Guess what? FAKE Laptop!!!

Lefties believe the "Steele Dossier" is real and Hunter's laptop is fake. Hatred and anger will do strange things to your common sense.
Shut the fuck up you stupid piece of shit. You and fellow fat retard bodecea apparently can not comprehend the truth fucktard. Now answer the question asshole. It’s been proven your Crackhead hero LIED on a gun form. Do you deny this felony happened? If so, GFY.
Lefties believe the "Steele Dossier" is real and Hunter's laptop is fake. Hatred and anger will do strange things to your common sense.
Yep these people have a cult like mentality
lol !!!

Says the leftard ! :lmao:

These are the people who can't stop lying to save their lives! FISA warrants, Russian collusion, pee tapes, insurrections, laptops, classified documents, cocaine... it's a never ending list.

And screaming fits? Hello? Let's start with 8 months of riots over a worthless junkie who threatened a pregnant woman with a knife.
Wow! You blew your wad at the wrong person! I never mentioned any of that!
But boy did I nail you! That was a real footstomping fit. Are you calmed down? Need a glass of whine?
But carry on. Maybe your next screaming fit will get you more attention!
Wow! You blew your wad at the wrong person! I never mentioned any of that!
But boy did I nail you! That was a real footstomping fit. Are you calmed down? Need a glass of whine?
But carry on. Maybe your next screaming fit will get you more attention!
Shut up, shit for brains.

No one asked you.
Well, now that we know the laptop is fake, good luck with that.

I can't imagine any voter who would say, "Well, Trump completely rat-fucked my life in 2020, but gosh darn, there were some unflattering selfies of Hunter!"
Well, that "fake" laptop led investigators to the right people and places where REAL corruption was found, so i guess thats super bad luck for the Bidens. :dunno:
Well, that "fake" laptop led investigators to the right people and places where REAL corruption was found, so i guess thats super bad luck for the Bidens.

Not really. He was already under investigation for his tax and gun issues. The Fake Laptop couldn't be used for evidence.

Hunter is getting a harsher punishment than most people who commit these misdemeanors.
Not really. He was already under investigation for his tax and gun issues. The Fake Laptop couldn't be used for evidence.

Hunter is getting a harsher punishment than most people who commit these misdemeanors.
If people go unpunished for lying on background check applications when buying guns, then the whole process is a huge waste of time and money.
Not really. He was already under investigation for his tax and gun issues. The Fake Laptop couldn't be used for evidence.

Hunter is getting a harsher punishment than most people who commit these misdemeanors.
They arent using the laptop as evidence. They have bank records now that the laptop pointed Congress to their shady money transfers.
Shut up, shit for brains.

No one asked you.
And another fit! Did you throw more whine glasses? Or did you swipe everything off of your desk? Do you have these crying episodes often? Maybe you need a break?
Anyway, carry on with your bad self! I just hope your weapons aren't within reach! 😅

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