Guiliani to Trump: It's BULLSHIT they won't let you lie!


Indeed, when you lie your ass off, you'll get the focus.

The debate does not include the moderator. You don't get it do you? Of course not. I was of the understanding that this was a Clinton vs Trump debate not a Candy Holt vs Trump debate.

The bias was obvious.

Right wingers were in the trenches all during the Iraq War, supporting Bush, supporting our troops, supporting the surge, and fighting tooth and nail against the cut and run liberal cowards. For years on end. Years and years of bitter fighting in those trenches.

Trump was one of the cut and run liberal cowards. He was one of the liberals opposing the surge.


No. Fucking. Way. He's a piece of shit stolen valor motherfucker. He does NOT get to wear the Conservative uniform.

And anyone aiding and abetting this fucking poser motherfucker is a traitor to the cause.
When someone makes a new claim, that is when you fact check.

When someone repeats a lie about a known fact, no checking needs to be done. You simply call the lying motherfucker on it.

When someone repeats a lie about a known fact, no checking needs to be done. You simply call the lying motherfucker on it.

Thought that was Hillarys reason for being on the stage.

Who was he supposed to be debating, Hillary or Holt?
Stop lying and then the moderator won't need to slap you down.
What's weird is George w Bush made the deadline with the iraqi government but it is obamas fault for getting out? Our troops wouldn't have had protections and could of been tried in a islamic court for anything if we stayed.

It isn't our job to stay in iraq for the next 50 years, but it seems that Trump now wishes we did...Even through in 2008? he was completely for getting out.
Trump wanted OUT of Iraq. He wanted to cut and run.

Listen to what he is saying now. He is saying he was always opposed to the war, which is a lie.

But even if it was true, that means he wanted us to cut and run.

So how the FUCK can he claim out of one side of his mouth to have wanted to cut and run from Iraq, and out of the other side of his mouth blame Obama's cutting and running for the rise of ISIS?

You have to be one stone cold retard to buy a single line of this lying fuck's bullshit.
We helped install the iraqi government, allowed election of a government by the people and they wanted us out. We got out...

It isn't our fault that the iraqi military was chickenshit.
BLITZER: How does the United States get out of this situation?

TRUMP: You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave.

Donald Cut-And-Run Trump
And once we got out = isis defeating the chickenshit iraqi army. So what would Trump do differently without keeping our troops in iraq(as he opposed doing so).
Trump's blames Obama leaving Iraq for the rise of ISIS. For this, he calls Obama a founder of ISIS.

He hopes and prays his Chumps don't know about, "You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave."
"You know how they get out? They get out! That's how they get out. Declare victory, and leave."

Trump does NOT get to wear the Conservative uniform. When it really counted, when the Right was fighting tooth and nail for the surge, Trump was on the cut-and-run team.

Stop aiding and abetting this New York limousine liberal.
By the way, Trump and Stern were pals. Does Howard Stern strike you as a conservative pundit in any way?

No. He's scum. He's a degenerate. And he and Trump are thick as thieves.

Anyone who supports the deceiver Trump is a traitor to the conservative movement.

Indeed, when you lie your ass off, you'll get the focus.

The debate does not include the moderator. You don't get it do you? Of course not. I was of the understanding that this was a Clinton vs Trump debate not a Candy Holt vs Trump debate.

The bias was obvious.


How in the blue fuck can you have a debate without a moderator?

Once again for the slow kids--- when the moderator begins a question with "on April 13th you said 'the sky is orange' and the discussant immedialtely says "no I didn't" --- when there's already recorded evidence that the discussant DID say that, and what's more got away with it without being questioned the last time out --- absolutely that's the moderator's job to be allowed to frame his question in the context of the world of reality and not that of self-delusion.

You don't get it, do you? Self-delusion is not an option. You don't get to lay one thing down here, then later when it turns out that thing was wrong, just deny it ever happened. The world doesn't WORK that way. It *DID* happen, man up already.

That's the main basic problem with Donald Rump ------- complete inability to ever take any responsibility for anything. He's never done it in his life. And now he wants the most responsible job in the world?

Doooooooooooooooooon't think so.
By the way, Trump and Stern were pals. Does Howard Stern strike you as a conservative pundit in any way?

No. He's scum. He's a degenerate. And he and Trump are thick as thieves.

Anyone who supports the deceiver Trump is a traitor to the conservative movement.

Come on, don't put Stern in a class with Trump. Stern isn't a philandering scumbag, and he's only "friends" with Trump for entertainment on his show. At least Stern is IN the entertainment industry and not trying to pretend he's a politician.
ask the question, start the timer, when the timer ends, stop the person speaking and ask the same question to the other person and restart the timer.

Or, you could go by this:
Moderator Duties for a Debate

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