISIS Fox News

WASHINGTON – The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff told Congress on Thursday that he wouldn’t rule out sending a small number of American forces to fight alongside Iraqi troops during some of the more complex missions against the Islamic State.

You have just admitted that US troops currently serving as advisers in Iraq are not in a combat role. Yet you have been whining for weeks now that they are already in harms way. Here is one example of your pitiful portfolio of posts:

EC 10155170 regarding Ste 10152022
Even 5 year olds know these troops are in harms way and it takes a real special idiot to deny that.

Yet just now you post a link to Fox News that contains this:

Lawmakers expressed skepticism about limiting the U.S. deployment to advisers and trainers, with Rep. Howard "Buck" McKeon, R-Calif., the chairman of the Armed Services Committee, arguing that "limiting our advisers to headquarters buildings will not help newly trained Iraqi and Syrian opposition forces hold terrain, much less defeat ISIL in the field. Yet the president has doubled down on his policy of `no boots on the ground,' despite any advice you give him."
In citing expert advice, McKeon offered comments from previous defense secretaries and also quoted Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski, who last month told an Army conference that ruling out ground forces is like telling a rival you won't play your best players.

And much more to my liking it contains this:

Hagel maintained that the U.S. personnel will not be involved in ground combat.

Lets sum it all up. You have just come out of hiding to mouth-off about a headline on Fox that fired you all up on the basis of Dempsey saying US troops could do something in the future, maybe, not ruling it out, but its not happening yet and since Dempsey answers to the civilian in the White House his words were smacked down completely by one higher up in the chain of command.

Before going back into hiding now that your foolishness has once again be exposed, do you agree in full with your Republican leader "Buck" McKeon who is arguing in your Fox News report that "limiting our advisers to headquarters is not going to work? Do you agree with :"Buck" that the advice on finding the proper way to fight Daesh in Iraq is by asking Duke basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski who has poked fun at ruling out US ground forces and putting them in harms way so the Iraqis won't have to fight the ground fight ... because they are not the 'best players'. .

If you and Buck and Fox News think Krzyzewski is a 'best player' could you send him a note telling him to grab his best weapon and head right over there and join the fight. Perhaps he can throw a basketball or two at some Daesh figters in Mosul... and run 'em off.

God you people are pathetic.

Yo, shit-for-brains, I didn't quote that politician, Hagel, I quoted General Demsey.

Are you too stupid to tell the difference between the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff???

And are you too stupid to know when they're playing word games???? Yes, you are too stupid, and we all know it.
(smile) When are guys start dying I'll be here to tell you what a fucking moron you are

Are you opposed to Obama's position to not put US troops in a combat role in Iraq? Do you oppose air strikes and advisers being sent into Iraq to help the Iraqis drive Daesh out?

I believe it is worse than being a moron to 'can't wait' until our troops 'start dying' so that you can have the joy of calling someone a moron...... someone who does not want our troops to be put into a combat role in Iraq because that is the Iraqi's role to do. Now I assume you are right there with EconChick on appreciating Duke b'ball coach Mike Krzyzewski who takes the opposite approach that Obama and I espouse. I realize that American soldiers and specifically our Special Forces are the best in the world ( THEY ARE NOT PLAYING A GAME) but they do not need to be pressed into fighting the Iraqis fight on the ground.

They're already in harms way. That means combat.

Are you taking drugs to be that delusional, or are you that way naturally?
It's called mission creep

New mission eh? So do you accept that Bush's war that he started in 2003 was ended in December 2011?

It's the liars like you that lied us INTO Vietnam, lied while in Vietnam, and then lied after Vietnam. You libs did the same thing back then....telling people they were JUST advisors.

That's all anyone expects out of you - is lies.

I guess you think they're all laying around the Palace Pool in the GZ. Idiot.

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