Guess what? FAKE Laptop!!!

Hunter is a private citizen. Why should the FBI go after him for what are at best petty crimes? He's taken no oaths or took a government paycheck. This whole think started with an invasion of privacy and continues as republicans try to make something out of this mess.
Guess what? FAKE President Biden.
How do she know what the FBI and IRS saw? They certainly have never shown it to us, and the last time they answered in public, they did not even know where it is.

Suppose someone did "add" the photos of Hunter with the New Wave Hookers and the crack to the copies of the laptop. Wouldn't the Biden Damage Control Division, AKA the Garland DOJ/Wray FBI, be eager to release the actual laptop to prove that they were added?

Suppose they DID release it (which will never happen). That still would not explain why the First Son took so many dadgum selfies of himself smoking crack with hookers.

What is your explanation for that? Photoshop?

They SAID they didn't know where it is.
Remember, the FBI, DOJ, IRS and CIA have been very biased by the Democrats for years now. They truly serve Democrat interests over all others.
It says the right of the people. Not individuals. The people in the context of a well-regulated militia.

As a pragmatic thing, guns in colonial times were very expensive, only the affluent owned them. So when they said, "The people" they meant affluent land owners, not the common rabble.

At this point in time, it really doesn't matter who is right about the interpretation of the Second Amendment. There's somewhere around 400 million firearms in the hands of civilians in the U.S. Have fun trying to get them back.
At this point in time, it really doesn't matter who is right about the interpretation of the Second Amendment. There's somewhere around 400 million firearms in the hands of civilians in the U.S. Have fun trying to get them back.

How about just making them hard for crazy people to get?
Every mass shooting is carried out by a guy who just got his guns last week. Let's just keep any more from getting out there.

Then we can get rid of the rest through attrition.
That was your claim. Inferring that everything reported to be on the hard drive is "legitimate"

That is a lie and I challenged you to support that claim

You won't because you can't
Ok, what on there is illegitimate? Prove it.

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