Guess what? FAKE Laptop!!!

Carry on with your lies and screaming fit.

lol !!!

Says the leftard ! :lmao:

These are the people who can't stop lying to save their lives! FISA warrants, Russian collusion, pee tapes, insurrections, laptops, classified documents, cocaine... it's a never ending list.

And screaming fits? Hello? Let's start with 8 months of riots over a worthless junkie who threatened a pregnant woman with a knife.
i NEVER HAD SEX with that woman Ms Lewinski.....and thats the truth
Even better…"You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations," and "If you’re vaccinated, you’re not going to be hospitalized, you’re not going to be in the ICU unit, and you’re not going to die."

More evidence that the whole laptop lie is exactly that - a lie. Marcy walks you through it. She has the evidence, as she always does.


I’ve been wading through Hunter Biden data all weekend. There’s some evidence that the descriptions of the “Hunter Biden” “laptop” based on the drive Rudy Giuliani has peddled do not match the description of what should be on such devices given what the FBI and IRS saw.

Before I explain that, though, I want to talk about how the life of Hunter Biden’s iCloud account differs from what is portrayed in this analysis paid for by Washington Examiner.

As that report describes, Hunter Biden activated a MacBook Pro on October 21, 2018, then set it up with Hunter’s iCloud on October 22. Hunter then used the MacBook as his primary device until March 17, 2019, a month before it waltzed into John Paul Mac Isaac’s computer repair shop to start a second act as the biggest political hit job ever.

There are problems with that story. A longer table of the devices that logged into Hunter Biden’s iCloud includes devices that appear to have been accessing core Hunter Biden content.

That same table doesn’t show any access after November 15, 2018, with the last access being the device Roberts MacBook Pro that would end up in a Delaware repair shop, but showing up six days earlier than it should. There’s a phone that should but does not show up in those devices, too.

The report doesn’t discuss the import of the shifts between these emails.

One email missing from this list is a Gmail account under which a bunch of passwords were stored. That’ll become important later.

The most important email is the Gmail account (misspelled above), [email protected], which Hunter Biden used to contact sex workers, probably including the Russian escort service that the IRS used to predicate the IRS investigation. That email account got added to his iCloud account at the same time as his iCloud contents were requested, and then again before the MacBook stopped being used. Those changes often happened in conjunction with changes to the phone number.

You'll have to go to the link to read more. A certain someone will be itching to dump this thread for "copyright violation", so this is all you get.
Comer and Grassley based their entire investigation on the laptop. Without it, they wouldnt have been able to connect him to a bunch of crimes. It led them to names and places where they were doing illegal business.
Does this mean all those pics of Hunter doing drugs, showing off his dick, doing hookers, and fondling guns are fake?

Some of them probably are. A lot of what is being circulated on the internet were never on the supposed laptop to start with.

You realize it's pretty easy to photoshop and deep fake stuff, right?
Which is why they let Hunter off so easily. If all your evidence is based on a fake laptop, you really can't go into court.
"COURT"?!!! You think they are trying to take him to court while he is still in office? That would be a waste of time and dumb as fuck, considering that the DOJ's position is that you cant indict a sitting president. Nah bitch, they will drip drip drip damning evidence leading all the way up to the 2024 election. Have fun with that. :laugh:
You realize this "Laptop is Fake" song is not new? It was the first thing the media told us as soon as the laptop came out, ridiculing a visually impaired small business owner. Then it was re-released by a group called "Dozens of Former Members of the Intelligence Community," and the media hyped it like payola disc jokeys.

Now we have this new version. It won't make it onto the charts. Too derivative, too hokie, and you can't dance to it.
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You realize this "Laptop is Fake" song is not new? It was the first thing the media told us as soon as the laptop came out, ridiculing a visually impaired small business owner. Then it was re-mastered by a group called "Dozens of Former Members of the Intelligence Community," and the media hyped it like payola disc jokeys.

Now we have this new version. It won't make it onto the charts. Too derivative, too hokie, and you can't dance to it.
This is the lap top 2.0 the new and improved it doesn't exist version. Leftists love pushing failures hoping they'll get a different outcome
Anything that comes out of a right wing suck hole is a lie. That’s because anything that comes out of a right wing suck hole is a sales pitch.

Republicans don’t converse, they hustle.
So the lie the lap top didn't exist even though the FBI buried and slow walked the evidence it never happened? You truly are a lying twisted mentally defective sack of shit

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