Guess Who Just Kicked Obama In The Butt!

Oh, wow.....

Sending his lap dogs to Israel to see that Netanyahu loses, and that would support his sell-out Iran deal....

....Obama just took one in the tail!!!

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country's next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that "against all odds" his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a "great victory."
My Way News - Israel s Netanyahu declares victory in tight race
This is wonderful news of Netanyahu's victory!
Don't get cocky yet, he has a lot of work to do. And I know Iran is very pleased.

Iran is pleased they own Obama, that's the only good news for them. The US Senate and Israel won't allow Obama to stand with his Jihadists brothers
They don't own Oblama, but please show us more ignorance...

So.....which do you like better?

"His legacy will be a nuclear Iran and a Middle East Caliphate"


"Detroit is Dead, and Nidal Hasan is Alive"
For PMH, Odious and all the other pansy ass liberal jew haters,
something to relieve your pain
So you admit that the Israeli claim has no merit other than might makes right. Kind of Hitler's claim to Czechoslovakia, lol. You're too easy to make a monkey out of.

Feel free to make a monkey out of damned-near every country on the face of the planet, virtually all of whom have carved-out their territory through the use of force.

Including the one you occupy.

Hell, your own state (NY) has a vast and long and bloody history of conflict for just that purpose.

You can always give back your lands to the descendants of the original inhabitants, and slink back to wherever it is your ancestors came from, yes?

You may not have participated in such bloody conflict over land and territory, but you benefit from the outcome of those struggles.

According to your high-faluting pretended moral superiority in such things, you should now do the 'right thing', and give your lands back.

Let us know, when you've signed-over the deed, and moved back to where your ancestors came from.

We'll all toast your high ideals and moral fiber.

Then we'll all go back to talking about the Real World, where nations are built.

Thank you for playing.

The guy is in California he only flies to NY on occasion
Even better... few (if any) States in the Union have been built upon more blood than was shed over California during earlier times. A poster-child scenario for ceding lands back to the Natives, in keeping with his supposed morally superior perspective. More rainbows and unicorns from the Land of Fruits and Nuts.
So you admit that the Israeli claim has no merit other than might makes right. Kind of Hitler's claim to Czechoslovakia, lol. You're too easy to make a monkey out of.

Feel free to make a monkey out of damned-near every country on the face of the planet, virtually all of whom have carved-out their territory through the use of force.

Including the one you occupy.

Hell, your own state (NY) has a vast and long and bloody history of conflict for just that purpose.

You can always give back your lands to the descendants of the original inhabitants, and slink back to wherever it is your ancestors came from, yes?

You may not have participated in such bloody conflict over land and territory, but you benefit from the outcome of those struggles.

According to your high-faluting pretended moral superiority in such things, you should now do the 'right thing', and give your lands back.

Let us know, when you've signed-over the deed, and moved back to where your ancestors came from.

We'll all toast your high ideals and moral fiber.

Then we'll all go back to talking about the Real World, where nations are built.

Thank you for playing.

The guy is in California he only flies to NY on occasion
Even better... few (if any) States in the Union have been built upon more blood than was shed over California during earlier times. A poster-child scenario for ceding lands back to the Natives, in keeping with his supposed morally superior perspective. More rainbows and unicorns from the Land of Fruits and Nuts.

I think the idiot should be ceded back to Mexico.
Oh, wow.....

Sending his lap dogs to Israel to see that Netanyahu loses, and that would support his sell-out Iran deal....

....Obama just took one in the tail!!!

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country's next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that "against all odds" his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a "great victory."
My Way News - Israel s Netanyahu declares victory in tight race

And all he had to do was appeal to fear and racism... What a guy.

Who? Obama?
I'm sure Obama couldn't care was a coincidence that he sent tons of Leftists in to steal the election in Israel

Can't wait to see the next headlline:

"Obama walking around White House grounds, killing small animals with a weed eater"
Oh, wow.....

Sending his lap dogs to Israel to see that Netanyahu loses, and that would support his sell-out Iran deal....

....Obama just took one in the tail!!!

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country's next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that "against all odds" his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a "great victory."
My Way News - Israel s Netanyahu declares victory in tight race
This is wonderful news of Netanyahu's victory!
Don't get cocky yet, he has a lot of work to do. And I know Iran is very pleased.

Iran is pleased they own Obama, that's the only good news for them. The US Senate and Israel won't allow Obama to stand with his Jihadists brothers
They don't own Oblama, but please show us more ignorance...

So.....which do you like better?

"His legacy will be a nuclear Iran and a Middle East Caliphate"


"Detroit is Dead, and Nidal Hasan is Alive"
Well Iran may take 25 more years to develop a bomb and that Great big caliphate of independent Muslims that no other Muslim nation wants to join will never make it to the size of the caliphate before the Mongols broke it...
What most Americans don't understand is that OUR elections get messed with by foreign powers as well.

Waving a Red, White and Blue flag doesn't protect us from that.
Well Iran may take 25 more years to develop a bomb and that Great big caliphate of independent Muslims that no other Muslim nation wants to join will never make it to the size of the caliphate before the Mongols broke it...

And it was Persian arrogance that caused that
Wow. Good news in Israel sure brings out the Nazis Jew haters.

What's good about the news? A guarantee of no chance of a peaceful solution is good news?
When are you people going to realize that Hamas isn't looking for a peaceful solution? Nothing Israel has done can appease them. It's in Hamas Charter to destroy Israel. Israel has a right to exist. Americans support that right and woah to the Democrat who sides with the PLO.
Last edited:
What most Americans don't understand is that OUR elections get messed with by foreign powers as well.

Waving a Red, White and Blue flag doesn't protect us from that.

Oblahblah said he wouldn't meet with Netanyahu because it interfered with Israeli elections, while he was busy interfering with Israeli elections.
This is wonderful news of Netanyahu's victory!
Don't get cocky yet, he has a lot of work to do. And I know Iran is very pleased.

Iran is pleased they own Obama, that's the only good news for them. The US Senate and Israel won't allow Obama to stand with his Jihadists brothers
They don't own Oblama, but please show us more ignorance...

So.....which do you like better?

"His legacy will be a nuclear Iran and a Middle East Caliphate"


"Detroit is Dead, and Nidal Hasan is Alive"
Well Iran may take 25 more years to develop a bomb and that Great big caliphate of independent Muslims that no other Muslim nation wants to join will never make it to the size of the caliphate before the Mongols broke it...

Pretty thin defense of the Islamist in the White House.
Wow. Good news in Israel sure brings out the Nazis Jew haters.

What's good about the news? A guarantee of no chance of a peaceful solution is good news?
When are you people going to realize that Hamas isn't looking for a peaceful solution? Nothing Israel has done can appease them. It's in Hamas Charter to destroy Israel. Israel has a right to exist. Americans support that right and woah to the Democrat who sides with the PLO.

So both sides are wrong. Or at least some elements on both sides are wrong.

Then why should we involve ourselves at all? Why should we take sides at all?
This is wonderful news of Netanyahu's victory!
Don't get cocky yet, he has a lot of work to do. And I know Iran is very pleased.

Iran is pleased they own Obama, that's the only good news for them. The US Senate and Israel won't allow Obama to stand with his Jihadists brothers
They don't own Oblama, but please show us more ignorance...

So.....which do you like better?

"His legacy will be a nuclear Iran and a Middle East Caliphate"


"Detroit is Dead, and Nidal Hasan is Alive"
Well Iran may take 25 more years to develop a bomb and that Great big caliphate of independent Muslims that no other Muslim nation wants to join will never make it to the size of the caliphate before the Mongols broke it...

"In December 2014, a Wisconsin Project on Nuclear Arms Control report by Lincy and Milhollin based on International Atomic Energy Agency data concluded that Iran could produce enough weapons-grade uranium for one nuclear warhead in 1.7 months."
Iran and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

"At this point, Iran faces “no insurmountable technical barriers to producing a nuclear weapon,” as stated by Marine Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart, director of the Defense Intelligence Agency. "(Bloomberg, February 2, 2015)

Looks like you get your news from the DNC, huh?

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