Gun Background Checks Pass in Washington

What is your point?

My point....they have strict gun control for law abiding citizens in doesn't stop gun murders by criminals...even their police are killed by criminals with guns....and their criminals can also get grenades...and they use them....

Fiona Bone, 32, and Nicola Hughes, 23, were responding to a routine callout in Hattersley, Tameside, when they were caught in a trap believed to have been set by Dale Cregan, a fugitive wanted by police in connection with earlier suspected murders. The deaths are the first time two British female officers have been killed on duty.

As they arrived at a property in Abbey Gardens where a burglary had been reported, the officers came under fire from bullets and a grenade. The call was thought to have been made either by Cregan, 29, or someone acting on his behalf, said Sir Peter Fahy, the chief constable of Greater Manchester police.
"It would appear Cregan has deliberately done this in an act of cold-blooded murder," he told a press conference. The motive for the unprecedented attack was "impossible to fathom", he added.

Our cops are killed too but at a higher rate.
Will you ever figure out it's not about guns?

I'm the one who knows it isn't about guys are the ones with the irrational fear of law abiding citizens owning and carrying guns...not me....the gun crime in the U.S. is from criminal drug gangs in democrat controlled inner cities....
They won't be able to do it legally in the state of Washington anymore.

And that is why you are a moron. OUT-LAWS never did withIN the LAW to begin with, and the crazies don't' care how they do it.

OUT-LAWS operate OUTside the LAW.

Gj beleaguering the law abiding.

It boggles the mind how people can post such insipid bullshit without it even crossing whatever organ qualifies as their "mind", that it ALWAYS WAS ILLEGAL for said persons to obtain a gun in the first place.

I'm sure that someone who is willing to violate a law against MURDER isn't going to reconsider his plans because he'll have to buy a gun illegally.

what many pro gun posters fail to recognize is crime control has NOTHING to do with what TRULY motivates gun haters and crime control is not the main or even ancillary motivating factor

I have addressed it in the past.

The agenda behind the fascist gun control movement has more to do with control of the people than anything else. It's very difficult to "manage" your "human resource" if they can resist being culled.
Will you ever figure out it's not about guns?

I'm the one who knows it isn't about guys are the ones with the irrational fear of law abiding citizens owning and carrying guns...not me....the gun crime in the U.S. is from criminal drug gangs in democrat controlled inner cities....

Then why post like they have any real effect on crime rates? You claim they lower crime all the time.
I think that it's funny after over 400 posts in this thread, the conservatives still won't stop.

This initiative is a done deal people. You can whine, moan and groan. You can stamp your feet and throw all the hissy fits your little hearts desire.

It will be the law of the land here in Washington and there isn't one thing any of your conservatives can do about it.

No amount of name calling or personally attacking people who have a different view from yours will stop this law from going into effect.

So you may as well stop throwing you hissy fits and move on.
I think that it's funny after over 400 posts in this thread, the conservatives still won't stop.
I think its sad that after being shown over and over and over that this law does nothing to make it illegal for criminals, etc, to buy guns, you won't admit that you were wrong when you said "they won't be able to do it legally in the state of Washington anymore."

Sad... but expected.
London Gun Crime Offences per Borough 8211 2008 to 2013 Citizens Report UK

Are the rates of crime with a gun higher than the US.

No, the violent crime rate against unarmed, innocent civilians is almost twice that of the United States....

I guess it is only a bad rape, beating, stabbing, robbery or murder if a gun is used to do's all good....

So guns are used less by criminals where there are strict gun laws. Thank you.

The UK has ALWAYS had a much lower rate of violent crime than the USA. However, since the gun regulations went into effect in the UK, those violent crime rates have skyrocketed, as has the use of guns in crimes.

I think that it's funny after over 400 posts in this thread, the conservatives still won't stop.

This initiative is a done deal people. You can whine, moan and groan. You can stamp your feet and throw all the hissy fits your little hearts desire.

It will be the law of the land here in Washington and there isn't one thing any of your conservatives can do about it.

No amount of name calling or personally attacking people who have a different view from yours will stop this law from going into effect.

So you may as well stop throwing you hissy fits and move on.

I really don't care what you folks do up there. Hopefully the good gun owners will move to more favorable states and you bed wetters will get "educated" by the bad gun owners your insipid laws failed to disarm.
London Gun Crime Offences per Borough 8211 2008 to 2013 Citizens Report UK

Are the rates of crime with a gun higher than the US.

No, the violent crime rate against unarmed, innocent civilians is almost twice that of the United States....

I guess it is only a bad rape, beating, stabbing, robbery or murder if a gun is used to do's all good....

So guns are used less by criminals where there are strict gun laws. Thank you.

The UK has ALWAYS had a much lower rate of violent crime than the USA. However, since the gun regulations went into effect in the UK, those violent crime rates have skyrocketed, as has the use of guns in crimes.


So everything else has remained constant and gun laws are for sure the reason? Why are crimes in Russia going down when there has been no change in gun laws? Why doesn't the US have the lowest crime rates since we have the most guns? Why are Denmark crime rates so low with very few guns?
Why are crimes in Russia going down when there has been no change in gun laws

1) show the stats that show this....

2) show the stats that aren't fake from the Russian government

3) if you happen to be accurate...the answer is...Putin...former KGB thug is clamping down on all citizens...leave it to anti gunners to support a police state...
Why are Denmark crime rates so low with very few guns?

Population level and culture....

Demographics of Denmark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

According to 2012 figures from Statistics Denmark, 89.6% of Denmark’s population of over 5,580,516 was of Danish descent, defined as having at least one parent who was born in Denmark and has Danish citizenship.[1][2]
Many of the remaining 10.4% were immigrants—or descendants of recent immigrants (defined as people born in Denmark from migrant parents, or parents without Danish citizenship) —near half of whom are from the neighbouring Scandinavian countries and Germany.
Others include people from Turkey, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, South Asia, and from Western Asia. More than 590 000 individuals (10.4%)[2][3] are migrants and their descendants (142 000 second generation migrants born in Denmark[3]).

Germans aren't exactly law breakers....

and a population of 5 and half million...with 80% Danish descent...makes for a stable country....
This is what the anti gunners want when they think of Europe, Australia and Japan as gun control paradises...

1) The political class will always have armed general when they are in public buildings where they work and in particular when someone is threatened with harm, the will get an armed security detail

2) the rich and famous will have the money to pay for their own armed security details

3) Criminals will always get the guns they decide they want or they need, they still do in Japan, Europe and Australia...

So where does that leave the law abiding, tax paying citizen who will not own a gun because it is against the law.....

1) Their taxes will pay for the around the clock security of the political class

2) the money they spend to buy goods and services provided by the wealthy, and the money they spend to be entertained by the famous, watching them on television, the movies or at sports events, will allow the rich famous to pay for their private, armed security

3) as victims of criminals, the law abiding will be surrendering their money to criminals, who will use this money to buy the guns they decide they want or need

And the result....the people who pay for the armed security of the political class, the rich and the famous, and who are beaten, robbed and murdered by the criminals will have no means to protect themselves from the criminals....or their own government if the government decides to murder them...

The law abiding citizen will be the victims of young, aggressive, violent, physically strong criminals or groups of criminals who will use guns (when they decide they want or need them) knives, meat cleavers, machetes, bats (cricket and American), or just their feet and their fists....

The old, the weak, women, the handicapped, the individual who is set upon by a group of criminals....will have no means to protect themselves from the same time they are providing the money that allows the political class, the rich and famous and the criminals to have arms or armed security for themselves...

The law abiding will have to sit quietly while their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters are raped....while they and their loved ones are brutally beaten, robbed or murdered at the whim of criminals....

Or....are rounded up by their government...

This is the desired outcome of the gun grabbers....

Does this make any F*****g sense to anyone but a gun grabber?

Much of Europe has much lower crime rates so it must work.

as it does in Russia and Mexico and South Africa?
Much of Europe has much lower crime rates so it must work.

Unless you are part of the population where it doesn't work...and you are the one raped, beaten, robbed, or murdered....with no way to stop it...but the rich, famous and political class are very safe....

And again, culture...Europeans only seem to get really violent when they are killing for their governments....especially against small populations...if you add all the people killed by their governments in increases their murder rate to past that of the U.S.

But none of you gun grabbers care about government murder.....
Now that Washington requires background checks, the Right will now explain to us that:

The government will next require guns to be registered, after which they will be confiscated. Then, only criminals will have guns, so Wash. will turn into the murder capital of America. After that, a military dictatorship will be declared, and one by one, all of their civil rights will be denied. Then they will start filling up the FEMA camps, calling them "reeducation centers". The communists will made a comeback, and the governor of Wash will try to set up an alliance with North Korea.

Sarah Palin will join with LaPeirre and Clive Bundy, and call out the militia, who have resisted the tyranny, and will form a provisional government that will succeed from the USA and kill the commies. They will establish a new state and call it "Palinton". Anyone with brown or yellow skin will be deported, and a wall will be built around the entire state, with guard towers, mines and armed guards. Gays will be sent to reprograming centers. African-Americans will be tolerated as long as they remain in domestic service and don't run for public office. Women will be allowed to have as many children as they want. Abortionists will be taken out and shot. Every citizen will be expected to carry the King James version of the Bible 24/7. The Tea party will outlaw other parties, but will probably allow the Republicans to meet in groups of 20 or less, if they apply for a permit.
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Why are crimes in Russia going down when there has been no change in gun laws

1) show the stats that show this....

2) show the stats that aren't fake from the Russian government

3) if you happen to be accurate...the answer is...Putin...former KGB thug is clamping down on all citizens...leave it to anti gunners to support a police state...

Russia - Homicide rate
Why are Denmark crime rates so low with very few guns?

Population level and culture....

Demographics of Denmark - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

According to 2012 figures from Statistics Denmark, 89.6% of Denmark’s population of over 5,580,516 was of Danish descent, defined as having at least one parent who was born in Denmark and has Danish citizenship.[1][2]
Many of the remaining 10.4% were immigrants—or descendants of recent immigrants (defined as people born in Denmark from migrant parents, or parents without Danish citizenship) —near half of whom are from the neighbouring Scandinavian countries and Germany.
Others include people from Turkey, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, South Asia, and from Western Asia. More than 590 000 individuals (10.4%)[2][3] are migrants and their descendants (142 000 second generation migrants born in Denmark[3]).

Germans aren't exactly law breakers....

and a population of 5 and half million...with 80% Danish descent...makes for a stable country....

That might be it. I think it has more to do with inequality and opportunity, but the point being it ain't about guns.
I think that it's funny after over 400 posts in this thread, the conservatives still won't stop.
I think its sad that after being shown over and over and over that this law does nothing to make it illegal for criminals, etc, to buy guns, you won't admit that you were wrong when you said "they won't be able to do it legally in the state of Washington anymore."

Sad... but expected.

No you've not shown over and over that this law doesn't work.

But that doesn't matter. Nothing you or any of you conservatives post matters even in the slightest.

The people spoke overwhelmingly. It's a done deal and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

It wasn't done by any politicians so conservatives can't go after any politicians for this law. Which is something I think is fantastic. It was done by the people. The large majority of the people here want all gun sales to go through a background check.

You can keep posting lies and keep throwing hissy fits all you want.

You're wasting your time. You will accomplish nothing.
No you've not shown over and over that this law doesn't work.

But that doesn't matter. Nothing you or any of you conservatives post matters even in the slightest.

The people spoke overwhelmingly. It's a done deal and there's absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.

It wasn't done by any politicians so conservatives can't go after any politicians for this law. Which is something I think is fantastic. It was done by the people. The large majority of the people here want all gun sales to go through a background check.

You can keep posting lies and keep throwing hissy fits all you want.

You're wasting your time. You will accomplish nothing.
How many voters do you think read all 18 pages? .001% maybe. It proves people are too stupid to make laws and we need to go back to being a Republic not American Idol style voting. Nothing conservatives say matters but the people do? What a creep.

You're getting cranky, maybe it's time for another bowl?
The large majority of the people here want all gun sales to go through a background check.

Because they don't pay attention to the issue....ask them the real question...

"Would you approve a universal background check even though it will not stop one violent crime or mass shooting and it will increase your peril of breaking the law if you give a gun to a relative or friend, and it will now cost you more money to transfer a gun to a friend or relative...with no benefit to stopping violent crime or mass shootings?"

Ask the real question to those people and see how they vote....

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