Guess Who Just Kicked Obama In The Butt!

Youhave to wonder where Netanyahu is going from here. He knows he can't work with Obama. Obama is a snake. Obama is in bed with Muslim interests. Obama cant be trusted any further than you can throw him underwater. When saudi Arabia and Israel are on the same side, you know Obama is on the wrong side.

Again, Bibi won by essentially exposing the lie that Israel isn't an apartheid state. He ran against Israel's Arab citizens. He's probably done more damage to the cause of Zionism in the long run.
Not as close as previously thought.

How's that butthole feeling this morning Obama ?

Netanyahu's Likud surges to stunning Israeli election win

Netanyahu s Likud surges to stunning Israeli election win
Youhave to wonder where Netanyahu is going from here. He knows he can't work with Obama. Obama is a snake. Obama is in bed with Muslim interests. Obama cant be trusted any further than you can throw him underwater. When saudi Arabia and Israel are on the same side, you know Obama is on the wrong side.

Again, Bibi won by essentially exposing the lie that Israel isn't an apartheid state. He ran against Israel's Arab citizens. He's probably done more damage to the cause of Zionism in the long run.
Yeah right. Sure. Anything you say.
There is one country in the middle east that maintains rule of law and rights of minorities. No, it isn't Egypt.
Guess that would depend on your perspective of who's land is who's and who is trying to take who's land.

I guess it would. So why is this our problem again?

There is only one universally understood right to the ownership of land.....

The right of Military Conquest. Not being cute or smart. That is just a fact.

Now, if you want to settle borders where they are for all of eternity, we can do that but you need an enforcement mechanism.

If you can't enforce rules, laws, codes or agreements, then they mean shit. They mean less than shit

If you want borders to change...... There's only one way to do that. Just one. Only the one way.
Yeah right. Sure. Anything you say.
There is one country in the middle east that maintains rule of law and rights of minorities. No, it isn't Egypt.

Uh, huh. The one that keeps minorities behind fences and routinely bombs their neighborhoods.

Look out, everyone, it's the cannibal argument.

It's the one that said what the Whites were doing to the blacks in South Africa and Rhodesia was okay because, gosh, darn, some of those black ruled countries are worse! Some of them are even run by CANNIBALS!

So essentially, we are supposed to turn a blind eye to what the Zionists are doing because some of those Arab nations are worse.

No one bought that with South Africa, and no one is buying it with Israel.
There is only one universally understood right to the ownership of land.....

The right of Military Conquest. Not being cute or smart. That is just a fact.

Now, if you want to settle borders where they are for all of eternity, we can do that but you need an enforcement mechanism.

If you can't enforce rules, laws, codes or agreements, then they mean shit. They mean less than shit

If you want borders to change...... There's only one way to do that. Just one. Only the one way.

Then when the Arabs INEVITABLY drive the Zionshits into the sea, you won't complain about it, then?
Oh, wow.....

Sending his lap dogs to Israel to see that Netanyahu loses, and that would support his sell-out Iran deal....

....Obama just took one in the tail!!!

"JERUSALEM (AP) — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has declared victory after a tight national election appeared to give him the upper hand in forming the country's next coalition government.

In a statement released on Twitter, Netanyahu says that "against all odds" his Likud party and the nationalist camp secured a "great victory."
My Way News - Israel s Netanyahu declares victory in tight race

Strange how you goyim think the Israeli people cared anything about what you rightwing pork stenech goyim trash in america wanted or, had anything to do with the israeli elections
strange how you fake Jews love muslims:)
How about some real ones instead of the Zionist pigs then?

Ahhhhh... right... sheep, who did not learn the lesson of the Holocaust, and who would rather suck Arab xxxx than fight.

The brave people of Israel fight for them, too - even if these Benedict Arnolds and Sissy-Marys don't deserve it.

To be sure, there are those amongst them, throughout the worldwide Diaspora, who act from genuine conviction, given the safety of distance.

To be sure, there are those amongst them, throughout the State of Israel, who act from genuine conviction, content to live under the shield provided by their countrymen.

But there are also a great many who manifest in this way because they are simply too cowardly to make their stand and to carve-out a place in the world for themselves.

A tragic state of affairs and mindset - sheepishness, and an unwillingness to take a stand - that led to the Great Slaughter of the mid-20th.

Some people never learn.

But, for the most part, the brave people of Israel, and their fathers and grandfathers, learned that bitter lesson decades ago, and have vowed to take that stand, to carve-out that place in the world for themselves, and to never let the Great Slaughter happen again.

That requires a homeland.

Reconquering a homeland where one's ancestors and predecessor-co-religionists once lived and ruled, requires conflict, nerves of steel, and convincing the descendants of those who stole the land, to abandon it, and to seek life elsewhere.

Not exactly the most attractive or appealing sort of activity, but necessary, if that homeland is to be established, and secured, and sustained.

The Jews of Israel face a choice between abandoning their newly-won homeland or continuing to push out the former residents - they face a choice between their own existence on that land, or letting the former residents take it back.

They choose themselves.

Big surprise.

And, given the history of what has happened to them and their co-religionists within the past century or so - most of it the fault of EuroTrash (including Russian Trash, courtesy of various pogroms), well, it's not difficult to see why they came 'home' to Israel-Palestine, and why they dug-in, and decided to make their stand there, and to take back that old home, come hell or high water...

Given the Palestinians own propaganda maps of 'shrinking Palestine', it would appear that the Reconquista of Eretz Yisrael is well advanced, and nearing completion.

In matters of long-running contests for land, the End Game always gets nasty.

This is no different.

Sincere bed-wetters and cowardly lions notwithstanding.
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Ahhhhh... right... sheep, who did not learn the lesson of the Holocaust, and who would rather suck Arab xxxx than fight.

The brave people of Israel fight for them, too - even if these Benedict Arnolds and Sissy-Marys don't deserve it.

Here's the problem. They all learned the WRONG lesson from the Holocaust. THe problem with Zionism is that they they are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat on someone else.

It isn't appealing.
...when the Arabs INEVITABLY drive the Zionshits into the sea...
Not gonna happen... at least not in your lifetime nor mine... nor that of our children nor grandchildren.

After that... who knows?... but the completion of the Reconquista, and consolidation and a firming-up of borders, followed by a period of profound peace, trade, economic and political and cultural collaboration, will all serve to give the Israelis a damned good chance of not only establishing but sustaining their re-taken homeland for many centuries.
Ahhhhh... right... sheep, who did not learn the lesson of the Holocaust, and who would rather suck Arab xxxx than fight.

The brave people of Israel fight for them, too - even if these Benedict Arnolds and Sissy-Marys don't deserve it.

Here's the problem. They all learned the WRONG lesson from the Holocaust. THe problem with Zionism is that they they are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat on someone else.

It isn't appealing.

But it's also necessary, in order to take back the home-base where their religion got its start - their holy places.

Bold and courageous people stand a chance of pulling-off something like that... sheep do not.

So far, the Jews of Israel - taken as a whole - have shown just that sort of courage, so, in the end, it may all work out for them.

As you already know, nations are not built upon rainbows and unicorns, but with courage and tenacity and no small measure of harsh dealing with hostile elements.

That is just what we see happening in Israel-Palestine... dealing harshly with hostile elements, in order to complete the process of building the nation.

The foolish Palestinians had chance after chance... in 1948, in 1949, and at any time leading up to 1967, to come to terms with the Jews, and to better share the land.

Hell, they could probably have convinced Israel to come back to the table - seriously - at any time leading up to Intifada II.

But, having thrown away opportunity after opportunity after opportunity, and resorted to bloody conflict, time after time, the Israelis appear to have given up on them.

Hell, they put up with more Palestinian shit, and for far longer, than most Americans would have tolerated, in an Alternative Universe, under similar circumstances.

But all that shit is behind them now.

Now it's time to finish the job of pushing the Arabs out - a job that is well-advanced and nearing completion, already.

It won't be pretty, but it's not supposed to be - and it's no worse - and probably much less - than what Euros and Americans have done in the past.

We all have our countries.

The Jews are now busy making sure that they have theirs.

Let 'em.
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Wow. Good news in Israel sure brings out the Nazis Jew haters.

What's good about the news? A guarantee of no chance of a peaceful solution is good news?
In the Real World, there hasn't been any practical chance of a peaceful solution in many years - decades, perhaps.

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."

They had plenty of chances, and muffed them all.

Now, the window of opportunity appears to have closed, permanently.

No surprise there.

The fools of Hamas and Fatah now reap the bitter harvest that they brought down upon their own heads.

"Welcome to your consequences."

Ahhhhh... right... sheep, who did not learn the lesson of the Holocaust, and who would rather suck Arab xxxx than fight.

The brave people of Israel fight for them, too - even if these Benedict Arnolds and Sissy-Marys don't deserve it.

Here's the problem. They all learned the WRONG lesson from the Holocaust. THe problem with Zionism is that they they are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat on someone else.

It isn't appealing.

But it's also necessary, in order to take back the home-base where their religion got its start - their holy places.

Where else in the world do we base territorial rights on ancient religious holy ground claims?

Start with the Native Americans and their ancient homelands...
Wow. Good news in Israel sure brings out the Nazis Jew haters.

What's good about the news? A guarantee of no chance of a peaceful solution is good news?
In the Real World, there hasn't been any practical chance of a peaceful solution in many years - decades, perhaps.

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."

They had plenty of chances, and muffed them all.

Now, the window of opportunity appears to have closed, permanently.

The fools of Hamas and Fatah now reap the bitter harvest they brought down upon their own heads.

"Welcome to your consequences."


You're a bigot. We get that. Why should the US government act the same?
Ahhhhh... right... sheep, who did not learn the lesson of the Holocaust, and who would rather suck Arab xxxx than fight.

The brave people of Israel fight for them, too - even if these Benedict Arnolds and Sissy-Marys don't deserve it.

Here's the problem. They all learned the WRONG lesson from the Holocaust. THe problem with Zionism is that they they are like abused children who've gotten big enough to beat on someone else.

It isn't appealing.

But it's also necessary, in order to take back the home-base where their religion got its start - their holy places.

Where else in the world do we base territorial rights on ancient religious holy ground claims?

Start with the Native Americans and their ancient homelands...

And when the Native Americans muster the numbers and strength and courage to take it back, then they will.
Wow. Good news in Israel sure brings out the Nazis Jew haters.

What's good about the news? A guarantee of no chance of a peaceful solution is good news?
In the Real World, there hasn't been any practical chance of a peaceful solution in many years - decades, perhaps.

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity."

They had plenty of chances, and muffed them all.

Now, the window of opportunity appears to have closed, permanently.

The fools of Hamas and Fatah now reap the bitter harvest they brought down upon their own heads.

"Welcome to your consequences."


You're a bigot. We get that. Why should the US government act the same?
Thank you for your feedback.

And for your tax dollars, in support of Israel.

Much appreciated, I'm sure.


Oh, and, by the way...

Accusations of bigotry are not an adequate answer to expressions of opinion that a peaceful solution is no longer possible.

You appear to be operating under the delusion that such a peaceful solution IS still possible.

Personally, I believe that to be a foolish, gullible and naive perspective... the stuff of rainbows and unicorns.

That, or a disingenuous perspective, designed to weaken Israeli resolve to make their stand.

Either way... no joy... you're not going to get your way.

Bummer, eh?
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