Guess what? FAKE Laptop!!!

This is the lap top 2.0 the new and improved it doesn't exist version. Leftists love pushing failures hoping they'll get a different outcome
It won't will only make committed fans more committed and non fans more convinced of an even deeper cover-up.
Which is why they let Hunter off so easily. If all your evidence is based on a fake laptop, you really can't go into court.
There is so much to get Hunter on. The Biden crime family is not unlike gangsters or mafia. Hunter can go to jail like Capone and others.
There is so much to get Hunter on. The Biden crime family is not unlike gangsters or mafia. Hunter can go to jail like Capone and others.
It no longer matters how many crimes Hunter committed and will continue to commit. If they didn't want to prosecute him for violating gun laws, one of their cardinal sins, why should they care about a little bribery and human trafficking?

The FBI is now the damage control department of the Biden campaign.
More Russian disinformation
It wasn’t difficult to predict correctly – conservatives lie about most everything else, the ‘laptop’ lie is no different.

And the ‘laptop’ lie is a failed and pathetic effort by conservatives to deflect from Trump’s corruption and criminality by advancing the false narrative of ‘corruption’ on the part of President Biden.
It wasn’t difficult to predict correctly – conservatives lie about most everything else, the ‘laptop’ lie is no different.

And the ‘laptop’ lie is a failed and pathetic effort by conservatives to deflect from Trump’s corruption and criminality by advancing the false narrative of ‘corruption’ on the part of President Biden.
It didn't fail. True or false it accomplished what it was intended to accomplish.
No more so than Russia collusion. You see when you lower the bar your opponent gets to use it too.
Imagine Barron Trump's laptop ended up in unfriendly hands and democrats were trying to use his furry porn collection against Trump. Not only would it be ineffective it would not look good for those trying to use it.
What it shows is an amateur attempt of a smear campaign.

somebody should tell the trolls down at the farm, that this isn’t Russia.
Funny how duopoly types think. Their guys never do anything wrong but the other guys, oh are they crooks! Lol.
Some of them probably are. A lot of what is being circulated on the internet were never on the supposed laptop to start with.

You realize it's pretty easy to photoshop and deep fake stuff, right?
Not if it comes from his laptop.
Better than a 95% chance if vaxxed a person would not get very ill, not go to the hospital, not be in ICU, and not die compared to those who were not vaxxed and did get Covid.

Covid Conspiracy Idiots will CCI, Qanon, and 4chan because they truly are mentally and emotionally ill.
Reading comprehension a problem with you, you flaming asshole?

Where did I mention the gun form? I didn't, your flaming turd! I asked if he had the crack pipe in his pocket, like another flaming turd stated! He didn't mention the gun application either! So you just busted your nuts and accomplished nothing!
But That's par for you idiots! Make up some more shit!
That's all you liars can do!
Carry on!
You're totally useless. 17 posts in 2 years.
Speaking of phlaming arceholes.
You're totally useless. 17 posts in 2 years.
Speaking of phlaming arceholes.
Ooo! Did you scream, flail your arms, throw your whine glass against the door before deciding you just have to try and own me?
What makes you think I live here? I drop in when I need to laugh out loud at stupid pieces of shit like you. Flaming turds that think you run the world! So get use to it, turd baby. I might just make you kick and scream more often!
Wipe your ass, take a shower, and try to act like an adult for the day!
Carry on.

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