Guess Who had CLOSER ties to the Russians during the Campaign..

Just an FYI. The Clinton campaign had an advisor who was in cahoots with the Ukrainians to discredit Manafort.

They claimed he was under investigation for corruption. Flat out lie but they managed to get Manafort to resign.

Not only does Clinton have the Russian ties BUT she has even a bigger one with the Ukraine. Ukrainian oligarchs actually have donated more to the Clinton Foundation than even the Gulf states.

That's saying something. AND when she was Secretary of State one of her top donors named Pinchuk was given a pass to do business with Iran and make quizzillions.

I really hope the R's will investigate the Clinton Foundation fully because there is no doubt it was "pay to play".

Were Podesta and Manafort competing in some way for representation of this Russian Ukranian puppet? Something going on there.

And were you aware of the Podesta Group and this bank lobbying? Because it was news to me.. I really need someone to explain to me why with Godzillion hours of the "russian are coming" media news -- the Trump folks NEVER clobber back with this Podesta/bundler connections to Russia. Are they blackmail-able? Is there bad ju-ju on BOTH sides here?

Well didn't you say you read it on Wikipedia? Anyone can edit Wikipedia... it is going to take a lot stronger sourcing that that.

Everything on the Wiki is sourced thru the SALON article that I also quoted. Is that LEFT enough for you comrade??? :badgrin:

It is still going to take a lot more than that, and I mean a serious paper trail. Do I doubt anything nefarious went on in the Clinton campaign? Nope, but two wrongs don't make a right, and Clinton and Podesta no longer have power or control over our government. Those that do are obviously trying to cover up some stuff, and the only way that shit is going to come to light is if citizens bitch to their representatives enough and threaten their jobs enough to force their hand to do a full blown investigation and clean up the White House.

Give me a name. Which media source is gonna put details like this into the news cycle and push it?? We've LOST an honest and comprehensive press. And Journalism died long enough ago now to be smelling up the place.

Give you name for what? It's obvious that Obama knew something would happen as soon as Trump took office, where they would try to cover stuff up and destroy evidence, otherwise he wouldn't have been in a rush to try and preserve it.
Hillarys Deep State Masters wanted to start a war with Russia. God would not allow her to win, so we're left with their bitterness, frustration and war mongering
Now it all makes sense why the Dems chose to make so many pre-emptive strikes.

The Uranium to Russia.

The money to Iran to buy it from Russia

The Millions Russia donated to The Clinton Foundation.

The Russian ties to the 64 Million given to The Obamas for a Book Deal

And now Podesta in bed with Russia too.

Herein is an article on the allegations on the uranium "deal". Fact checked, not echoed by a partisan hack:

The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal

New York Times.....

But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family.

Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.

Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies.

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

1. The Irony of using an article from the NYT, which Trump&Co accuses of Fake News Proliferation is noted***.
2. Correlation does not imply causation.
3. If this deal is so dangerous to our nation, why is Trump&Co. praising Putin&Co?
4. 4/5th's of the uranium remains under US Control.

***HYPOCRISY is noted and affirmed!
It takes less than 1\5ths of our Uranium now being sold to Iran by Russia purchased with Obama Ransom Bucks to unleash Nuclear war on Israel and the US and our allies. And it doesn't have to be an ICBM. Dirty bombs that can fit in to a briefcase could be unleashed on us, on our water supplies, in densely populated cities, and would kill millions.

Lefty is like an ostrich with his head in the sand.

Now it all makes sense why the Dems chose to make so many pre-emptive strikes.

The Uranium to Russia.

The money to Iran to buy it from Russia

The Millions Russia donated to The Clinton Foundation.

The Russian ties to the 64 Million given to The Obamas for a Book Deal

And now Podesta in bed with Russia too.

Herein is an article on the allegations on the uranium "deal". Fact checked, not echoed by a partisan hack:

The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal

New York Times.....

But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family.

Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.

Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies.

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

1. The Irony of using an article from the NYT, which Trump&Co accuses of Fake News Proliferation is noted***.
2. Correlation does not imply causation.
3. If this deal is so dangerous to our nation, why is Trump&Co. praising Putin&Co?
4. 4/5th's of the uranium remains under US Control.

***HYPOCRISY is noted and affirmed!
Were Podesta and Manafort competing in some way for representation of this Russian Ukranian puppet? Something going on there.

And were you aware of the Podesta Group and this bank lobbying? Because it was news to me.. I really need someone to explain to me why with Godzillion hours of the "russian are coming" media news -- the Trump folks NEVER clobber back with this Podesta/bundler connections to Russia. Are they blackmail-able? Is there bad ju-ju on BOTH sides here?

Well didn't you say you read it on Wikipedia? Anyone can edit Wikipedia... it is going to take a lot stronger sourcing that that.

Everything on the Wiki is sourced thru the SALON article that I also quoted. Is that LEFT enough for you comrade??? :badgrin:

It is still going to take a lot more than that, and I mean a serious paper trail. Do I doubt anything nefarious went on in the Clinton campaign? Nope, but two wrongs don't make a right, and Clinton and Podesta no longer have power or control over our government. Those that do are obviously trying to cover up some stuff, and the only way that shit is going to come to light is if citizens bitch to their representatives enough and threaten their jobs enough to force their hand to do a full blown investigation and clean up the White House.

Give me a name. Which media source is gonna put details like this into the news cycle and push it?? We've LOST an honest and comprehensive press. And Journalism died long enough ago now to be smelling up the place.

Give you name for what? It's obvious that Obama knew something would happen as soon as Trump took office, where they would try to cover stuff up and destroy evidence, otherwise he wouldn't have been in a rush to try and preserve it.
To cover up what? With all the leaking and time since Nov. 8th there would be evidence by now. So your theory makes no sense. What makes sense is the left has very little power right now and operating in the dark and media propaganda is their only hope to push their agendas.
Now it all makes sense why the Dems chose to make so many pre-emptive strikes.

The Uranium to Russia.

The money to Iran to buy it from Russia

The Millions Russia donated to The Clinton Foundation.

The Russian ties to the 64 Million given to The Obamas for a Book Deal

And now Podesta in bed with Russia too.

Herein is an article on the allegations on the uranium "deal". Fact checked, not echoed by a partisan hack:

The facts behind Trump’s repeated claim about Hillary Clinton’s role in the Russian uranium deal

New York Times.....

But the untold story behind that story is one that involves not just the Russian president, but also a former American president and a woman who would like to be the next one.

At the heart of the tale are several men, leaders of the Canadian mining industry, who have been major donors to the charitable endeavors of former President Bill Clinton and his family.

Members of that group built, financed and eventually sold off to the Russians a company that would become known as Uranium One.

Beyond mines in Kazakhstan that are among the most lucrative in the world, the sale gave the Russians control of one-fifth of all uranium production capacity in the United States.

Since uranium is considered a strategic asset, with implications for national security, the deal had to be approved by a committee composed of representatives from a number of United States government agencies.

Among the agencies that eventually signed off was the State Department, then headed by Mr. Clinton’s wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton.

1. The Irony of using an article from the NYT, which Trump&Co accuses of Fake News Proliferation is noted***.
2. Correlation does not imply causation.
3. If this deal is so dangerous to our nation, why is Trump&Co. praising Putin&Co?
4. 4/5th's of the uranium remains under US Control.

***HYPOCRISY is noted and affirmed!
TrumpCo? LOL, it's the Bush glory years being relived all over again. I love it!
Well didn't you say you read it on Wikipedia? Anyone can edit Wikipedia... it is going to take a lot stronger sourcing that that.

Everything on the Wiki is sourced thru the SALON article that I also quoted. Is that LEFT enough for you comrade??? :badgrin:

It is still going to take a lot more than that, and I mean a serious paper trail. Do I doubt anything nefarious went on in the Clinton campaign? Nope, but two wrongs don't make a right, and Clinton and Podesta no longer have power or control over our government. Those that do are obviously trying to cover up some stuff, and the only way that shit is going to come to light is if citizens bitch to their representatives enough and threaten their jobs enough to force their hand to do a full blown investigation and clean up the White House.

Give me a name. Which media source is gonna put details like this into the news cycle and push it?? We've LOST an honest and comprehensive press. And Journalism died long enough ago now to be smelling up the place.

Give you name for what? It's obvious that Obama knew something would happen as soon as Trump took office, where they would try to cover stuff up and destroy evidence, otherwise he wouldn't have been in a rush to try and preserve it.
To cover up what? With all the leaking and time since Nov. 8th there would be evidence by now. So your theory makes no sense. What makes sense is the left has very little power right now and operating in the dark and media propaganda is their only hope to push their agendas.

Hey derp derp derp... evidence is important for an investigation. An investigation doesn't happen without evidence... Evidence, especially the kind that requires a security clearance doesn't just get released to the people... therefor it needs to be preserved within the government for a future investigation.
Everything on the Wiki is sourced thru the SALON article that I also quoted. Is that LEFT enough for you comrade??? :badgrin:

It is still going to take a lot more than that, and I mean a serious paper trail. Do I doubt anything nefarious went on in the Clinton campaign? Nope, but two wrongs don't make a right, and Clinton and Podesta no longer have power or control over our government. Those that do are obviously trying to cover up some stuff, and the only way that shit is going to come to light is if citizens bitch to their representatives enough and threaten their jobs enough to force their hand to do a full blown investigation and clean up the White House.

Give me a name. Which media source is gonna put details like this into the news cycle and push it?? We've LOST an honest and comprehensive press. And Journalism died long enough ago now to be smelling up the place.

Give you name for what? It's obvious that Obama knew something would happen as soon as Trump took office, where they would try to cover stuff up and destroy evidence, otherwise he wouldn't have been in a rush to try and preserve it.
To cover up what? With all the leaking and time since Nov. 8th there would be evidence by now. So your theory makes no sense. What makes sense is the left has very little power right now and operating in the dark and media propaganda is their only hope to push their agendas.

Hey derp derp derp... evidence is important for an investigation. An investigation doesn't happen without evidence... Evidence, especially the kind that requires a security clearance doesn't just get released to the people... therefor it needs to be preserved within the government for a future investigation.

Hillary Clinton had a funny way of preserving Evidence even though she HAD TWO COURT ORDERED PRESERVATION ORDERS to do that very thing.

Bleach's not just for cleaning up your kitchen anymore!
Honestly -- never intended to get in the middle of this lunchroom brawl, but the wife was digging for info on the Caterpillar raid today and just brought me a Wiki article that blew my mind. I don't KNOW where this leads, but the fact that this NEVER SURFACED in all this cat screeching goin on worries me..

Podesta Group - Wikipedia

The Podesta Group is a lobbying and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1988 by brothers John Podesta and Tony Podesta and has previously been known as Podesta Associates, and PodestaMattoon.[1][2][3] The firm most recently reorganized in January 2007 after current Chairman Tony Podesta split with former business partner Dan Mattoon.[3]

They also received revenue of $900,000 over the last two years from the "European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a Brussels-based organization sympathetic to Viktor Yanukovych and his political party".[13]

They also represent the interests of Russia's largest financial institution Sberbank of Russia, which controls approximately 30 percent of Russian banking assets.[14]

OK --- any of that get your attention or is NEWS to you?? :badgrin:

The Ukranian guy was the twice deposed "russian clone" who had ties to Paul Manafort as well. Aint' that rich?? You don't suppose that's why Manafort "had to go"......................

And a client who controls 30% of Russian banking assets?? That would be worth the NY Times or NPR investigating huh.. It gets better and I only spent a 1/2 hour on this.. From Salon --- no right winger lap dog media outlet. Probably in their "Bernie is getting screwed days"...

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers

FRIDAY, APR 8, 2016 01:21 PM CDT

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers
The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm headed by Clinton operatives, has made a pretty penny working for Saudi & Russia

A key gear in the Clinton machine that has sucked in hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying on behalf of the Saudi absolute monarchy has also worked for Russia’s biggest bank.

The Podesta Group is one of the most influential Democratic Party-linked lobbyists in the U.S. And it is headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser who has been referred to as the “Hillary moneyman.”

Sberbank, the largest financial institution in Eastern Europe, hired the Podesta Group to help powder up its public image, The Observer reports.

This is just one of the many findings in the so-called Panama Papers, a trove of 11.5 million documents that expose how political and economic elites from around the planet are stashing their money in secretive tax havens.

In March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. government as a lobbyist for Sberbank.

The bank plays an enormous role in the Russian economy. It controls almost 30 percent of Russia’s aggregate banking assets, employs a quarter-million people and “is functionally an arm of the Kremlin, although it’s ostensibly a private institution,” The Observer notes.

In his report on the Clinton machine’s ties to Saudi Arabia, Isikoff also notes that two “of the Clinton lobbyist-bundlers, Richard Sullivan and David Jones, are principals in a firm that, until late last year, represented the Russia Direct Investment Fund, a sovereign wealth fund co-founded by Vladimir Putin when he was prime minister.”

So lemme get this straight. NO substantial business ties have been found to the Trump campaign (except maybe for Manafort) BUT --- You have the Podesta Group picking up Lobbying tasks for the LARGEST RUSKIE BANK and bringing them on as a client DURING the primaries !!!

How the fuck do we NOT know this? Why aren't the alarm bells going off in BOTH directions? And why didn't the Trump campaign retaliate with all this knowledge when OBVIOUSLY guys like Manafort and Flynn are FULLY aware of these TIGHT Russian ties on the Clinton side?

Enquiring minds want to know. But I FEAR --- something much BIGGER is afoot here and there's probably an American Oligarchy war going that us peons aren't privvy to...

That's just different! You're not playing nice.
Everything on the Wiki is sourced thru the SALON article that I also quoted. Is that LEFT enough for you comrade??? :badgrin:

It is still going to take a lot more than that, and I mean a serious paper trail. Do I doubt anything nefarious went on in the Clinton campaign? Nope, but two wrongs don't make a right, and Clinton and Podesta no longer have power or control over our government. Those that do are obviously trying to cover up some stuff, and the only way that shit is going to come to light is if citizens bitch to their representatives enough and threaten their jobs enough to force their hand to do a full blown investigation and clean up the White House.

Give me a name. Which media source is gonna put details like this into the news cycle and push it?? We've LOST an honest and comprehensive press. And Journalism died long enough ago now to be smelling up the place.

Give you name for what? It's obvious that Obama knew something would happen as soon as Trump took office, where they would try to cover stuff up and destroy evidence, otherwise he wouldn't have been in a rush to try and preserve it.
To cover up what? With all the leaking and time since Nov. 8th there would be evidence by now. So your theory makes no sense. What makes sense is the left has very little power right now and operating in the dark and media propaganda is their only hope to push their agendas.

Hey derp derp derp... evidence is important for an investigation. An investigation doesn't happen without evidence... Evidence, especially the kind that requires a security clearance doesn't just get released to the people... therefor it needs to be preserved within the government for a future investigation.
I asked for the evidence, Derp. Where is it? It's obvious bullshit and you gobble it up. The CIA investigated and could only offer a political opinion. Like I said, no make no sense.
It is still going to take a lot more than that, and I mean a serious paper trail. Do I doubt anything nefarious went on in the Clinton campaign? Nope, but two wrongs don't make a right, and Clinton and Podesta no longer have power or control over our government. Those that do are obviously trying to cover up some stuff, and the only way that shit is going to come to light is if citizens bitch to their representatives enough and threaten their jobs enough to force their hand to do a full blown investigation and clean up the White House.

Give me a name. Which media source is gonna put details like this into the news cycle and push it?? We've LOST an honest and comprehensive press. And Journalism died long enough ago now to be smelling up the place.

Give you name for what? It's obvious that Obama knew something would happen as soon as Trump took office, where they would try to cover stuff up and destroy evidence, otherwise he wouldn't have been in a rush to try and preserve it.
To cover up what? With all the leaking and time since Nov. 8th there would be evidence by now. So your theory makes no sense. What makes sense is the left has very little power right now and operating in the dark and media propaganda is their only hope to push their agendas.

Hey derp derp derp... evidence is important for an investigation. An investigation doesn't happen without evidence... Evidence, especially the kind that requires a security clearance doesn't just get released to the people... therefor it needs to be preserved within the government for a future investigation.
I asked for the evidence, Derp. Where is it? It's obvious bullshit and you gobble it up. The CIA investigated and could only offer a political opinion. Like I said, no make no sense.

Ha! Trump and his entire team saw the evidence and conclude it was the Russians. Sooo.. yeah.
Give me a name. Which media source is gonna put details like this into the news cycle and push it?? We've LOST an honest and comprehensive press. And Journalism died long enough ago now to be smelling up the place.

Give you name for what? It's obvious that Obama knew something would happen as soon as Trump took office, where they would try to cover stuff up and destroy evidence, otherwise he wouldn't have been in a rush to try and preserve it.
To cover up what? With all the leaking and time since Nov. 8th there would be evidence by now. So your theory makes no sense. What makes sense is the left has very little power right now and operating in the dark and media propaganda is their only hope to push their agendas.

Hey derp derp derp... evidence is important for an investigation. An investigation doesn't happen without evidence... Evidence, especially the kind that requires a security clearance doesn't just get released to the people... therefor it needs to be preserved within the government for a future investigation.
I asked for the evidence, Derp. Where is it? It's obvious bullshit and you gobble it up. The CIA investigated and could only offer a political opinion. Like I said, no make no sense.

Ha! Trump and his entire team saw the evidence and conclude it was the Russians. Sooo.. yeah.
He said many have hacked and tried to hack. You argue the same point over and over while presenting no evidence. You're loaded with blanks.
I think folks are missing the seriousness of being a registered lobbyist for a bank that controls 30fucking% of ALL Russian assets !!!!! How can I make this clear? It's not the Jolly Green Giant lobbying for favorable regulation on the size of frozen green peas.

That bank OWNS companies, real estate, energy, and trade commodities. And unlike LewDog who says it's all above board and legally declared --- WE have NO FUCKING IDEA what the specific lobbying issues might be. They cover the ENTIRE SPECTRUM of Russian Political and Private life and business. BECAUSE they essentially OWN almost a 1/3 of Russia and have close management by Kremlin. The bank probably has their own Govt minders and spies.

This is a KNOWN and serious tie. Much more serious than clinking glasses with a Russian diplomat at a DC cocktail party....
Link from April 8, 2016.

and the comrades just keep getting more desperate by the day.

Thread fail. I mean GIANT thread fail.
flacaltenn you realize we have no clue about Trump's actual ties to Russia... because he won't release his taxes. :rolleyes:

That's speculation. You were just told that John Podesta was registered as LOBBYIST for the largest Russian bank with ties to the Kremlin and they also took money from an outfit favorite to a russian puppet in the Ukraine.

That's NOT speculation.. . So WHY the hell isn't there MASSIVE retaliation on this phony "Russian ties" BullShit?

Something bigger is afoot here.
BTW, is this how they got podesta email password?
Give me a name. Which media source is gonna put details like this into the news cycle and push it?? We've LOST an honest and comprehensive press. And Journalism died long enough ago now to be smelling up the place.

Give you name for what? It's obvious that Obama knew something would happen as soon as Trump took office, where they would try to cover stuff up and destroy evidence, otherwise he wouldn't have been in a rush to try and preserve it.
To cover up what? With all the leaking and time since Nov. 8th there would be evidence by now. So your theory makes no sense. What makes sense is the left has very little power right now and operating in the dark and media propaganda is their only hope to push their agendas.

Hey derp derp derp... evidence is important for an investigation. An investigation doesn't happen without evidence... Evidence, especially the kind that requires a security clearance doesn't just get released to the people... therefor it needs to be preserved within the government for a future investigation.
I asked for the evidence, Derp. Where is it? It's obvious bullshit and you gobble it up. The CIA investigated and could only offer a political opinion. Like I said, no make no sense.

Ha! Trump and his entire team saw the evidence and conclude it was the Russians. Sooo.. yeah.

Ever consider that BOTH sides were compromised by the Russians in some fashion and the Dems lit off this horseshit war to HIDE the OBVIOUS and FACTUAL ties to Russian interests and the Kremlin??

Like being LOBBYISTS representing 30% of the Russian economy???
flacaltenn you realize we have no clue about Trump's actual ties to Russia... because he won't release his taxes. :rolleyes:

That's speculation. You were just told that John Podesta was registered as LOBBYIST for the largest Russian bank with ties to the Kremlin and they also took money from an outfit favorite to a russian puppet in the Ukraine.

That's NOT speculation.. . So WHY the hell isn't there MASSIVE retaliation on this phony "Russian ties" BullShit?

Something bigger is afoot here.
BTW, is this how they got podesta email password?

Heck... If he was a lobbyist for this Russian Mega-Bank -- they were probably watching every move he made..
Honestly -- never intended to get in the middle of this lunchroom brawl, but the wife was digging for info on the Caterpillar raid today and just brought me a Wiki article that blew my mind. I don't KNOW where this leads, but the fact that this NEVER SURFACED in all this cat screeching goin on worries me..

Podesta Group - Wikipedia

The Podesta Group is a lobbying and public affairs firm based in Washington, D.C.. It was founded in 1988 by brothers John Podesta and Tony Podesta and has previously been known as Podesta Associates, and PodestaMattoon.[1][2][3] The firm most recently reorganized in January 2007 after current Chairman Tony Podesta split with former business partner Dan Mattoon.[3]

They also received revenue of $900,000 over the last two years from the "European Centre for a Modern Ukraine, a Brussels-based organization sympathetic to Viktor Yanukovych and his political party".[13]

They also represent the interests of Russia's largest financial institution Sberbank of Russia, which controls approximately 30 percent of Russian banking assets.[14]

OK --- any of that get your attention or is NEWS to you?? :badgrin:

The Ukranian guy was the twice deposed "russian clone" who had ties to Paul Manafort as well. Aint' that rich?? You don't suppose that's why Manafort "had to go"......................

And a client who controls 30% of Russian banking assets?? That would be worth the NY Times or NPR investigating huh.. It gets better and I only spent a 1/2 hour on this.. From Salon --- no right winger lap dog media outlet. Probably in their "Bernie is getting screwed days"...

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers

FRIDAY, APR 8, 2016 01:21 PM CDT

With Saudi and Russian ties, Clinton machine’s tentacles are far reaching, according to Panama Papers
The Podesta Group, a lobbying firm headed by Clinton operatives, has made a pretty penny working for Saudi & Russia

A key gear in the Clinton machine that has sucked in hundreds of thousands of dollars lobbying on behalf of the Saudi absolute monarchy has also worked for Russia’s biggest bank.

The Podesta Group is one of the most influential Democratic Party-linked lobbyists in the U.S. And it is headed by a top Hillary Clinton fundraiser who has been referred to as the “Hillary moneyman.”

Sberbank, the largest financial institution in Eastern Europe, hired the Podesta Group to help powder up its public image, The Observer reports.

This is just one of the many findings in the so-called Panama Papers, a trove of 11.5 million documents that expose how political and economic elites from around the planet are stashing their money in secretive tax havens.

In March, the Podesta Group registered with the U.S. government as a lobbyist for Sberbank.

The bank plays an enormous role in the Russian economy. It controls almost 30 percent of Russia’s aggregate banking assets, employs a quarter-million people and “is functionally an arm of the Kremlin, although it’s ostensibly a private institution,” The Observer notes.

In his report on the Clinton machine’s ties to Saudi Arabia, Isikoff also notes that two “of the Clinton lobbyist-bundlers, Richard Sullivan and David Jones, are principals in a firm that, until late last year, represented the Russia Direct Investment Fund, a sovereign wealth fund co-founded by Vladimir Putin when he was prime minister.”

So lemme get this straight. NO substantial business ties have been found to the Trump campaign (except maybe for Manafort) BUT --- You have the Podesta Group picking up Lobbying tasks for the LARGEST RUSKIE BANK and bringing them on as a client DURING the primaries !!!

How the fuck do we NOT know this? Why aren't the alarm bells going off in BOTH directions? And why didn't the Trump campaign retaliate with all this knowledge when OBVIOUSLY guys like Manafort and Flynn are FULLY aware of these TIGHT Russian ties on the Clinton side?

Enquiring minds want to know. But I FEAR --- something much BIGGER is afoot here and there's probably an American Oligarchy war going that us peons aren't privvy to...

wanna see a cool picture

of who is with the Russian ambassador



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