Guess what? FAKE Laptop!!!

Shut up, asshole.

You're just another worthless mudslinging leftard.

Go away, fool

Damn. You're up early. Or late. Can't sleep? I bet you're a joy to live with. Sitting around throwing fits, crying, stomping your feet because someone on a comment board doesn't scurry away whenever you order them! I guess you're gonna need to get some more whine, and glasses to throw, because I ain't leaving. Now stomp your feet, cry, and sit back down. Pound away at your keyboard. But just know you're nothing but a whiney ass tittie baby.
Carry on.
Trans and non-binary people know they are trans or non-binary. The question is already on the questionaire. We just need to start using it to deny purchases. Give the high suicide rate of transfolk, that would be a life-saving measure.

We should deny them to MAGA members, too.

Nobody wants to "rely on a questionaire" in the sense that they think it guarantees that nobody ever buys a gun who shouldn't. It's a way to screen out some would-be gun purchasers who are not in a good place to be buying guns.

Weird that I am explaining it to you, when it was Dems who pushed for the nonsense. Of course anything the government does to limit gun purchases is bound to be ineffective, ineffecient and illogical. But . . . given that they do pass a law about background checks, the should apply even to a Biden crackhead human trafficker, is the point.

We didn't ask for the stupid forms... that was you clowns who insisted they were an acceptable substitute for a real background check.

I know what I want.

I want every gun owner to be background investigated, given a psych test, piss-tested, required to attend at least 100 hours of mandatory gun training, and required to carry liability insurance.

And before you go whining, that's exactly the standard I was held to (except the insurance part) when I joined the Illinois National Guard before they'd let me handle a weapon.
We should deny them to MAGA members, too.
Far too late for that, Joe.
We didn't ask for the stupid forms... that was you clowns who insisted they were an acceptable substitute for a real background check.
OK, I'll bite. What did you want for a "real background check?" Never mind, you answer that here:
I know what I want.

I want every gun owner to be background investigated, given a psych test, piss-tested, required to attend at least 100 hours of mandatory gun training, and required to carry liability insurance.

And before you go whining, that's exactly the standard I was held to (except the insurance part) when I joined the Illinois National Guard before they'd let me handle a weapon.
That was the standard that your employer held you to, and they paid for and paid you to do all that.

If the hourly rate I'll be paid for your plan is good enough, I'm all for it. I get $29 per hour for teaching summer school, so that would do. If it is on my dime and my time as my price for keeping the second amendment, no thanks.
If the hourly rate I'll be paid for your plan is good enough, I'm all for it. I get $29 per hour for teaching summer school, so that would do. If it is on my dime and my time as my price for keeping the second amendment, no thanks.

Second Amendment is about militias.
That actually sounds like what you should do for a Well Regulated militia. Make sure that you aren't giving guns to people who shouldn't have them.
Second Amendment is about militias.
That actually sounds like what you should do for a Well Regulated militia. Make sure that you aren't giving guns to people who shouldn't have them.
Fuck no, asshole! The 2nd Amendment guarantees the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS to every INDIVIDUAL AMERICAN!!!! :eusa_hand:
Fuck no, asshole! The 2nd Amendment guarantees the RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS to every INDIVIDUAL AMERICAN!!!!

It says the right of the people. Not individuals. The people in the context of a well-regulated militia.

As a pragmatic thing, guns in colonial times were very expensive, only the affluent owned them. So when they said, "The people" they meant affluent land owners, not the common rabble.
Second Amendment is about militias.
That actually sounds like what you should do for a Well Regulated militia. Make sure that you aren't giving guns to people who shouldn't have them.
Supreme Court has already ruled you wrong in Heller. I'm not sure if they included the word "duh" when the said that the second amendment protects the individual right to bear arms. But the ruling was sparkling clear.

Supreme Court has already ruled you wrong in Heller. I'm not sure if they included the word "duh" when the said that the second amendment protects the individual right to bear arms. But the ruling was sparkling clear.

Two more appointments, the Second is about Militias again.

If it was a "duh" moment, then it wouldn't have taken until 2010 to figure out what the founding slave rapists actually meant.
It says the right of the people. Not individuals. The people in the context of a well-regulated militia.

As a pragmatic thing, guns in colonial times were very expensive, only the affluent owned them. So when they said, "The people" they meant affluent land owners, not the common rabble.
NOPE!!! :eusa_hand:
Hunter is a private citizen. Why should the FBI go after him for what are at best petty crimes? He's taken no oaths or took a government paycheck. This whole think started with an invasion of privacy and continues as republicans try to make something out of this mess.
There was no invasion of privacy, jackass. Hunter left his laptop at the repair shop long after the deadline for retrieving it. The FBI prosecutes private citizens all the time.

If you don't know the basic facts of the case, don't stick your nose into the thread.
Second Amendment is about militias.
That actually sounds like what you should do for a Well Regulated militia. Make sure that you aren't giving guns to people who shouldn't have them.
it commands nothing of the militia. It only commands government not to abridge the right to bear arms.

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