Guess when these first will occur for the presidency

Clear and perfect example of liberal 'think.'

Everything is about race, gender, and sexual persuasion.

Can't fix stupid.
Clear and perfect example of fascist 'think.'

Your the one who thinks only people of a certain race, a certain gender, a certain religion, and a certain sexual persuasion should be president dumbass
Did my post tell you that?
that your a fascist or a dumbass?
Isn't it true that all who oppose Leftism must be fascists or stupid?
no just you
come on don't really believe that...
Every single president after 2048 won't believe in God...A few will of course believe in dog.
"...As humanism in its development was becoming more and more materialistic, it also increasingly allowed concepts to be used first by socialism and then by communism, so that Karl Marx was able to say, in 1844, that "communism is naturalized humanism."

This statement has proved to be not entirely unreasonable. One does not see the same stones in the foundations of an eroded humanism and of any type of socialism: boundless materialism; freedom from religion and religious responsibility (which under Communist regimes attains the stage of antireligious dictatorship); concentration on social structures with an allegedly scientific approach. (This last is typical of both the Age of Enlightenment and of Marxism.) It is no accident that all of communism's rhetorical vows revolve around Man (with a capital M) and his earthly happiness. At first glance it seems an ugly parallel: common traits in the thinking and way of life of today's West and today's East? But such is the logic of materialistic development..."

Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Harvard Address
Clear and perfect example of fascist 'think.'

Your the one who thinks only people of a certain race, a certain gender, a certain religion, and a certain sexual persuasion should be president dumbass
Did my post tell you that?
that your a fascist or a dumbass?
Isn't it true that all who oppose Leftism must be fascists or stupid?
no just you
come on don't really believe that...
geez if you want attention go start a thread about how you want to maintain white supremacy or something
1. First women president
2. First gay out of the closet president that is married to another man.
3. First Muslim President
4. First asian president
5. First Transgender president
6. First Hispanic president
7. First AI president

My guess
1. 2024
2. 2032
3. 2040
4. 2040
5. 2044
6. 2048
7. 2104
Your problem, Mathew, is that you think it matters.
Every single president after 2048 won't believe in God...A few will of course believe in dog.
"...As humanism in its development was becoming more and more materialistic, it also increasingly allowed concepts to be used first by socialism and then by communism, so that Karl Marx was able to say, in 1844, that "communism is naturalized humanism."

This statement has proved to be not entirely unreasonable. One does not see the same stones in the foundations of an eroded humanism and of any type of socialism: boundless materialism; freedom from religion and religious responsibility (which under Communist regimes attains the stage of antireligious dictatorship); concentration on social structures with an allegedly scientific approach. (This last is typical of both the Age of Enlightenment and of Marxism.) It is no accident that all of communism's rhetorical vows revolve around Man (with a capital M) and his earthly happiness. At first glance it seems an ugly parallel: common traits in the thinking and way of life of today's West and today's East? But such is the logic of materialistic development..."

Alexander Solzhenitsyn - Harvard Address
Did my post tell you that?
that your a fascist or a dumbass?
Isn't it true that all who oppose Leftism must be fascists or stupid?
no just you
come on don't really believe that...
geez if you want attention go start a thread about how you want to maintain white supremacy or something
Oh yeah...I am not only a Fascist, dumbass, but also a white supremacist....anything else?
that your a fascist or a dumbass?
Isn't it true that all who oppose Leftism must be fascists or stupid?
no just you
come on don't really believe that...
geez if you want attention go start a thread about how you want to maintain white supremacy or something
Oh yeah...I am not only a Fascist, dumbass, but also a white supremacist....anything else?
yeah why do you hate the jews so much?
Isn't it true that all who oppose Leftism must be fascists or stupid?
no just you
come on don't really believe that...
geez if you want attention go start a thread about how you want to maintain white supremacy or something
Oh yeah...I am not only a Fascist, dumbass, but also a white supremacist....anything else?
yeah why do you hate the jews so much?
Oh yes...anti-Semite too...anything else?
I doubt there will be a USA after Trump, although I hope I'm wrong.
you're a liberal, of course you're wrong.
the threat would have been the traitor hillary with her letting in tens of thousands of potential terrorists without the ability to check their back grounds, or the continued acceptance of the illegals sneaking across the border .
I dont think you have a thing to worry about with Trump hopefully he will be able to return the insurance industry into an affordable entity that it was before the liberals decided to try and give even more free stuff to the worthless non producers in society.
So just relax and watch things get better.
no just you
come on don't really believe that...
geez if you want attention go start a thread about how you want to maintain white supremacy or something
Oh yeah...I am not only a Fascist, dumbass, but also a white supremacist....anything else?
yeah why do you hate the jews so much?
Oh yes...anti-Semite too...anything else?
for a hate filled bigot you sure are sensitive
come on don't really believe that...
geez if you want attention go start a thread about how you want to maintain white supremacy or something
Oh yeah...I am not only a Fascist, dumbass, but also a white supremacist....anything else?
yeah why do you hate the jews so much?
Oh yes...anti-Semite too...anything else?
for a hate filled bigot you sure are sensitive
okay....hate filled bigot too...anything else?
geez if you want attention go start a thread about how you want to maintain white supremacy or something
Oh yeah...I am not only a Fascist, dumbass, but also a white supremacist....anything else?
yeah why do you hate the jews so much?
Oh yes...anti-Semite too...anything else?
for a hate filled bigot you sure are sensitive
okay....hate filled bigot too...anything else?
how about bible thumping gay basher?
Oh yeah...I am not only a Fascist, dumbass, but also a white supremacist....anything else?
yeah why do you hate the jews so much?
Oh yes...anti-Semite too...anything else?
for a hate filled bigot you sure are sensitive
okay....hate filled bigot too...anything else?
how about bible thumping gay basher?
Oh well that goes without saying...are you done or is there more?
yeah why do you hate the jews so much?
Oh yes...anti-Semite too...anything else?
for a hate filled bigot you sure are sensitive
okay....hate filled bigot too...anything else?
how about bible thumping gay basher?
Oh well that goes without saying...are you done or is there more?
What do you mean?
geez if you want attention go start a thread about how you want to maintain white supremacy or something
Oh yeah...I am not only a Fascist, dumbass, but also a white supremacist....anything else?
yeah why do you hate the jews so much?
Oh yes...anti-Semite too...anything else?
for a hate filled bigot you sure are sensitive
okay....hate filled bigot too...anything else?
wow, until now I had no idea how messed up you were.
Glad we have the experts on here to point these things out
Look, all you have to do is agree with everything they say, forget about national security, or paying your bills, marry a 600 lb woman of a different race than you are (handicap would really be good for your image) and you will become their national hero.
I am so glad I could help you in this matter.
Did my post tell you that?
that your a fascist or a dumbass?
Isn't it true that all who oppose Leftism must be fascists or stupid?
no just you
come on don't really believe that...
geez if you want attention go start a thread about how you want to maintain white supremacy or something
Saying that one needs to actually maintain White Supremacy would be like saying we need to maintain the sun.
yeah why do you hate the jews so much?
Oh yes...anti-Semite too...anything else?
for a hate filled bigot you sure are sensitive
okay....hate filled bigot too...anything else?
how about bible thumping gay basher?
Oh well that goes without saying...are you done or is there more?
how do you feel about whales? are you a whale killer too? how about kittens?

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