Guess what? FAKE Laptop!!!

Isn’t that exactly how the Trump “Big Liars” argue:

“[They] have no proof someone tampered with the [election], but [they] demand that we prove it wasn’t tampered with.”

The only difference is that nobody really gives a fuck about Hunter Biden’s computer & his obnoxious personal conduct, but we sure do care about ex-President and Republican candidate Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” campaign dividing the nation!
This is about Joe Biden's conduct, moron. We only bring up Hunter because he was in business with Joe.
Isn’t that exactly how the Trumpster “Big Liars” argue:

“[They] have no proof someone tampered with the [election], but [they] demand that we prove it wasn’t tampered with.”

The only difference is that nobody really gives a fuck about Hunter Biden’s computer & his obnoxious personal conduct, but we sure do care about ex-President and Republican candidate Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” campaign dividing the nation!

I agree there is no reason to believe the 2020 election was tampered with as far as voter fraud, but clearly the false impeachments and indictments over lies ARE attempts to interfere with past and future elections, illegally.
Isn’t that exactly how the Trumpster “Big Liars” argue:

“[They] have no proof someone tampered with the [election], but [they] demand that we prove it wasn’t tampered with.”

The only difference is that nobody really gives a fuck about Hunter Biden’s computer & his obnoxious personal conduct, but we sure do care about ex-President and Republican candidate Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” campaign dividing the nation!

This is about Joe Biden's conduct, moron. We only bring up Hunter because he was in business with Joe.

Thank you — “moron” — for bumping my comment, and proving its relevance!

Try putting your middle finger down and thinking for a moment…

Who and whose sick activities are more pernicious in the eyes of most Americans? The pathetic Hunter Biden, or the billionaire ex-President Donald Trump, who tried to steal the 2020 election and accused Joe Biden of doing exactly what he himself failed to do?
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Some sick people get off on taking pictures of their own dicks, while posing with hookers, drugs and guns. Other people get off looking at other men’s cocks.

You can easily identify the biggest dicks here on USMB — just look at their avatars!
Isn’t that exactly how the Trumpster “Big Liars” argue:

“[They] have no proof someone tampered with the [election], but [they] demand that we prove it wasn’t tampered with.”

The only difference is that nobody really gives a fuck about Hunter Biden’s computer & his obnoxious personal conduct, but we sure do care about ex-President and Republican candidate Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” campaign dividing the nation!
Turning, or burying your head in the sand concerning the “SITTING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES “ zaps any credibility that you think you have…
It matters because the images show a corrupt and wealthy Hunter who then is more suspicious than an honest and hard working person.
You’re talking about a private individual you Kremlin troll
There are plenty of reasons to find the laptop legitimate, the primary one being that the FBI said it was legitimate. Only terminally gullible progtards believe it's not legitimate.
Again with that lie?

What you MEAN to say is that some guy SAID that the FBI said that
Again with that lie?

What you MEAN to say is that some guy SAID that the FBI said that
Wait just a minute troll, I asked you a question, and you think you can just ignore it? Prove your lie, or don't, its up to you, we're only talking about your character here....
Again with that lie?

What you MEAN to say is that some guy SAID that the FBI said that
Prove it's a lie.

FBI knew the Hunter Biden laptop was real in 2019, IRS whistleblowers say

Shapley testified that “the FBI became aware that a repair shop had a laptop allegedly belonging to Hunter Biden and that the laptop might contain evidence of a crime” in October 2019. He added that just one month later “the FBI verified its authenticity in November of 2019 by matching the device number against Hunter Biden's Apple iCloud ID.”
He said that FBI case agent Josh Wilson called repair shop owner John Paul Mac Isaac on Nov. 6, 2019 “and basically got the device numbers from him.” Shapley further testified that “then we bounced those device numbers off third-party records, and it showed that it was, in fact, Hunter Biden's device.” He added that “then it's a lot of minutia with what they did with the information — or with the analysis of the computers.”
The whistleblower said that “when the FBI took possession of the device in December 2019, they notified the IRS that it likely contained evidence of tax crimes” and that a redacted special agent “drafted an affidavit for a Title 26 search warrant, which a magistrate judge approved that month.”
Shapley said that “it wasn't a warrant for the FBI to physically take custody of" the laptop and emphasized that “they determined, because it was abandoned property, that it could be turned over via a document request.”
The whistleblower said that “I don’t know of” any instance where Hunter Biden or his lawyers claimed that anything on the laptop was doctored or fraudulent. The person added that it was discussed internally whether anything was inauthentic, but that analysis showed that “it was not manipulated in any way” and that it was reliable evidence.

Konstantinos "Gus" Dimitrelos, a cyber forensics expert and former Secret Service agent, conducted an examination of the laptop for the Washington Examiner last year. He concluded, “My analysis revealed there is a 100% certainty that Robert Hunter Biden was the only person responsible for the activity on this hard drive and all of its stored data” and that “the hard drive is authentic.”
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So, you don’t have any proof that someone tampered with the hard drive, but you demand that we prove it wasn’t tampered with? That’s not how it works…
Isn’t that exactly how the Trumpster “Big Liars” argue:

“[They] have no proof someone tampered with the [election], but [they] demand that we prove it wasn’t tampered with.”

The only difference is that nobody really gives a fuck about Hunter Biden’s computer & his obnoxious personal conduct, but we sure do care about ex-President and Republican candidate Donald Trump’s “Big Lie” campaign dividing the nation!
Turning, or burying your head in the sand concerning the “SITTING PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES “ zaps any credibility that you think you have…
I never wanted Biden to be a candidate and from the beginning argued that his poor judgement in permitting his feckless son Hunter to accompany him on trips abroad should convince Democrats he was unfit to be their candidate. Then there is his age, which I pointed out just today should make Democrats choose another candidate! I am no Biden or DNC “cultist.”

But Republicans using Hunter’s degenerate life style problems to slander the supposed Biden “crime family” is just a typical attempt to divert attention from their now ever more malignant and dangerous candidate.

Trump’s personal defects and actions make him a danger to our nation, and his huge political crime of trying to stop the peaceful and legitimate transfer of power in 2020 — for which he should have been impeached — mean he should never again be allowed to hold political power. The prosecutions he faces now were brought on by his own behavior, but in the end it is the sober judgement of American voters who must end his political career for good.

Oh yeah. Hunter Biden should not get any special breaks. Joe Biden — though so far successfully holding NATO together and handling Putin’s invasion & economic disruptions well — should definitely make room for a younger candidate. Too bad that will probably not happen.
I never wanted Biden to be a candidate and from the beginning argued that his poor judgement in permitting his feckless son Hunter to accompany him on trips abroad should convince Democrats he was unfit to be their candidate. Then there is his age, which I pointed out just today should make Democrats choose another candidate! I am no Biden or DNC “cultist.”

But Republicans using Hunter’s degenerate life style problems to slander the supposed Biden “crime family” is just a typical attempt to divert attention from their now ever more malignant and dangerous candidate.

Trump’s personal defects and actions make him a danger to our nation, and his huge political crime of trying to stop the peaceful and legitimate transfer of power in 2020 — for which he should have been impeached — mean he should never again be allowed to hold political power. The prosecutions he faces now were brought on by his own behavior, but in the end it is the sober judgement of American voters who must end his political career for good.

Oh yeah. Hunter Biden should not get any special breaks. Joe Biden — though so far successfully holding NATO together and handling Putin’s invasion & economic disruptions well — should definitely make room for a younger candidate. Too bad that will probably not happen.
Where's the slander?
That is the wrong way to go.
The gun and drugs are not the problem.
The problem is the US bribed the Maidan military coup that illegally took over the Ukraine and deliberately violated treaties.
Anyone supporting the Ukraine under the Kyiv dictatorship is a traitor.
The government of the Ukraine in 2010 was legally, democratically, and fairly elected.
After 2014, everything in the Ukraine was totally illegal, with all opposition candidates murdered, imprisoned, or exiled.
The US bribed no one.

There was no such treaty violation.

More evidence that the whole laptop lie is exactly that - a lie. Marcy walks you through it. She has the evidence, as she always does.


I’ve been wading through Hunter Biden data all weekend. There’s some evidence that the descriptions of the “Hunter Biden” “laptop” based on the drive Rudy Giuliani has peddled do not match the description of what should be on such devices given what the FBI and IRS saw.

Before I explain that, though, I want to talk about how the life of Hunter Biden’s iCloud account differs from what is portrayed in this analysis paid for by Washington Examiner.

As that report describes, Hunter Biden activated a MacBook Pro on October 21, 2018, then set it up with Hunter’s iCloud on October 22. Hunter then used the MacBook as his primary device until March 17, 2019, a month before it waltzed into John Paul Mac Isaac’s computer repair shop to start a second act as the biggest political hit job ever.

There are problems with that story. A longer table of the devices that logged into Hunter Biden’s iCloud includes devices that appear to have been accessing core Hunter Biden content.

That same table doesn’t show any access after November 15, 2018, with the last access being the device Roberts MacBook Pro that would end up in a Delaware repair shop, but showing up six days earlier than it should. There’s a phone that should but does not show up in those devices, too.

The report doesn’t discuss the import of the shifts between these emails.

One email missing from this list is a Gmail account under which a bunch of passwords were stored. That’ll become important later.

The most important email is the Gmail account (misspelled above), [email protected], which Hunter Biden used to contact sex workers, probably including the Russian escort service that the IRS used to predicate the IRS investigation. That email account got added to his iCloud account at the same time as his iCloud contents were requested, and then again before the MacBook stopped being used. Those changes often happened in conjunction with changes to the phone number.

You'll have to go to the link to read more. A certain someone will be itching to dump this thread for "copyright violation", so this is all you get.

Bumping this for you. Boy, it really stood the test of time didn't it? When are leftists right about something?
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