Guide To The Liberal Mind

Tell me, when was the last conflagration on US soil?
Ok, now that you've gotten that one, now you know why a strong military is essential to keep it that way...By keeping our armed forces equipped, we are in effect spending money on the people.

Every argument in favor of "a strong national defense" is an argument in favor of high taxes to pay for it. The United States already spends nearly as much on our military as the rest of the world combined.

Defense Budget by Country
They pay shitty wages in China because they have the form of government you want here.

They pay low wages in China because the country is a dictatorship that protects the interests of the rich and powerful.

There is more economic inequality in China than in the United States.

The World Factbook

If China adopts a democratic form of government, and I believe it will, China will have independent labor unions, and at least one political party that defends the economic interests of labor.

The example of China demonstrates that a dictatorship is an inappropriate government for a socialist economy. It does not demonstrate that democratic socialism is an inappropriate economic system.
China is communist idiot.

"Communism" is a word. What matters is that China is a dictatorship that defends the interests the rich and powerful, while suppressing working people.
They pay shitty wages in China because they have the form of government you want here.

They pay low wages in China because the country is a dictatorship that protects the interests of the rich and powerful.

There is more economic inequality in China than in the United States.

The World Factbook

If China adopts a democratic form of government, and I believe it will, China will have independent labor unions, and at least one political party that defends the economic interests of labor.

The example of China demonstrates that a dictatorship is an inappropriate government for a socialist economy. It does not demonstrate that democratic socialism is an inappropriate economic system.
China is communist idiot.

"Communism" is a word. What matters is that China is a dictatorship that defends the interests the rich and powerful, while suppressing working people.

And republicans fielded a candidate (romney) that made a lot of money sending US jobs to this commie, abortion happy country. (Red China is what I'm referring to.)
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They pay shitty wages in China because they have the form of government you want here.

They pay low wages in China because the country is a dictatorship that protects the interests of the rich and powerful.

There is more economic inequality in China than in the United States.

The World Factbook

If China adopts a democratic form of government, and I believe it will, China will have independent labor unions, and at least one political party that defends the economic interests of labor.

The example of China demonstrates that a dictatorship is an inappropriate government for a socialist economy. It does not demonstrate that democratic socialism is an inappropriate economic system.
China is communist idiot.

"Communism" is a word. What matters is that China is a dictatorship that defends the interests the rich and powerful, while suppressing working people.
Educate yourself China is a communist country not a dictatorship. Wonder why libtards are not believed.

I'm betting you've never read Marx? You should read the Communist Manifesto, it sounds as if it could be the DNC platform...

Like a dog returning to it's vomit, you are back to talking about the "middle class" ...

I have read The Communist Manifesto several times. Once I took a seminar given by the American Communist Party on Das Kapital.

Home cpusa

Marx was not infallible, and did not claim to be. When he learned that others claimed infallibility for him he said, "I thank God that I am not a Marxist."

Marx did have two valid insights. First, the natural tendency of capitalism is to accumulate wealth at the top. Second, the natural tendency of capitalism is to experience increasingly destructive economic downturns. When he wrote The Communist Manifesto in 1847 he anticipated the Great Depression.

Keynesian economic policies counteracted the natural tendencies of capitalism. Since Keynesian economic policies have been scaled back, the natural tendencies of capitalism are again becoming apparent.

You do not advance your argument by writing about a dog's vomit. You only expose your vulgarity.
I know this, it's why I shudder when republicans say that they will bring big business values to government. Capitalism is amoral by your definition, do you want an amoral government concerned only with cash flow? I don't, I want a government that is concerned with the well being of it's citizens. Remember them? Those things that republicans and democrats alike are fond of calling "consumers".

I want an amoral government only concerned with cash flow and the limited power it is granted under the constitution. Let the people define their own morals and address their own social concerns, it's not the government's place. Whenever government becomes involved in "do-good-ism" it fails. We have countless examples of that.

You say you're concerned with the "well being" of citizens, but repeatedly we've seen one liberal initiative after another fail to produce results. We've spent upwards of $20 trillion on social entitlement programs and we have as many people living in poverty as before we started. We're now spending $13,000 per child for education that lags behind the rest of the industrialized world. We've totally priced ourselves out of the manufacturing sector with unionized labor. On and on, one liberal initiative to "help people" after another has failed to help anyone but the politicians who continue to dangle a carrot for idiots like yourself, and push us closer and closer to totalitarian socialism and away from constitutional freedom.
We have spent many more trillions on the military and yet, we still have wars

I'd rather spend money on our people
Tell me, when was the last conflagration on US soil?
Ok, now that you've gotten that one, now you know why a strong military is essential to keep it that way...By keeping our armed forces equipped, we are in effect spending money on the people.

Not having a war on US soil doesn't discourage our country from attacking other countries. We're in the endless middle east conflict for oil company profits and also to service the military industrial complex.
Wonder where boss is. Must be looking up some more big words and terminology to impress me with. Hope he checks out how nafta originated. gotta go though.
They are job creators. And tax cuts are incentives designed to create even more jobs. Increasing taxes is the best way I know to destroy job creation.

If that is true, why were more jobs created per year under Jimmy Carter than Ronald Reagan? Why is it that from the presidencies of Harry Truman to that of George W. Bush it has nearly always been the case that more jobs were created per year under Democratic presidencies than Republican presidencies?

Bush On Jobs The Worst Track Record On Record - Real Time Economics - WSJ
They pay shitty wages in China because they have the form of government you want here.

They pay low wages in China because the country is a dictatorship that protects the interests of the rich and powerful.

There is more economic inequality in China than in the United States.

The World Factbook

If China adopts a democratic form of government, and I believe it will, China will have independent labor unions, and at least one political party that defends the economic interests of labor.

The example of China demonstrates that a dictatorship is an inappropriate government for a socialist economy. It does not demonstrate that democratic socialism is an inappropriate economic system.
China is communist idiot.

"Communism" is a word. What matters is that China is a dictatorship that defends the interests the rich and powerful, while suppressing working people.
Educate yourself China is a communist country not a dictatorship. Wonder why libtards are not believed.

Anyone who claims that China is not governed by a dictatorship should not be considered a credible authority on anything.
I would be far more interested in a comprehensive study of the partisan mind.


An ideologue of any persuasion allows his likes and dislikes to determine his evaluation of what is true and false.
I would be far more interested in a comprehensive study of the partisan mind.


An ideologue of any persuasion allows his likes and dislikes to determine his evaluation of what is true and false.

Yep, hence their proclivity for use of the term "The Truth". Whose truth, precisely?

They often confuse opinion with fact.

Kinda tough to communicate with people like that.

Liberals founded this nation

What were they thinking?

The terms "liberal" and "conservative" were only used politically during the nineteenth century. The dichotomy between "left" and "right" was invented during the French Revolution.

It is somewhat risky to project contemporary labels and concerns into the past. Many of the "Founding Fathers" could be considered to be traditionalists who opposed legal changes promoted by the British government.
I would be far more interested in a comprehensive study of the partisan mind.


An ideologue of any persuasion allows his likes and dislikes to determine his evaluation of what is true and false.

Yep, hence their proclivity for use of the term "The Truth". Whose truth, precisely?

They often confuse opinion with fact.

Kinda tough to communicate with people like that.


It is frustrating to try to push facts into narrow minds. Many who are attracted to internet forums have strong opinions, but they are not well informed. When their opinions are challenged with facts and logical reasoning, they do not change their opinions, they become angry.
More concepts coming out of the Liberal Mind..
1. The 40-hour work week.
2. Weekends
3. Vacations
4. Women’s Voting Rights
5. The Civil Rights Act of 1964
6. The right of people of all colors to use schools and facilities.
7. Public schools.
8. Child-labor laws.
9. The right to unionize
10. Health care benefits
11. National Parks
12. National Forests
13. Interstate Highway System
14. GI Bill
15. Labor Laws/Worker’s Rights
16. Marshall Plan
17. FDA
18. Direct election of Senators by the people.
19. Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Workplace safety laws
20. Social Security

8211 150 Achievements Of Liberalism That Conservatives Seek To Destroy

The history of Western democracies reveals a general tendency to move from right to left.
I would be far more interested in a comprehensive study of the partisan mind.


An ideologue of any persuasion allows his likes and dislikes to determine his evaluation of what is true and false.

Yep, hence their proclivity for use of the term "The Truth". Whose truth, precisely?

They often confuse opinion with fact.

Kinda tough to communicate with people like that.


It is frustrating to try to push facts into narrow minds. Many who are attracted to internet forums have strong opinions, but they are not well informed. When their opinions are challenged with facts and logical reasoning, they do not change their opinions, they become angry.

It's been a long time since I tried to convince a partisan ideologue of anything. I learned a long time ago it's most likely an abject waste of time.

So I just belch out my little observations, and they can take 'em or leave 'em.

Democrats lie. It's the only thing they're any good at.

Ronald Reagan's 1980 claim that he could cut taxes, raise defense spending, and balance the budget by 1983 without cutting popular middle class entitlements was a lie. Reagan may have been stupid enough to believe that. His advisers knew better. They hoped that they could use the increase in the national debt to cut popular domestic spending programs. Republican leaders still hope that.
I saw a show once where the KKK in Alabama set fire to a bus full of freedom riders. They called them commies, marxists and socialists too. All I saw were some black men and women and their white friends trying to ride a greyhound bus from Alabama to Mississippi.

Boss if he were around back then would have seen "Marxists".

Boss was around back then, his mother marched with Dr. King.

She marched with those commy socialists takers?
That's what happened when Reagan lowered the top marginal rates from 70% to 38%, and it created an economic boon that lasted for nearly 30 years. It is that economic prosperity which enabled job creation because of supply and demand, not tax rates.

Democrats lie. It's the only thing they're any good at.

Ronald Reagan's 1980 claim that he could cut taxes, raise defense spending, and balance the budget by 1983 without cutting popular middle class entitlements was a lie. Reagan may have been stupid enough to believe that. His advisers knew better. They hoped that they could use the increase in the national debt to cut popular domestic spending programs. Republican leaders still hope that.

Arnold Schwartzenigger ran as a conservative republican but when it came down to running the state and making decisions he realized those right wing policies would not help in fact they would hurt a lot of people.

He was just like a lot of right wingers. They don't want to pay any taxes but then when they see all the services we as a society want, he realized that it takes $ or taxes to run a country/state/government.

The one example I can think of was he was going to kill cats and dogs at the Humaine society sooner rather than later in order to save the state $. His daughter was able to talk him out of it. So apparently some conservatives once they realize how heartless their policies are end up backing down on their previous libertarded positions.
Well, they do. Unions throw a monkeywrench in the works. When GM started taking a bailout they were paying a couple of thousand employees not to work as per the union contract. The only reason for the bailout was to pay for their benefits, insurance, pension plans and bonuses.

I remember when the right attacked unions for this. Yes, it was a stupid thing GM agreed to. I have a feeling GM gave in to this demand and planned on using it to make the unions look bad. It sure worked.

So that policy is no longer. What else do you hate about labor unions?
The question is not what else to hate about unions. But what NOT to hate about them.[/QUOTE]

Anything that makes assholes like you (and your union hating buddies) apoplectic is a good thing IMO. Including unions. I sure do like me some unions. You I don't much care for.

The question is not what else to hate about unions. But what NOT to hate about them

What do we have to show since the decline of unions?

Stagnant wages
Loss of benefits
Loss of job security
Inability to support a family on one income
Increased corporate profits

It's strange that conservatives hate labor union
Be sure to include Carl Jung in your footnotes. Karl Marx too. Of course you have to read them first.

American middle class made it's most gains from the election of FDR until around 1995 when Clinton decided to cave in and enact republican policies like nafta and ending welfare as we know it. These years, the republicans almost never controlled congress. Careful what you wish for if you think republicans will ever do anything for anybody but the very wealthy. Why are people always bringing up Marx anyway. We've never had a marxist politician although some have been led to believe Obama is one when he's not being a muslim.

I'm betting you've never read Marx? You should read the Communist Manifesto, it sounds as if it could be the DNC platform.

You demonstrate a point made in the OP about the liberal mind when you mention NAFTA. Liberals supported it, some Republicans supported it, so a Democrat signed it into law, claiming it was the best thing since sliced bread. As conservatives predicted, it has been a terrible thing for us. Now comes the liberal laying the blame on conservatives, oblivious to the facts.

Like a dog returning to it's vomit, you are back to talking about the "middle class" as if America is only comprised of people belonging to established classes they can't escape. The fact is, in a free capitalist system, people move into and out of this so-called "middle class" all the time.

That's why I said the middle class made gains till around 1995! Reread my post and you'll see.
I read Marx in high school early 60's. Reread it in the navy where I became interested in other philosophies. I don't see anything Marxist about present day democrats. We do not have a free capitalistic system like you say either. We have one or two big players in each industry that get together to set prices. This used to be called monopolies. We had a president who talked against this about a hundred years ago. Teddy Roosevelt. He gave us anti trust legislation, but our politicians, bought off with big money, choose not to pursue trust busting or illegal immigration busting either. We now have very conservative democrats like obama and clinton because the conservative DLC vetted candidates, making sure that we would never get a liberal, progressive, or man of the people such as: Kucinich, Wellstone, Gravel or a number of other decent candidates. You say liberals supported Nafta? Wrong. The democrats voters were against Nafta. Clinton was no liberal and neither is Obama and our elected democrats go along with them. But these guys are the choices democrat voters are given, and we believe that they're better choices than anything republicans have to offer.

Kucinich ran for president, he couldn't get votes. Wellstone died, you have to be alive to run. My guess is, he couldn't have gotten votes either. You do understand how the political process works in America, right? No one is preventing liberals from running for president.

Most of your rant here is delusional. We don't have one or two big players in each industry setting prices, if we did, a bunch of small players would come along and undercut their prices and eat their lunch. We don't have monopolies, we do bust them up, ask Microsoft. Obama is not a conservative, he is a Marxist like his parents and mentors. Liberals supported NAFTA because conservatives opposed it.

You're either lying about reading Marx or lying about your understanding of Marx because virtually everything coming from the liberal left is straight out of the Communist Manifesto. You see it all in the rhetoric with the constant talking up of "class" and "workers." Your memes are all from 19th century eastern Europe where people were born into classes of either "workers" or "elite" and the proletariat were the worker class. We don't have that in America, we're a free society. People don't have to be "workers" or remain in any "class" because they have freedom and liberty.

Kuchinich got very little air time, and wolf blitzer was sent in to make kucinich look like a fool with his question "are you electible. Most democrats were against nafta but the party was for it. Again, very few genuine liberals nowadays. Do some reading on the DLC, how they vetted candidates to weed out anyone that was not conservative enough. Clinton actually ran against these trade deals in his first campaign, but embraced it after becoming president. That's why I said the liberal agenda that raised up the middle class in this country had ended in 1995. But then, Clinton was no liberal and neither is Obama. By the way, Nafta was a bush deal, but he lost the race to clinton, don't you remember? There were even political cartoons with a picture of bush 1 in a tow truck towing american factories to the mexican border. The liberal left, the marxist/commnist agenda? C'mon now.

Great post

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