Guess Who had CLOSER ties to the Russians during the Campaign..

I think folks are missing the seriousness of being a registered lobbyist for a bank that controls 30fucking% of ALL Russian assets !!!!! How can I make this clear? It's not the Jolly Green Giant lobbying for favorable regulation on the size of frozen green peas.

That bank OWNS companies, real estate, energy, and trade commodities. And unlike LewDog who says it's all above board and legally declared --- WE have NO FUCKING IDEA what the specific lobbying issues might be. They cover the ENTIRE SPECTRUM of Russian Political and Private life and business. BECAUSE they essentially OWN almost a 1/3 of Russia and have close management by Kremlin. The bank probably has their own Govt minders and spies.

This is a KNOWN and serious tie. Much more serious than clinking glasses with a Russian diplomat at a DC cocktail party....

I never said it was all above board. I just said no one is trying to hide anything there, and if it is so out in the open that it is posted on Wikipedia, if it meant anything don't you think Trump would have been all over it as much as he was with the Uranium deal? You betcha he would have been.
Honestly -- never intended to get in the middle of this lunchroom brawl, but the wife was digging for info on the Caterpillar raid today and just brought me a Wiki article that blew my mind. I don't KNOW where this leads, but the fact that this NEVER SURFACED in all this cat screeching goin on worries me..

Podesta Group - Wikipedia

The Podesta Group is a lobbying and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1988 by brothers John Podesta and Tony Podesta and has previously been known as Podesta Associates, and PodestaMattoon.[1][2][3] The firm most recently reorganized in January 2007 after current Chairman Tony Podesta split with former business partner Dan Mattoon.[3]

They also received revenue of $900,000 over the last two years from the "European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a Brussels-based organization sympathetic to Viktor Yanukovych and his political party".[13]

They also represent the interests of Russia's largest financial institution Sberbank of Russia, which controls approximately 30 percent of Russian banking assets.[14]

OK --- any of that get your attention or is NEWS to you?? :badgrin:

The Ukranian guy was the twice deposed "russian clone" who had ties to Paul Manafort as well. Aint' that rich?? You don't suppose that's why Manafort "had to go"......................

And a client who controls 30% of Russian banking assets?? That would be worth the NY Times or NPR investigating huh.. It gets better and I only spent a 1/2 hour on this.. From Salon --- no right winger lap dog media outlet. Probably in their "Bernie is getting screwed days"...

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers

FRIDAY, APR 8, 2016 01:21 PM CDT

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers
The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm headed by Clinton operatives, has made a pretty penny working for Saudi & Russia

A key gear in the Clinton machine that has sucked in hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying on behalf of the Saudi absolute monarchy has also worked for Russia’s biggest bank.

The Podesta Group is one of the most influential Democratic Party-linked lobbyists in the U.S. And it is headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser who has been referred to as the “Hillary moneyman.”

Sberbank, the largest financial institution in Eastern Europe, hired the Podesta Group to help powder up its public image, The Observer reports.

This is just one of the many findings in the so-called Panama Papers, a trove of 11.5 million documents that expose how political and economic elites from around the planet are stashing their money in secretive tax havens.

In March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. government as a lobbyist for Sberbank.

The bank plays an enormous role in the Russian economy. It controls almost 30 percent of Russia’s aggregate banking assets, employs a quarter-million people and “is functionally an arm of the Kremlin, although it’s ostensibly a private institution,” The Observer notes.

In his report on the Clinton machine’s ties to Saudi Arabia, Isikoff also notes that two “of the Clinton lobbyist-bundlers, Richard Sullivan and David Jones, are principals in a firm that, until late last year, represented the Russia Direct Investment Fund, a sovereign wealth fund co-founded by Vladimir Putin when he was prime minister.”

So lemme get this straight. NO substantial business ties have been found to the Trump campaign (except maybe for Manafort) BUT --- You have the Podesta Group picking up Lobbying tasks for the LARGEST RUSKIE BANK and bringing them on as a client DURING the primaries !!!

How the fuck do we NOT know this? Why aren't the alarm bells going off in BOTH directions? And why didn't the Trump campaign retaliate with all this knowledge when OBVIOUSLY guys like Manafort and Flynn are FULLY aware of these TIGHT Russian ties on the Clinton side?

Enquiring minds want to know. But I FEAR --- something much BIGGER is afoot here and there's probably an American Oligarchy war going that us peons aren't privvy to...

wanna see a cool picture

of who is with the Russian ambassador



Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Ed Shultz?? The flaming commie from MSNBC got drafted to RT??? It's an all-star lineup of US leftists at RT now. Very interesting.

I'm not into claiming that contacts with Russia are evil in any way.. I'm just concerned about using THEM as a scapegoat when political figures get caught running campaigns and simultaneously LOBBYING for the Russians. I don't give a flying fuck about "contacts with Russian diplomats".. If you're NOT doing as a CongressCrittter --- you're not doing your job...
I think folks are missing the seriousness of being a registered lobbyist for a bank that controls 30fucking% of ALL Russian assets !!!!! How can I make this clear? It's not the Jolly Green Giant lobbying for favorable regulation on the size of frozen green peas.

That bank OWNS companies, real estate, energy, and trade commodities. And unlike LewDog who says it's all above board and legally declared --- WE have NO FUCKING IDEA what the specific lobbying issues might be. They cover the ENTIRE SPECTRUM of Russian Political and Private life and business. BECAUSE they essentially OWN almost a 1/3 of Russia and have close management by Kremlin. The bank probably has their own Govt minders and spies.

This is a KNOWN and serious tie. Much more serious than clinking glasses with a Russian diplomat at a DC cocktail party....

I never said it was all above board. I just said no one is trying to hide anything there, and if it is so out in the open that it is posted on Wikipedia, if it meant anything don't you think Trump would have been all over it as much as he was with the Uranium deal? You betcha he would have been.

It's NOT clean and above board because of the WIDE SPECTRUM of interests that the Mega Bank would lobby for. And we have no idea of the SCOPE of that lobbying.

As to 2nd point. That's why I'm confused and worried. The fact the Trump team didn't fight back and NAIL Podesta's coffin shut says that something bigger is afoot..
Give you name for what? It's obvious that Obama knew something would happen as soon as Trump took office, where they would try to cover stuff up and destroy evidence, otherwise he wouldn't have been in a rush to try and preserve it.
To cover up what? With all the leaking and time since Nov. 8th there would be evidence by now. So your theory makes no sense. What makes sense is the left has very little power right now and operating in the dark and media propaganda is their only hope to push their agendas.

Hey derp derp derp... evidence is important for an investigation. An investigation doesn't happen without evidence... Evidence, especially the kind that requires a security clearance doesn't just get released to the people... therefor it needs to be preserved within the government for a future investigation.
I asked for the evidence, Derp. Where is it? It's obvious bullshit and you gobble it up. The CIA investigated and could only offer a political opinion. Like I said, no make no sense.

Ha! Trump and his entire team saw the evidence and conclude it was the Russians. Sooo.. yeah.

Ever consider that BOTH sides were compromised by the Russians in some fashion and the Dems lit off this horseshit war to HIDE the OBVIOUS and FACTUAL ties to Russian interests and the Kremlin??

Like being LOBBYISTS representing 30% of the Russian economy???

Let's look at this as a microcosm of this message board. What happens almost every time there is a flame war outside zone 2 on here and one of the people reports the other one? They both get dinged for it, and often times the one that reports the other person gets dinged even harder. The same thing happens in the real world. Don't you just think that if the Democrats really knew that their party was in bed with the Russians as bad as you think they are, they'd also know that pulling Trump and his team down with it would be cutting their own throats in the process?
Actually -- no one has FOUND any ties of this magnitude to the Trump campaign.

Wilbur Ross who Trump nominated as Commerce Secretary just ran a Cyprus bank that launders tons of Russian oligarch money.

It was through this contact that Trump sold for 100 million a Florida residence that he bought for 40 million just a few years before. The buyer, Russian billionare of course, has never set foot in that residence before or after the purchase.

Wilbur Ross Comes to D.C. With an Unexamined History of Russian Connections – DCReport
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I was just telling someone that podesta actually lobbied for Uranium One. Didn't get much of a response on it either :dunno:
The Dems are playing with Russian Roulette here and that is No Intended Pun.

Because if you read anything at all about Russian Connections et al, the majority of them actually point to THE DNC.

Podesta's connection to Russian Banking.

The Obama's being given 64 Million for a book deal from a Publishing House with Russian Ties.

The Sale of Strategic Uranium by Clinton & Obama to Russia.

The Large Donations (MILLIONS) by Russia to the Clinton Foundation.

The Illegal Transfer of Billions of Dollars to Iran and permission given by Obama to Iran to purchase The Uranium Obama and Clinton sold to Russia.

The Wink and a Nod takeover of The Crimea by Putin with Obama's consent.

The Wink and a Nod deal by Obama to allow Russia to build Airbases in Syria and supply them with a massive amount of missiles, armament, artillery, tanks, and other weapons.

Every single time you look in to this, it points at The Democratic Party and the leaders of that party, and it appears in every case that they were engaged in sedition, treason and sweetheart back room deals and getting kickbacks for them, i.e. (Bribes.)
Last edited:
Link from April 8, 2016.

and the comrades just keep getting more desperate by the day.

Thread fail. I mean GIANT thread fail.

The only thing that failed was your teachers.

You should get your money back.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

You lost on Nov 8th.

That hasn't changed.

Suck on it.
But the Podesta Group isn't denying and covering up the nature of its relationship with the noted bank.
the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. government as a lobbyist for Sberbank.
Unlike Trump, Kushner, Flynn, Sessions, maybe others in the Trump Organization, Podesta's firm didn't when asked expressly about it:
  • Deny having conversations/relationships with Russians
  • Attest to and later deny having a relationship with Putin
  • Attest to knowing Putin and later deny the same thing
  • Tell a Senate committee they had no contact with Russians when less than a year thus they had.
Podesta owned and properly notified the U.S. government of his involvement. It is all out in the open. The Podesta Group wasn't trying to hide the fact that it has/had that relationship. Can anyone say that of Trump and his cronies? No! Not with a straight face, and not unless they are as good a fibber as Trump.

If anyone were so concerned about it, they not only had federal filings and congressional meeting schedules to plumb to get more details, they also could have just asked about them. The matter was reported by Salon, not a random USMB member's one off post. Did Fox pick up the story and press it? Did any GOP officials make an issue out of it?

Trump's people didn't do any of that either...but thanks for lying......

all four of those things are lies....I would ask how you look in the mirror, but that would be are a soulless left wing moron....
But the Podesta Group isn't denying and covering up the nature of its relationship with the noted bank.
the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. government as a lobbyist for Sberbank.
Unlike Trump, Kushner, Flynn, Sessions, maybe others in the Trump Organization, Podesta's firm didn't when asked expressly about it:
  • Deny having conversations/relationships with Russians
  • Attest to and later deny having a relationship with Putin
  • Attest to knowing Putin and later deny the same thing
  • Tell a Senate committee they had no contact with Russians when less than a year thus they had.
Podesta owned and properly notified the U.S. government of his involvement. It is all out in the open. The Podesta Group wasn't trying to hide the fact that it has/had that relationship. Can anyone say that of Trump and his cronies? No! Not with a straight face, and not unless they are as good a fibber as Trump.

If anyone were so concerned about it, they not only had federal filings and congressional meeting schedules to plumb to get more details, they also could have just asked about them. The matter was reported by Salon, not a random USMB member's one off post. Did Fox pick up the story and press it? Did any GOP officials make an issue out of it?

Trump's people didn't do any of that either...but thanks for lying......

all four of those things are lies....I would ask how you look in the mirror, but that would be are a soulless left wing moron....

No? So Flynn was doing...what exactly that led to his departure form the administration?
Last edited:
Link from April 8, 2016.

and the comrades just keep getting more desperate by the day.

Thread fail. I mean GIANT thread fail.
What part was incorrect? Posting gibberish as a response is a poor debate tactic. Democrats are Russian lap dogs that do as they are told. Crimea, uranium mines, etc. Now we know why.
Honestly -- never intended to get in the middle of this lunchroom brawl, but the wife was digging for info on the Caterpillar raid today and just brought me a Wiki article that blew my mind. I don't KNOW where this leads, but the fact that this NEVER SURFACED in all this cat screeching goin on worries me..

Podesta Group - Wikipedia

The Podesta Group is a lobbying and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1988 by brothers John Podesta and Tony Podesta and has previously been known as Podesta Associates, and PodestaMattoon.[1][2][3] The firm most recently reorganized in January 2007 after current Chairman Tony Podesta split with former business partner Dan Mattoon.[3]

They also received revenue of $900,000 over the last two years from the "European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a Brussels-based organization sympathetic to Viktor Yanukovych and his political party".[13]

They also represent the interests of Russia's largest financial institution Sberbank of Russia, which controls approximately 30 percent of Russian banking assets.[14]

OK --- any of that get your attention or is NEWS to you?? :badgrin:

The Ukranian guy was the twice deposed "russian clone" who had ties to Paul Manafort as well. Aint' that rich?? You don't suppose that's why Manafort "had to go"......................

And a client who controls 30% of Russian banking assets?? That would be worth the NY Times or NPR investigating huh.. It gets better and I only spent a 1/2 hour on this.. From Salon --- no right winger lap dog media outlet. Probably in their "Bernie is getting screwed days"...

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers

FRIDAY, APR 8, 2016 01:21 PM CDT

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers
The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm headed by Clinton operatives, has made a pretty penny working for Saudi & Russia

A key gear in the Clinton machine that has sucked in hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying on behalf of the Saudi absolute monarchy has also worked for Russia’s biggest bank.

The Podesta Group is one of the most influential Democratic Party-linked lobbyists in the U.S. And it is headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser who has been referred to as the “Hillary moneyman.”

Sberbank, the largest financial institution in Eastern Europe, hired the Podesta Group to help powder up its public image, The Observer reports.

This is just one of the many findings in the so-called Panama Papers, a trove of 11.5 million documents that expose how political and economic elites from around the planet are stashing their money in secretive tax havens.

In March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. government as a lobbyist for Sberbank.

The bank plays an enormous role in the Russian economy. It controls almost 30 percent of Russia’s aggregate banking assets, employs a quarter-million people and “is functionally an arm of the Kremlin, although it’s ostensibly a private institution,” The Observer notes.

In his report on the Clinton machine’s ties to Saudi Arabia, Isikoff also notes that two “of the Clinton lobbyist-bundlers, Richard Sullivan and David Jones, are principals in a firm that, until late last year, represented the Russia Direct Investment Fund, a sovereign wealth fund co-founded by Vladimir Putin when he was prime minister.”

So lemme get this straight. NO substantial business ties have been found to the Trump campaign (except maybe for Manafort) BUT --- You have the Podesta Group picking up Lobbying tasks for the LARGEST RUSKIE BANK and bringing them on as a client DURING the primaries !!!

How the fuck do we NOT know this? Why aren't the alarm bells going off in BOTH directions? And why didn't the Trump campaign retaliate with all this knowledge when OBVIOUSLY guys like Manafort and Flynn are FULLY aware of these TIGHT Russian ties on the Clinton side?

Enquiring minds want to know. But I FEAR --- something much BIGGER is afoot here and there's probably an American Oligarchy war going that us peons aren't privvy to...

wanna see a cool picture

of who is with the Russian ambassador



Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers

Ed Shultz?? The flaming commie from MSNBC got drafted to RT??? It's an all-star lineup of US leftists at RT now. Very interesting.

I'm not into claiming that contacts with Russia are evil in any way.. I'm just concerned about using THEM as a scapegoat when political figures get caught running campaigns and simultaneously LOBBYING for the Russians. I don't give a flying fuck about "contacts with Russian diplomats".. If you're NOT doing as a CongressCrittter --- you're not doing your job...

nope the same Russian meeting with democrats during trumps address to congress
To cover up what? With all the leaking and time since Nov. 8th there would be evidence by now. So your theory makes no sense. What makes sense is the left has very little power right now and operating in the dark and media propaganda is their only hope to push their agendas.

Hey derp derp derp... evidence is important for an investigation. An investigation doesn't happen without evidence... Evidence, especially the kind that requires a security clearance doesn't just get released to the people... therefor it needs to be preserved within the government for a future investigation.
I asked for the evidence, Derp. Where is it? It's obvious bullshit and you gobble it up. The CIA investigated and could only offer a political opinion. Like I said, no make no sense.

Ha! Trump and his entire team saw the evidence and conclude it was the Russians. Sooo.. yeah.

Ever consider that BOTH sides were compromised by the Russians in some fashion and the Dems lit off this horseshit war to HIDE the OBVIOUS and FACTUAL ties to Russian interests and the Kremlin??

Like being LOBBYISTS representing 30% of the Russian economy???

Let's look at this as a microcosm of this message board. What happens almost every time there is a flame war outside zone 2 on here and one of the people reports the other one? They both get dinged for it, and often times the one that reports the other person gets dinged even harder. The same thing happens in the real world. Don't you just think that if the Democrats really knew that their party was in bed with the Russians as bad as you think they are, they'd also know that pulling Trump and his team down with it would be cutting their own throats in the process?

Nope I don't. Because they have perfected the art of screaming and whining and they have 90% of the media making up stuff for them.. Just being honest. It's a calculation they MIGHT live to regret IF this "The Russian are Coming" theater goes nuclear.
I was just telling someone that podesta actually lobbied for Uranium One. Didn't get much of a response on it either :dunno:

Company is probably OWNED (partly or in whole) by that Russian Mega-Bank.. I'd put money on it... And I WILL try to find out. That's why lobbying for a bank that HUGE means you're lobbying for THOUSANDS of their clients and interests.
Honestly -- never intended to get in the middle of this lunchroom brawl, but the wife was digging for info on the Caterpillar raid today and just brought me a Wiki article that blew my mind. I don't KNOW where this leads, but the fact that this NEVER SURFACED in all this cat screeching goin on worries me..

Podesta Group - Wikipedia

The Podesta Group is a lobbying and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1988 by brothers John Podesta and Tony Podesta and has previously been known as Podesta Associates, and PodestaMattoon.[1][2][3] The firm most recently reorganized in January 2007 after current Chairman Tony Podesta split with former business partner Dan Mattoon.[3]

They also received revenue of $900,000 over the last two years from the "European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a Brussels-based organization sympathetic to Viktor Yanukovych and his political party".[13]

They also represent the interests of Russia's largest financial institution Sberbank of Russia, which controls approximately 30 percent of Russian banking assets.[14]

OK --- any of that get your attention or is NEWS to you?? :badgrin:

The Ukranian guy was the twice deposed "russian clone" who had ties to Paul Manafort as well. Aint' that rich?? You don't suppose that's why Manafort "had to go"......................

And a client who controls 30% of Russian banking assets?? That would be worth the NY Times or NPR investigating huh.. It gets better and I only spent a 1/2 hour on this.. From Salon --- no right winger lap dog media outlet. Probably in their "Bernie is getting screwed days"...

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers

FRIDAY, APR 8, 2016 01:21 PM CDT

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers
The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm headed by Clinton operatives, has made a pretty penny working for Saudi & Russia

A key gear in the Clinton machine that has sucked in hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying on behalf of the Saudi absolute monarchy has also worked for Russia’s biggest bank.

The Podesta Group is one of the most influential Democratic Party-linked lobbyists in the U.S. And it is headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser who has been referred to as the “Hillary moneyman.”

Sberbank, the largest financial institution in Eastern Europe, hired the Podesta Group to help powder up its public image, The Observer reports.

This is just one of the many findings in the so-called Panama Papers, a trove of 11.5 million documents that expose how political and economic elites from around the planet are stashing their money in secretive tax havens.

In March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. government as a lobbyist for Sberbank.

The bank plays an enormous role in the Russian economy. It controls almost 30 percent of Russia’s aggregate banking assets, employs a quarter-million people and “is functionally an arm of the Kremlin, although it’s ostensibly a private institution,” The Observer notes.

In his report on the Clinton machine’s ties to Saudi Arabia, Isikoff also notes that two “of the Clinton lobbyist-bundlers, Richard Sullivan and David Jones, are principals in a firm that, until late last year, represented the Russia Direct Investment Fund, a sovereign wealth fund co-founded by Vladimir Putin when he was prime minister.”

So lemme get this straight. NO substantial business ties have been found to the Trump campaign (except maybe for Manafort) BUT --- You have the Podesta Group picking up Lobbying tasks for the LARGEST RUSKIE BANK and bringing them on as a client DURING the primaries !!!

How the fuck do we NOT know this? Why aren't the alarm bells going off in BOTH directions? And why didn't the Trump campaign retaliate with all this knowledge when OBVIOUSLY guys like Manafort and Flynn are FULLY aware of these TIGHT Russian ties on the Clinton side?

Enquiring minds want to know. But I FEAR --- something much BIGGER is afoot here and there's probably an American Oligarchy war going that us peons aren't privvy to...

Who would expect the Russians to put their eggs in the Trump basket?

1. Barack Obama and the Democrats (a terrible name for a rock band) were in control at the time and Trump couldn't do diddly.
2. Hillary Clinton was the presumptive winner. Every major polling firm, and of course Hillary herself, firmly believed the WH was her birthright and she would not be denied.

Expect to find evidence of collusion between democrats and the Russian government, because neither Russia nor Trump had any realistic belief that he would in fact win.
Hey derp derp derp... evidence is important for an investigation. An investigation doesn't happen without evidence... Evidence, especially the kind that requires a security clearance doesn't just get released to the people... therefor it needs to be preserved within the government for a future investigation.
I asked for the evidence, Derp. Where is it? It's obvious bullshit and you gobble it up. The CIA investigated and could only offer a political opinion. Like I said, no make no sense.

Ha! Trump and his entire team saw the evidence and conclude it was the Russians. Sooo.. yeah.

Ever consider that BOTH sides were compromised by the Russians in some fashion and the Dems lit off this horseshit war to HIDE the OBVIOUS and FACTUAL ties to Russian interests and the Kremlin??

Like being LOBBYISTS representing 30% of the Russian economy???

Let's look at this as a microcosm of this message board. What happens almost every time there is a flame war outside zone 2 on here and one of the people reports the other one? They both get dinged for it, and often times the one that reports the other person gets dinged even harder. The same thing happens in the real world. Don't you just think that if the Democrats really knew that their party was in bed with the Russians as bad as you think they are, they'd also know that pulling Trump and his team down with it would be cutting their own throats in the process?

Nope I don't. Because they have perfected the art of screaming and whining and they have 90% of the media making up stuff for them.. Just being honest. It's a calculation they MIGHT live to regret IF this "The Russian are Coming" theater goes nuclear.

So then I have to ask, if Hillary and Podesta were so in bed with the Russians, then why'd the Russians hack the DNC, release Podesta's emails to WikiLeaks, and cheer like it was New Years 1999 when Trump won? Shouldn't they have wanted Hillary to win?
I asked for the evidence, Derp. Where is it? It's obvious bullshit and you gobble it up. The CIA investigated and could only offer a political opinion. Like I said, no make no sense.

Ha! Trump and his entire team saw the evidence and conclude it was the Russians. Sooo.. yeah.

Ever consider that BOTH sides were compromised by the Russians in some fashion and the Dems lit off this horseshit war to HIDE the OBVIOUS and FACTUAL ties to Russian interests and the Kremlin??

Like being LOBBYISTS representing 30% of the Russian economy???

Let's look at this as a microcosm of this message board. What happens almost every time there is a flame war outside zone 2 on here and one of the people reports the other one? They both get dinged for it, and often times the one that reports the other person gets dinged even harder. The same thing happens in the real world. Don't you just think that if the Democrats really knew that their party was in bed with the Russians as bad as you think they are, they'd also know that pulling Trump and his team down with it would be cutting their own throats in the process?

Nope I don't. Because they have perfected the art of screaming and whining and they have 90% of the media making up stuff for them.. Just being honest. It's a calculation they MIGHT live to regret IF this "The Russian are Coming" theater goes nuclear.

So then I have to ask, if Hillary and Podesta were so in bed with the Russians, then why'd the Russians hack the DNC, release Podesta's emails to WikiLeaks, and cheer like it was New Years 1999 when Trump won? Shouldn't they have wanted Hillary to win?
Where is the proof the Russian state even hacked the DNC? Even when trump looked at the evidence, all Rince said was he believed it came from Russia. NOTHING about the Russian state. Big fucking difference. We have many hackers in this country that don't work for the government.
I asked for the evidence, Derp. Where is it? It's obvious bullshit and you gobble it up. The CIA investigated and could only offer a political opinion. Like I said, no make no sense.

Ha! Trump and his entire team saw the evidence and conclude it was the Russians. Sooo.. yeah.

Ever consider that BOTH sides were compromised by the Russians in some fashion and the Dems lit off this horseshit war to HIDE the OBVIOUS and FACTUAL ties to Russian interests and the Kremlin??

Like being LOBBYISTS representing 30% of the Russian economy???

Let's look at this as a microcosm of this message board. What happens almost every time there is a flame war outside zone 2 on here and one of the people reports the other one? They both get dinged for it, and often times the one that reports the other person gets dinged even harder. The same thing happens in the real world. Don't you just think that if the Democrats really knew that their party was in bed with the Russians as bad as you think they are, they'd also know that pulling Trump and his team down with it would be cutting their own throats in the process?

Nope I don't. Because they have perfected the art of screaming and whining and they have 90% of the media making up stuff for them.. Just being honest. It's a calculation they MIGHT live to regret IF this "The Russian are Coming" theater goes nuclear.

So then I have to ask, if Hillary and Podesta were so in bed with the Russians, then why'd the Russians hack the DNC, release Podesta's emails to WikiLeaks, and cheer like it was New Years 1999 when Trump won? Shouldn't they have wanted Hillary to win?

Don't know. They didn't "cheer" on the winning. My GUESS would be that maybe deals went wrong or it wasn't PUTIN that blew up the DNC/Podesta accounts, but the Oligarchs who control all these interests.

At any rate -- I can almost ASSURE YOU -- that had the DNC computers and Hillary's lazy ass security bypass system been ACTUALLY PRESERVED and inspected by any NEUTRAL parties -- You would have seen "hack prints" from DOZENS of foreign sources. Especially Hillary's server.. I think all of that will never be resolved because the evidence was tampered with....
The fact is that Trump was aided by Russians hacking DNC servers. Not the other way around. Typical Trump sycophant post.

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