Guess the righties owe HILLARY n Obama a bunch of apologies !

If obastard had been president December 6, 1941.

"taken out of context" of the left loon's weapons in defense of Dear Leader and Shitlary.

Context matters, to argue that it doesn't is an insult to the intelligence of everyone on this board.

It would if there was anyway one could show that those statements were taken out of context, but they were not.

Obama's top general testified before Congress that ISIS was never contained.

Hillary claimed that they were broke, unless someone can tell me how broke can be a relative term for someone with millions of dollars.

These are just excuses because Hillary and Obama have foot-in-mouth disease when asked to tell the truth. They cannot do it, even if they would be no harm in it. They have lied so long, they simply cannot quit.

Are you saying that ISIS has gained territory from November until now?

What does gaining territory have to do with being contained? That is just a liberal excuse to try to explain why Obama is an idiot and a liar.

Oh look, another moron who refuses to actually look at Obama's full quote.

I have looked at his quote. It comes from a moron with the military intellect of a paper clip!
Context matters, to argue that it doesn't is an insult to the intelligence of everyone on this board.

It would if there was anyway one could show that those statements were taken out of context, but they were not.

Obama's top general testified before Congress that ISIS was never contained.

Hillary claimed that they were broke, unless someone can tell me how broke can be a relative term for someone with millions of dollars.

These are just excuses because Hillary and Obama have foot-in-mouth disease when asked to tell the truth. They cannot do it, even if they would be no harm in it. They have lied so long, they simply cannot quit.

Are you saying that ISIS has gained territory from November until now?

It's not just about "territory" was ISIS contained when they hit Paris? No way no how, ISIS is not "contained" and there is a long way to go before they are

This is why you're a fucking retard. You just proved the point of this thread. Obama was specifically referring to territory in Iraq and Syria. Jesus Christ.

Obama said:

I don’t think they’re gaining strength. What is true is from the start our goal has been first to contain—and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq. And in Syria—they’ll come in, they’ll leave—but you don’t see this systematic march by ISIL across the terrain," he said.

That is not "contained". His own general disagreed when testifying before Congress. The problem was Obama made up his own definition to what "contained" means. Then after the Paris attacks, he backpedaled even harder and faster.

He made up the definition for contained? No he didn't, he actually clarified what he meant by it in the very same quote. What you guys want to do is expand on what he was specifically answering. Of course often times this partial quote comes up when you guys want to talk about the Paris attack which has nothing to do with what he was talking about.
Context matters, to argue that it doesn't is an insult to the intelligence of everyone on this board.

It would if there was anyway one could show that those statements were taken out of context, but they were not.

Obama's top general testified before Congress that ISIS was never contained.

Hillary claimed that they were broke, unless someone can tell me how broke can be a relative term for someone with millions of dollars.

These are just excuses because Hillary and Obama have foot-in-mouth disease when asked to tell the truth. They cannot do it, even if they would be no harm in it. They have lied so long, they simply cannot quit.

Are you saying that ISIS has gained territory from November until now?

What does gaining territory have to do with being contained? That is just a liberal excuse to try to explain why Obama is an idiot and a liar.

Oh look, another moron who refuses to actually look at Obama's full quote.

I have looked at his quote. It comes from a moron with the military intellect of a paper clip!

I'll take that as a no.
I don't recall seeing any apologies from the left when they have been caught taking republicans comments out of context. Don't ask something of another that you are not willing to do yourself.
I don't recall seeing any apologies from the left when they have been caught taking republicans comments out of context. Don't ask something of another that you are not willing to do yourself.
Which comments are you speaking of?
Are lefties really going to whine about Hillary "taken out of context"? You almost gotta laugh. Next thing they will be complaining about Bill's weenie "taken out of context".
Are lefties really going to whine about Hillary "taken out of context"? You almost gotta laugh. Next thing they will be complaining about Bill's weenie "taken out of context".

Is that what you call your mouth?
Are lefties really going to whine about Hillary "taken out of context"? You almost gotta laugh. Next thing they will be complaining about Bill's weenie "taken out of context".
People are not whining. They are simply holding liars to account for their lies during a Presidential campaign. Trump today is calling and comparing a Presidential campaign to "war" as an excuse for his crudeness, his vulgarity and his lies. Stop "your" whining just because his opponents are calling him and his followers out and exposing their lies.
Geez, they are resorting to immature cartoony imagery. A sure sign of surrender and admission of losing a debate on a message board.
This is a spin off from that "owe trump an apology thread" . The hypocrisy is too much for one thread !!!

Righties favorite last time is misquoting the prez and Hillary in order to further their bogus talking points . Now they cry cause trump catches flack over his comments ? Playa please!

Here's some quick examples:

"ISIS is contained "
"We we're broke when we left the White House"
"Fundamental change "
"What difference does it make "

All those are routinely taken out of context by the right . U can tell when the quote is just a couple words .

Perhaps you can provide the correct context for all those qoutes. I'll wait. This should be good.

I meant too. Got sidetracked . Hold please!
I don't recall seeing any apologies from the left when they have been caught taking republicans comments out of context. Don't ask something of another that you are not willing to do yourself.
Which comments are you speaking of?
How about as one example in 2012 when the left took a Rick Perry quote about a dark cloud hanging over the nation out of context and tried to make a racial comment about Obama even though his next words after this dark cloud were this debt. Both sides take stuff out context if you want to pretend otherwise fine but do me a favor waste someone else's time with it.
Looks like people are starting to hold the hil accountable for all of her deceit, deception, ineptitude, cronyism, corruption, and incompetence.

Hillary is the true Wonder Woman. She wonders, who Bill had Sex with, where her emails went, where campaign donations came from, where millions of dollars went while Secretary of State,
a true Wonder Woman!
And here she is running for the US presidency...
I don't recall seeing any apologies from the left when they have been caught taking republicans comments out of context. Don't ask something of another that you are not willing to do yourself.
Which comments are you speaking of?
How about as one example in 2012 when the left took a Rick Perry quote about a dark cloud hanging over the nation out of context and tried to make a racial comment about Obama even though his next words after this dark cloud were this debt. Both sides take stuff out context if you want to pretend otherwise fine but do me a favor waste someone else's time with it.
I don't recall seeing any apologies from the left when they have been caught taking republicans comments out of context. Don't ask something of another that you are not willing to do yourself.
Which comments are you speaking of?
How about as one example in 2012 when the left took a Rick Perry quote about a dark cloud hanging over the nation out of context and tried to make a racial comment about Obama even though his next words after this dark cloud were this debt. Both sides take stuff out context if you want to pretend otherwise fine but do me a favor waste someone else's time with it.
As far as I know that was a comment made by one guy, Shultz on MSNBC and he was criticized and castigated by both the right and left. It never became a widely used or accepted talking point.
Looks like people are starting to hold the hil accountable for all of her deceit, deception, ineptitude, cronyism, corruption, and incompetence.

Hillary is the true Wonder Woman. She wonders, who Bill had Sex with, where her emails went, where campaign donations came from, where millions of dollars went while Secretary of State,
a true Wonder Woman!
And here she is running for the US presidency...


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