Guess Who had CLOSER ties to the Russians during the Campaign..

Ha! Trump and his entire team saw the evidence and conclude it was the Russians. Sooo.. yeah.

Ever consider that BOTH sides were compromised by the Russians in some fashion and the Dems lit off this horseshit war to HIDE the OBVIOUS and FACTUAL ties to Russian interests and the Kremlin??

Like being LOBBYISTS representing 30% of the Russian economy???

Let's look at this as a microcosm of this message board. What happens almost every time there is a flame war outside zone 2 on here and one of the people reports the other one? They both get dinged for it, and often times the one that reports the other person gets dinged even harder. The same thing happens in the real world. Don't you just think that if the Democrats really knew that their party was in bed with the Russians as bad as you think they are, they'd also know that pulling Trump and his team down with it would be cutting their own throats in the process?

Nope I don't. Because they have perfected the art of screaming and whining and they have 90% of the media making up stuff for them.. Just being honest. It's a calculation they MIGHT live to regret IF this "The Russian are Coming" theater goes nuclear.

So then I have to ask, if Hillary and Podesta were so in bed with the Russians, then why'd the Russians hack the DNC, release Podesta's emails to WikiLeaks, and cheer like it was New Years 1999 when Trump won? Shouldn't they have wanted Hillary to win?

Don't know. They didn't "cheer" on the winning. My GUESS would be that maybe deals went wrong or it wasn't PUTIN that blew up the DNC/Podesta accounts, but the Oligarchs who control all these interests.

At any rate -- I can almost ASSURE YOU -- that had the DNC computers and Hillary's lazy ass security bypass system been ACTUALLY PRESERVED and inspected by any NEUTRAL parties -- You would have seen "hack prints" from DOZENS of foreign sources. Especially Hillary's server.. I think all of that will never be resolved because the evidence was tampered with....

Didn't cheer? That's just false, Russians all but threw a parade for Trump and then marveled in amazement at the audacity of his Russian friendly picks.

Russians rejoice in Trump's win, but America's allies are anxious
U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win
Ever consider that BOTH sides were compromised by the Russians in some fashion and the Dems lit off this horseshit war to HIDE the OBVIOUS and FACTUAL ties to Russian interests and the Kremlin??

Like being LOBBYISTS representing 30% of the Russian economy???

Let's look at this as a microcosm of this message board. What happens almost every time there is a flame war outside zone 2 on here and one of the people reports the other one? They both get dinged for it, and often times the one that reports the other person gets dinged even harder. The same thing happens in the real world. Don't you just think that if the Democrats really knew that their party was in bed with the Russians as bad as you think they are, they'd also know that pulling Trump and his team down with it would be cutting their own throats in the process?

Nope I don't. Because they have perfected the art of screaming and whining and they have 90% of the media making up stuff for them.. Just being honest. It's a calculation they MIGHT live to regret IF this "The Russian are Coming" theater goes nuclear.

So then I have to ask, if Hillary and Podesta were so in bed with the Russians, then why'd the Russians hack the DNC, release Podesta's emails to WikiLeaks, and cheer like it was New Years 1999 when Trump won? Shouldn't they have wanted Hillary to win?

Don't know. They didn't "cheer" on the winning. My GUESS would be that maybe deals went wrong or it wasn't PUTIN that blew up the DNC/Podesta accounts, but the Oligarchs who control all these interests.

At any rate -- I can almost ASSURE YOU -- that had the DNC computers and Hillary's lazy ass security bypass system been ACTUALLY PRESERVED and inspected by any NEUTRAL parties -- You would have seen "hack prints" from DOZENS of foreign sources. Especially Hillary's server.. I think all of that will never be resolved because the evidence was tampered with....

Didn't cheer? That's just false, Russians all but threw a parade for Trump and then marveled in amazement at the audacity of his Russian friendly picks.

Russians rejoice in Trump's win, but America's allies are anxious
U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win

Your 2nd links is more HIGHLY ILLEGAL leaks of information that is classified SO HIGH --- that only 200 people or less are EVER privvy to seeing or releasing to the press. It stinks. Identify the leakers and FRY them.. Or STFU... That's how silly this "game" has become. And why this all is gonna blow up.. If you want your country to go down the tubes over political pranks and hissy fits -- keep it up...
FAKE NEWS!!!!!!!!!

Honestly -- never intended to get in the middle of this lunchroom brawl, but the wife was digging for info on the Caterpillar raid today and just brought me a Wiki article that blew my mind. I don't KNOW where this leads, but the fact that this NEVER SURFACED in all this cat screeching goin on worries me..

Podesta Group - Wikipedia

The Podesta Group is a lobbying and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1988 by brothers John Podesta and Tony Podesta and has previously been known as Podesta Associates, and PodestaMattoon.[1][2][3] The firm most recently reorganized in January 2007 after current Chairman Tony Podesta split with former business partner Dan Mattoon.[3]

They also received revenue of $900,000 over the last two years from the "European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a Brussels-based organization sympathetic to Viktor Yanukovych and his political party".[13]

They also represent the interests of Russia's largest financial institution Sberbank of Russia, which controls approximately 30 percent of Russian banking assets.[14]

OK --- any of that get your attention or is NEWS to you?? :badgrin:

The Ukranian guy was the twice deposed "russian clone" who had ties to Paul Manafort as well. Aint' that rich?? You don't suppose that's why Manafort "had to go"......................

And a client who controls 30% of Russian banking assets?? That would be worth the NY Times or NPR investigating huh.. It gets better and I only spent a 1/2 hour on this.. From Salon --- no right winger lap dog media outlet. Probably in their "Bernie is getting screwed days"...

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers

FRIDAY, APR 8, 2016 01:21 PM CDT

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers
The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm headed by Clinton operatives, has made a pretty penny working for Saudi & Russia

A key gear in the Clinton machine that has sucked in hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying on behalf of the Saudi absolute monarchy has also worked for Russia’s biggest bank.

The Podesta Group is one of the most influential Democratic Party-linked lobbyists in the U.S. And it is headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser who has been referred to as the “Hillary moneyman.”

Sberbank, the largest financial institution in Eastern Europe, hired the Podesta Group to help powder up its public image, The Observer reports.

This is just one of the many findings in the so-called Panama Papers, a trove of 11.5 million documents that expose how political and economic elites from around the planet are stashing their money in secretive tax havens.

In March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. government as a lobbyist for Sberbank.

The bank plays an enormous role in the Russian economy. It controls almost 30 percent of Russia’s aggregate banking assets, employs a quarter-million people and “is functionally an arm of the Kremlin, although it’s ostensibly a private institution,” The Observer notes.

In his report on the Clinton machine’s ties to Saudi Arabia, Isikoff also notes that two “of the Clinton lobbyist-bundlers, Richard Sullivan and David Jones, are principals in a firm that, until late last year, represented the Russia Direct Investment Fund, a sovereign wealth fund co-founded by Vladimir Putin when he was prime minister.”

So lemme get this straight. NO substantial business ties have been found to the Trump campaign (except maybe for Manafort) BUT --- You have the Podesta Group picking up Lobbying tasks for the LARGEST RUSKIE BANK and bringing them on as a client DURING the primaries !!!

How the fuck do we NOT know this? Why aren't the alarm bells going off in BOTH directions? And why didn't the Trump campaign retaliate with all this knowledge when OBVIOUSLY guys like Manafort and Flynn are FULLY aware of these TIGHT Russian ties on the Clinton side?

Enquiring minds want to know. But I FEAR --- something much BIGGER is afoot here and there's probably an American Oligarchy war going that us peons aren't privvy to...

Let's look at this as a microcosm of this message board. What happens almost every time there is a flame war outside zone 2 on here and one of the people reports the other one? They both get dinged for it, and often times the one that reports the other person gets dinged even harder. The same thing happens in the real world. Don't you just think that if the Democrats really knew that their party was in bed with the Russians as bad as you think they are, they'd also know that pulling Trump and his team down with it would be cutting their own throats in the process?

Nope I don't. Because they have perfected the art of screaming and whining and they have 90% of the media making up stuff for them.. Just being honest. It's a calculation they MIGHT live to regret IF this "The Russian are Coming" theater goes nuclear.

So then I have to ask, if Hillary and Podesta were so in bed with the Russians, then why'd the Russians hack the DNC, release Podesta's emails to WikiLeaks, and cheer like it was New Years 1999 when Trump won? Shouldn't they have wanted Hillary to win?

Don't know. They didn't "cheer" on the winning. My GUESS would be that maybe deals went wrong or it wasn't PUTIN that blew up the DNC/Podesta accounts, but the Oligarchs who control all these interests.

At any rate -- I can almost ASSURE YOU -- that had the DNC computers and Hillary's lazy ass security bypass system been ACTUALLY PRESERVED and inspected by any NEUTRAL parties -- You would have seen "hack prints" from DOZENS of foreign sources. Especially Hillary's server.. I think all of that will never be resolved because the evidence was tampered with....

Didn't cheer? That's just false, Russians all but threw a parade for Trump and then marveled in amazement at the audacity of his Russian friendly picks.

Russians rejoice in Trump's win, but America's allies are anxious
U.S. intercepts capture senior Russian officials celebrating Trump win

Your 2nd links is more HIGHLY ILLEGAL leaks of information that is classified SO HIGH --- that only 200 people or less are EVER privvy to seeing or releasing to the press. It stinks. Identify the leakers and FRY them.. Or STFU... That's how silly this "game" has become. And why this all is gonna blow up.. If you want your country to go down the tubes over political pranks and hissy fits -- keep it up...

Whats with the redirection?
POT, MEET KETTLE: Key Democrats met with Russian at center of Sessions controversy

Sessions not alone: Russian ambassador also met with numerous Democrats


"Democrats were aghast after learning Attorney General Jeff Sessions met twice, as a senator, with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. without telling Congress at his confirmation hearing – but it turns out Sergey Kislyak is no stranger to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

The longtime Russian ambassador met with seven then-Democratic senators in a single sit-down in 2013, among other discussions – and reportedly was a frequent visitor to the Obama White House."

McCaskill, who met with the Russians, went as far as to LIE BEFORE CONGRESS WHILE ATTACKING SESSIONS:

Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. tweeted that she had “been on the Armed Services Com for 10 years. No call or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever. Ambassadors call members of Foreign Rel Com.” That was quickly proven untrue.

'McCaskill later blamed Twitter's character limit' for her LIE!

Now WHY would McCaskill lie about such a meeting with Russians? According to the same Liberals going after Sessions, the only answer is that it must have involved something sinister, an attempt to INTENTIONALLY deceive!

McCaskill also stated in her Tweet that as a member of the Armed Services Committee she NEVER had a reason to meet with Russians....THEN WHY DID SHE? WHAT IS SHE HIDING?! INVESTIGATE HER!

"Other Democratic senators in that meeting were: Sens. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, Robert Casey of Pennsylvania and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island."

If Democrats want to 'go there', Let the Liberal McCarthyism Investigations begin - and let's start off by bringing in McCaskill and Schumer....

Or we can drop all this pathetic partisan snowflake BS and have our government actually get to work for the benefit of the American people, which is what they were elected to do.
POT, MEET KETTLE: Key Democrats met with Russian at center of Sessions controversy

Sessions not alone: Russian ambassador also met with numerous Democrats


"Democrats were aghast after learning Attorney General Jeff Sessions met twice, as a senator, with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. without telling Congress at his confirmation hearing – but it turns out Sergey Kislyak is no stranger to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

The longtime Russian ambassador met with seven then-Democratic senators in a single sit-down in 2013, among other discussions – and reportedly was a frequent visitor to the Obama White House."

McCaskill, who met with the Russians, went as far as to LIE BEFORE CONGRESS WHILE ATTACKING SESSIONS:

Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. tweeted that she had “been on the Armed Services Com for 10 years. No call or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever. Ambassadors call members of Foreign Rel Com.” That was quickly proven untrue.

'McCaskill later blamed Twitter's character limit' for her LIE!

Now WHY would McCaskill lie about such a meeting with Russians? According to the same Liberals going after Sessions, the only answer is that it must have involved something sinister, an attempt to INTENTIONALLY deceive!

McCaskill also stated in her Tweet that as a member of the Armed Services Committee she NEVER had a reason to meet with Russians....THEN WHY DID SHE? WHAT IS SHE HIDING?! INVESTIGATE HER!

"Other Democratic senators in that meeting were: Sens. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, Robert Casey of Pennsylvania and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island."

If Democrats want to 'go there', Let the Liberal McCarthyism Investigations begin - and let's start off by bringing in McCaskill and Schumer....

Or we can drop all this pathetic partisan snowflake BS and have our government actually get to work for the benefit of the American people, which is what they were elected to do.

How many had private one-on-one meetings with the Russian Ambassador behind close doors? How many had a meeting with him in 2016?
It's not the act of getting a blow job, ops, I mean meeting with the Russian, it's that he lied about it!

POT, MEET KETTLE: Key Democrats met with Russian at center of Sessions controversy

Sessions not alone: Russian ambassador also met with numerous Democrats


"Democrats were aghast after learning Attorney General Jeff Sessions met twice, as a senator, with Russia’s ambassador to the U.S. without telling Congress at his confirmation hearing – but it turns out Sergey Kislyak is no stranger to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle.

The longtime Russian ambassador met with seven then-Democratic senators in a single sit-down in 2013, among other discussions – and reportedly was a frequent visitor to the Obama White House."

McCaskill, who met with the Russians, went as far as to LIE BEFORE CONGRESS WHILE ATTACKING SESSIONS:

Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo. tweeted that she had “been on the Armed Services Com for 10 years. No call or meeting w/Russian ambassador. Ever. Ambassadors call members of Foreign Rel Com.” That was quickly proven untrue.

'McCaskill later blamed Twitter's character limit' for her LIE!

Now WHY would McCaskill lie about such a meeting with Russians? According to the same Liberals going after Sessions, the only answer is that it must have involved something sinister, an attempt to INTENTIONALLY deceive!

McCaskill also stated in her Tweet that as a member of the Armed Services Committee she NEVER had a reason to meet with Russians....THEN WHY DID SHE? WHAT IS SHE HIDING?! INVESTIGATE HER!

"Other Democratic senators in that meeting were: Sens. Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Maria Cantwell of Washington, Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, Robert Casey of Pennsylvania and Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island."

If Democrats want to 'go there', Let the Liberal McCarthyism Investigations begin - and let's start off by bringing in McCaskill and Schumer....

Or we can drop all this pathetic partisan snowflake BS and have our government actually get to work for the benefit of the American people, which is what they were elected to do.

How many had private one-on-one meetings with the Russian Ambassador behind close doors? How many had a meeting with him in 2016?

Let's find out - bring 'em all in, put 'em all under oath - investigate them ALL!
Again, when the Liberal McCarthy-istic Inquisition is suddenly reversed back on Liberals they start squealing like stuck pigs....
Diagnosis of the Dems' outrage about Russians: PROJECTION!!!!!

When people publicly rage about perceived injustices that don't affect them personally, we tend to assume this expression is rooted in altruism—a "disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others." But new research suggests that professing such third-party concern—what social scientists refer to as "moral outrage"—is often a function of self-interest, wielded to assuage feelings of personal culpability for societal harms or reinforce (to the self and others) one's own status as a Very Good Person....

Moral Outrage Is Self-Serving, Say Psychologists
That's the thing ... not one single person / snowflake has offered any evidence that Session lied - NONE.

Sessions explained he took Mr. Saturday Night Live's question as meaning meeting with Russians in the context of being a Trump team Member - Liberals have responded back by declaring, 'HUH-UH!"

That is what some call a case of 'He said - she said' - devoid of evidence of wrong-doing. There is only OPINION and ACCUSATION. There is no evidence, no wrong-doing - incapable of being proven, so each side keeps insinuating that they are right. Stalemate - the accuser loses. It would NEVER hold up in court, and you would think an ass-load of Lawyers would know that. (They do, they just don't care because that fact does not suit their agenda.)

THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF WRONG-DOING. It's 'FLYNN 2.0' ... and further evidence of Obama's illegal private information gathering to use in this way once Trump became President, which is arguably by definition 'Conspiratorial Sedition' and 'Subversion'.
Diagnosis of the Dems' outrage about Russians: PROJECTION!!!!!

When people publicly rage about perceived injustices that don't affect them personally, we tend to assume this expression is rooted in altruism—a "disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others." But new research suggests that professing such third-party concern—what social scientists refer to as "moral outrage"—is often a function of self-interest, wielded to assuage feelings of personal culpability for societal harms or reinforce (to the self and others) one's own status as a Very Good Person....

Moral Outrage Is Self-Serving, Say Psychologists
I wish I could give you more than one 'Winner' for that!
That's the thing ... not one single person / snowflake has offered any evidence that Session lied - NONE.

Blatant bullshit.

Sessions: "Senator Franken, I'm not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I didn't have — did not have communications with the Russians, and I'm unable to comment on it."

Well as it turns out Sessions DID in fact have communications with Russians during campaign.

That is CERTAINLY evidence that Sessions lied or VERY LEAST blatantly mislead.
THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF WRONG-DOING. It's 'FLYNN 2.0' ... and further evidence of Obama's illegal private information gathering to use in this way once Trump became President, which is arguably by definition 'Conspiratorial Sedition' and 'Subversion'.

The Russian ambassador has been in washington for decades, and has met with republicans and democrats alike. But why are only Trump associates denying they ever met the guy?

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