Guess Who had CLOSER ties to the Russians during the Campaign..

I think we may be losing sight of why the Trump's communications with the Russians are highly suspicious and problematic.

It's because our own intelligence apparatus has revealed that the Russians interfered with the election with the intent of helping Trump win the presidency.

It is also known that in the late 90s and early aughts, Trump could no longer secure funding from US banks due to his many bankruptcies and failures, and turned abroad for capital, especially from Russia and other post-Soviet successor states.

These are facts, not speculation.

I never knew Seth Rich was Russian.

Aw, too bad, DNC corruption was exposed for the world to see and now they're circling the drain.

:boohoo: Hastening their demise are these hokey "Russian Communication" straws they're grasping at.
Trump doesn't know who Putin is? How can that be?
Jesus. You're a literalist.

So when Trump says he doesn't know who Putin is? What does that translate to? Is that the same as when Trump says more people showed up to his inauguration, he actually meant his was one of the least popular.
You are brainwashed with hate. They trained you to give no benefit of doubt and twist meanings the worse way possible. A brief conversation on the phone doesn't mean you met someone or know them. And Trump didn't say the most that showed up, Spicer said the most watched.

You're just spreading your brand of hate and ignorance. Not worth talking to.

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