Gun control polls

Actually the wording on the 2nd Amendment and bearing arms is pretty vague. How many guns does a person need? Even with one in each hand you can only fire two.

Would the left be willing to make a trade......gun ownership for Rov v. Wade?

The right to bare arms is more deeply written in stone than abortion rights.

Let's leave both alone, shall we?

If the gun isn't in your hand how is it going to fire?

I'm not sure what you're trying to get at other than controlling gun collection.

Once again we see the left trying to control the actions of others. I could say something about all of the actions and beliefs liberals have that I think are dangerous, outright theft, or murder but I'm not gonna go into that because it's too early in the morning and I need coffee.
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Everyone (excluding those who show violent tendencies or mental disorder)in the US (as a citizen)should be trained in and carry a firearm. The only way to curtail the use of aggression is by the notion of returned use of aggression on a larger scale. This guy would have gotten no where if the room was full of well trained firarm wielding citizens.

The only way I will ever agree to more gun controls or disarmament, is if it is applied to EVERYONE. Police, military, etc.....otherwise, it is of great necessity that the population is armed to the gills. Lest we wish to repeat some history.

A roomful of people shooting is not the answer.

I think the possibility of a room full of people shooting would stop many of these attacks.

Still, most people don't have the training nor the mentality to be able to shoot an attacker in a room full of people.
Everyone (excluding those who show violent tendencies or mental disorder)in the US (as a citizen)should be trained in and carry a firearm. The only way to curtail the use of aggression is by the notion of returned use of aggression on a larger scale. This guy would have gotten no where if the room was full of well trained firarm wielding citizens.

The only way I will ever agree to more gun controls or disarmament, is if it is applied to EVERYONE. Police, military, etc.....otherwise, it is of great necessity that the population is armed to the gills. Lest we wish to repeat some history.

A roomful of people shooting is not the answer.

I think the possibility of a room full of people shooting would stop many of these attacks.

Still, most people don't have the training nor the mentality to be able to shoot an attacker in a room full of people.

I've been speaking to a few heroes who think they would be able to easily rise to the opportunity.

Excuse me if I laugh in their faces.
A roomful of people shooting is not the answer.

I think the possibility of a room full of people shooting would stop many of these attacks.

Still, most people don't have the training nor the mentality to be able to shoot an attacker in a room full of people.

I've been speaking to a few heroes who think they would be able to easily rise to the opportunity.

Excuse me if I laugh in their faces.

Well, confidence is important. False confidence is useless.
The trouble is what some of you think "tyranny" is. Some people think providing healthcare to citizens is tyranny. Some people think traffic laws are tyrannical. Some nutters shoot at census workers. I'm a bit more outraged about the Patriot Act, the TSA, and DHS, but I'm not going to start sniping at gov't workers with my 10/22. Some of you people are friggin nuts!
if you think thats what she meant about defending herself from the government......then you just may be slightly nuts yourself.....

I have been accused of that before. In the context of gun control and the 2nd amendment and defending oneself from tyrannical government, what was meant if not that?

your saying she is going to start shooting at Govt workers.....she is talking about the ones who would be coming to the house to get the guns.....there is a slight difference....
Since liberals have taken the thread away from the gun control topic, they must finally agree with us...

Liberals are intelligent enough and have respect for the Constitution and rule of law to accept that the current interpretation of the Second Amendment is indeed settled law.

Unfortunately conservatives lack such intelligence and respect for the rule of law concerning privacy rights and abortion.

Then can you explain why Liberals are always trying to take away gun rights while Conservatives are trying to protect them?

now you just confused the poor guy....he just said Liberals dont do that....
Since liberals have taken the thread away from the gun control topic, they must finally agree with us...

Liberals are intelligent enough and have respect for the Constitution and rule of law to accept that the current interpretation of the Second Amendment is indeed settled law.

Unfortunately conservatives lack such intelligence and respect for the rule of law concerning privacy rights and abortion.

I have read some of your bullshit, you do not respect the Constitution, you would love to see it changed therefore if you want it change you don't respect it.
A roomful of people shooting is not the answer.

I think the possibility of a room full of people shooting would stop many of these attacks.

Still, most people don't have the training nor the mentality to be able to shoot an attacker in a room full of people.

I've been speaking to a few heroes who think they would be able to easily rise to the opportunity.

Excuse me if I laugh in their faces.

Here's a real hero have you talked with him yet?
[ame=]How to stop a massacre - 71 Year Old Man Stops Robbery - YouTube[/ame]
Would the left be willing to make a trade......gun ownership for Roe v. Wade?

The right to bare arms is more deeply written in stone than abortion rights.

Let's leave both alone, shall we?

You can wear sleeveless shirts if you want. Nobody will stop you. Oh, you mean the right to bear arms?

What does one have to do with the other? Would you make such a trade?

The right has been chipping away at abortion rights for decades, putting up barrier after barrier. About the only restriction on arms is against fully automatic weapons. Any attempt to put any restrictions on guns is immediately stomped out by the NRA. How about reasonable restrictions on both rights?
Since liberals have taken the thread away from the gun control topic, they must finally agree with us...

Liberals are intelligent enough and have respect for the Constitution and rule of law to accept that the current interpretation of the Second Amendment is indeed settled law.

Unfortunately conservatives lack such intelligence and respect for the rule of law concerning privacy rights and abortion.

I have read some of your bullshit, you do not respect the Constitution, you would love to see it changed therefore if you want it change you don't respect it.

If you want the constitution changed you don't respect it? So all the right wingers who want to put in amendments like anti flag burning, anti abortion, balanced budget, personhood, school prayer, etc, don't respect the constitution? Hmmm, maybe you're onto something here.
Liberals are intelligent enough and have respect for the Constitution and rule of law to accept that the current interpretation of the Second Amendment is indeed settled law.

Unfortunately conservatives lack such intelligence and respect for the rule of law concerning privacy rights and abortion.

I have read some of your bullshit, you do not respect the Constitution, you would love to see it changed therefore if you want it change you don't respect it.

If you want the constitution changed you don't respect it? So all the right wingers who want to put in amendments like anti flag burning, anti abortion, balanced budget, personhood, school prayer, etc, don't respect the constitution? Hmmm, maybe you're onto something here.
What the fuck blather and deflection is this?
When have I said I want the Constitution changed you son of a bitch?
No amount of the best written gun control laws can prevent a Columbine, Aurora or Virginia Tech. Also, some equate ANY gun regulation as mass confiscation, absurd as the notion is.

The reason "ANY" gun regulation is fought against so hard is that the ones doing the fighting to protect our Freedoms know how the ant gun people work... They pick away at the issue with little bites until one day everybody wakes up and their Freedoms are gone. Absurd is the notion that the anti gun people will ever be satisfied until nobody possesses a gun.
No amount of the best written gun control laws can prevent a Columbine, Aurora or Virginia Tech. Also, some equate ANY gun regulation as mass confiscation, absurd as the notion is.

How about we do this ban all gun free zones? There by eliminating all those killing zones.
I have read some of your bullshit, you do not respect the Constitution, you would love to see it changed therefore if you want it change you don't respect it.

If you want the constitution changed you don't respect it? So all the right wingers who want to put in amendments like anti flag burning, anti abortion, balanced budget, personhood, school prayer, etc, don't respect the constitution? Hmmm, maybe you're onto something here.
What the fuck blather and deflection is this?
When have I said I want the Constitution changed you son of a bitch?

Just asking a question. No need to get your panties in a twist. You're the one who said that if you want to change the constitution, you don't respect it. I merely pointed out that right wingers have been wanting all kinds of constitutional amendments. Maybe you're not a right winger. You sound like one to me though.
I have read some of your bullshit, you do not respect the Constitution, you would love to see it changed therefore if you want it change you don't respect it.

If you want the constitution changed you don't respect it? So all the right wingers who want to put in amendments like anti flag burning, anti abortion, balanced budget, personhood, school prayer, etc, don't respect the constitution? Hmmm, maybe you're onto something here.
What the fuck blather and deflection is this?
When have I said I want the Constitution changed you son of a bitch?

He didnt say YOU did he?

Ok Im weighing in here. ( and this isnt directed to anyone in particular )

FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out.

So the argument that our guns allow us to overthow our government or keep them honest is a bullshit argument.

Second, FUCK the NRA!

Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting.

Third, FUUUUUUCK the a gun is only a tool, like a hammer argument!!!!! As soon as someone walks into a crowded movie theatre ( or anywhere for that matter ) and kills 12 and wounds 59 others armed with hammers, then and ONLY then will that argument bear ANY merit. Until that ACTUALLY happens ( that is NOT a challenge for one of you hard of thinking dumbasses to go out and give it a try. sit the fuck down! ) I dont want to hear, see or be exposed to that lame ass 3rd grade bullshit argument ever again.

FOURTH, I am SICK of the GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE slogan. So Ive come up with a new one.

People kill people. People with guns kill LOTS of people.

Put it on a bumper sticker then stick it so far up your ass I can read it through your eyes.


I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully.

But Im a little sick of the bullshit that comes along with that support. When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets. One shot, then take a few minutes to reload and fire again. If someone got close to you, swing it like a club and hope for the best.

Now we have 90 rounds a minute assault rilfes. ITS FUCKING DIFFERENT NOW!

But hey, Im still NOT saying lets ban us some guns.

But what I would like is for those of us that actually SUPPORT 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS to wake the fuck up and realize that OUR RIGHT was just paid for with the lives of 12 innocent people. And lets not forget the 59 wounded.

Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!

Someone else PAYS for OUR right to own guns.

People like this:


and this:


So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble.
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If you want the constitution changed you don't respect it? So all the right wingers who want to put in amendments like anti flag burning, anti abortion, balanced budget, personhood, school prayer, etc, don't respect the constitution? Hmmm, maybe you're onto something here.
What the fuck blather and deflection is this?
When have I said I want the Constitution changed you son of a bitch?

He didnt say YOU did he?

Ok Im weighing in here. ( and this isnt directed to anyone in particular )

FUCK protecting ourselves from the government. That just aint gonna happen.

If the government wants you taken out, a drone strike from a mile away will take your happy ass out.

So the argument that our guns allow us to overthow our government or keep them honest is a bullshit argument.

Second, FUCK the NRA!

Im all for the 2nd amendment, but the NRA stopped working on THAT long ago. Its simply a political lobby group owned by gun manufacturers that spreads stupid dumbass slogans so we can all post things on forums and facebook whenever theres a mass shooting.

Third, FUUUUUUCK the a gun is only a tool, like a hammer argument!!!!! As soon as someone walks into a crowded movie theatre ( or anywhere for that matter ) and kills 12 and wounds 59 others armed with hammers, then and ONLY then will that argument bear ANY merit. Until that ACTUALLY happens ( that is NOT a challenge for one of you hard of thinking dumbasses to go out and give it a try. sit the fuck down! ) I dont want to hear, see or be exposed to that lame ass 3rd grade bullshit argument ever again.

FOURTH, I am SICK of the GUNS DONT KILL PEOPLE slogan. So Ive come up with a new one.

People kill people. People with guns kill LOTS of people.

Put it on a bumper sticker then stick it so far up your ass I can read it through your eyes.


I fully support the 2nd amendment. Fully.

But Im a little sick of the bullshit that comes along with that support. When that amendment was written into the Constitution, everyone had muskets. One shot, then take a few minutes to reload and fire again. If someone got close to you, swing it like a club and hope for the best.

Now we have 90 rounds a minute assault rilfes. ITS FUCKING DIFFERENT NOW!

But hey, Im still NOT saying lets ban us some guns.

But what I would like is for those of us that actually SUPPORT 2ND AMENDMENT RIGHTS to wake the fuck up and realize that OUR RIGHT was just paid for with the lives of 12 innocent people. And lets not forget the 59 wounded.

Our rights are not free. Some one pays for them. And shit like this Batman Massacre in Colorado is the cost. It happens. It happens quite often in fact. And MAYBE just MAYBE, those of us that support the 2nd amendment ought to be a little more fucking respectful of that!!!

Someone else PAYS for OUR right to own guns.

People like this:


and this:


So the next time one of you fucking TOUGH GUYS starts spouting off about how awesome your gun collection is...Remember the face of the 6 year old girl who gave her life for your right to own those guns and try , just TRY, to be a little humble.

And my handing away my Freedoms would have saved these people how exactly?

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