Guess what? FAKE Laptop!!!

There was no invasion of privacy, jackass. Hunter left his laptop at the repair shop long after the deadline for retrieving it. The FBI prosecutes private citizens all the time.

If you don't know the basic facts of the case, don't stick your nose into the thread.
The basic facts of the case is that after five years of accusing Hunter of everything under the sun, the only thing they were able to prove is he made mistakes on his taxes.

No one has claimed the laptop is fake, not even the Bidens or the FBI.
They kind of don't have to. The Laptop has been through about 30 different hands, and has no evidentiary value.

it commands nothing of the militia. It only commands government not to abridge the right to bear arms.
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to a free state..." Seems to be about militias to me.
The basic facts of the case is that after five years of accusing Hunter of everything under the sun, the only thing they were able to prove is he made mistakes on his taxes.
it proves a whole list of crimes, moron, like smoking crack for one thing.

They kind of don't have to. The Laptop has been through about 30 different hands, and has no evidentiary value.
Not true. A skilled analyst can determine the data of each file on the laptop.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to a free state..." Seems to be about militias to me.
Clarence Thomas: 2nd Amendment Protects 'Individual's Right' to Carry Gun Outside Home for Self-Defense
In the majority opinion for Supreme Court of the United States’ 6-3 ruling in NYSRPA v. Bruen, Justice Clarence Thomas wrote the Second Amendment protects an “individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”
Thomas pointed to District of Columbia v. Heller (2008) and McDonald v. Chicago (2010), noting in those cases SCOTUS “recognized that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect the right of an ordinary, law-abiding citizen to possess a handgun in the home for self-defense.”
He then turned his attention to NYSRPA v. Bruen, saying, “In this case, petitioners and respondents agree that ordinary, law-abiding citizens have a similar right to carry handguns publicly for their self-defense.”
Thomas observed, “We too agree, and now hold, consistent with Heller and McDonald, that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home.”
Not true. A skilled analyst can determine the data of each file on the laptop.
A skilled forger can beat it... you know, like the skilled forgers who work for the Russians.

it proves a whole list of crimes, moron, like smoking crack for one thing.
Smoking crack isn't a crime.. just posessing it.
Hunter is a private citizen. Why should the FBI go after him for what are at best petty crimes? He's taken no oaths or took a government paycheck. This whole think started with an invasion of privacy and continues as republicans try to make something out of this mess.
Selling influence is neither a petty crime nor one for local law enforcement.
Wait I thought there were no crimes on the laptop, so why are libs twisting themselves in to pretzels trying to defend Hunter who has made no effort to defend himself?
When Eric an Don Jr were being accused of Russia collusion they willingly testified before congress and spoke to the media. So why is Hunter remaining silent if he has nothing to hide?
No he can't.

Sure he can. And as the link shows, the laptop that Rudy has been peddling has different data than the one the FBI seized from Hunter's house.

How can you smoke it without possessing it?

What a dumbass.

You have to be caught possessing, that's the point. That's why Rush Limbaugh's fat ass didn't go to prison for drug possession. He straight up admitted he abused the drugs, but he didn't have them on him at the time.
Not that I care, the War on Drugs has always been an exercise in futility.
Sure he can. And as the link shows, the laptop that Rudy has been peddling has different data than the one the FBI seized from Hunter's house.
What link?

You have to be caught possessing, that's the point. That's why Rush Limbaugh's fat ass didn't go to prison for drug possession. He straight up admitted he abused the drugs, but he didn't have them on him at the time.
Not that I care, the War on Drugs has always been an exercise in futility.
How can you smoke it without possessing?

God, what a dumbass,
Sure he can. And as the link shows, the laptop that Rudy has been peddling has different data than the one the FBI seized from Hunter's house.

You have to be caught possessing, that's the point. That's why Rush Limbaugh's fat ass didn't go to prison for drug possession. He straight up admitted he abused the drugs, but he didn't have them on him at the time.
Not that I care, the War on Drugs has always been an exercise in futility.
When did the FBI "seize a laptop from Hunter's house"??????
I don't remember hearing that fable before....
How can you smoke it without possessing?

God, what a dumbass,

Can you prove he posessed it? All you have is a picture of him with a crack pipe...Without the actual drugs, you can't prove he posessed them.

When did the FBI "seize a laptop from Hunter's house"??????
I don't remember hearing that fable before....
Try to keep up.
Can you prove he posessed it? All you have is a picture of him with a crack pipe...Without the actual drugs, you can't prove he posessed them.

Try to keep up.
Hunter forgot about his laptop, and the computer shop guy had it.
What the FUCK are you talking about????
Hunter forgot about his laptop, and the computer shop guy had it.
What the FUCK are you talking about????
Dumb leftard troll thread, attracts all the dumb leftard trolls.

These people are worthless, they make so much noise no one else can talk. I mostly shut them out. Threads like this remind me which ones I haven't put on the ignore list yet.
I know you need to believe that.

Here's another version
Someone hacked his cloud account and downloaded information onto his hard drive.
Who keeps anything on a laptop anymore? You put all that shit on the cloud.
The FBI admitted it's legitimate, moron,.

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